Edmond intended visiting the valleys under pretext of inquiring afterand purchasing an estate and castle in the district, that wereabandoned by the owner, and now for sale. He had become acquainted withan aged secular priest, who dwelt in a beautifully situated village ofa charming valley, and his companion had under other pretences taken uphis quarters in a neighbouring village. As Edmond wandered solitarilythrough the enchanting landscape, for the purpose of acquaintinghimself with its conveniences, his heart became oppressed as hestruggled to know if the object, that led him hither might in itself bea good, whether it might be a justifiable one. "Shall I," said he tohimself, "bring war into these peaceful valleys, where hitherto nonoise of arms has ever resounded? Here the monsters still slumber,which we are going to awaken, in order to provide victims even in thesecommunes for their grim jaws." He quieted his perturbed feelings withthe thought, that without his assistance the royalists would marchhither, for the purpose of entangling and, if possible, extirpating hisnew brethren from this part of the country, which was almost wholly inthe possession of Catholic inhabitants.

  His host, the Catholic priest, was a very little grey-haired man, who,with just as old and amiable a housekeeper lived under the vines andolive trees, that shaded his dwelling so quietly and peaceably, thatEdmond on his first entrance was involuntarily reminded of the fable ofPhilemon and Baucis. He could not divest himself of the idea, that inthis habitation the earliest and dearest recollections of his childhoodwere hovering round him, he was confounded at himself, that his wrath,his burning, religious zeal seemed here nearly exhausted, he was almostobliged to confess that it was forgotten. He meditated and dreamed inthe rustling of the trees, by the murmuring of the little waterfall,how softly his soul melted away, and his resolution, like that ofRinaldo's in the enchanted garden of Armida, lost all its strength.When he could not regain his former energy in his waking dreams, as hestrolled by the side of the brook, he called it the stream of oblivion,where he now enjoyed the vernal gales and flower breathing elysium andin Lethe separating himself for ever from the world of strife andsuffering.

  The clergyman had also received the youth with the greatest cordiality;whenever Edmond returned from his rambles, such pleasure beamed on thecountenance of the old man, that the stranger felt himself bound to hishost by kindliness and emotion. The latter frequently examined himfixedly and as if he had known him already at an earlier period, andthen sank into a reverie as if he could not connect his recollections.

  "My dear Chevalier de Valmont," (thus Edmond had named himself)commenced the old man on the second day, as they sat at table, "thelonger you are with me, the greater pleasure do I experience in yoursociety. An extraordinary resemblance to an old friend almost compelsme to treat you as a beloved brother, nay, I may say as a son. It islong since any stranger has visited me in my solitude, here I learn butlittle of the world, and that is why such a visit as yours is soacceptable to me." "I too am delighted with your society," repliedEdmond, "and I ask myself not without sadness, wherefore it should notbe granted to man to spend his days in peaceful quiet, elevated andinstructed by nature, enlivened and comforted by the simplest and mostdelightful enjoyments."

  "Perhaps this will be your fate my good sir." answered the priest withvivacity, "perhaps we may then see each other very often andconfidentially, if you should only, become the possessor of yondercastle, which is scarcely half a league distant from hence."

  "And," said Edmond hesitatingly,--"if the war should rush down herealso? should this castle, this house here be consumed in flames? Whereis safety in our times?" "The Lord will protect us replied the priest,as he has done heretofore." "And should he confer victory on the foes?""His will be done," prayed the old man, "for his decree is wisdom, heis just and good, and with his might dwells love." "It almost appears,"said Edmond surprised, "that you will not be disinclined to grantvictory to the rebels; at least you express yourself so mildly, that Ido not recognise in you the Catholic, as zealous for his religion as,however, he ought to be."

  "Let us not misunderstand each other," replied the priest, "I onlymean, that I surrender myself intirely, wholly, and unconditionally tothe will of my Lord, and resign the reins to him without murmuring, orcontending. But I love my religion, I am thoroughly imbued with it, andon that very account be it far from me to banish these poor deludedones and to call down a curse upon their heads."

  "You are thus a worthy servant of your religion," answered Edmond, "anddeserve that the enlightening should be made manifest to you."

  The venerable man looked smilingly on the youth and said: "You have nowbetrayed yourself young gentleman,--do not blush," continued he in themildest tone, "fear nothing from me; you are not the less welcome to meon that account. Perhaps we shall understand, when we have learnt toknow each other and perhaps not; but you shall ever remain my belovedguest, may become also my friend, although it may happen that I shouldblame your enthusiasm, or your fanaticism. How many worthy, noble,truly inspired, loving minds have I also known among the Huguenots andhow many harsh and pitiless ones in my own church. It is now indeed awoeful time in our country, and moreover, we see as yet no end to themisery."

  Edmond had recovered from his surprise and embarrassment, and said: "Isit though right, to remain thus indifferent and irresolute as youappear to me to be? Yet, perhaps, at a later period of life I shallalso feel thus, for my father, to my sorrow, spoke almost as you do."

  "You do not know me yet," answered the priest, "and I may well assert,without pretention, that sentence ought not to be pronounced so hastilyand so readily on a man, who has had such experience of himself and ofthe world, who has reflected and really lived. In religious affairsparticularly, my brain whirls in agony, when I see how so many placethe whole tenor of a profound mystery in a book, an expression, aphrase, or even a syllable, and weigh the immensity of love in grainsand scruples, that they may know the faster how surely their brother isto be damned, who in other countries and with different vessels drawsout of the ocean of grace. Whoever too hastily gives a yes, or a no tothe interrogations of the conscience, in such assuredly neither doubt,nor conviction is as yet awakened. That exhaustion, that mournfulfaintness which comes over us, when we see all parties fallen intoerror, all truth and inspiration mingled and disfigured by humanpassion, is not to be called indifference. Whom the revealed word hasonce enlightened can never again forget the glance of love, that hasarisen in his inmost soul, he would rather forfeit his life than hisconviction, he requires no proofs, no renewing to confirm him, nopassion, no illusion, or miracle to ground him more firmly in himself,as little will raillery, or doubt, brilliant talent, or presumptuousphilosophy, again be able to displace in his heart that directingstar."

  Edmond became thoughtful. "You are recalling," said he at length,"my former existence within me; I believe I comprehend you, andyet formerly I did not understand myself. You even mention themiraculous and similar things slightingly, do we not live in the age ofsuch things? Oh! my honoured, venerable friend, could you have beheldwhat I have seen, could I tell you what I have myself experienced, youwould then be bewildered at yourself and your own conviction, but youcontent yourself in peace, that you may escape the conflict, you denythe gift of prophecy, the visions, the wonderful state of thesechildren and inspired Camisards, or censure with your church all, asdeception and falsehood, if perchance you do not, as however I cannotbelieve of you, agree with the most infamous, and declare it the workof Satan and of hell." "Aye, no, my young enthusiast," cried the oldman, "nothing of all this; I have spoken with sensible men, and I havewitnessed myself years ago similar singularities: Why should I denythese miracles, and may be, here and there mingled with lies, whatshould deter me from believing in them?"

