Page 22 of The Trimedian

  "Protect the ship, zave the leader!"

  "Ve ran back out into the hanger and started shooting at the police, but ve vere not good shotz. There vas lazer fire everywhere, and everywhere our men fell zcreaming. I can, I, I can ztill zmell there burning flezh. I commanded them and ve ran at the polize shooting and zcreaming and they, they, they cut uz down. Ve lozt maybe thirty men, but the ship left zafely.

  "I called to retreat and they continued to shoot az ve ran. Everywhere around me our men fell and I too voz shot."

  He finished his story and opened his eyes. A combination of blood and tears streamed out.

  "I am zorry, I failed you, great leader. Ve vere not ztrong enough, not brave enough. Vithout a leader ve vere not ztrong enough."

  "No, Frank, quiet yourzelf. Do you not zee that all theze yearz you all have ztayed here to continue to fight? Juzt by being here you have been a reminder that thiz land waz ztolen," Floyd wiped sweat off of Frank's forehead. "And today you led our men to fight, you led them and they zacrifized their livez to help free me. Today you all showed great courage and ztrength and you, Frank, you showed great leadership.

  "You never needed me to lead you, you alwayz had it in you. Oh, Frank," Floyd wept, "you fool, you alwayz vere a great leader."

  Frank managed a weak smile.

  "Thank you, my leader, my eyez rejoize to zee you one lazt time," he grabbed Floyd's shoulder, squeezed it tight, coughed up blood and died.

  They all slowly got to their feet in a circle around Frank, but no one spoke for what seemed like a long time.

  "He was a brave man," said Chase.

  "Yes, yes, he was," said Milk with a fat tear in his eye.

  "He lived his whole life not knowing how brave he was," nodded Julianna as tears fell from her eyes.

  "But he died a brave man. He died a man who saw his dream accomplished," said Chase sombrely. "I hope I can die in such a way."

  "He died for me," was all Floyd could say.

  They found some driftwood and made a stretcher with some rope that was strangely coiled up by the wall. They laid Frank upon it and prepared to head into the darkness and back to home.

  "And you'll continue to fight?" asked Dr. Hendricks.

  "Yez, ve must. For thoze that zacrifized themselvez for me, for Frank," said the leader.

  "I wish we could stay and help, but we have a mission ourselves," Milk told him.

  "No, thiz iz not your battle, may you have all the ztrength and courage you need," the Leader wished them.

  "We'll take a leaf out of Frank's book," said Chase and they all shook hands.


  The Wild Rover was once again flying low over the river.

  "What's this river called anyway?" Chase asked.

  "The Hansees," Cherry told him.


  "So, anudder illegal exit?" asked Jimmy.

  "I think it'll have to be," said Chase.

  "It will be difficult, the ODF will be looking for us," said Cherry.

  "That's a risk we're going to have to take," resigned Chase.

  "And where next?" asked Milk.

  "Dunno, where to Chubbs?" Chase asked, starting to ascend the ship.

  "I'd like to go home."



  They blasted out of the atmosphere and Cherry sent the co-ordinates of Chubbs home planet of Vestul to Jimmy's computer.

  "It be quite a distance if we don't use the star-gate," Jimmy said.

  "Best we don't, probably guarded."

  Jimmy fiddled with his computer.

  "We can get to de Chastler galaxy an' grab de star-gate from dere."

  "Or we can use the Lechance," Chase said.

  "Risky, mon, not used it for five years, who knows what might happen."

  "Cherry, what do you think?" Chase asked.

  "I agree with Jimmy, I can input the co-ordinates, but I can't foresee what might happen; even I don't understand the Lechance."

  "Well how are we going to ever use it then?"

  "Well if it doesn't work, I can probably calibrate it once we arrive. Probably," Cherry said.

  "This is the ODF, stop your ship," suddenly came over the speakers.

  "Valkswagon," Chase said to himself and then, "Hi, officers, sorry no can do. Busy, busy, you know how it is."

  "You are wanted for a prison break on Jesperr, you will stop now or we will shoot."

