Page 22 of Revived

  “Jesus.” I rub my forehead with my fingers. Moving toward her, I sit on the stool beside her. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  She lets out a humorless laugh as she brushes a tear from her cheek. It kills me to see her crying.

  I am going to beat that life out of that fucker when I get my hands on him.

  “I wish I were.” She rubs her cheek with her wrist. “There’s something else…” She worries her lower lip with her teeth before meeting my eyes. “He’s threatening to sell the details of your PTSD to the press if I don’t comply.”

  I let out a derisive snort. “And I would have my lawyer shove an injunction so far up their asses that it would be bleeding out of their noses. There is no way they would be able to print that shit because it would be coming from an illegal source. Don’t fucking worry about that, babe.”

  “But I have to worry about Jett.” She sniffs again. “Paul wants me to take the money to him in Manchester…and take Jett along with me, so he can meet him.” Her jaw clenches in anger. “That’s never going to happen. So, I’m sitting here, drinking your wine and mourning the loss of my career. Even if I had the money to pay him off, he’s not getting anywhere near Jett.”

  I take her soft hands in mine, needing to touch her. “If he will agree to just take the money and not see Jett, then let’s pay him.”

  “I don’t have that kind of money.”

  “I do. Five hundred thousand pounds is nothing. It’s a scratch on the surface of what I have.”

  “Five hundred thousand is a lot of money. I’m not taking your money, Leandro.” She shakes her head, resolute.

  “India.” I give her a firm stare.

  “No, Leandro. Even if Paul would agree to just taking the money and leaving Jett out of it, where would it end? He takes the money, and then after he’s run out, he’ll come back for more. I couldn’t trust that he’d not keep copies of your patient transcripts.” Her sad eyes meet with mine briefly, before sweeping to the floor. “I appreciate your offer, but this isn’t your problem to fix. It’s mine.”

  I frown at her. “I am going to try to not be offended by that last statement because you are upset and not thinking straight.” Dropping her hand, I take hold of her chin, forcing her eyes up to mine. “But I am telling you this. You are mine. You and Jett are my family, now, and for the rest of fucking forever. So, that makes this my problem. That bastard is hurting you, so I’m going to fucking hurt him—badly.”

  “No,” she gasps. “Please, Leandro, don’t do anything stupid. I don’t want you getting in trouble.” She curls her hand around my wrist, her pleading eyes on mine.

  “I’m really fucking angry, India.” I drop my hand from her face, shoving it through my hair. “I feel helpless, and I don’t like feeling helpless. And I definitely don’t like pedophiliac motherfuckers blackmailing my girl. I’m at a loss here. You won’t let me kick his ass. You won’t let me pay him off. And you’re going to lose your fucking job because of me. I need to have a sense of control here, and right now, I have none.”

  I want to lose my temper. I want to drive to Manchester and smash that motherfucker’s face in.

  Her eyes flash at me, shock in them. “This isn’t happening because of you, Leandro. I can’t believe you would even think that.”

  “Come on. If we weren’t together, this wouldn’t be happening to you.” My hands are curling into fists on my thighs.

  She slips off her stool. Standing between my legs, she rubs my hands, forcing me to relax them, then takes them in hers. “Then, Paul would have just found some other way to get at me. This isn’t your fault. I am so happy, beyond happy, that we’re together. I knew what I was doing, the risk I was taking by being with you, and I wouldn’t do anything differently. I would choose you every single time. I love you too much to not be with you. I just wish I could have both, you and my career, but I guess life doesn’t work that way.”

  “Babe…” I lower my head. “This is fucking killing me. I need to do something. I need to be able to help you.”

  One of her hands comes to my face, lifting it to hers. “I’m going to go to the police in the morning to tell them I’m being blackmailed. I need you to come with me. That’s how you can help me.”

  Sighing, I say, “If you are sure that is how you want to handle this…”

  “I’m sure.” She looks at me, determined.

  “Then, of course I will come with you.”

