Page 26 of The Prey

  I wondered if he’d bring Kwin with him. As I thought of her, my heart lurched. We’d been apart little more than a day, but already I missed her.

  A memory flashed into my mind: she was dancing in front of Thrym, their blades gleaming in the torchlight, their combined shadows reflected on the wall of Tyron’s training floor. They’d looked like one creaturewith four arms. Deinon had said that it had the appearance of Kali, a goddess who’d fought daemons.

  How formidable she had looked, dancing with Thrym! She was at least as fast as I was. Was that why Ada had asked for that ninth item to be added to the Genthai proposal? Did she intend Kwin to fight with one ofher lacs in Arena 13?

  I shivered. I didn’t like the idea of her being in danger. How would I feel watching her fight?

  An even more worrying thought occurred to me. It might be weeks or even months before an attempt was made to destroy Hob. In the meantime, would he still visit Arena 13 and challenge the min combatants? Whatif the lottery chose Kwin to fight him? How would I cope with that?

  I could see the high barricade of logs ahead of me. Tyron was standing in a narrow gap to its left. I was disappointed to see no sign of Kwin. A couple of servants stood beside him, along with half a dozen menwearing red sashes – marshals from the Wheel. No doubt they were policing the city now; they wore short swords rather than clubs at their belts.

  There’d already been a lot of changes, I reflected; I knew there’d be a lot more.

  Tyron was frowning and seemed deep in thought. He would frown a lot more when he read that ninth proposal.

  He’d know immediately what was likely to happen if it was adopted.

  Kwin’s dream of fighting in Arena 13 would be fulfilled.

  About halfway down the slope Garrett nodded to me and stepped to one side. ‘I’ll wait here, Leif. Remember that this is just a preliminary negotiation. Keep it short and be back before noon.’

  As I reached the barricade Tyron came forward to greet me. I saw him glance at the warrior with the flag and frown but he stepped beyond him and clapped me on the shoulder.

  ‘Good to see you, Leif. I was worried when I realized you were caught up in the fighting. And now you’re the Genthai envoy. Events are moving fast. We need to keep clear heads and do nothing rash. You’re in nodanger but the Directorate are anything but pleased by what’s happening.’

  ‘Things have changed in a big way,’ I said. ‘We all need to work together. So the Directorate will have to adjust to the new situation.’

  Tyron raised his eyebrows and stared at me hard when I said that but then he patted me on the shoulder again.‘Well let’s go and get it over with!’ he exclaimed turning to lead the way through the gap in the barricade.

  I walked after him but to my surprise the warrior with the flag came too. Tyron strode on my left and he was on my right.

  Tyron’s two servants followed behind with the marshals making up the rear. We walked at a fast pace through the streets which were deserted, heading for the admin building where the meeting was to take place.

  My stomach was churning with nerves but I was determined to give a good account of myself and do the best I could to begin what I hoped would be successful negotiations.

  Right from the start, things began to go wrong.

  There were over a dozen marshals guarding the main door to the admin building and they would only allow us to enter if we didn’t carry weapons inside. Tyron’s servants were armed and at a nod from him waitedoutside. But the tall warrior pushed through the marshals still carrying his spear. No effort was made to take it from him; maybe that was because it was also a flag of truce. Flanked by marshals the three of us entered.

  The meeting took place in Pyncheon’s office. We faced a long table. On this side of it there was only one seat. I assumed that it was for me. No marshals followed us into the room but two were standing with theirbacks to the wall either side of the seated Pyncheon and, to my surprise, they were armed with the projectile weapons once used by the Protector’s Guard.

  ‘Sit down!’ Pyncheon, the Chief Marshal, commanded imperiously. He was dressed in his formal attire – black with the diagonal red sash denoting his office. It was the first time I had been so close to him and I sawthat his eyes were set very close together and his nose was thin. It gave him a predatory appearance.

  My hackles rose at his peremptory manner but I sat down. There was no point in getting angry. That wouldn’t help matters at all. I was aware that Tyron was standing close to my left shoulder and the tall armouredwarrior was on my right.

  Then I realized that there were six seated people facing me across the table when there should only have been five.

  The Directorate was headed by Pyncheon; the four other members were the heads of the four main gambling houses.

  The new addition was Cyro.

  Anger surged within me. What right had he to be here? He was the man who had probably betrayed us by alerting the Protector about our attempt to destroy Hob.

  Words came out of my mouth before I realised that I’d spoken.

  ‘That man is not a member of the Wheel Directorate and his presence at this meeting is not acceptable,’ I heard myself say.

