Page 3 of Discernible Sound

  “Allow our friends forever to be near us

  Without a reason do not let them pass...”


  Here, in Rome, all the ends are lost -

  all the roads here crisscross and merge.

  Every path here leads to a cross -

  on each corner, there stands a church.

  Here, in Rome, every rock is hallowed -

  every square, every street, every stone,

  and no matter whose footsteps you follow,

  every face that you meet is your own.

  Here, in Rome, you are bound to grasp

  more than photo frames could contain,

  as you run your hands through the grass,

  as you stroll outside in the rain.

  Break up

  Lonesome lips lapped stale air.

  Feverish and delirious,

  I dipped my quill into a cup of coffee.

  Gray hands

  of smoke

  fondled the strands of my hair.

  The room crumbled,


  and shriveling into a coffin.

  I ripped open the envelopes of the window-frames.

  You’ve left me

  and this time,

  I’m sure, you will not return.

  In the sizzling furnace verses rose into flames

  and the heart, dejected, continued to burn.

  Angry winds

  scattered ashes across the room.

  With everything spinning out of proportion,

  I fell to the floor

  and the forlorn moon

  pulled my tears like the tides of a storming ocean…

  Here, on the outskirts...

  Here, on the outskirts of the major city,

  the trees are slightly bending to the west,

  and waking up, one finds the nitty-gritty, --

  a girlfriend’s forehead resting on his chest.

  Here, time goes by unheeded. Nightingales

  sing all day long and street-lamps never fade.

  And when the sun arises, it unveils

  two star-crossed lovers kissing by the gate.

  Here, there is no commotion, all is still,

  and mild autumn winds, across the courtyards,

  chase golden leaves and raindrops quickly fill

  the puddles with the juice from Eden’s orchards.

  Here, we can hold each other by the hand

  and ramble by the pond with pink flamingoes.

  Here, we can live in castles made of sand

  and whisper from the bottom of the inkwells...

  To the Muse

  Listen, Muse,--

  No more words! Enough!

  Twisting my tongue like that! What’s the use?!

  Don’t you see -- my whole body is charged with love,

  Give me a match to light up the fuse.

  Loosen the reins.

  Let time -- the black stallion

  Gallop unbound, ardent, zealous, hot-tempered.

  Around its neck, tie the moon’s medallion

  To illumine the nights of the somber December.

  Place your head on my shoulder

  As the razor of sunrise

  Sweeps the foam of the clouds from the cheek of the sky.

  And the morning, inspecting the courtyards of Brandeis,

  Finds everyone sleeping,

  Except you

  And I.

  Like madmen, we’ll dance on the brink of insanity,

  Testing the puddles for the depths of the skies.

  On the vines of the roads, we shall find immortality

  And with laughter, we’ll write where the ink never dries.

  First snow

  First snow.

  The earth put on her gown,--

  at once, both fleeting and eternal.

  I watched how fast the naked ground

  was changed into somebody’s journal.

  My footprints bared a patch of granite.

  I grieved beneath the burdened pines

  that no one else across the planet

  appeared to read between the lines.

  Spring Morning

  Spring sprung so suddenly that no one

  was ready for a change like this.

  Upon the bosom of a snow bank,

  the sun descended with a kiss

  and in a fraction of a second,

  the morning changed the world’s appearance

  as melting icicles deflected

  warm rays of light like diamond earrings.

  Venice IV

  At night, Venice slumps partly into the water, partly

  into the sky that's reflected under her.

  While a native gracefully plays Vivaldi

  on the violin-nosed gondola.


  February’s attire is full of white.

  On the skyline, the silhouette of Orion, --

  just another shoulder to cry on.

  Thus, I’m enduring cold nights.

  It’s two months since you’ve left me. Since

  the weather turned cold. Since the sunrise

  last caressed the horizon

  with warmth. At least, so it seems.

  Weaving the spider-webs of the constellations,

  the muse of astronomy catches my gaze.

  Drifting off into space,

  I am losing my patience.

  People say that the cosmos is vast,--

  but there’s nowhere to hide my sorrow

  when the moon, like a bookmark, sticks out of

  the time that’s long passed…


  Live your life and do not look hard

  for existence to make sense.

  Life – itself – is but a bookmark

  in the narratives of chance.

  I refuse to love in cliches…

  I refuse to love in clichés!

         I’ve learned my manners!

  I will fall to my knees to caress you with verses…

      I will bind your ankles with fetters of letters,

              And wait for your lips to yell out for mercy.

  Until the mercury breaks through the thermometer,

                  I will turn you inside out

  like an original metaphor,

              Press your stress points in iambic pentameter,

  Marking each syllable like an energized editor.