  She curls her fingers around my ear, brushing them into my hair. “After the police, I’m getting in touch with the HCPC and telling them about you and me, and I’ll deal with the consequences from them. I will definitely need you to hold my hand on that one.” She gives me a sad smile.

  “Anything, babe. I will do anything for you.” I slide my hands around her waist, pulling her closer. “But you’ll lose your license to practice.”

  Tears well in her eyes, and she bites her lip. I know it is to stop herself from crying, and it breaks me.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do. Being a therapist, helping people, is all I know. And I need to work to pay the bills. I mean, I have some savings, so we’ll be okay for a while, but I’m going to have to find something else to do.”

  “I have plenty of money. You don’t need to work. Let me take care of you and Jett.”

  “No.” She shakes her head. “I’m not sponging off of you.”

  “Sponging?” I let out a frustrated laugh. “India, I love you. I am beyond in love with you. I am yours, wholly and completely. And you are mine.” I take her face in my hands. “You and Jett are everything to me. There is no argument here. I’m taking care of you both.”

  “Leandro…I’ve worked my whole life, provided for my son. I wouldn’t know how not to work.”

  “Then, you can find a job doing something else. Something you love. But take the time to figure that out. And until that time, I’m taking care of you, babe.”

  By the time she finds a job, I will have her and Jett living with me, and then I will hopefully have a ring on her finger, making her mine permanently, so she will never have to work again.

  She leans in, resting her head in the crook of my neck. My wrap my arms tightly around her. Her breath is hot against my neck, turning me on. I know I shouldn’t be horny right now, but I have been without her for too long. She smells and feels so fucking good pressed up against me.

  She brushes a kiss to my skin and slowly trails more up my neck, over my jaw, until she reaches my mouth. She kisses me there. “Take me to bed,” she whispers against my mouth. “I want to forget everything. I only want to think and feel you.”

  I swipe my tongue over her lower lip. “Babe, when I’m done with you, you won’t even remember what year it is.”

  She smiles against my lips. “I adore you, Leandro Silva.”

  “And I adore you. Now, let’s go upstairs, so I can show you exactly how much.”

  I’M STARING AT LEANDRO lying next to me in bed, watching him sleep. His long black eyelashes fanning his skin. His hair all tousled and caressing his forehead. He looks beautiful.

  Jett and I are with Leandro in Italy. We’re staying in a stunning two-bedroom suite in Milan, just ten miles away from the Monza track. We’ve being relaxing for the last few days, just sightseeing and eating true Italian food.

  Tomorrow, Leandro has qualifying. Jett loves attending all these races, traveling to all the different countries.

  It’s been a week since I went to the police station and told them that Paul was blackmailing me. Telling the whole story to the officers was horrible, and I could see the judging looks in their eyes when I told them that Leandro used to be my patient. But I guess I’m going to have to get used to those kinds of looks.

  The HCPC wasn’t any easier. It was worse. My practice license has been suspended, pending review. Even though I confessed to them about being in a relationship with a prior patient, I have to go through the official process. Leandro and I might have no longer been patien
t and therapist when we got together, but we shared a kiss while I still was treating him. That matters to the board.

  And it matters to me.

  Even though I love my job, I just don’t feel the same way about it as I used to anymore. As devastating as it is to not be able to help people anymore, I know this is the right thing.

  The only person I care about not thinking badly of me is Jett. And thank God, he doesn’t. My son is wise beyond his years.

  After I had been to the police and the HCPC, I sat Jett down and told him everything. About how Leandro and I met. About his father being released from prison. The break-in. Paul trying to blackmail me. I didn’t want Jett finding out from anyone else.

  And after I’d told him all of this, he said to me, “As long as you are okay and you’re happy with Leandro, that’s all that matters to me. The rest is just white noise.”

  I cried. How could I not? I knew right then, hugging my son, that everything would be okay. That everything would right itself, and that everything happens for a reason.