  "Well, nevertheless," interrupted Edmond passionately, "you willwithdraw from the truth, you will uphold only your church as trulyorthodox?"

  "Has mine then no miracles to bring forward?" said the old man meekly:"and
why should I not recognise them? But should the truth ofrevelation be grounded upon these alone, we were then indeed entrappedin the worst of errors. That, which habit renders necessary to us, wecall nature and its laws: When I see a deviation from this, whichsurprises and confounds me, I speak of miracles; as if these so namedlaws were not likewise miracles; as if I were able to interpret, tocomprehend and explain the daily phenomena; as if each flower did notblossom before me as a miracle; my origin, growth and decay, sun, moon,and stars, light, air, and water, nay, the organisation of the smallestfly were not also miracles like horror and spectre. All life surroundsme spiritually, miraculously; or, if my spirit is torn out of thepeaceful element of its heavenly atmosphere; then love becomes hatredand despair, and wisdom as well as the revealed word of the Lordmadness and blasphemy." Edmond was mute. "Know I then," continued theold man, "that which I call nature and its energies, the mind and itsfaculties? how each day it varies in different men for the mostinsignificant occasions! The poet, the artist knows how to speak offeelings, which to the uninitiated must appear as delirium, or miracle:energies unfold themselves, of which the former world was ignorant,many others have in the course of time declined, or have beenforgotten; they appear again probably to astonish, or to give a firmerfoundation to true science. Would my mind set limits to the Almighty,and know I, what God from wise, unsearchable causes will permit orexecute? but no miracle can ever be elevated to a religious mystery;revelation requires not this to announce its eternal truth; the Saviourhimself did not perform his miracles for that purpose, and reproachesthe pharasees and people; miracle seeking testifies disbelief andirreligion, and where passion, party or sect, in the conflict ofopinions, relies upon these inexplicable phenomena and wish to foundconviction, or even to prove and explain for ever and ever out of whatis indefinite, then is it all over long since with every sincereexamination, with all true religion."

  "And the resurrection of the Lord?" said Edmond. "Is not," said theformer, "to be reckoned among the phenomena, commonly called miracles,if the grosser, unenlightened mind can indeed comprehend them only inthis manner." "Go on," said Edmond, "to make your opinions clear to me,I am not yet too old to learn." "It happens not unfrequently," resumedthe priest "that remorse and despair either in criminals or in weak,sickly men have produced a sudden cure of old paralysis, so that thestrength of the arm has been able to tear off their fetters, or tobreak iron posts; passion or terror exasperated that man, and gave himwhat in an ordinary state he did not possess. In dreams, in sickness,strange worlds are often discovered to us, and unknown feelings,scarcely foreboded, are presented to our view, and thus it may wellhappen, nay, I have myself experienced it, that in excited minds,inspired by enthusiasm, remorse, and passion, a state, as if betweensleep and wakefulness, originates, in which, in the struggles of theorgans, the spirit breaks in a short time through the bonds thatconfine it; it sees and hears as a spirit, distance approaches it,barriers obstruct not its view, futurity becomes the present, and inthis total overthrow, the original vigour of the soul resumes its ownappropriate right."

  "And wherefore should not this, according to your own words," saidEdmond, "be able to be pure and heavenly?"

  "I will neither combat, condemn, nor ratify it," answered theclergyman, "were our nature entirely pure and refined, had we neverfalsified our heavenly origin, then indeed might these phenomenadeserve our praise and thanksgiving to the Almighty, who again everraises us to the rank of apostles, and denies us not the gift ofprophecy. But frivolity, mortality, and evil have penetrated into us,this death obscures our life, this annihilation struggles against ourspirit, as we are of heavenly origin; our outward existence is,however, as well as our spiritual operations continually exposed tothis pitiful enemy, as the shadow, it follows every thought and everydeed, and to combat it in thought and action, as well as in pure faithand devotion, is the task of our existence; the past must becontinually put aside to make room for the coming, of the Lord. But woeto us when that wonderful excitement of the mind, when these gifts ofprophecy associate themselves with this nullity, this chaos, and allthe dark passions! Then eternal truth, which never slumbers within us,summons falsehood, vanity, pride, wickedness, and bloodthirstiness, toenter into the shadowed gloom of our dark deformed soul, hyenas andtigers then tear themselves free from their fetters, and hapless manimagines, while the spirit of murder is roaring within him, that theSpirit of the Lord is prophesying directly from out of his mouth."

  Edmond looked at him searchingly. "Often, however," pursued the old mancomposedly, "it is only the Immortal Spirit, that collects all itspresent and future energies, that it may step beyond the ordinarylimits of nature, and that it merely takes with it the images of folly,and the almost innocent mask, in order to announce even in thesupernatural, that which is absurd and contrary to nature."

  "If you are right." said Edmond, "what do you counsel those, who arethus gifted? This state must be a most critical one; but howdisembarrass yourself of it?"

  "By simplicity of conduct," replied the old man, "by estrangement fromall passion and pride, and by pure prayer for the deliverance from thiserror, and from the deluding gift."

  "That signifies," answered Edmond passionately and bitterly, "I oughtto entreat the Lord to withdraw from me, I ought to pray to him toremain far away from me; in order to become godly, I must commence withconsummate impiety. Is it thus that a priest of the Lord can exhort andcounsel? but thus they are, thus they speak, these persecutors. And ifthey be but consistent, they must also entirely deny the miracles oftheir church, nay, even censure sacred Scripture as a lie."

  "You have not indeed completely understood me, young man," answered thepriest. "May not the ardour of love kindle so intensely, that thematter, the obscurity, the nothingness in us, may become temporallyannihilated, and our speech, with the Lord's permission working in hisstrength may issue forth? That this may be possible, the example of theapostles teaches us, the prophets bear witness; that many great saintswhom the world venerated, may have thus spoken and worked, is certainlycredible.--And thus belief may move and elevate, it may be a positivecrime to mock reservation,--but what can this avail true religion, orits mysteries? How weak would it be, if these supports, as I havealready said, were indispensable to it! The miracle of all miracles, myyoung friend, is the great moment which is revealed to all sinning,hapless mortals in their limited life, when the lord himself advancesto meet the penitent, the indifferent, and creates his heart anew. Thismetamorphosis is more wonderful incomprehensible, and more mysteriousthan all the overthrows of the laws of nature, which attract the eyesearching for miracles, for here out of nothing something is broughtforth, out of death, suddenly like a flash of lightning, life iscreated."

