The Cinderella Chronicles Bonus Box Set


  One Night Forever

  Pleasure With Purpose

  Twice The Pleasure

  By Lisa Renee Jones

  Copyright 2012

  One Night Forever

  By Lisa Renee Jones

  Copyright 2012

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the supplier and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text, please contact the author at [email protected]

  All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination. Cover by Steena Holmes.

  Table of Contents


  Book 1 - Chapter 1

  Book 1 - Chapter 2

  Book 1 - Chapter 3

  Book 1 - Chapter 4

  Book 1 - Chapter 5

  Book 1 - Chapter 6

  Book 1 - Chapter 7 One Year Later

  Book 1 - Chapter 8

  Book 1 - Chapter 9

  Book 1 - Chapter 10

  Book 1 - Chapter 11

  Book 1 - Chapter 12

  Book 1 - Chapter 13

  Book 1 - Chapter 14

  Book 1 - Chapter 15

  Book 1 - Chapter 16

  Book 1 - Chapter 17

  Book 1 - Chapter 18

  Book 1 - Chapter 19

  Book 1 - Chapter 20

  Book 1 - Chapter 21

  Book 1 - Chapter 22

  Book 1 - Chapter 23

  Book 1 - Chapter 24

  Book 1 - Chapter 25

  Book 2 – Twice The Pleasure

  Book 2 - Titlepage

  Book 2 - Chapter 1

  Book 2 - Chapter 2

  Book 2 - Chapter 3

  Book 2 - Chapter 4

  Book 2 - Chapter 5

  Book 2 - Chapter 6

  Book 2 - Chapter 7

  Book 2 - Chapter 8

  Book 2 - Chapter 9

  Book 3 - Pleasure with Purpose

  Book 3 - Titlepage

  Book 3 - Chapter 1

  Book 3 - Chapter 2

  Book 3 - Chapter 3

  Book 3 - Chapter 4

  Book 3 - Chapter 5

  Book 3 - Chapter 6

  Book 3 - Chapter 7

  Book 3 - Chapter 8

  Book 3 - Chapter 9

  One night forever....

  Chapter One

  “Red Hot Secrets.”

  Lauren Reynolds never missed an episode of the over-the-top, overtly sensual, late-night soap. She taped it with as much ritual as she brushed her teeth twice a day. The half-hour she devoted to that show each evening constituted her only true indulgence. And the closest thing to sex she’d had in about two years. It was her escape from reality. Her way of getting a little passion in her life, because she couldn’t risk the distraction of a real relationship.

  Her goals were too important.

  Shoving the key into the lock of her tiny apartment, she pushed open the door, not surprised to be greeted by darkness. Her mother had developed a Thursday night bingo habit. Their sixty-something neighbor hosted the event. Lauren flipped on the light and smiled. The winning pot wasn’t money. It was clothespins, of all things. For those ladies it wasn’t about collecting the prize. It was about fun. Lauren’s chest tightened as she thought of the months of chemotherapy her mother had endured to survive breast cancer. Seeing her happy, and living life, was like the answer to Lauren’s prayers.

  Depositing her purse on the entrance table, Lauren looked around the living room, taking in the sparse, worn furnishings. For once, she did it with hope. Of escape. She’d known a long time she needed to get her mother out of this perpetual state of poverty. Lauren walked to the end table and picked up a picture of her father. She touched the glass, wondering if things would be different if he was still alive. She wished she remembered him more clearly, but he’d died when she was only five.

  “I’m trying to take care of her, Daddy,” she whispered.

  And as of yesterday, Lauren had taken a huge leap toward a brighter tomorrow. She’d landed an intern job at a reputable Manhattan advertising firm. That thought lifted her spirits and brought her back to the present. She set the picture back down. Eager to get to her show, Lauren made fast tracks to the bedroom and then straight to the bathroom. Her skirt slipped to the cracked tile. She wanted a future without that worn-out floor she hated so much. She’d scrubbed the surface too many times to count, yet it still looked dirty. Disposing of the rest of her clothes, her mind focused on what lay before her. Maybe one day, she’d have a modern floor that responded to a mop.

  She thought of her favorite character on “Red Hot Secrets“, Tara Ross. She’d gone from the slums to running her own high-powered cosmetics company. Lauren intended to do the same and escape the slums. She wasn’t allowing her mother to end her days in a crummy neighborhood fretting over the bills.

  Of course, Tara had extra perks in the form of two sexy guys fighting for her affection and both felt her pleasure was the ticket to success. The heated lovemaking sizzled and kept Lauren glued to the television. Lauren made a soft little sound of appreciation. It was quite fun to watch.

  A sigh escaped Lauren’s lips. Both of Tara’s hunky men had inspired more than one fantasy probably because it had been far too long since she’d had a man. Even for just one night. An image flashed in her mind. He’d be tall, dark, and muscular, with dark eyes, and perfect hands…of course, she’d never have the courage to do such a thing.