  Tyron made a noise halfway between a gasp and a groan and Pyncheon’s face almost turned the colour of his sash.

  ‘We will decide the composition of the Wheel Directorate!’ he snapped. ‘Cyro is now an additional member.’

  I came to my feet and addressed my words to Cyro. ‘I defeated Hob fair and square in Arena 13. We could have rid this land of him for ever. But you betrayed us to the Protector. You don’t serve this city, your masters are the Protector and Hob!’

  Cyro came to his feet and sneered at me. ‘The Protector was always a puppet,’ he said. ‘My true master was always Hob and I still serve him now. That is why I have claimed my place as a member of the WheelDirectorate. I represent his interests.’

  Suddenly, the tall warrior spoke, his voice loud but muffled by the mask. ‘You, Cyro, are guilty of a crime beyond forgiveness. You forced the lacs under your control to fight illegally under conditions in which theywere maimed and slain in a manner akin to torture. You had a duty of care but abused your office. For that the sentence is death!’

  With great force, the tall warrior hurled his spear straight at Cyro. It went through his chest pinning him to the wall behind. He was probably dead before he saw the danger. It all happened incredibly quickly.

  The two marshals tried to raise their weapons and fire but they didn’t have time. As if by magic two blades appeared in the warrior’s hands. Then they were buried in the throats of the marshals.

  The warrior tore the mask from his face, threw it onto the table and pulled his hood back onto his shoulders.

  When he spoke again his voice was clearly recognizable. ‘As for Hob, Leif and I will meet him in combat in Arena 13 at any time of his choosing. Let him come and challenge us if he dare! And now let thenegotiations begin.’

  I looked up into the face of Thrym, nodded and smiled. Then I sat down and pushed the Genthai terms across the table towards Pyncheon.

  When the Chief Marshal picked up the document, his hands were shaking and his face was the colour of fresh mountain snow. With the sound of blood dripping onto the floor behind him he began to read.

  Now Kwin would be in no danger. When Hob came to Arena 13 he would have to fight us. Thrym and I would defeat and slay him again and again. Victory after victory would be ours. Then, when the time was rightwe would enter his lair and destroy him.


  This glossary has been compiled from the following primary sources:

  The Manual of Nym

  The Testimony of Math

  The Manual of Trigladius Combat

  Amabramsum: the Genthai Book of Wisdom

  Amabramdata: the Genthai Book of Prophecy

  The Compendium of Ancient Tales and Ballads


  The High Adept of t
he Imperial Academy, who was slain by djinn terrorists at the beginning of the First Insurrection. Her soul was placed in Containment. She was named after Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace, whowrote the very first computer algorithm.


  A type of djinn responsible for overseeing all forms of djinn combat, from those in the arena to battles of open warfare. They rarely show themselves to the participants until the combat is over, when their gungara absorbthe blood of the weakest. By that means do they profit from their labours, and their shateks are the most proficient and prolific of all, generating shapes with ease.

  Although performing a similar function, the Chief Marshal, he who oversees combat within Arena 13, is not a true Adjudicator. He is just a barbarian human.


  These are the devotees of the Trigladius; spectators whose knowledge of the proceedings – of the positions adopted by lacs and their tactical manoeuvres – is often greater than that of some combatants. Some specializein the history of the Trigladius and can remember classic encounters of long ago by recalling, step by step, the patterns that led to victory.


  The Agnwan, known by barbarians as a horse, is a cowardly beast unsuitable for use in warfare. It undoubtedly has a certain grace, but it is outside the wurde and belongs to an age when the fecundity of nature washaphazard and chance spawned strange forms of life, each lone small mind encapsulated within a single host of flesh.


  This is The Genthai Book of Prophecy. Although this holy book is written by a multitude of Genthai authors, it is believed that it represents the voice of their god, Thangandar.


  This is the name of The Genthai Book of Wisdom. It contains observations on djinn, Midgard and the world before the fall of the ur-humans. This is the collective wisdom of Genthai scribes. It is not a holy book.

  ARENA 13

  This is another name for the Trigladius Arena. Once it was compulsory for human combatants in this arena to have the number 13 tattooed upon their foreheads. Once this rule was rescinded, it was still fashionable formany years, but the custom is now dying out.


  These are adepts skilled in patterning the wurdes of Nym. The first artificers were ur-human, and they developed their power to its height in the Secondary Epoch of Empire. Asscka, the most advanced form of djinn, arenow the greatest artificers, having total control of Nym and the ability to shape themselves. The poorest artificers are barbarian humans, who pattern lacs who lack sentience. They build into them the steps of the dancethat informs Trigladius combat in Arena 13.