  They were disturbed at this moment by several peasants, who werebegging directions from their priest how to proceed respecting theapproaching festival and procession. Edmond in the mean while walkedabout the little garden, variously excited and inclined tocontemplation, for his earlier youth had been recalled to hisremembrance, many of his father's words, many of his earlyinstructor's, his mother's admonitions were again revived within him.The clergyman returned after a short time and said: "Still I must everlovingly admire the human mind, when it preserves itself pure, and somany sentiments and customs affect, while they appear to us childish,and foolish. Let no severe judge expunge these feelings from ourreligion, for even, these sucklings will hang on their mother's breast,and while they nourish themselves, they gaze in her dark eyes, whoseexpression they understand more from the instinct of childhood thanfrom knowledge. We have here in our little church a miraculous portraitof the mother of God, which is renowned and honored far and wide by thecountry-people of the mountain. An old shapeless figure cut in wood ofsmall size, probably in the early age of art, when it was yet scarcelyaware of its own existence. I have seen the sick, when they prayedbefore the altar, restored to health, for faith and the commotions ofthe mind are able to bring forth the strongest phenomena in ourdelicate nature. Now when I
reflect that upon this little spot so manythousands have for centuries derived consolation and joy, I cannot lookupon her without emotion. The war has rendered a festival impossiblethis year, which otherwise has annually been celebrated on the morrow.From several village communities, even from those which lie twelveleagues off, processions of the communities arrived; eight young girlscrowned with flowers bore the portrait of the Madonna of their church,singing all those hymns, which sound so beautifully in the mountaindialect in their tunes: Thus they walked round the church and oneprocession after another brought many with spiritual songs into ourtemple, here the strange visitor must bow low before ours, who then ina chaunt thanked and praised the Lord, in the song which our youngwomen here sing most enchantingly in alternate chorusses. Thus all theprocessions bring in their mother of God quite similar to the theoriesof the ancient Greeks, and retired again in praise and thanks. Thisceremony, which to the wise may only appear puerile, has, since I havebeen able to observe the people here, always produced much good andsalutary fruit. The common man (though what do I say, who among us thatcalls himself the educated,) need not such things at times. The wholevillage all the winter long rejoiced in the anticipation of this day,the possession of this Marie endears this spot of the mountain, andrenders it invaluable to them, the pilgrimage church here dazzles tothe absent from a distance as if surrounded with a glory. The wanderingthrough unknown districts encouraged the young and old, the visitingsof a foreign nature, made the accustomed home more agreeable to them.Religious sentiments, pious designs, were developed, and at a laterperiod, in peace brought to perfection. On the road they encounteredthe poor and sick, who needed assistance, all the feelings of the heartwere renewed and reinvigorated, for man requires a similar renewal attimes, that he may not become too monotonous to himself. Shall I alsoremind you, that by this means their native land became to all moreendeared and beloved? without mentioning, that people from farcountries became acquainted, and one heard of this and that fromanother; affection and also marriages were contracted among the distantmountaineers, and thus the useful, the good with piety and aninclination for the wonderful, as well as the love of nature went handin hand." "All this," said Edmond, "however much you may speak in itsfavour, the Huguenots call idolatry."

  "It would be so too," answered the old man, "if persecution, hatred andmalice, were excited by this love and festivity. It might be perilousto celebrate the festival now, especially if it should be interruptedby enthusiasts of the other party. In bygone years, however, I haveseen even protestants, who were unable to look upon the puerileceremony without shedding tears. For it is just in a similar way, whenman suffers himself to yield to his most cherished sentiments as if hewere at home, when in an entirely childish and artless spirit he drawsnear to his God, or to his representative, his mother, or the saints,(whom he believes nearer to the nameless one,) plays and sports withthe dreaded, the worshipped, laying aside all solemnity and all seriouspomp, then does mankind appear purest and simplest. All ages, allnations are the same, let them think and worship as they like, havenever been able to do entirely without it, and what we are oftencompelled to hear from free-thinkers or reformers, that we have againintroduced the old overthrown idolatry, is only, if rightly understood,in the spirit of love, the regeneration of the human mind, which willnever permit this source of its holy thirst to be exhausted. But abuseand error attach themselves to everything human. Indeed, the mostbeautiful body consists merely of earth, and dust; and yet beauty ismore sublime than the moist clay of the fields."

  Thus was Edmond compelled to hear from strange lips his former thoughtsdetailed. He was so affected by the presence of the old man, that hefelt himself compelled to discover to him what a zealous catholic hehimself had once been and had but a short time previously turned to theHuguenot faith; he was silent, however, respecting his alliance withthe Camisards, and the purpose for which he had descended into thevalleys.

  "It is easy to understand," answered the old man, "how lively minds inthese troublous times forsake their party and seek on the oppositeside, what is wanting to them; that love makes such attempts to becomereconciled with itself, even though these attempts should fail. Mydear, young friend, you recall to my mind by your confession, yourcountenance and presence my own past youth in the most lively colours,and I cannot refrain from exchanging confession for confession,confidence for confidence. I am indeed tempted to impart to you thehistory of my little limited life, that has almost only experiencedemotions of the mind."

  They seated themselves in an arbour, before which stood plantainsentwined with vines, the green wooded mountains were open, and themurmuring of the brook resounded pleasingly through the solitude, whilefrom to time to time, the bells of the village church on account of thefestival on the morrow, rang out their monotonous and solemn tones.