  "No, you see we're on official, secret business for the UTN," Chase tried.

  "Then you can be vouched for at the station."

  "Well, we can't fight them, so I guess it's the Lechance," shrugged Chase. "Plot the co-ordinates, Cherry."

  "What are we doing?" asked Milk.

  "Using the Lechance to escape to Vestul's galaxy of Chinap."

  "Is this a good idea?" asked Milk.

  "Nope," said Jimmy.

  "Right. Buckle up everybody," Milk said to all.

  "OK, OK, we're complying, don't shoot," Chase told the police and began to slow down.

  "Ready, Cherry?"


  "OK, move the Lechance forward."

  Now the Lechance has one more function. It can be moved forward so that it sticks out the front of the ship. In this position it creates a star-gate in front of the ship, it is the same technology that was used to make the star-gates across the Universe, the Lost Technology.

  "What are you doing?" asked the police.

  "Erm, just our braking system, don't shoot," Chase told them.

  "OK, the Lechance is in position," Cherry said.

  "Well let's see where it takes us," replied Chase and he slowed to a near stop.

  The Lechance gave a shrill shriek, emitted an energy boom and suddenly a vortex appeared in front of the ship. The police were too surprised to shoot even when The Wild Rover suddenly sped up and disappeared through it. Even as it disappeared a few moments after The Wild Rover had gone through, the ship hung there much akin to the jaws of the policemen inside.


  You may struggle to believe it, but the room was dimly lit. The council sat as usual, but was now joined by Andrew Forster, former President of the United States, present Earthen envoy to the Great Council and a little nervous. He had been told that they needed a chat with him, nothing to worry about, old boy, quite important though, should probably get on with it.

  "I think the best way to proceed is with a little story, knowing the back story will help you understand the present situation," said Hopkirk.

  "The known Universe is as it is for one simple reason: distance. With strong enough radar the Greys could detect a number of close galaxies and using what is now known as the Lost Technology they could jump the gap of space and discover other races. From those galaxies they could detect other galaxies and so on. Except that there are galaxies, and the Earthen Galaxy happens to be one of those, that have no detectable galaxies beyond them."

  "Hang on, you said that they could 'jump the gap of space', what does that mean?" Forster interrupted.

  "Basically," explained Hikcet, "the Lost Technology could create vortexes for ships to pass through; the star-gates are made using the Lost Technology."

  "Why don't you reverse engineer them then?"

  "Very astute, Andrew, but the star-gates are self-sustaining using the power of the vortex, the original fuel was used up years ago."

  "Well how did you lose this technology in the first place?"

  "Let's stick to this story for now," Hopkirk re-interrupted. "It was decided to focus on the known galaxies and build and strengthen the Universal Trading Network before exploring deeper space, and then the technology was lost anyway.

  "But then six or seven years ago Trimedian was invented, it too had the ability for ships to travel further and faster and thusly to be able to push out into deep space and find other races," he was getting as excited as any Enthusian could. Which is not a lot in case you were wondering, "and the best thing about it was that the ingredi
ents, if you will, came from all across the UTN so no one race, no one galaxy could lay claim to it.

  "But then we discovered something else. With the addition of Earthen seawater, and don't ask me why, I don't know, but with this addition Trimedian became a powerful weapon. Scientists believe it may even have planet destroying capabilities. But we had seen what had happened on Earth with nuclear power.

  "Rather than using it for good you had made it into a bomb and lived in fear of it ever since, we couldn't have that so we hid it, and then we hid the person who hid it.

  "So it has appeared to us over the last year or so that the Laikans and some allies are preparing for WAR, it wouldn't be the first time they have started a war against the UTN.

  "So it appeared the best thing to do was to get the Trimedian back and use its power as a deterrent to war. Even now we have our man out there retrieving it. Is all of this clear?"

  "Yes, by bringing Earth into the UTN you have brought us into a Universal war that has nothing to do with us," he was somewhat annoyed, not so much about the war, but more that he had had such bright dreams of the future that were turning out to be nightmares of war.