  Paul was arrested and put back in prison for violating his parole, meaning he’ll serve out the rest of his sentence. And he will stand trial for attempted blackmail and extortion. Once again, I’ll be a witness at his trial. Ultimately, it’s my word against his, in regard to the blackmail attempt. But my laptop and the documents about Leandro that Paul had printed out, were seized at his house.

  The fact that, by coming forward, I had everything to lose and nothing to gain will show that I’m telling the truth. I’m hoping that he will be sentenced for it, adding a few more years to his jail term. I’m praying by the time Paul gets out, Jett will be a grown man, and hopefully, Paul will have the foresight to leave us all alone.

  School is still out for the holidays, going back next week, and Leandro was having a hard time with the thought of leaving us even though Paul was back behind bars, so we came with him to Monza for this leg of the Prix.

  I’m feeling relaxed and safe for the first time since Paul got out of prison. And I’m just relieved that everything is out in the open.

  The press hasn’t gotten wind of the story about Paul, or how Leandro and I met. Maybe they will. Maybe they won’t. If they do, then we’ll deal with it together.

  “You’re watching me sleep,” he murmurs, surprising me, eyes still closed. His voice is rough with sleep, and sexy as hell.

  “I might be.” I curl into his side, hooking my leg over his hip and feeling his morning wood beneath my leg. “You just look so adorable when you sleep.”

  He opens one eye, peeking at me. “The last thing I am is adorable. You, on the other hand…” He opens his other eye as one hand skims down over my bum, curling around my thigh, under my pajama shorts, to touch my quickly dampening knickers with his fingertips.

  I gasp at his featherlight touch. “Jett might be awake.”

  “Then, we’ll be quiet.” He gives me that sexy grin of his that instantly has me doing what he wants.

  My response is to kiss him. His fingers slip inside my knickers, and he pushes one inside me.

  “God,” I breathe as he fingers me, rubbing my clit with his thumb. “I need to touch you.” I push my hand into his pajama bottoms and palm his cock. Gripping it, I stroke it up and down. I love the hiss of air that escapes him at my touch.

  The next thing I know, my shorts and knickers are being pulled down my legs, and I’m none too gently turned over, facing away from him.

  “Part your legs,” he whispers into my ear.

  I do as he asks. I feel the head of his cock rubbing over my entrance, up to my clit, and back down again before he pushes inside me.

  “Fuck,” he groans in my ear. His hand slips under my pajama top, and he palms my breast, pinching my nipple.

  A cry escapes me.

  “Shh,” he whispers, his other hand comes up to cover my mouth as he slowly moves in and out of me. “Do I need to gag you, babe? Or will you be a good girl?”

  The thought of him gagging me excites me along with the feel of his hand against my mouth, but I shake my head. “I’ll be good,” I murmur against his hand.

  Keeping his hand over my mouth, his other hand pinches my nipple again. I sink my teeth against his palm. He groans and starts fucking me harder. The sound of his flesh slapping against mine is such a turn-on.

  “Rub your pussy, India. I want you to touch yourself.”

  I’ve never touched myself in front of him before, but the thought thrills me.

  I press my fingers to my pussy, letting the tips of my fingers touch his cock as it thrusts in and out. Then, I start rubbing my clit.

  “Fuck. Yeah, that’s it,” he says roughly in my ear. “Bring yourself off. I want you coming hard and squeezing my cock like a vise.”

  The rubbing of my clit increases. I’m turned on beyond rationale. I just need to come. Nothing but that matters right now.

  I tilt my head back, watching back at him. His hand slips from my mouth and his fingers tangle in my hair. Gripping the strands, he pulls my mouth to his, and he kisses me deep and hard. With the feel of his tongue against mine, his cock inside me, and my fingers rubbing my clit, I come hard, moaning my orgasm into his mouth.

  “Fuck…” he whisper-groans. “Your pussy feels so fucking tight around my cock.”

  He pumps into me a few more times, and then I feel his body tensing in preparation for his release.

  “I’m coming, babe,” he whispers. “I’m coming inside your hot tight pussy.”

