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themlanguidly and said, "Oh."

  "I gave one gentleman twen-ty pounds!" said the visitor, jingling somecoins in his trouser-pocket. "I never saw a man so pleased and gratefulin my life. When he signed the receipt for it--I always get them tosign a receipt, so that the company can see that I haven't kept themoney for myself--he nearly wept with joy."

  "I should think he would," said Mr. Scutts, slowly--"if he wasn't hurt."

  "You're the last on my list," said the other, hastily. He produced aslip of paper from his pocket-book and placed it on the small table,with a fountain pen. Then, with a smile that was both tender andplayful, he plunged his hand in his pocket and poured a stream of goldon the table.

  "What do you say to thir-ty pounds?" he said, in a hushed voice."Thirty golden goblins?"

  "What for?" inquired Mr. Scutts, with a notable lack of interest.

  "For--well, to go away for a day or two," said the visitor. "I find youin bed; it may be a cold or a bilious attack; or perhaps you had alittle upset of the nerves when the trains kissed each other."

  "I'm in bed--because--I can't walk-or stand," said Mr. Scutts, speakingvery distinctly. "I'm on my club, and if as 'ow I get well in a day ortwo, there's no reason why the company should give me any money. I'mpore, but I'm honest."

  "Take my advice as a friend," said the other; "take the money while youcan get it."

  He nodded significantly at Mr. Scutts and closed one eye. Mr. Scuttsclosed both of his.

  "I 'ad my back hurt in the collision," he said, after a long pause. "I'ad to be helped 'ome. So far it seems to get worse, but I 'ope for thebest."

  "Dear me," said the visitor; "how sad! I suppose it has been coming onfor a long time. Most of these back cases do. At least all the doctorssay so."

  "It was done in the collision," said Mr. Scutts, mildly but firmly. "Iwas as right as rain before then."

  The visitor shook his head and smiled. "Ah! you would have greatdifficulty in proving that," he said, softly; "in fact, speaking as manto man, I don't mind telling you it would be impossible. I'm afraid I'mexceeding my duty, but, as you're the last on my list, suppose--supposewe say forty pounds. Forty! A small fortune."

  He added some more gold to the pile on the table, and gently tapped Mr.Scutts's arm with the end of the pen.

  "Good afternoon," said the invalid.

  The visitor, justly concerned at his lack of intelligence, took a seaton the edge of the bed and spoke to him as a friend and a brother, butin vain. Mr. Scutts reminded him at last that it was medicine-time,after which, pain and weakness permitting, he was going to try to get alittle sleep.

  "Forty pounds!" he said to his wife, after the official had departed."Why didn't 'e offer me a bag o' sweets?"

  "It's a lot o' money," said Mrs. Scutts, wistfully.

  "So's a thousand," said her husband. "I ain't going to 'ave my backbroke for nothing, I can tell you. Now, you keep that mouth o' yoursshut, and if I get it, you shall 'ave a new pair o' boots."

  "A thousand!" exclaimed the startled Mrs. Scutts. "Have you took leaveof your senses, or what?"

  "I read a case in the paper where a man got it," said Mr. Scutts. "He'ad his back 'urt too, pore chap. How would you like to lay on yourback all your life for a thousand pounds?"

  "Will you 'ave to lay abed all your life?" inquired his wife, staring.

  "Wait till I get the money," said Mr. Scutts; "then I might be able totell you better."

  He gazed wistfully at the window. It was late October, but the sunshone and the air was clear. The sound of traffic and cheerful voicesascended from the little street. To Mr. Scutts it all seemed to be apart of a distant past.

  "If that chap comes round to-morrow and offers me five hundred," hesaid, slowly, "I don't know as I won't take it. I'm sick of this mouldybed."

  He waited expectantly next day, but nothing happened, and after a weekof bed he began to realize that the job might be a long one. Themonotony, to a man of his active habits, became almost intolerable, andthe narrated adventures of Mr. James Flynn, his only caller, filled himwith an uncontrollable longing to be up and doing.

