Page 6 of Scandal By The Ton

  Julia looked about with interest as the brothers led the way to the library. "Your Great Hall is lovely. I remember visiting once with my father, but I was too young to appreciate it then."

  "Royston Hall is Elizabethan," Nicholas said, "right up your alley."

  "Yes, Bess Hardwick would have loved it; she coveted property."

  "Here's that Culpepper Herbal I was telling you about yesterday." Nick handed the colorfully illustrated book to Julia, and she leafed through it with reverence. "Over here we have the complete works of Shakespeare, and right next to him Christopher Marlowe."

  Julia smiled. "You don't believe the rumor do you?"

  "No, I don't. When you read them side by side, Marlowe falls short."

  Michael was looking at the books in a different section. "Hello, here's a set of military books, showing the colorful uniforms of the different regiments for the last hundred years." He carried them to the desk. "I'll take these up to my room tonight and study them."

  "Ladies cannot resist a man in a uniform," Julia teased.

  "You know, I've noticed that."

  Nicholas ran his hand along a row of books. "Here are a few books about people in Tudor and Elizabethan times. This one in particular should be helpful: The Life of the Thrice Noble William Cavendish."

  "Oh, Nicholas, that's marvelous. He was Bess's second husband. Thank you so much."

  "And here's one on the great country estates of England that includes both Chatsworth and Hardwick Hall."

  "You don't mind if I borrow them?"

  Nicholas piled the books on the desk. "Of course I don't mind."

  Michael asked, "Since you're a student of history, are you interested in Royston?"

  "Yes, I'd like to learn about Royston Hall, and also the town. I know the Romans built roads through here."

  "How about visiting Royston's chalk cave?" Michael suggested.

  "Yes, I'd love to see it," Julia exclaimed. "I've heard so much about the ancient cave carvings."

  "Why don't we go now?"

  Julia glanced at Nicholas, hoping he'd agree to the adventure.

  "Yes, take him up on his invitation. You'll both enjoy the outing. I can bring these books over tonight."

  Julia was disappointed that Nick declined, but liked the idea of him coming to Shelborne Place this evening. She smiled at Michael. "I accept your gallant invitation."

  After Julia and Mick departed, Nicholas visited the malthouse and saw that the green malt shoots had indeed begun to sprout. Then he looked about the property and found a spot that would be ideal for a future brewhouse.

  Back in the library, he made out an order for cattle feed, and some new plow blades. His thoughts kept returning to Julia and gradually it began to dawn on him that he felt possessive of her.

  He enjoyed her company, and wished she was here instead of spending time with Mick. He looked at the grandfather clock, saw that they'd been gone for more than two hours, and surmised that his brother would most likely take Julia to one of the pubs for lunch. Nicholas schooled himself to patience They may not be back for hours.

  When Michael returned mid-afternoon, he was alone. “I escorted Lady Julia home. She's great fun to be with and far more intelligent than most females of my acquaintance.”

  “Most females of your acquaintance aren't ladies,” Nicholas pointed out.

  “Perhaps that's about to change,” Mick said cryptically. “She interpreted the carvings for me and what she said made sense. Afterward, I took her to the Chequers for a leisurely lunch.”

  “Did you have pickled onions?”

  “I should think not. Give me some credit for how to treat a lady.”

  Since Nicholas wasn't eager to hear more about his brother's outing with Julia, he went outside to direct the gardeners to plant a few more climbing roses, preferably Tudor roses, along the wall that separated the gardens of Royston and Ashridge.

  That night after dinner when darkness began to fall, Nicholas took the books he'd promised. Mrs. Barlow, who'd been told to expect him, showed him to the library.

  Julia was on a ladder, reaching for a volume on the top shelf. “Nicholas, do come in.”

  “Let me help you.” He set the books he'd brought on her desk, moved toward her, and raised his arms.

  She laughed down at him. “Why don't I jump?” Displaying supreme confidence that he'd catch her, Julia plummeted into his arms.

  He held her tightly against his chest, and grinned. “You enjoy being reckless.”