  Virgin bed sheets will wrinkle like failed poems,

          Candle wax will drip slowly onto the mantelpiece,

  And if I write nothing else after this moment,

  Then, I hope you remember me, dear,

               by this masterpiece.

  The sky was paler…

  The sky was paler

  than the cheek of a melancholy romantic.

  The streaks of the melting snow

  bulged like veins on the lonely rooftops.

  There was something about the view that was quite enchanting.

  I walked,

  reciting “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,”

  smoking Marlboro Lights

  and admiring the spiraling smoke.

  The morning was wonderful and I couldn’t put my finger on it,

  but it seemed out of the ordinary,

  as if I awoke

  to find out existence had meaning,

  and I stumbled upon it.

  No, it had nothing to do with either of us.

  This wasn’t the point.

  It was more about scattered rhymes and iambic pentameter.

  As a whole,

  this city resembled a well-written poem

  and I picked up its rhythm on the cobble-stone avenue.

  The whole street seemed to rock

  like a ship in a stormy bay.

  North End reached out for me with its stretching tentacles,

  and strangers smile
d at me

  from the windows of every café,

  as if looking at some strange and remarkable spectacle,

  they couldn’t decide if I

  was a poet, a lover or simply mad,

  My eyes glistened with tears,

  illumined by the sunrise fire.

  I was screaming poetry at the top of my lungs,

  with all I had,

  as if no one was listening

  so my voice went an octave higher.

  Her love

  I swept the asphalt with my feet

  I walked below the dark gray skies

  I turned and faced the wind to plead,

  “What do I need, what do I need?”

  And it replied, “Her eyes, her eyes...”

  I heard the wind and froze in place

  The world around me seemed so bleak

  I faced the sun and asked, half-dazed,

  “What do I seek? What do I seek?”

  And it replied, “Her face, her face...”

  It seemed my sorrow had no ends

  Behind me, gold foliage dragged

  I asked the cloud, in a trance,

  “What do I lack? What do I lack?”

  And it replied, “Her hands, her hands...”

  The sky was dark and winds were rough

  As lightening struck and thunder groaned

  I asked the rain from high above

  “What do I want? What do I want?”

  And it replied, “Her love, her love...”

  Venice V

  The sun was slowly sinking under the

  Horizon's line and there, beneath

  The frozen sky, a lonely gondola

  Still trembled like an autumn leaf.

  A foreigner, and thus a loner,

  At night, in Venice, on my own,

  I wanted her -- my Desdemona --

  To be with me and me alone.

  Poet’s Prayer

  I’ve given you my flesh and blood

  And still my name remains unmentioned!

  For this, you’ve crucified your God

  And I demand the same attention!

  To Pilate

  The sky grows dark and silent.

  I’m weak but I won’t show it.

  At last, my case is closed,

  But tell me, Pontius Pilate,

  How many arms have crossed

  The letter “T” in “poet”?

  Advice for a Friend

  When you’re miserable

  And overcome by tedium,--

  Admire yourself in the mirror!

  Like a mermaid,

  You emerge from its medium

  Like a miracle!

  When you’re meandering

  In and out of the murky memory

  Where the mercury’s frozen at zero,

  Do no listen to the same old melody,--

  Admire yourself in the mirror!

  Even when sorrow is imminent,

  Conceal it in your demeanor.

  As long as you know you’re innocent,

  Admire yourself in the mirror!

  When you’re feeling morbid

  And insignificant,

  And your fire burns into an ember,

  Let the mirror light up, magnificent,

  And illumine the world with your splendor!

  I’ve never asked you…

  I’ve never asked you to pose before me,

  But you sat in the chair, -- eyes closed,

  And your body just froze before me

  Like a statue of bronze.

  I wasn’t daring to play the sculptor,

  But to lose this moment, -- a sin!

  When I heard you call to me, “hold me!”

  I did not know where to begin.

  While I stood, bewitched and bewildered,

  Overburdened, unable to speak,

  Your reflection was cast on the window,

  And a raindrop appeared on your cheek.

  Beginning of a Storm

  The troubled sky changed its complexion,

  Appearing somber, sad and bruised,

  While on the busy intersections,

  Piano keys endured our shoes

  And wailing notes were slowly oozing

  From sheets of clouds torn to shreds,

  But only street-lamps heard this music

  And humbly bowed their metal heads.

  Creation of Adam

  A gentle draft and You appeared, Almighty!

  Our fingers barely touched. You said, “Arise!”

  I gazed at you with then still frozen eyes,

  drew in a breath (a breath!) and trembled slightly.

  A man without a past is but a ghost.

  Thus I awoke to life in mild delusion.

