A tiny smile played on her lips at that thought. Matt was like the Energizer Bunny. He just kept going.

  “Hold the elevator.” Lauren knew the voice. It was Matt. Her smile disappeared. Now she was nervous. Seeing him at work, in such an up close and personal way, was going to be awkward.

  At least for her. Somehow, she doubted it would be for Matt. After all, nothing about having an affair with an employee seemed to bother him. That thought made her stomach knot.

  Celia hit the open button just as Matt appeared looking handsome and polished in a tailored black suit. His white shirt was starched, his red tie a perfect contrast of color. “Hey, boss man,” Celia said with a grin. “Lucky I’m in a good mood or I would have pretended not to see you.”

  Matt gave Celia a boyish grin. It didn’t surprised Lauren that Celia got along well with Matt. She was one of those people who blended and clicked. Celia’s presence, and her light mood, helped a little. The flutters of her stomach calmed knowing Celia would make conversation and act as a shield of sort. Because the truth was, everything had happened so fast, Lauren didn’t know how to act around Matt.

  Normal, she told herself. Yeah right. What was normal for her and Matt?

  “Must have had your morning pot of coffee,” Matt said to Celia as he stepped inside the car. He stood between Celia and Lauren. Then he looked at Lauren. “If you catch her before her coffee she isn’t the same person. It’s scary.”

  “Really?” Lauren asked, surprised by his easygoing mood for some reason. “But she seems so nice.”

  He nodded. “There lies the real danger. No one suspects but I have seen it firsthand.”

  Lauren found herself laughing. Something she didn’t think possible considering the oddity of the situation. “Oh stop,” Celia said, eyeing Lauren, “don’t believe a word of his junk.” Celia looked at Matt and her expression went serious. “Would you believe Lauren got paired with Greg for the BG campaign?”

  Lauren’s jaw dropped. Just when she thought she might survive this elevator ride. Why in the world had Celia just told Matt that? Lauren looked at him to see how he reacted.

  “Really?” Matt said, slanting Lauren a look. Theirs eyes locked for the briefest of moments and Lauren felt the intimacy in those dark eyes clear to her toes. She quickly cut her gaze and focused on Celia, giving her a silent plea that said, “please say no more”.

  Celia ignored Lauren and focused on Matt. “I told Tyler this is an extremely bad way to start Lauren’s career. That man is trouble.”

  Lauren fought the urge to protest, but settled for a mere fidget and a discreet comment. The last thing she wanted was anyone thinking she couldn’t handle Greg or her job. And the last person’s help she needed was Matt’s. “It’s fine,” Lauren said. “Greg and I are getting along just fine.”

  Matt spoke then, his attention on Celia, but there was a hidden meaning to his words directed at Lauren. It was as if he had read her mind. “Somehow, I bet Lauren can handle Greg just fine. He would be sadly mistaken to underestimate her.”

  Lauren felt her cheeks warm as the elevator dinged and opened. Thank you. Lauren stepped forward urgent for escape. She murmured good-byes, and took off toward her office. The reality of her bad decision had hit home. Working with Matt after sleeping with him would be a problem. What in the heck had she been thinking? How could she have slept with her boss?

  As soon as she was in her office, she dropped her things into a drawer and sunk into her chair. And on top of it was another envelope. She grabbed it and then dropped it as if it were toxic. It might just be. Or at least a death wish. This was a dangerous game she’d entered.

  She stared at the offending item, hands gripping the arms to her chair. How had he managed to get this here before she arrived?

  What now? She swallowed. Thinking. Crap. She had to know what was inside. Lauren grabbed it and tore it open. And then she read…

  The room is lit with only candles. You stand before me in only your bra and panties. I crave the feel of your skin against mine. I pull you close, savoring the decadent feel of your soft curves in my hands.

  Same time, same secret place.


  “No…” she whispered.