  I watch his face as he comes down from his orgasm. I love the look of pleasure in his eyes and the love he feels for me that’s all on display. I’ve never been loved before the way Leandro loves me. I didn’t even know a love like this existed.

  He kisses me again, staying inside me. “There is nothing better than waking up inside you.”

  I smile, but it’s tinged with a little sadness. “I’ll miss waking up with you when you’re away for the races.”

  He gives me that heart-stopping smile of his. “Only until November, and then you will be waking up every morning with me inside you.”

  “When the season finishes.”

  “No. Every morning for the rest of forever.” He takes a deep breath. “India, I’m making this season my last. I’m retiring from Formula One.”

  “What?” I exclaim, turning to face him, causing him to fall out of me.

  “I think we’ve made a mess of the bedsheets.” He chuckles, gesturing at the wet spot caused by my sudden movement.

  “You’re retiring?” I ignore his humor. “Is this because I lost my job because we’re together, and you feel guilty because of that? Because, if it is, then, no, you can’t do it. I won’t let you.”

  He takes my face in his hands, brushing my hair from my face with his thumbs. “No. It’s not because of that. I was already considering retiring before any of that happened. I hated being away from you when I was in Belgium. My contract is up this year. I came back and achieved what I had wanted to achieve. I fought my demons and got back on the track. But racing just doesn’t give me the same feeling as it used to. I want to start my life with you and Jett. I don’t want to be away from either of you for most of the year.”

  I feel a sense of warmth rush through me. “You’re sure this is what you want?” I ask in a soft voice.

  “Yes. One day soon, I’m going to marry you and fill your belly with lots of Silva babies.”

  “Lots?” I sputter.

  He chuckles, eyes twinkling. “Of course. I’m thinking three, maybe four.” He lifts his shoulder, nonchalant.

  A strangled laugh escapes me, my eyes widening. “Three, maybe four? Slow down there, Mr. Virility. How do you know I even want more children?”

  I do want more children. I couldn’t think of anything better than having a baby with Leandro. Probably not four though. But I do love teasing him.

  The expression on his face freezes. Then, as quickly as it froze, his expression relaxes. “Then, I would be fine as
we are. Jett is mine, so—”

  “What?” My breath catches in my throat.

  “I said, Jett is mine.” His voice softens, his fingertips running down my cheek. “As far as I am concerned, Jett is my son. I’m not trying to step on Kit’s toes. I know he has raised Jett as his own. But I want to be Jett’s dad, so long as he wants me to be.”

  My lips tremble, my eyes watering. “I’m pretty sure Jett would be okay with that. Kit, too.”

  He smiles, one corner of his lips lifting. “Good.”

  God, I love him. So much.

  “And I do want to have more kids, just so you know.” I smile gently.

  He kisses me again. “We can get started making baby number one as soon as the season is over. We will just get in plenty of practice beforehand.”

  I press my hand to his chest, over his heart. “How did I get so lucky to have you love me, Leandro Silva?”

  “I am the lucky one, babe. Believe me. My life was on a downward spiral to hell before I met you. You saved me in more ways than one. Loving you saved me.” Covering my hand with his, he kisses me again, slow and deep, until he’s moving inside me, making good on the baby-making practice he has planned for us.

  WHEN I STARTED RACING, I knew this day would come, but I didn’t think I would feel the way I do right now or finishing for the reason I am. I thought I would be racing until I was forced to stop by age, or death. Not leaving because it was simply time, and so I can begin my life with the woman I am in love with and her son, who I love equally as much. He is not just India’s son. He is mine, too. The more time I spend with Jett, the further that kid burrows deeper into my heart, right along with his mom.

  If someone had told me a few years ago that this right here would now be my life—in love with a beautiful woman and me now having a twelve-year-old son—I would have laughed in their face.

  Now, I am beyond happy. I have found my place in the world. A place I didn’t even know I was looking for until I found it.

  Even knowing this is my final race and although traced with a little sadness, I’m just ready for it to be done, so I can get my family home and start the next chapter of my life with them.