  Standing in front of the mirror, Lauren stared at her image and for the first time in many years, she actually looked. Her job interview had demanded a good trim of her long hair and a purchase of fresh makeup. A highlighting kit had given her brown locks auburn highlights.

  Her eyes drifted downward to her body. Being too thin had been a curse as a teen. It had made her the butt of far too many jokes in high school. But since she hit twenty-five just two years before, she’d actually grown a few curves. Her breasts were full and high. Not big. Not small. She bit her bottom lip as a tiny ache began to build deep inside her core. It had been so very long since she’d had sex. With a slow, upward slide, her hand followed the curve of her hips, and then cupped her breasts, trying to remember what it felt like to have a man do the same. God, how she longed to remember.

  And then a thought occurred. She deserved a reward for years of working two jobs. And for landing a top-notch job. Long hours and a lot of hard work lie before her. Yes, she deserved a reward. And she knew what she wanted—a nice, tight, hard-bodied, one-night stand. With a frustrated sound, her hands fell to her sides. She was tired of self-satisfaction. A man felt incredible necessary. A tight laugh slipped from her lips. Like she had the courage for that?

  She’d have to settle for “Red Hot Secrets”.

  Besides, she wasn’t even sure she remembered what to do in bed with a naked man. Bending over the tub, she flipped the stopper in place and then turned on the water. A generous amount of bubbles followed. A floral-smelling bath was one of the few luxuries she allowed herself on a regular basis. And even then she bought the bargain brand rose petal smell when she really wanted the brand-name version.

  A few minutes later, she reached in her purse and grabbed her phone, expecting a call from her
best friend, Catherine “Cat” Maxwell. She placed her cell on the edge of the tub, and stepped inside. Immersing herself in the water, she sank back. The soothing warmth did nothing to ease the dull throb of her body. A one-night stand was a great fantasy but it wasn’t her style. A long-term man would only be a distraction. So where did that leave her?

  Beside her, the phone rang. Lauren sat up, wiped her hand on a towel and reached for it. “How’s the new advertising exec feeling?” Cat asked.

  Lauren smiled into the phone and leaned back once more. “I’m only an intern. Very low on the totem pole.”

  “You’ll be an exec in no time. You’ve worked two jobs for years. With one you’ll shine. So, let’s celebrate in style and go to the Red Apple Club.”

  “What is the Red Apple Club and why do I know it will cost way more money than I have?”

  “I have this contact that told me this is the ‘it’ place for advertising people, which means it’s where you should be.”

  That Lauren had a contact wasn’t a surprise. As a reporter of The New York Times she was well connected. She was also rich. Something that despite their friendship often made Lauren uncomfortable.

  “Like I said, sounds like money I don’t have. No. I don’t think so.”

  “Don’t get on the money kick again. This is on me and I won’t argue with you about it. And before you say you have nothing to wear, borrow from me. You’re already raiding my work wardrobe. Grab something fun and sexy while you’re at it.”


  “Stop Lauren. Do as I say. You have a key to my place and use it. We’re going out. Besides, I hear the Red Apple is packed with prime men. Lord knows you need one.”

  “I do not need a man,” she lied.

  “Okay, sex. You need sex, and don’t lie.”

  “There is a difference between want and need,” Lauren said, but she wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince Cat or herself.

  “Not when it’s been as long as it has for you,” Cat retorted. “You’re damn near a medical emergency.”

  “Enough about my sex life—”

  “You mean lack of,” Cat said, cutting her off.

  Lauren rolled her eyes. “Stop already. I’m in the bath and my water is getting cold.”

  “Say yes to tomorrow night and I’ll hang up.”

  “Fine. Yes.”

  Cat laughed. “Talk to you tomorrow. Love ya, sweetie.”

  And then the line went dead. Lauren frowned at her phone as she disposed of it on the edge of the tub. Why had she just agreed to a night out? The question and possible answers ran through her mind for the next thirty minutes. Finally, dressed in her boxers and t-shirt, she sat on the edge of the bed, and hit the play button on her VCR remote control.

  The first thing she heard was, “I want you, Tara.”

  For the next ten minutes, Lauren stared at the television as one of Tara’s admirers did a delicious job of stripping her naked. Lauren pulsed with desire. Her nipples tingled and she could feel the dampness of arousal between her legs.

  And she knew, she had to do something about this burn her body had created. She needed her own red-hot secret.

  Chapter Two

  A hint of a smile played on Lauren’s lips as she walked down the sidewalk in the midst of the Fifth Street hustle and bustle. She wasn’t immune to the heads she turned. In fact, she reveled in the aftermath of each glance. When had she ever felt this amazing? Dressed in one of Cat’s sexy little numbers, a light blue figure-hugging skirt and matching skintight, silk tank she felt more woman than she had in, well, maybe her entire life.

  A night on the town pretending to have no obligations felt incredibly, marvelously liberating. Bubbling with energy, her feet felt no pain from the slightly too-high, incredibly sexy sandals gracing her almost perfectly manicured feet. She had never been great at painting between the lines, but her efforts had resulted in the bright pink toenail with a hint of sparkle.