  Thus wakes a dreamer, smiling in confusion,

  attempting to recall the dream he lost.

  Life is beautiful!

  Take a walk. On the corner, the pigeons --

  How they blend with the morning grayness!

  Look! There’s beauty in broken hinges,

  In the light-bulbs that hang on the staircase.

  Life is beautiful! – Come across this,

  And you rush to the bathroom, gasping,

  Just to stick your head under the faucet.

  There are cracks in the evening asphalt,

  There are colors forgotten by artists

  That have ceased to appear on the palettes,

  Muddy sidewalks collapse on your eyelids --

  Black and brown, so perfectly balanced!

  Learn to worship graffiti, adore the homeless,

  Feed stray dogs from the palm of your hand.

  Once your learn to accept it with openness,

  Life will meet you around the bend.

  Out of nowhere, when you’re least expecting it,

  It will dawn on you in a simple metaphor.

  When you’re late and the traffic is hectic,

  Search for grace, style, beauty, etcetera…


  Life will one day return to normal.

  There’s nothing that time can’t tame,

  and her name,

  on the page of the daily journal,

  will dissolve on the fiery tongue of the flame.

  Somehow, I’ll have to adjust and forget her.

  Love is neither eternal nor constant.

  We’ve parted.

  I’m sure it’s all for the better.

  Her features will fade with the russet sunset.

  Why do I lie to myself? It’s never that easy.

  My head is tolling like a church bell tower.

  Bumping into the trees,

  I’m coughing and wheezing,

  and so far it’s been only a half an hour.

  The onlookers watch, not daring to help me...

  Get out of my way, I’m a raging elephant!

  Don’t you hear how my soul is yelping,

  gripping the bars

  of the trembling skeleton?

  Don’t you see how I’m stumbling,

  sad and wearied,

  with the weight of affection around my ankle?

  Clearly, it’s love... clearly

  it’s love that has me this mangled.

  I no longer believe in the power of calendars,

  time is no medicine for separation,

  and hours scatter around like scavengers

  eating, eating away my patience.

  I must have a fever, I’m shaking and quivering,

  Talking to no one, conversing out loud.

  Isn’t that her

  crawling across the ceiling?

  hanging up overhead like a dismal cloud?

  I’m hallucinating, I cannot escape her...

  Leave me alone, don’t you see I’m grieving?

  Her smile appears on the face of my neighbor.

  She mocks me and whispers to me,

  “Good evening.”

  Wherever I turn, sh
e appears to follow.

  On every face, I seem to notice her grimace.

  Everywhere that I look, I can see her shadow.

  Look, up there!

  up in the sky, she shimmers...


  Look at the sunrays, people!

  Those are her stretching


  I am almost ready to leap now

  toward her from the roof of my building.

  Look how the sun is crashing

  on the blade of the glowing horizon!

  People, I’m stoned by this passion,

  I am lost in light of her eyes now!

  On the fork of a thousand roads,

  drunk with the smell of the pines,

  I wander

  and hang my sorrowful notes

  on the nerves of the telephone lines.


  Answer me!


  What can extinguish my love’s scorching flame?

  Every night, waiting for her, I cram my body

  into the window frame.

  You, who’ve had a lot to cope with,

  whose lives have long turned sour and dire,

  know that

  the doors of my ribcage are always open,

  come and sit by the fire!

  Do you hear the thunder of my whisper?

  That is merely love begging for help.


  I need her, I miss her!

  In her absence, I’m losing myself...

  These walls box me in.

  Feeling lonely,

  on the mattress, I curl like a snake,

  and depression collapses upon me

  with more force than the body can take.

  Burdened by the weight of the silence,

  I recall from the past,


  and abruptly, two overcast eyelids

  shut at once with a bang of a casket.

  But even in dreams, her vision,

  appears in the night and remains...

  and I catch

  her brief apparition,

  with the butterfly net of my veins.


  Though this bliss may appear unending,

  both, the night and the dream must cease.

  She is grinning at me,


  as she vanishes into the mist...

  The gray beard of the mist fills the alley,

  raindrops beat on the drum

  of my window.

  Autumn mimics my sweet melancholy

  and transforms itself into winter.

  Homeless winds sing from under the bridges,

  as the morning embraces the land.

  There, I ramble,

  feeding the pigeons

  out of the palm of my hand...

  Once more, I am one with the landscape.

  Like the valley, I’m covered with frost.

  Like the shivering branches, my hands shake.

  Like the trees,

  I’m standing exposed.

  Have you noticed your son, Mother Nature?

  In you sight, I still wander perplexed.

  Separated from love,

  I am raging,

  Is it true that the spring will come next?