  She couldn’t meet him again. No. It wasn’t an option. Her teeth found her bottom lip. Her chest felt tight. She really wanted to meet him again. She stared at what he’d written. Maybe just one more time. She squeezed her eyes shut. Meeting him would be so damn foolish. Images of their naked bodies entwined danced in her head. Of soft caresses, and hard demands. Of perfect kisses. A sigh slipped from her mouth. Meeting him again might make her a fool, but it would make her a really satisfied one.

  She had to meet him.

  * * * * *

  One week later, Lauren sat at her desk with a calendar in front of her. She checked off every time she’d met Matt. Of course she knew. Five out of five work days they’d met. The weekend in between had been long and confusing with no contact.

  How had a one-night stand turned into this?

  Each day at work started with a new poem. Each night ended in the same hotel room. The worst part of it all was Lauren’s complete inability to stop seeing Matt. And she should. Each visit, she became more attached to him.

  This morning had been a true testament to how involved she’d allowed her heart to become. Matt had driven her home or rather to the coffee shop as he had each day. He always pressed to walk her home and she refused. This morning it had been a near argument.

  When he’d driven away, she’d stood there, hugging herself…and then, out of nowhere, tears had formed. In that moment, she’d felt more alone than she had in all the years she’d gone without so much as a date.

  The buzzer went off on her phone. Lauren jumped, realizing how deep she’d been in her thoughts. Stiffening, she punched the button. “Ready?” Greg asked.

  “Yeah,” Lauren said. “I thought you were coming here. I’m waiting on you.”

  “No, I told you my office.”

  Lauren frowned at the phone, knowing full well that wasn’t the case. “Fine,” she said, pushing to her feet. “I’ll be there in five.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Lauren sat at the conference table in Greg’s office, barely containing her frustration. “Greg—”

  “This just isn’t going to work,” Greg said gruffly, pushing Lauren’s proposal for BG aside. “Your ideas are too bold for this client. They’re known for being conservative.”

  Lauren disagreed. Greg’s ideas were overused, recycled campaigns done by too many, too often. Hers were fresh, new, and youthful—even sexy and she was proud of them. The stats she looked over about BG supported the need for a unique approach. BG already had the older buyers, but they didn’t have the younger workforce. She wanted to help them get to what they didn’t have.

  By the time she ended the meeting with Greg, she was fuming. Silently brooding, she moved through the hall toward her office.


  Lauren turned to find Celia rushing toward her, a huge smile on her face. “A delivery came for you. I left it in your chair.”

  Lauren’s brows dipped. “A delivery?”

  “With a big red bow on top.” Celia winked.

  Lauren’s eyes widened. Matt. “Thanks.”

  “Can I come see what it is?”

  Lauren’s heart leaped to her throat. “No!” she exclaimed, making Celia’s eyes widen. “I’m sorry,” Lauren said softening her tone and reaching for the older woman’s arm. “I’m sorry. Forgive me. I just met with Greg and he has me on edge. And to be honest, I don’t like surprises. I’d rather bear the strange gift on my own.”

  Celia squeezed Lauren’s hand. “Don’t let him get to you.”

  “Too late,” Lauren whispered.

  “He’s a jerk. Ignore him.”

  Lauren blinked. Then, she almost laughed. Celia was talking about Greg. Lauren was thinking of Matt. “I’ll try.”

  It took effort to contain her
urgency as Lauren finished the walk to her office. The instant she shut her door, she raced to her chair. An envelope sat on the outside of the box. She picked it up, and tore the card open.

  I was called out of town unexpectedly. I’ll be thinking of you, wearing this, the next time I see you. Friday night, same place, same time, our little Fantasy World.

  Until then, dream of me, as I will of you.


  She blew out a shaky breath. It was Wednesday. Friday night felt years away. Reaching for the box, Lauren slid the red ribbon from it, eager to see the contents. Pulling off the lid, she quickly put it aside and pushed the pink crepe paper away from the contents.

  Inside sat a pink and black satin garter set complete with bra, panties, and black lace-top thigh-highs.