  Stepping into the lobby of the high-rise hotel that housed The Red Apple, the cool air soothed her warm skin, enticing a sigh of relief from her mouth. The height of summer, the temperature outside had reached the one hundred degree mark. Just inside the entrance, Lauren eyed her surroundings with interest, and blew a long strand of hair out of her eyes. An elegant chandelier hung up above, and marbled tile literally shined beneath her feet. She glanced at her dainty silver watch, a graduation gift from her mother, and noted the time. Exactly eight. Cat should be here already or arriving any minute.

  In front of her, a winding staircase complete with a red carpet drew her attention. Beside it stood a sign indicating the The Red Apple’s entrance. Lauren smiled. The idea of walking up those stairs made her stomach flip-flop. It was silly but she felt a bit like Cinderella. Dressed to kill in clothes she couldn’t afford, inside a fancy hotel…it was very fitting of a fairy tale celebration. And once she’d decided to go forward with this little event, she’d gotten anxious. Now, she was more than a little eager to get this girl’s night out under way. Actually she was quite impatient.

  She took each step with awe of the new experience and of being in a world so unlike her own. If her job went well, she knew this kind of place might be exactly what her future held. It made her journey to the top of the steps all the more spellbinding. Reaching the entrance to the bar, Lauren stood in the doorway, scanning the room. Her gaze slid to the ceiling in appreciation. Triangle-shaped lights dangling by the hundreds offered a seductive hint of dim light. Small round tables with matching chairs graced the room in clusters of four. The bar was busy though not overly crowded.

  And as if a magnet drew her gaze, Lauren’s eyes went to table where two men sat talking. Suddenly, she found herself pinned in a stare. Dark eyes held hers. The man was like something out of her best fantasy. Black hair framed a square jaw and defined cheekbones.

  Awareness swirled in her stomach, and spread through her body. Absolute quiet seemed to fill the room and all activity around her disappeared. Nothing existed but the two of them, as if a magic circle had been drawn enclosing her with her perfect stranger. Lauren licked her lips nervously. His gaze followed the action, lingering on her lips. It was the moment that allowed her to regain her sanity. How long had she been spellbound by this man?

  Lauren shook her head slightly and refocused on the room, scanning for Cat, but not finding her. Eyeing an open table, at the opposite side of the bar, she headed toward it. Facing the entrance, Lauren watched for Cat. A waitress placed a napkin in front of her. Lauren looked up at her and blinked. The woman was striking, with long black hair, and brilliant blue eyes. She had the kind of looks that turned heads. Suddenly, Lauren’s confidence faltered. This woman was unique and striking. Lauren was often called “cute” and she hated it.

  “Drink?” the waitress asked, with a hint of impatience in her voice.

  Lauren rarely drank so she said the only thing that came to mind. “Margarita.”

  “Frozen? On the rocks? Salt? No salt?”

  So many choices. “Frozen.”

  “Salt?” An irritated pause. “No salt?”

  “Hmm,” Lauren said. “Salt?”

  Mumbling something incomprehensible, the waitress turned to leave. Lauren watched as the woman crossed the bar, her long, perfect legs carrying her gracefully away. At that moment, Lauren decided she needed that margarita for courage. Because right now she was feeling way too cute.

  * * * * *

  Matthew Monroe laughed as Bob Hart, aka “the Joker” as they had called him in college, told one of his trademark bad jokes. In the ten years he’d known the man, Bob had never run out of bad jokes. But he was only half listening. His mind lingered on the sweet little brunette he’d seen just minutes before. He studied her openly, drawn to her rich sensuality, unable to tear his eyes away. But there had been more to her than met the eyes. Beneath her surface, he’d sensed vulnerability. It had called to him in some strange way he didn’t quite understand.

  “Earth to Mat
t,” Bob said snapping two fingers in front of Matthew’s face. “Hello?” Bob ran his hand across his buzzed, blond hair and smiled. “Still thinking about that woman, I see? At least something other than work can get your attention.”

  Matthew grinned in return. “I have never had a problem taking a momentary break for the right member of the opposite sex.”

  “Just as long as they don’t demand more than a romp or two in the sack, right ole’ boy?” There was a hint of disapproval in his voice.

  Matt grimaced. “Hey, until Angela somehow hypnotized you, things were no different for you. Don’t pretend differently.”

  “I was never like you. I never allowed my work to become my life.”

  Matt snorted. “I don’t live my job. Just because I don’t have a steady woman in my life doesn’t make me married to my job. Besides, it’s hard being my father’s son. I’ve had to prove I’m as good as he is.”

  “I still can’t believe you’re off in Los Angeles running someone else’s company. Why do you even keep a place here?”

  “I’ll be back soon. I’ll take over my father’s firm next year sometime. For now, I’m proving I deserve the job.”

  “And sacrificing any semblance of a personal life for the same final result,” Bob said.

  “I don’t need a woman after the green,” Matt countered. “You found Angela before you made money. I was born into it. I want a woman who wants me for me just like I want a job I earned fair and square.”