  "Think about it, old bean" warned Sir Jeffery mildly. "Earth was always going to be a target."

  "Because of the Trimedian," replied Forster.

  "Exactly," added George the Albertine.

  "But why Earth, I mean all they have to do is stop you getting to one of the Trimedian ingredients to stop you."

  "Yes," agreed Hopkirk, "but would you rather attack a member of the UTN that will be defended or would you rather attack a planet that doesn't even know that the rest of the Universe exists?"

  "I see your point," sighed Forster. "Sorry."

  "Quite all right, good man," encouraged Sir Jeffery. "Been a bit of a tough time on you."

  "So you brought us into the UTN to protect us."

  "Yes," said Mark, "but there is another reason."

  "Which is?" asked Forster with a feeling of dread.

  "Well, the UTN is basically peaceful. Yes there are pirates out there and gangs, but really the UTN Space Navy is not prepared for an all-out WAR. Earthens, however are still at war with each other. We need your expertise."

  "So, wait, one minute we are completely unaware of your existence and now you want us to lead an intergalactic war? Unbelievable."

  "Not lead," said Hopkirk, "just advise. And of course your military will need to be trained in flying space ships, ships of war in order to protect Earth. If that happens."

  "So what do I do now?" asked Forster.

  "Back to Earth for you," said Sir Jeffery.


  "Where are we?" asked Milk.

  "Dunno," said Chase.

  "The Earthen galaxy," said Cherry.

  "What? Dat's de udder side of the Universe to where we wanna be," exclaimed Jimmy.

  "In one way," Cherry said sheepishly.

  "And in anudder way?"

  "Er? we're still the other side of the Universe to where we should be."

  "Can you calibrate the Lechance now?" asked Chase.

  "I can work on it," was all she could offer.

  "OK, get to work on it then."

  Chase pulled the Lechance back into its neutral position and let the craft hang in space.

  "So now what do we do?" Julianna asked them.

  "Simple, we just use the Earthen star-gate to take us to Chinap," said Milk.

  "Or," started Chase.

  "Or what?" Milk asked

  "Or we could go down to Earth, have a break for a few hours. A bit of R & R."

  "Do you really think we've got time?" asked Milk.

  "What's a few hours going to change things?"

  "And I could really do with buying some new clothes," chipped in Julianna and both Jimmy and Dr. Hendricks agreed.

  "Agreed then. We go down to Earth, eat, buy some clothes and then head out again," Chase decided.

  They landed at a small and busy space port just outside of Oxford, England. Not Mississippi, that would be weird. How they did this is a long and not particularly interesting story so I won't bore you, but I will say that it was Oxford where Chase lived, as Jason Wellgood, along with Milk.

  They walked around the main, paved shopping area and dropped in and out of clothes shops. They were currently in a men's clothing store.

  "I can't believe I'm on Earth," exclaimed a happy Julianna. Shopping tends to make women happy, especially when they're not paying.

  "Er, yeah," replied Milk to whom it wasn't that big of a deal.

  "Oh, I feel younger already," she continued to exclaim swinging her bags of shopping.

  "Right," said Milk.

  Dr. Hendricks came out of the changing area in a very nice tweed jacket complete with leather elbow patches.

  "What do you think?" he asked them.

  "Oh, it's lovely," cooed Julianna, "very you!"

  "What?" asked Milk.

  "What?" scowled Julianna.

  "You're going to wear tweed in space?"

  "It's very me."

  "Fair enough."

  In another shop Milk decided upon a big black trench coat, a number of white shirts and black trousers.

  "And you complain at the Doc for not being practical?" Julianna asked with a twinkle.

  "Got to look cool and scary," said Milk. "But mainly cool."

  "Well you do look scary," Julianna wandered off.

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Milk asked the air she had left.


  Chase kept clothes for himself, Jimmy and Milk on The Wild Rover for emergencies and he and Jimmy had changed. Chubbs, however, was still in prison issue clothes which thankfully no one on Earth recognised for what they were. He was having some trouble getting accustomed to civilised linen.