  Just thinking about wearing it for Matt felt sexy, feminine, and incredibly…arousing. Even the thought of him picking it out made her feel all warm and ready. She squeezed her eyes shut. This was crazy. She should break it off with him. He would survive this without effort. For her, it would destroy her heart and her career.

  Yet, she wanted him so badly. She opened her eyes. She had two days. Common sense was bound to take over by Friday night.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Matt sat in the bar of his Los Angeles hotel next to his client and friend, Bret Weaver from BG Clothing. Bret, mid-twenties, rich, successful, and good-looking. He had it all, but always wanted more. Bret also worked and played liked there was no tomorrow. He did everything big and at full force and Matt both liked and respected him. And despite their relationship, Bret handed nothing over to Matt for free.

  The BG account had to be earned.

  Today had been part of that process, packed with a visit to the BG plant and several high-profile stores. Bret wanted Matt to see how the world perceived both BG and the competition. Now, more than ever, Matt knew their campaign had to pack a punch. Every store had BG hidden in the dark corners of conservative shopping. Young and fresh front store displays were dominated by other brands.

  “I can see why you want more exposure,” Matt said, and smiled. “We’ll make sure you get it.”

  “We’ll see,” Bret said as he took a drink of his vodka. “We’ll see.”

  Matt inclined his chin. “Yes, we will,” Matt said. “Of that I’m confident.”

  Bret set his drink down. “Enough business. I have a couple models who want to hook up at a club across town. I say, let’s make them the night’s entertainment.”

  For the first time in his life, Matt found the opportunity to share a night with a beautiful woman, no attachments required, completely unappealing. “Actually I have an early meeting and a flight home. I better pass.”

  Bret’s eyes went wide. “Who are you?”

  “Excuse me?” Matt said.

  “What have you done with the real Matthew Monroe?”

  Matt laughed. “Is it so unbelievable I need rest?”

  “Yes. Who is she and why don’t I know about her?” Bret asked.

  “I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes,” Bret said. “You do. I thought you and I were one of a kind men. No ties. No ball and chain.” He reached for his glass. “How’d it happen man? Tell me how she hooked you so I know what to avoid.”

  “Stop,” Matt said. “You’re overreacting.”

  “So you’re telling me there isn’t a woman?”

  “Not in the way you mean.” But deep down Matt knew he was fighting deep feelings for Lauren. How else could he explain how much her detachment upset him? The way she’d hid her home from him had become a sore spot. Things with Lauren were out of control. His emotions were getting way too involved.

  When he’d pressed to find out what laid between them, he’d been certain it would result in nothing more than lust. He’d thought their little affair would work her out of his system. Instead, he longed to find a way to get beyond the sex. He wanted to know Lauren. Oh, he’d tricked her into lying in bed and talking. And he’d learned about her. Just not enough. She was very guarded about her life.

  Bret leveled him in a stare. “So there is a woman.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Yes. No. I told you,” Matt said. “I have an early morning. “

  Bret laughed. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Matt heart kicked up a beat. No one, not even Bret, could know about Lauren. “There’s no one to meet.”

  Bret smiled. “Right.” He lifted his glass. “Want to drink to that?”

  Matt reached for his glass. “To you and your wild ideas,” he said.

  Only they weren’t wild at all. Lauren was under his skin in a major way. Lauren. His employee. His father would have a heart attack. This wasn’t the kind of thing his family believed in. Business and personal were separate.

  Starting this thing with Lauren had been crazy. The problem was, he didn’t want to end it either. So, where did that leave him? A closet relationship couldn’t go on forever. He took a deep breath. ”Relationship”. The word danced in his head. There lay his problem. He wanted more with Lauren than a secret affair. This was a first for him.

  The woman he wanted was the one he couldn’t have.

  What a nasty game fate was playing with him.

  * * * * *

  The common sense Lauren had hoped to muster was nowhere to be found. It certainly wasn’t common sense that made her go to work Friday with a prim black suit over the pink and black panties, and thigh-high, lacy pantyhose. Nor was it the thing that made her heart pitter-patter as she walked to the conference room to present her campaign ideas.