  “I'm learning from Mistress Hardwick. It makes life more exciting.”

  He finally set her feet to the carpet, and when she took her seat at the desk, he sat down in a comfortable library chair. “Did you enjoy your outing today?

  “Yes. You should have come with us. The cave is bell-shaped, and the chalk walls have ancient carvings of the Crucifixion and some saints, but I also saw some symbols that looked Pagan. Some of the carvings could have been done in medieval times by the Knights Templar.”

  “Some of the symbols are Masonic. King James the First was a Mason, and he kept a hunting lodge here in Royston.”

  “How fascinating.”

  “I'll show you the building, if you ride out with me tomorrow.”

  “Oh, not tomorrow. Michael invited me to go punting on the River Cam. You'll join us, won't you, Nicholas?”

  Nick's dark brows drew together. “The river will be filled with students, giddy with drink. Mick must have a fancy to relive his days as a schoolboy.”

  “If you don't want me to go, I'll give him my excuses.”

  His brow cleared. “Of course not. Go and enjoy yourself. You seem to be a good influence on my brother.”

  “Ah, but who knows what influence Michael will have on me?' she teased. “Since you haven't come up with some debauchery in which we can indulge, perhaps he will oblige.”

  Nicholas stood up. “I'd better go.”

  Julia sighed. He didn't take the bait. “Thank you for the books. You are extremely generous.”

  Two hours later, Nicholas lay abed, his senses filled with Julia. It was hours before he slept, but once his eyes finally closed, he drifted into a dream.

  He was a Muntjac stag with a powerful rack of antlers roaming Royston's tangled heath. Suddenly, he raised his head as the scent of a doe reached his nostrils and made him quiver. It stirred his senses and called to the wild spirit deep within. With an age-old instinct bred into him through generations of proud ancestors he carefully gauged the dangers that might lie hidden between him and his goal.

  He'd observed the doe before from a distance and her allure was so tempting, so compelling that it was almost irresistible. He watched silently as she moved from her safe haven into the shadowy moonlit night. She slipped between the trees following an invisible trail that brought her closer to her destiny.

  Suddenly she saw him and stopped dead in her tracks. His dark silhouette was outlined by the moonlight as he stood on the summit of a hill with his head thrown back. With inborn arrogance, he knew he was the most magnificent stag she had ever seen. Instinctively, she must know he was dominant and dangerous, but she was ready to follow wherever he led.

  All at once, he scented the presence of a rival stag. The male was younger, with a smaller rack of antlers, but posed a formidable threat with his youth and vigor. Without hesitation, he charged down the hill and tangled his horns in those of the young interloper. With brute strength he pushed the younger stag backward, inch by inch, step by step, down the trail.

  The young male, knowing he was out-matched, disentangled his antlers and retreated at full speed before he was gored. The victorious stag turned to look at the lovely doe and raised his head in a welcome that was elemental and primal. She drew closer, answering his call, and saw that his sleek pelt was deep gold, his eyes a fierce dark brown. He took a step toward her and his tongue came out to lick and taste her. She nuzzled his neck, accepting him.

  Side by side, they loped down the hill, running faste
r and faster in a wild frenzy of joy, relishing their freedom, ecstatic that they had found each other. They ran side by side for hours until dawn began to lighten the sky.

  All at once, he was Nicholas again and the lovely creature at his side was Julia, and hand in hand they found a clearing in the heart of the trees. He lay down and stretched out in the grass and she lay down beside him, admiring his dark male beauty. He knew it was the primal heat of arousal in her belly that made her roll playfully onto her back, yielding to his dominance in alluring, age-old feminine submission.

  Chapter Nine

  “You don't mind if I borrow your phaeton to drive Julia to Cambridge today, do you?”

  Nicholas stood up from the breakfast table. “That's a good plan. You can hardly expect her to ride the twelve miles to Cambridge dressed for boating in a summer gown and a straw leghorn.” He hesitated. “I think you should call her Lady Julia.”