  "I come from the Netherlands," commenced the priest, "born ofHuguenot parents, whom I lost at a very early period. My guardians,worldly-minded men, troubled themselves more about the preservation ofmy small fortune than of giving me a sound education, and therefore ithappened that I was consigned to a tutor, with whom they, as well asmyself, were very well pleased. He was a man of extensive information,who had also travelled much, and had resided a considerable time inLondon. As he was descended from a good family, and possessed himselfsome tact, he became acquainted with and acquired each day theconfidence of many beaux esprits and of the courtiers here, andalthough his morals had not suffered as much as one might well havebeen led to fear, his religious principles at least, which may neverhave been very strong, were by this intercourse entirely stifled anddestroyed. Knowledge, understanding were the most important to him,however he devoted himself with religious worship to poetry, as well asto the history of the ancient Greeks. No one could be more eloquentthan he, when he enlarged upon these subjects. That these sentiments,as I was of a very lively disposition, should influence me, was verynatural; my tutor seemed to me the most gifted of mortals, and hisdecisions were my oracles. Though I may still honour his memory, I mustnevertheless censure as a weakness in what then certainly appeared tome his greatest forte, namely, his unwearied mockery of Christianityand of every religion; all others rather than the various sects of theChristian Church, found a release from his satires; the present, aswell as the past, the history of the development, its mysteries, allwas a subject of his derision, and the apostles, even the Saviourhimself, were not spared by him, how much less Luther, or Calvin, andZwingli, or even those so named mystics, who desire to form inthemselves a peculiar spirit to recognise God. My mind had soon becomeso intimately connected with his, that I could not endure that thereshould be any religion for me on the earth, that any pious sentimentsshould ever arise in my heart. I had indeed my heroes of the formerworld, the Grecian antiquity, the high-minded Romans, in whosepatriotism I glowed in dreams, the boundless fields of poetry with itsgardens of wit and humour; and out of Sophocles and Eschylus, thosedreamers of a world of spirits not understood, these seemed to me themost sublime objects that could ever have the power to shake my soul.In a short time I was honestly and truly ashamed of being a Christian,when I thought of the variegated world of fiction, of the ambiguousGrecian mythology, of those feasts and spectacles, lofty statues, andnoble temples: Where then were the deliverer on the ignominious cross,and his impoverished disciples? how this faith of poverty andmisfortune dwindled into nothing compared with those sacrifices andpublic parade, and the jubilee of the Pindaric hymns? neither did Ireckon myself among the community, and the dullest day of my young,life, was that on which I was received into the church of our sect withthe customary ceremonies. Each word seemed nonsense to me, allsolemnity degradation, in anger only I responded to the questions, andwhile still in the church, I swore never again to visit it: Acontradictory and foolish oath, which, however, I long observed. At alater period, when I reentered into the world, I remarked that all, whowere called strong-minded, were either privately or publicly of mybelief. All did not openly mock; the weak disapproved of thi
s outrage,but only from the feeling of not making weak men err, or becomeunhappy, who though had nothing better themselves, or were not able toproduce any thing but the old, miserable tale, that, without aconnexion, one often contradicts the other. Many forcibly deniedaltogether the history of the Saviour, with others still worse, he wasmerely an unfortunate rebel, and to the best, a moral man, but whoindeed, according to their views must be far inferior to Socrates,whose life was clearer, and whose doctrines seemed more comprehensible.Several of these free-thinkers, to whom the catholic church was astumbling block, and who, that they might not be considered asantichristians, turned all the strength of their mind, under pretext ofprotecting the protestant freedom, to tear to atoms and to disfiguretheir catholic brethren, the history of the church, spiritual andtemporal ordinances, in the most barbarous manner: thus behind thisrampart, they imagined under false names, to be able to annihilateChristianity itself, for this it was which was hateful to them, notthis, or that party. All this was very evident to me, and I lent my aidas much as my limited power would permit. I arrived at the age ofmaturity, and my opinions only became still more deeply rooted. Itravelled, I saw the world, but only on the side, which confirmed myprejudices. If I met with pious enlightened Christians, they appearedto me only as strange disordered spirits, worthy of remark perhaps, ofpity assuredly. In a German town I took out of sheer insolence the bookof a German mystic from the library to my own dwelling, that I mightfor want of better amusement, divert myself in the spirit of derisionwith the madness of the absurd and the foolish. Unconsciously, I hadbrought the fire-brand into my house, which soon set in flames all thisedifice of pride and worldly impiety. I turned over the leaves, readand laughed, read again and found the puerility at least poetical. Thebook left me no rest, I felt as it were attracted to it, it torturedme, and to my shame I was soon forced to confess to myself, that itcontained connexion, strength, and spirit, that it instructed me, andthat gardens, flowers, and trees of love bloomed, where I had only seena waste desert. The presentiment seized me, that another God might rulethe universe than he, whom in my enthusiastic views of nature, or in mypoetical inspirations, I had been willing to discover, or toacknowledge in the vortex of frivolity.

  "My mind much affected, after some weeks of anxiety and meditation,longed ardently to read the Holy Scriptures. None of my numerousacquaintances, even such as were book collectors, or who possessedextensive libraries, had this book in their households. I felt ashamed,that I too had never required it. From that time this treasure becamemy faithful companion on my travels. I read in solitary and consecratedmoments, and experienced what every thirsty one feels, who issusceptible of humiliation, in whom the utter sense of helplessness isnot entirely extinct, which, indeed, is so indispensably necessarybefore the spiritual word can take root in the uncultivated heart.Faith! this so often disputed, attacked and variously explained word.Oh! who has experienced it, in whom it has arisen with its strength, hewill not dispute it. I could not withdraw myself from the revelation,the faith, so triumphantly did the words, the images, the language ofthe gospel glittering in the splendour of arms pierce through my soul,and all my energies became the prisoners of eternal love, and were nowhappy and blessed in the service, in the sweet slavery. My formerrebellion against the Lord appeared to me mean and despicable, and mycontempt turned from its course, no longer understood the folly of itsearly wisdom. Many indeed imagine, that faith, humility, and unboundedtrust in the Lord, are nothing else than killing our energies, nay thefaculty of thinking, and consequently withdraw in anger or in tremblingfrom that work of regeneration, which, nevertheless speaks sometimesfrom afar indirectly to their insensible hearts. Unhappy men! This somuch dreaded faith would first elevate their capacities to energies andkindle new lights and flames in their spirits. Without him, therevealed Christ, no sense in profound thought, no spirit in history, noconsolation in nature and no peculiarity in our existence. Art, love,humour, who possesses him, they are then free play-fellows. How joyous,sweet, yea intoxicating and full of merriment, cheerful, and smilingdoes Christianity appear through all the genuine works of modern art,how blessed and pleasing are they, when in the greatness and fulness ofthe old world, yet like a spirit of gentle melancholy that passes awayas the cloud, momentarily over the beautiful landscape in thebrilliancy of spring." The old man paused, and Edmond said: "Oh! howwillingly I listen to you, and remember all the sentiments andvicissitudes of my stormy youth."