  It was the pure anticipation of seeing Matt for the first time in days. And a good dose of red-hot secrets. Not the show. Her dreams. She couldn’t get Matt out of her mind in her waking hours or her visions in her sleep.

  She sat at the conference table with the same group of people she had on her first day of work. This time everyone had a partner by their side, ready to present their campaign ideas, all anxiously waiting for Matt to arrive.

  Not as much as Lauren. Of that she was certain.

  Since she was living dangerously in her love life, which was basically the same as doing so with her career, she had made a decision. When Greg was done presenting his ideas, she would present hers.

  He would be angry, but she didn’t care.

  She didn’t like his ideas, and wasn’t going to be made to look bad. Period, the end. Not happening. She was living on the edge all the way. No common sense, no nice girl, no good girl. Great sex, career risks, and her pink and black lingerie. That was what today all was about.

  Look out, world. Strong and confident, Lauren felt ready to take on the world.

  And then the door opened, and Matt walked in. Looking like a million bucks, dressed in a gray pinstriped suit that fit him as if custom-made, he took her breath away. Along with it flew the wind in her sails. The man was so damn sexy. He was also a powerhouse. His very presence made the room bristle with alertness. This company’s future revolved around him.

  Suddenly, Lauren doubted her decisions. Not about the campaign. She knew she was right about what BG needed. But about Matt. He had a job to do and so did she. Sex fit nowhere in that equation. And Matt already had respect in the industry Lauren had yet to earn. Her mother hadn’t know this when she’d give her advice about Matt. Lauren knew she had to look out for the future.

  Lauren let her gaze settle on Matt. With the entire room focused on Matt, she had the luxury of examining him closely. She swallowed. Why did her stomach flutter when she looked at him? And why did her heart ache when he was gone?

  For a brief instant Matt’s eyes locked with hers, and she felt the heat of his gaze. Bound by decorum, his attention came and went in a flash, but the impact had warmed her from head to toe. No one could work like this.

  The meeting started, and Lauren shoved away thoughts of her and Matt. This was her career. She had to focus and excel. Lauren listened to each team present their ideas, taking no
tes as she did, not impressed with any of the campaigns. When it came time for their presentation, Greg started talking as if she didn’t exist. Lauren cringed as Greg spoke. A quick glimpse at Matt, and she knew he didn’t like what was being presented. It was a vibe he put off, a sense she got.

  When Greg finished talking, he simply stared at Matt for long moments. Then Matt let out a long, distressed sigh. “Is this all, team? Because, if it is, I have to say, it’s not good enough. I can’t take any of these ideas to BG.”

  Lauren swallowed, and then delicately cleared her throat. “Actually,” she said, forcing herself to meet his gaze, and ignoring the shocked faces around the table. As the newbie, no one expected her to speak up. “I do have one other idea.”

  Matt’s eyes met hers and then narrowed in a barely perceivable fashion. Lauren forced herself to hold his gaze. This part of their relationship was business and she wouldn’t do otherwise with another. Greg bristled beside her, his disgust almost palpable. Lauren wanted to kick him.

  “Okay,” Matt said. “Let’s hear it.”

  “Well,” Lauren said, feeling the pressure of all eyes on her. Adrenaline rushed through her veins. That Matt was the decision-maker made this harder. But, it also made it more critical she succeed. The respect of her peers felt more important than ever. It wasn’t only Matt’s approval she wanted. It was that of the others in the room.

  “The statistics clearly show BG is already getting a key portion of the older professionals as buyers. What they need is an edgy campaign to draw in the younger group.”

  Needing the reassurance, Lauren watched Matt’s face. Though he had a good poker face, she knew him better than most. The thought caused a moment of self-consciousness—born from a fear that the others might guess how well she knew him—which she quickly smashed. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she saw a flash of appreciation in Matt’s eyes. It felt good.

  “So,” Lauren said. “That said, I think the campaign most certainly needs some of the things the public expects from BG. For instance, simple and classy. But, it also needs to be unique. Sensual. Sexy. Contemporary.“