  “She doesn't insist on such stuffy formalities. That's why she's such fun to be with. Did you know she isn't the least interested in marriage?” Mick waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  Nicholas bit his tongue as he recalled Julia's teasing words from last night: Ah, but who knows what influence Michael will have on me? Since you haven't come up with some debauchery in which we can indulge, perhaps he will oblige.

  After his brother left, Nick occupied himself with estate affairs, talking with the gamekeeper about some local poachers, and then discussing expansion of his shorthorn herds with the cowherders, but the day seemed endless. The hours crept by slowly, and as he looked up at the brilliant blue sky, he realized it was only midday.

  In the afternoon, Nick saddled up and rode about his property. Scenes from his dream came back to him. He recalled that it wasn't the first time he'd dreamt about Julia, but it was certainly the most sensual. He stopped by the stream, and wished she were here with him, rather than punting on the River Cam with his brother. Suddenly, a new thought occurred to him: I miss her company so much; I wonder if I'm falling in love with her?

  Though not often introspective, Nicholas carefully examined his feelings. It went without saying that he was sexually attracted to her, and wanted her. Added to that was how possessive he felt about her. I don't wish to share her with anyone, not even my brother-- especially not my brother!

  Nicholas had entertained the idea of taking a wife for some time. He would be thirty on his next birthday, and he was eager for a son and heir. A tempting thought brought a smile to his lips: Julia would make a beautiful bride!

  In the late afternoon when the sun started to set, Nicholas returned to the house and bathed. He stepped before the mirror to towel himself dry and assess his physique. He tried to see himself through Julia's eyes. He had an athletic build with broad shoulders and his muscles revealed a coiled strength. His cock and balls were large, and to someone as young as Julia, perhaps he would seem disturbingly male.

  Nicholas dismissed his speculative thoughts, dressed and went down to dinner. As soon as he stepped into the dining room, Michael arrived.

  “Julia and I had the most marvelous time today. She takes an interest in everything. I gave her a tour of both King's College and Trinity. Even showed her my old digs. The professors ogled her openly; dirty old devils, but she took it all in stride.” Mick talked about Julia all through the meal.

  “Did she enjoy being on the river?”

  “Loved it. She even wanted to try punting, but I wouldn't give her the pole. Still, if we'd ended up in the water, I don't think that would have devastated her.” Michael started on dessert. “Did I mention that Julia has no interest in marriage?”

  Nicholas set down his fork and contemplated his brother. “But I do have an interest in marriage,” he said quietly.

  Michael stared at his brother until comprehension dawned. "Well, I'll be damned! You are a rakish devil, Nick old man. You pursue the mother, then dump her the minute you get a look at the beautiful young daughter."

  "I didn't pursue Claire Shelborne; I merely escorted her to the theatre. But old man is right. Beside you, I must seem positively ancient."

  "Don't be daft. You're only twenty-nine," Mick pointed out. "You cut such a dashing figure, I'd trade places with you in a trice."

  "I thank you for the compliment, but I’d appreciate it if you'd bugger off back to London."

  "I'll pack immediately." Mick grinned. "It's given my confidence quite a boost to think you would ever consider me a rival."

  "Did you enjoy your visit to Cambridge, Lady Julia?" The housekeeper brought in a dish of apricot crumble and a bowl of clotted cream.

  "It was most invigorating, Mrs. Barlow. Because of the warm sun, the river was crowded."

  "Cambridge would be a lovely town if it wasn't spoiled by all those wild students."

  Julia hid a smile. "Someday in the future I predict that women will be allowed to join a college and be able to study at Cambridge."

  "Lord have mercy!" Mrs. Barlow bustled back to the kitchen.

  Julia dipped her finger in the cream and smiled as Luna licked it. "Let's take some of this lovely dessert to the library." The cat approved and followed her from the dining room.

  "How on earth did it get to be Friday night? The week has simply flown by." Julia sat down at the desk and penned a note to Dottie.

  Dearest Grandmamma:

  I am thoroughly enjoying myself at Ashridge. Please don't send the carriage for me on Sunday, as I would like to stay for at least another week.