  "It's so itchy," he complained to Hendricks.

  "My dear boy, it's not itchy, it's just that you are used to itchy clothing."

  Chubbs looked at himself in the mirror wearing a black tee shirt and jeans. He squirmed.

  "And tight," he said despondently.

  "Again, because you have been used to wearing clothes shaped like a bag."

  Julianna had helped Chubbs pick out an assortment of clothes and now came over to see.

  "Oh, Chubbs! I wouldn't recognise you," she squealed.

  "It itches," was his response.

  "Nonsense," was hers as she smoothed the material down his back and squared his shoulders. "Lovely," she admired.

  Jimmy wandered over also in a new trenchcoat.

  "Nice coat," said Milk admiringly

  "Same to you, big mon," he returned equally impressed by their twin abilities to look good.

  "Scary, but cool," Milk said.

  "You got dat right."

  Julianna just sighed.


  Chase was not shopping with them. He was at home sitting at the kitchen table with a big sandwich in front of him and his phone charging. His phone was endlessly happy to be alive again and was desperately getting as much gossip as possible and generally telling other phones that said Chase Darkstaar was with it at that very moment.

  He had decided that though he was not really Chase, nor really Jason, but an amalgam; that he would go by, and think of himself as Chase. But coming back home he felt very Jason and strange; charged emotions swept over him. He could almost pretend that it was all a dream.

  Except for a layer of dust, nothing had changed at home, everything was neat and normal. Had he really just spent who knows how long flying around space, fighting and escaping various bad guys, all on a quest to save the Universe from war? Well, yeah, yeah he had.

  He took a big bite into his sandwich and savoured the taste. Why was he feeling down? He now had an exciting life, a life with a purpose and not only that, he had friends. He hadn't really had friends other than Milk for the last five years. He understood now why he had never connected with the people he did know, why he felt he was different. Wow. How di

  Only now thinking about it did he feel down, not depressed, but drained. He hadn't stopped since he left the remains of another sandwich on this very table weeks ago. He wanted to get into bed and sleep a very long time and forget the Trimedian, Trillo, Freddy No Fingers and his friends.

  But no.

  No he didn't want to forget his friends and suddenly he wished they were there with him at that very moment. Where were they now? In danger? No. Shopping.

  He ate the rest of his sandwich.

  It was strange how Earth had changed in such a short time. It wasn't groaning with alien races, most were in factories, governments or with the military, but in Oxford there were quite a few walking the streets. Chase guessed they were lecturing at the University and was quite right in that guess. Dr. Hendricks had attracted a number of looks, but of curiosity and not fear. People were still getting used to other races amongst them, but had adapted incredibly well. It's just that their minds still did a double take.

  He got up and put his dishes in the sink and he felt sad to be leaving home once again, then thought that this wasn't really home anymore, that the things in it that represented himself no longer did so. They represented an imagination, a figure thought up to protect him. No not him, to protect the Trimedian. The last five years hadn't been a waste, and he hadn't lost them, they were simply part of the very mission he was on now. And to ever regain a semblance of normalness, he had to complete that mission.

  He went upstairs and opened a wardrobe. He filled a small suitcase with clothes, took one last look around his old home and went out the front door.


  They sat in the cabin of The Wild Rover and waited in line to go through the star-gate.

  "Ready to go home, Chubbs?" asked Dr. Hendricks.

  "I don't know, I'm pretty nervous," Chubbs told him as the others got on with doing stuff.

  Everyone felt good and refreshed because a change is as a good as a rest, dontcha know?

  "Where we going after dis?" Jimmy asked Chase. "I mean you got what you were looking for, right?"

  "I did, but let's go into that all together after we drop off Chubbs," Chase said and brought the ship forward. He could see a big, lit sign:

  Welcome to Space.

  It's big,

  You'll love it.

  And he thought that yes, it was big and, yes, he did love it.



  They were in the city of Jonto on the planet of Vestul, the core planet of the Chinap galaxy.