  The fine weather went, and Mr. Scutts, in his tumbled bed, lay watchingthe rain beating softly on the window-panes. Then one morning he awoketo the darkness of a London fog.

  "It gets worse and worse," said Mrs. Scutts, as she returned home in theafternoon with a relish for his tea. "Can't see your 'and before yourface."

  Mr. Scutts looked thoughtful. He ate his tea in silence, and after hehad finished lit his pipe and sat up in bed smoking.

  "Penny for your thoughts," said his wife.

  "I'm going out," said Mr. Scutts, in a voice that defied opposition."I'm going to 'ave a walk, and when I'm far enough away I'm going to'ave one or two drinks. I believe this fog is sent a-purpose to save mylife."

  Mrs. Scutts remonstrated, but in vain, and at half-past six the invalid,with his cap over his eyes and a large scarf tied round the lower partof his face, listened for a moment at his front door and thendisappeared in the fog.

  Left to herself, Mrs. Scutts returned to the bedroom and, poking thetiny fire into a blaze, sat and pondered over the willfulness of men.

  She was awakened from a doze by a knocking at the street-door. It wasjust eight o'clock, and, inwardly congratulating her husband on hisreturn to common sense and home, she went down and opened it. Two tallmen in silk hats entered the room.

  "Mrs. Scutts?" said one of them.

  Mrs. Scutts, in a dazed fashion, nodded.

  "We have come to see your husband," said the intruder. "I am a doctor."

  The panic-stricken Mrs. Scutts tried in vain to think.

  "He-he's asleep," she said, at last.

  "Doesn't matter," said the doctor.

  "Not a bit," said his companion.

  "You--you can't see him," protested Mrs. Scutts. "He ain't to be seen."

  "He'd be sorry to miss me," said the doctor, eyeing her keenly as shestood on guard by the inner door. "I suppose he's at home?"

  "Of course," said Mrs. Scutts, stammering and flushing. "Why, the poreman can't stir from his bed."

  "Well, I'll just peep in at the door, then," said the doctor. "I won'twake him. You can't object to that. If you do--"

  Mrs. Scutts's head began to swim. "I'll go up and see whether he'sawake," she said.

  She closed the door on them and stood with her hand to her throat,thinking. Then, instead of going upstairs, she passed into the yardand, stepping over the fence, opened Mr. Flynn's back door.

  "Halloa!" said that gentleman, who was standing in the sculleryremoving mud from his boots. "What's up?"

  In a frenzied gabble Mrs. Scutts told him. "You must be 'im," she said,clutching him by the coat and dragging him towards the door. "They'venever seen 'im, and they won't know the difference."

  "But--" exclaimed the astonished James.

  "Quick!" she said, sharply. "Go into the back room and undress, thennip into his room and get into bed. And mind, be fast asleep all thetime."

  Still holding the bewildered Mr. Flynn by the coat, she led him into thehouse and waved him upstairs, and stood below listening until a slightcreaking of the bed announced that he had obeyed orders. Then sheentered the parlour.

  "He's fast asleep," she said, softly; "and mind, I won't 'ave himdisturbed. It's the first real sleep he's 'ad for nearly a week. Ifyou promise not to wake 'im you may just have a peep."

  "We won't disturb him," said the doctor, and, followed by his companion,noiselessly ascended the stairs and peeped into the room. Mr. Flynn wasfast asleep, and not a muscle moved as the two men approached the bed ontip-toe and stood looking at him. The doctor turned after a minute andled the way out of the room.

  "We'll call again," he said, softly.

  "Yes, sir," said Mrs. Scutts. "When?"

  The doctor and his companion exchanged glances. "I'm very busy just atpresent," he said, slowly. "We'll look in some time and take our chance
of catching him awake."

  Mrs. Scutts bowed them out, and in some perplexity returned to Mr.Flynn. "I don't like the look of 'em," she said, shaking her head."You'd better stay in bed till Bill