  "What I had before rejected," continued the priest, "now became themost urgent want of my soul, for I felt, how much a christiancongregation, in unison together, must strengthen and elevate theindividual. I visited the church therefore and wished to join in theworship of my sect. But whether it was that my mind was too muchagitated, or that I had perhaps fallen on the wrong one, it appeared tome that every where the church overreached itself by preaching. Allpreferred their own explanations, and their close reasoning philosophyto the word of the Lord, they were all ashamed of Christ and denied himin artfully spun phrases, they misinterpreted him, merely that theymight bring him nearer to their own weak necessities, as if he and hisdisciples must be subservient to their enlightened times, as servantsand sextons of the church. I knew well, that every believing auditorand layman must be a priest himself to be able by his own power totransform the worthless into the good, but all my vital energies sankin the midst of that which surrounded me; the shrill singing stunnedme, and the whole left a void and almost brought me back again to thestate of a despairing infidel. It was certainly unreasonable on my partto require that all should partake of the intoxication of my newlyplanted vineyard. I was now compelled to feel, that fanaticism, andstepping beyond the limits was yet worse than remaining cold andapathetic below the mark. I continued my travels, and quarrelled on theway with my companion, already an old acquaintance, who neither could,or would not share in all my feelings. Thus we arrived at Nismes; theremy destiny ordained, that I should long remain, in order that my wholelife fully aroused should be determined and resolved. My companion, acertain Lacoste, introduced me to a house, where new feelings awaitedme, to torture as much as to bless me."

  "Lacoste!" exclaimed Edmond, "should he, perhaps--but proceed myvenerable friend, I may be mistaken."

  "My former friend," pursued the priest, "was tall and robust, ahandsome man in every sense of the word, feeling and kind, butfrivolous, and as far from every religion, as I had been a short timepreviously. This friend introduced me to the family of a worthymagistrate, which soon, as the good man and his excellent wife receivedme so hospitably, became my daily abode. They had a son, an amiableyouth whose enthusiasm quickly procured him my confidence, for just asmuch as Lacoste disputed all religious principles, young Beauvaiswarmly cherished them, voluntary lived in and for religion: he was themost zealous defender of his Catholic party, that I have ever beenacquainted with."

  "Heavens!" exclaimed Edmond, "you are then, venerable man, the EdmondWatelet, of whom I have so often heard the Counsellor of Parliamentspeak, as the favourite friend of his youth?"

  A long pause ensued.--"It is indeed so," said the aged priest wipingaway his tears, "the young enthusiastic Beauvais must now be an oldman; I too though am become old! Aye, truly, there is a period whichour heart refuses to believe, it is that alone which exalts the life ofeach one of us to a strange fiction, to a wonderful tale. He is stillliving then? ah, my dear Chevalier, you are yourself very like him.That is the spell, which so inseparably bound me to you."

  Edmond talked of his father, but notwithstanding his deep emotion, hefelt it was impossible to discover to him at that moment, that he washis son. After a time during which the old man recovered from hisagitation, he continued more calmly: "That which most contributed toconvert the paternal dwelling of my young friend into an enchantedgarden for me, was the society of the young and beautiful women, whoassembled there. Ha himself was affianced to a lovely girl, and heardently anticipated his union with her. His Lucy's sentimentscorresponded exactly with his own, and all that
drew them nearer toeach other was more or less imbibed into their existence and grew withthe inspired hymn. The elder Beauvais only smiled at the high-strainedfeeling of the young people, for though he was himself pious, he ratherfeared that overreaching, and this religious ecstasy appeared to him assuch. I now visited the temple in high spirits with my enthusiasticfriend. The solemnity of God's service, the stillness, the enchantingsinging, the dread-inspiring presentiment which hovered over everymystery that here tried to present itself visibly to the necessitous,languishing senses, transported my heart. Already accustomed to lookupon every thing as a riddle, as a concealed mystery of love, thecelebration of the Mass appeared to me as elevated and divine, asrevelation and work of art, as type and fulfilment at the same time,and each word spoken, or sung as it fell on my ear in the full force ofits signification, drove back a bolt from my heart. Art and naturechanged before my eyes, the element of water became glorified, in thefire, in the light of the church tapers as well as that of the house, Iperceived and recognised the whole tenor of the secret of nature. Thenights became too short to enable us to impart to each other all thatarose in our minds. A young abbe, a mild, miracle-believing enthusiastwas often the third in our consultations in the open air or withindoors, and his learning, his knowledge in old legends and histories ofthe church gave to all our spiritual movements body and presence, yes,my friend, this rosy period of my youth was like the wedding festivalof my soul, and griefs not to be named were already preparing in themidst of this enjoyment, in order to teach me how weak, how frail manis and remains."

  "And this abbe," exclaimed Edmond, who had scarcely heard the lastwords, "was he not named Aubigny?"

  "Exactly so," replied the pastor with much astonishment, "it seemsindeed that you know all the companions of my youth."

  "Through the Counsellor of Parliament," answered Edmond, "who alsolikes to recall to his memory the season of his youth. But I pray youto continue your narrative. I fear that that Lacoste did not wish to bethe fourth in your alliance."

  "The unfortunate man," said the priest, "who had already become soconfidential with us, withdrew from us day by day, although he stillcontinued to visit frequently the paternal dwelling. Notwithstandingthat we had agreed to deal mildly with him, his derision of us excitedour anger, and his coldness refused all our conciliatory endeavours. Itwas not predestined, that our days should flow along in peaceful,undisturbed cheerfulness.

  "Among the young girls that visited my friend's house, the next inloveliness to his bride, was one Euphemie the most delicate andbeautiful apparition that my eyes had ever beheld. She dazzled lessthan Lucy, but she was still more refined more etherial. Her mind wasalso already abstracted from this world, her wishes were directed tothe cloister, the life of a nun seemed to her most desirable.Fortunately this inclination coincided with the views of her parents,who as it so often happens, wished the whole of the fortune to devolveon the son, so that he might be able to occupy a more important stationin the world. In order to complete my reformation, the knowledge oflove was only wanting to my deeply affected mind. Euphemie and I drewnear to each other, we became as quickly familiarised as if our beinghad for many years been only waiting for this acquaintance. We were asbrother and sister, before we had yet been able to wonder at therapidity of this mutual confidence. We soon felt that we could not dowithout each other, she could tell me all her thoughts and feelingsmore easily and confidingly than she could impart them to her parents,even more than she ventured to do to her female friends. My heartfloated in the sweetest repose; at the sound of her voice, at theglance of her mild eye, when I heard her footstep, when she walked inthe garden, nay even when I only thought of her, my mind was as ifplunged in bliss. Even thus the spirits of the pure soar glorifiedtowards their sacred destiny, estranged from all passion andinquietude, from all violent incitements. And yet I knew not that Iloved: I had never permitted this word to enter into my mind.

  "We conversed on her future cloistered life, on the saints and theirmiracles, and Euphemie had in me the most believing pupil. She lent anequally attentive ear to my enthusiasm and days and weeks passed awayin a pleasing dream. That Italy, whither indeed I was journeying, wasin the world, I had totally forgotten.