  Thank you for agreeing to write the column for me while I am away; I truly appreciate it. I know you won't have difficulty finding material, since you know more scandal than anyone in London.

  Take good care of yourself.

  All my love,


  She sanded the letter and set it aside to be posted in the morning. Julia looked down at Luna and revealed a secret. "I would have enjoyed my day far more if I'd been with Nicholas. Michael seems so young and immature. If he asks me out again, I shall make my excuses."

  Her decision taken, Julia opened her work in progress on Elizabeth Hardwick. She quickly reviewed what she had written and was quite satisfied with her story so far. Bess had already met William Cavendish who would become the great love of her life, but since he was so far above her in station, at the moment he only had seduction in mind.

  Julia realized that as Bess's relationship with William progressed, it was time to dispel her heroine's innocence about what happened between a man and a woman. In her column she had written endless gossip about sexual matters, but she had no firsthand experience.

  With pen in hand, she gazed pensively across the library, and sighed. Bess chooses Cavendish to tutor her in intimacy, but I need lessons myself before I can write about it convincingly. I'll never be able to write about passion unless I experience it myself!

  Julia closed her eyes to evoke the memory of what it felt like to be kissed by Nicholas. His male scent enveloped her. His touch and taste intoxicated her. She relived being swept into his arms and kissed thoroughly. When his mouth became insistent, she parted her lips beneath his. As he molded his mouth to hers, she clung to him, responding with fire at the thrust of his tongue. When he lifted her, carried her to the garden bench, and held her in his lap, heat leapt between them, threatening to melt and fuse them together.

  Julia opened her eyes as Luna jumped up onto her desk in search of cream. "Bugger and balls, that's just what you did that night in the garden. "I enjoyed lesson number one, Nicholas, but I'm more than ready for lesson number two... or ten. Julia went weak at the thought. Her next thought was even more provocative. Her eyes became dreamy, and her mouth ached. I wonder if I can seduce Nicholas into seducing me?

  Mid-morning, the next day, Nicholas arrived at Ashridge Place just as Julia was making her way to the stables. "If you are going for a ride, why don't we go together? I planned to go fishing today and hoped you would join me."

  "You'll have to teach me how to go about it."

>   "I'd love nothing better. In anticipation that you'd agree, I brought us a picnic lunch."

  "Good. Messing about in water sounds lovely on such a warm day. How fortunate that you have a river on your own property."

  "Let me saddle Gloriana for you." They walked to the stables. "Michael returned to London early this morning, so there will be just us."

  "Two's company; three's a bloody disaster. How did you manage to get rid of him?"

  Nick threw back his head and laughed. "You are so forthright... and perceptive." He saddled her mount and led it from the stables. He watched her avidly as she mounted with grace. "I told him I was pursuing you and he was in the way."

  "Now you're being forthright." She gave him a saucy sideways glance. "I wrote to Dottie and told her I was staying here another week... at least."

  They rode past the barley fields, and meadows filled with cattle, and when they got to the heath they galloped full out until they came to the wide stream. Nick dismounted quickly and came to Julia's side to help her dismount.

  She smiled into his eyes and allowed his powerful arms to lift her from the saddle. Then she tied their horses' reins to a tree, while he unloaded his fishing rods and laid them out on the bank. She watched him take off his riding boots, remove his stockings, and roll up his pant legs. "You obviously intend to wade in."

  "To have fun fishing, you have to be prepared to get wet."

  "Well, in that case... " Julia sat down and pulled off her own boots, but she didn't stop there. She unfastened the buttons on her riding dress and removed it. "My petticoat will dry far more quickly than my habit."

  "How practical." His mouth curved. "How provocative." He picked up a rod, selected one of the hand-tied flies he'd prepared, and attached it to the line. "Watch and learn."

  Nick stepped to the water's edge, swept back his arm, and cast his line far upstream. After a moment, he reeled in and cast again. On his sixth try, a trout jumped to catch the fly and it was hooked.

  "You make it look so easy."