Page 36 of The World Masters

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  _Printed on Hand-made Paper, with Twenty Plates in Photogravure,limited to 300 Copies. Royal 4to. Price L3 3s. net._

  Also a Special Edition, Imperial 4to, on Japanese Vellum, limitedto 50 Copies, the Plates on India Paper, one Hand-Coloured, with aDuplicate Set of Plates in handsome Portfolio for framing. Each CopyNumbered and signed by the Author. Price L10 10s. net.




  With Additional Notes by Lord Marcus Beresford.

  The Times.--"No more appropriate time could have been selected for the publication of a book such as this, which relates with much wealth of detail and in a very spirited style the history of the King's connection with the Turf. Mr. Spencer is fully justified in his claim that this volume will be 'a record for all time of the important part which His Majesty has taken in racing affairs'. The volume has been most sumptuously got up, being illustrated with 20 plates in photogravure from photographs by Mr. Clarence Hailey, of Newmarket, who has the sole right of photographing the King's horses--these plates, with a special one of His Majesty as a frontispiece, presenting the King's principal racehorses, his two trainers (first John Porter and subsequently Richard Marsh), and his jockeys. Yet all the money lavished upon the exterior of this fine book would be thrown away were the contents deficient in interest or lacking in accuracy; but the text is by no means the least attractive part of the volume, while the author appears to have thoroughly mastered his subject."

  The Morning Post.--"This handsome and beautifully printed volume not only includes a record of His Majesty's horses and their performances, but it gathers up a considerable amount of information concerning the connection of Royalty with the turf, and the state of the sport of racing at different periods. The text, which is equalled in interest by the pictures, which include portraits of the King, Lord Marcus Beresford--to whom the proofs of the text were submitted, and who has furnished additional notes--John Porter, and Richard Marsh, whilst the most famous of the horses are also represented. The work is luxuriously produced, and will be highly welcome to a large number of those who are devoted to 'the sport of Kings.'" JOHN LONG, 13 & 14 Norris Street, Haymarket, London

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