  "Beauvais took possession of a country house, that lay in the mostbeautiful part of the country. I followed the family and my adoredEuphemie also accompanied her friends, for the mother, as well as theson's future bride respected the wonderful girl. What singularconversations and outpourings of the heart! the earth and all thatsurrounded us, to which we must indeed have applied names, vanishedfrom us, and our spirits as if in the innocence of Paradise lulledthemselves, void of every want, but penetrated with the most innate,the most holy love. We understood each other without words, and as allthat was earthly had fled, no feelings of jealousy, suspicion, ordistrust arose in our souls.

  "The legends, many of which express a heavenly spirit of resignation tothe mysterious will of the Most High, a renunciation, nay almost anannihilation of self in fervent love of Christ, a profound mortalcompassion in the endearing adoration, our inebriated enthusiasm wasawakened and nourished especially by those feelings. Many of thesetales are repulsive and contrary to every sentiment, these we discussedwith subtle and ingenious commentaries in order to garnish them with amilder spirit. But the most beautiful that this species of traditionhas preserved to us, is that, which, however, at the same time is themost misconceived by the unawakened soul of and which is found absurdand repulsive by the worldly minded. The life and history of the oldhermits, there may be also much of later invention, to the mind whichis once moved by spiritual things, they present a touching miracle.What shall I say of the meditations of St. Francis, of his ardent loveand of the visions which arose and were present to this man in theperfect humility, the compassion, and fervour of his unfettered heart?He only who has once known the splendour of the world, the insolentstrength appertaining to it, can rightly comprehend this temper ofmind. We also often read the Gospel, and then a trembling, such as hasbeen frequently observed in many enthusiasts, came over my whole body,especially when in solitude, for timidity and shame restrained me insociety from exposing my deep emotions to observation. In this frame ofmind, I left Euphemie one morning, some chapters of the Holy Scriptureshad just been read. I threw myself down in the most retired spot in thegarden, in order to give a free course to my tears. The whole worldawakened feelings of pity within me, I experienced such an overflow oflove in my oppressed heart, that it almost burst, in the excess of itsown enjoyment; I read over again the passages in Luke, how Christ metthe poor widow and the dead body of her son, and compassionatelyaroused the youth from death. There are no words that can describe thestate of my mind. The elder Beauvais with a suite of servants was justreturning from the chase. He might well be astonished at finding me inthis condition, but he passed me with a mute salutation. I arose, andnow as with a tremendous power it took possession of me. Verily, said Ito myself, as thee no man has ever yet loved; it is the spirit of God,of the Father himself that stirs within thee to gladden to love, tosympathise with all; in these, these exalted moments I felt impressedwith the eternal truth, that I myself, I was the son, the God fromGod,---and what should prevent me from moving these trees, these stoneswith the word of life, that they might change into other forms, andattest my might, shall I beckon to the angels that hover round me,visibly to appear to do my service?--Yes! let it be attempted,ventured--Then trembling and fear came over me, I was stunned and indespair; in contrite humility I cast myself down before my Creator, Ifelt myself undone, now that I perceived my devilish arrogance whichhad risen out of pure humility and love; I had experienced the mostfearful apostacy from God, just at the moment when with all myfaculties I felt myself nearer to him.

  "This moment in which my spirit became dizzy on the verge of insanityand frenzy, has since then ever seemed to me the most terrible one inmy life. I now understood myself and human nature, and also the dangerof enthusiastic raptures of love. I had then indee
d myself trodden thebridge over which all enthusiasts have passed, the narrow path (evershining brightly, though hell lies beneath it) between virtue and vice,between wisdom and presumption, which leads from love and kindliness tohatred and murder, and I had now learned what an unholy spirit hadmoved the Anabaptists, and Adamites, and perhaps now glows and rages inmany a heart among the rebels. Oh! my son, man is a most frail andpitiable being, the more is lent to him, the more has he to answer for,the brighter the spirit of love glows within him, the darker burns hisreprobation; his gifts granted to him from heaven, may become his direenemies, there is no one either that stands so fast, but that he mayalso fall. My legends had already taught me that, but I was doomed tofeel it first in this fatal downfall."

  "Therefore still hell and devil?" cried Edmond after a long pause."However mildly you spoke and sentenced at first, the priestlycondemnation follows in the end. Oh thou unfortunate Cavalier andMarion! and ye unhappy children, on whose lisping tongues Satan himselflaid the name of the Lord, and the awaking to repentance."

  "What then shall we call that?" said the old man mildly, "which worksdirectly against God? We require not certainly that fearful figure,which perversity has imagined, in order to represent him personally; weneed not indeed ascribe to him those tremendous attributes, which themiracle-seeking has invented, fabulously enough, but so much the worsefor us, the weaker, the more powerless he in himself is: how feeble arewe then to permit ourselves to be so ignominously overcome by thisshadow, this delusion, this inefficiency, this nothingness? How ourpriests may censure these suggestions and represent them as devilish Iknow not, but it suffices for me, that I have experienced in myself,that such a feeling of all our energies may exist in us in divine love,which then does not proceed from God, but from his despicableadversary, and of which we must beware, because we, the image of God,through our own demerits are, as it were, only shadows of shadows."

  The old man arose, and walked several times up and down the garden, tosubdue the emotion, which these recollections had excited. Edmondremained behind in deep thought, and compared the narrative of thepastor with his own experience. Should he now view them in an otherlight, or wish them effaced from the career of his life? He would havebeen more satisfied, could he have heartily embittered his feelingsagainst the old man, towards whom, however, inclination as well as theintercourse of soul in which he had spent his youth with his own parentattracted him. The pastor came back smiling, and seated himself againby the side of the subtle investigator. "It cannot be otherwise inlife," recommenced he, "each sentiment, each society, each dispositionand friendship has its history, all ascends, attains the highest summitand falls again. Thus had the most delightful concord in our singularintimacy already vanished, before we had been able to perceive achange. The impetuous Lacoste had conceived a violent passion for Lucy,and the gentle, pious creature felt very unhappy on that account,although she at same time became reserved towards young Beauvais. Atfirst the latter was embarrassed at this, then vexed and irritatedagainst Lacoste, to whom until now he had been greatly attached, whilsthe thought that a secret inclination for this impetuous man had thusvisibly estranged his bride from him. In this mutual constraint, thetwo friends avoided each other, they were however compelled to meet incompany: An explicit communication and reciprocal understanding seemedimpossible, so that the rancour took even deeper root, especially withLacoste, who, after some time, made but little effort to restrain frompublicly betraying his aversion to Beauvais. But the state of my ownfeelings was such, that I was soon disqualified from observing othersaround me. Euphemie's brother, the pride of his family, fell into anillness, which had all the appearance of consumption, and now theparents thought of marrying their daughter to a man of distinction,that through her their name and large fortune might be perpetuated inthe world. When Euphemie first spoke to me on this subject, she waswholly unembarrassed; her voice was as firm and steady as if she werespeaking of a friend. I felt as if she were relating to me a sillyimprobable tale, so pure, exalted, and unattainable had my fancypainted her. I could almost just as easily have persuaded myself that ascheme of marriage was projecting with the evening star. But at night,on my solitary couch, the aspect of affairs took another form: Againwas I doomed to learn, and how painfully! to know myself and the world.Is she to belong to the world? I asked myself, wherefore then not firstto me? To me, to whom she already belongs, as my soul dwells in hers!

  "The concealed ardour, which until now had slumbered in the sweetestintoxication, burst through its bud and blossomed, and shone forth likea rare flower, which unfolded a thousand purple leaves. I felt nowthoroughly, for the first time, that what until then I had consideredmerely earthly, was of heavenly origin. I deemed myself called upon inmy pure love to renew as a real sacrament, the sublime symbol ofmarriage, in such holy perfection as it is seldom, perhaps never, foundon earth. Euphemie was terrified at my plans, my ardent persuasions,and my enterprising spirit. The more her hesitation, her timidityincreased my passion, the more did I appear to her a strange being,whom until then she had not known at all. She was to be awakened fromher peaceful repose, thus my love desired it, but she was shocked atthe thought of grieving her parents in any way, to oppose them was withher an unnatural sin, and all that I urged about elopement, force, anddeath, only confused her delicate mind, as in the roaring of thewaterfall no speech can be heard. My high wrought passion grew almostto frenzy; that she did not love me, that I was hateful to her, thatalready she turned her affections on her bridegroom, whom I jealouslycursed, menacing to kill both him and myself: to all these franticexpressions she listened with a suffering and endearing patience. Thusthen was this heaven destroyed for me, and black demons grinned on mefrom the same places, where before my intoxicated ear had heard theflapping of angel's wings, from whence formerly a sweet smile from aradiant countenance bloomed on me like roses sparkling with dew in therosy light of morning.

  "Verily my soul becomes young again, when I think on those days. Oh! hegrows not old, who lives only in the solitude of his recollections, asI do. With poor Lacoste things went on still worse than with myself. Hewasted away, and wished for death. Often did he call upon it withfearful words. There was something heart-rending in his look. My friendBeauvais had also become pale, his youth was evaporating. Oh! there isnothing so terrible as to be compelled to doubt the worth of thebeloved object; that gives more pain than despised affection. And inthese pangs the hapless man was now perishing. Lucy was a puzzle to mealso, when I was able to direct a look at her, she as well as Euphemiewere constrained and timid, sought, and at the same tine avoidedsolitude, longed to pour out the overflowings of the heart to eachother or their beloved, yet could not find the time, or perhaps, couldnot exert sufficient courage. All the same men, who, but a short timepreviously sounded in concord together like heavenly tones, nowscreamed in yelling discord against one another; the apparent sanctityhad changed into human folly, and each understood the other as littleas himself. The elder Beauvais seemed to guess a little the horribleconfusion, for he frequently looked at us all with dark and penetratingglances.

  "At length this twisted knot disentangled itself again. Euphemie'sbrother began to recover, the former projects were brought forwardagain, and my overwhelming passion was compelled to give place bydegrees to a calm resignation. This only was the case, for I wasdetermined to make good my supposed rights, until I perceived that thedelicate Euphemie must perish in this storm; Lucy at length declaredherself for Beauvais, and it was discovered, that his too intimateintercourse with Lacoste was alone the cause of her reserve towardshim. The fear had risen within her, that he himself might be inclinedto the free-thinking opinions of his rival. So great was her love toher church, that she had resolved, rather to sacrifice her dearbetrothed than to live in the proximity of persuasions, which sheconsidered as utterly profane. And it is true, the more zealous we wereto recognise truth and divinity in one form only, the more did Lacosteseize every opportunity to express his incredulity. Indeed, however,miser
able he felt within himself, he sought by a certain vanity toavail himself of every occasion to prove his strength of mind inmockery, and in violent bursts of passion, his wretchedness had givensuch a bitter turn to his feelings, that sometimes he stood amongst uslike an inspired prophet of Atheism, used such singular similies andfigurative expressions, in a language so touching and elevated, thatthe pious maidens turned away from him with inward terror.

  "We had all ceased to weep, we were reconciled and of peaceable, quiethearts, when Lacoste entered in the midst of our pathetic emotion andreligious conversation. Beauvais made known to him what he had learnedfrom Lucy, and that he (Lacoste) must quit our society in order that hemight not disturb the happiness of the lovers and their approachingmarriage, perhaps even render it impossible. This blow fellunexpectedly on the unfortunate Lacoste; his whole emaciated, care-wornframe trembled violently as if in convulsions, he was unable for a longtime to find words, and when at last they flowed from his colourlesslips, he tried to persuade us, that such a sentence of banishment fromformer friends was at least too hard, that he was not able to subduehis passion so quickly, or entirely to get rid of his persuasions, butthat he combated both, and would strive against them with still greaterenergy in our company. But Beauvais was on this day armed with manlycourage and resolution, his intercourse hitherto with Lucy hadmade him too unhappy; he insisted on the immediate departure of thepeace-destroyer; the Abbe Aubigny sided with him, the gentle Euphemiewas anxious, and Lucy herself the most decided; I also joined in thischorus, and we all unanimously declared, as with one voice, that thegodless one should no longer linger near us; it was our duty, the loveof Christ itself required of us to banish him, because through hisintercourse with us, our religion would be sullied, perhaps evenendangered. When Lacoste perceived we were firm in our religious zeal,he left off prayers and humiliations, and a tremendous fury overcamethe mortified man, his eyes flashed fire, and he cursed himself and uswith the bitterest execrations--that we might never find happiness,that misery might pursue us, that Beauvais might reap nothing but griefand sorrow from this marriage, and that he might live to see calamity,distress, and crime on his dearest children."

  Edmond sighed deeply. "Thus," continued the priest, "did the wretchedman leave us, and rushed like a madman out of the house; but a shorttime only was requisite to recall us to our senses, and to penetrate uswith a burning shame. In the most devout temper of mind, in feelings ofthe purest love, as we fancied, we had been cruel towards a fellowbrother, towards a friend, who deserved forbearance and compassion,although he might have strayed into the path of error. Beauvais was thefirst to recollect himself, and was angry with himself and all of us;he rebuked us as inquisitors, who condemn in cold blood to the stakeall those that differ in opinion with them. A messenger was quicklydispatched to his residence in town, but he had already in his furydeparted thence, no one knew whither. He had smashed to pieceseverything in the house there, and with his gigantic strength had soill-used a young waiter, who had attempted to appease him, that theunfortunate lad had been given up to the surgeons as dead. He had socut his head with tables and chairs that he threw at the defencelessboy and crushed both his legs, that it was doubtful whether he wouldrecover. If we had first been ashamed, we would now have concealedourselves in the caverns of the earth, when we learned that this younglad, bred up in the most ordinary manner, and without any information,as soon as he had recovered his senses, during excruciating torturesfrom the dressing of his wounds, had prayed to God for the man, who hadinjured him, that he would forgive and succour the unhappy man, whomust have been inexpressibly, infinitely wretched to have been promptedin his sorrow to fall upon an innocent person. Who is the trueChristian? we asked ourselves, who the professor of the religion oflove? Ah! we were so zealous, we thought we had learned so much, thatwe were able to teach the profoundest doctrine, we looked down dailywith contemptuous pity on those who were less enlightened, who were notsusceptible of our sublime emotions,--but now we were forced to confessto ourselves, that we were yet standing on the other side of thecommencement; it was just, that we as miserable scholars, should becompelled to go for instruction to a young and ignorant waiter at aninn.

  "I will conclude. Before my friend had yet celebrated his marriage, myEuphemie took the veil. On the same day, we had thus arranged it, Icaused myself to be received into the bosom of her church. At first Iintended to become a monk, but as I had delayed, I suffered myself tobe consecrated a priest at a distance, and was transferred to thissolitary part of the mountains. Since then, I have never heard of myfriends, of Euphemie; I even wished to avoid ever seeing them again,that I might not renew the pains of deep, vital wounds. And yet it isbut weakness, to turn away from the path of sorrow.--It had becomedark, and the two friends repaired to the lighted room, to partake ofthe little evening meal. The young peasants who had been there before,reentered, and led with them a young and beautiful girl. The lattershewed the pastor the flowers and the ornaments, with which theyintended on the morrow to adorn the image of the mother of God. 'Now,at last,' said the young and happy Caspar, 'is the time come, reverendsir, that I can lead home my Louison, my bride. You know very well howshe desired to spend to-morrow's festival still as a virgin, in orderthat she might be able to carry our Mary, and sing too. It has beensorrow enough to me, to be compelled to defer my happiness for so longa time; but for once she has persisted in her pious obstinacy. Well,truly it is precious to have such a christian wife, such a holytreasure. All is well, that everything has been so prosperous as yet;for who can tell what evil may come between, when man places his fateon such trials as these, and binds himself to hours and days. Howevereverything is already arranged for the wedding, and all danger and fearis surmounted.' 'How thou talkest.' said the blushing Louison, fromwhose eyes laughed her approaching happiness; and the fulfilment of allher wishes. 'I have been friendly to thee for two years past, but mustI on that account love the mother of God less? Ah! the history as ithas come down to us, is too affecting, and therefore we must bethankful towards her. Look you, my strange young gentleman, beforethe village stood here, there was nothing far around but field andforest. No vine, no olive-tree was to be found here. Then went a poorwood-cutter, who had come from a distance into the wild forest to cutdown a tree for his trade. And as he applied his hatched to it, he hearda sigh, and as he listened, a singing. A light appeared in the gloomyforest, and above in the tree, in the oak trunk, there sat as if in ahollow the mother of God, and commanded him to build a church on thatvery spot. The man made known the miracle, the wood was cleared, andbehind the altar of our church stands still the same old oak trunk, inwhich the holy virgin already dwelt from time immemorial as a testimonyand a remembrance. Thus was our good church founded, thus has thevillage risen, and men have drawn near the beloved spot, for our Marywould not thus dwell in solitude any longer. Look Caspar, thus but forour gracious mother, there would be no house, no man here, and our dearparent's house, and I, and thou would not be in the world, and uponthis spot of earth, and for all this must we be thankful to her.'

  "All well and good," said Caspar, "but just because she is so amiable,she would certainly have granted us with all her heart, our happiness along while ago. God and the saints are not like us men, who are soambitious on one little point, that we neglect true honour." "Is it nottrue, Caspar," said Louison, laughing, "if thy new jacket with shiningbuttons had not been ready, thou wouldst willingly have deferred thewedding?" Thus laughing and jesting they withdrew again to go and seekthe clerk with whom they wished to consult how best they might attachthe flowers and garlands to the altar. The old man felt happy that hispenitents loved to approach him with this child-like confidence, andrespected him just as much as a father, while at the same time theyfearlessly associated with him in play and merriment. Edmond was graveand melancholy; when it was time to separate to sleep, he abruptlyasked the priest, as he grasped his hand: "Well, reverend sir, did youthen afterwards in your station find that happiness of which youdreamed in you
r youth?"

  "Happiness," said the old man, "what is it men call thus? and of whatavail would their dreams be then, if it were to be met with in reality.I soon saw in the beginning, with bitter sorrow, that I was tooenthusiastic, that my companions in the same calling, my superiors, didnot partake of my burning zeal; disapproved of it indeed, or declaredit heresy and false enthusiasm. They were too much occupied about theircommunity, the ensuring of their condition, their influence in theworld, and the binding of souls, to have kindled ardour within them, orto have sought that faith in emotions, which was so necessary to mylife. Well, somewhat late, I undertook to examine the teachers of mynow abandoned church, and discovered that they were not altogether soinimical to Christianity as I had fancied. I thought that I perceivedmore and more distinctly that many roads lead to the Lord, and that he,as he himself has promised, has prepared many dwellings in his house.What the innovators, who have split asunder the church, desire, many ofthe apostles and earlier teachers have already wished. I hope, thisdisunion will just preserve the eternity of the Word. I also perceived,that to form a spiritual state, to represent a great community, a greatdeal by far of that enthusiasm of solitude must be checked, if it wereonly to preserve the constitution pure, the strength which alonerenders possible that innate spirit of love for the present as well asfor the future, and prepares for it an asylum. It was granted to mydesire to live here in a small commune, retired from the whole world,almost like a hermit and thus to suffice for myself. I honour the bodyof our church, and am not angry with it, because it has no spirit; Iforgive it the letter, if sometimes it appears to annihilate thespirit, because I trust in the wisdom and love of the Almighty, whothus accomplishes all to his ends."

  Thus they separated, Edmond could not sleep. How agitatingly did allthis old man's words work upon him, whom he had so unexpectedly met ofwhom his father had so often spoken to him in his childhood. He felttroubled, and prayed fervently, that at length this rebellion, which hehad been sent forth to excite, might not rage in this valley over thevenerable head of this peaceful hermit. But he indeed knew best howimpossible this was, how inevitable must be the dreadful event. Inshort slumbers, fearful dreams tormented him, and with the dawn ofmorning, he hastened over the mountain to Lacoste to send him off toRoland and Cavalier.