  In Norse mythology, this signifies the Place Where the Gods Dwell. Some inhabitants of Midgard use this name to signify the place beyond the Barrier, which is the rest of the earth occupied by the djinn.


  Asscka are the highest classification of djinni. These are true shape-shifters and, unless limited by the wurde, can number up to 10,000 selves and scores of shateks. During the Tertiary Epoch of Empire, djinn grew inpower and ur-human artificer control of them diminished.


  The barge masters are responsible for overseeing the transit of goods from the Sea Gate down the canal to Gindeen. There are seven of them, working a shift rota.


  The Great Barrier is the zone of mist, darkness and fear that encircles Midgard, preventing entry or exit. Those who approach too closely either never come back or return insane. The Trader passes through the Barrierunharmed, but he makes the journey by sea.


  A barsk is the higher partner of a binary warrior djinn. Four-armed, with keen sight and great ferocity, his mount, and partner, is the orl, a two-legged creature with hands capable of wielding weapons. Barsk and orl werecreated each for the other; the first has a higher mind and greater access to the gorestad, which they share unequally. The barsk is dominant yet still dependent upon that which carries it. Such binary djinn are born of ashatek but lack the power to be born again. By this limitation were they shaped as warriors, for those who can die only once fight most fiercely to hold onto life.


  Binary djinn are the next rank above singletons. Theirs is a symbiotic relationship, but this partnership of two is not always equal as in the case of barsk and orl.


  Catara are sea-djinn which take two basic forms. The first are crustacea, with hard shells and many legs, which live close to the shore; the second are cephalopods with eight arms and two tentacles, which inhabit deepwater. Both were developed by ur-humans for purposes of warfare.


  This official is the highest authority within the Wheel with many assistant marshals to enforce his decisions. The main focus of his attention is Arena 13 where he supervises combat. Although his function in that arenamay seem largely ceremonial, in the case of any dispute his decision is absolute and there can be no appeal.


  This is the name given to the underground zone beneath the Wheel where lacs are stored by owners who cannot afford to lease private quarters.


  This is a compilation of writings by humans before the fall and the subsequent construction of the Barrier. They take the form of lyrics, poems and prose fragments. Most are without a named author.


  This is the digital store within which a soul is preserved with the possibility of being born again into a body of false flesh. An alternative name for this condition is ‘Stasis’.


  The Covenant is the agreement made between the djinn and mankind following the defeat of the latter. Humans were set down within the confines of the Barrier and given a chance to live there providing that theyaccepted the rule of the Protector. The Genthai were to submit to ritual culling by the werewights; non-Genthai were to accept culling by Hob. As time passed the Covenant was forgotten about by city dwellers. Somebelieve that no such agreement was ever made.


  He is the official responsible for the Commonality, the large underground zone below the Wheel. With the help of a small army of assistants, he supervises the storage of lacs, the kitchens, the training areas and thecombat zones. Cyro rules his domain with absolute authority and nobody interferes in his activities some of which are illegal.


  Decidons are hybrid djinn with ten selves, containing elements of both animal and vegetable but resembling trees. Largely static, they communicate by wind-blown pollen. Ur-humans developed them as sentinels andalso for purposes of espionage. They have offensive capabilities and generate both poisons and antidotes.


  A djinni is the wurde made flesh. The different types of djinn are more numerous than the visible stars. They range from low singletons, who may hardly be higher than base simulacra, to high djinn known as asscka,who may now generate selves almost beyond counting. Almost all djinn are subordinate in some way – some major, some minor – to the patterns of the ur-humans who first gave their progenitors shape. But of all these,most deadly is the djinn who is no longer subservient in any way to the wurdes that shaped him. Originally they were created by the military to serve the Human Empire. Djinn is an acronym which stands for digitaljanus interface nano node.


  This is the close-down function called when a blade is inserted into the throat-slit of a lac, which becomes temporarily inoperative. For the min combatant, it signals the end of the contest. All that remains is the ritual cutto the arm of the defeated human combatant.


  This is a characteristic of Nym which allows a patterner to add new wurdes and features or modify existing ones. The language can be increased by those who have the skill to do so.


  False flesh is the derogatory term first used by ur-humans to describe the flesh hosts of any
djinn born of the shatek and the wurde. When the war between djinn and ur-humans intensified, the former adopted the term indefiance and proved, victory by victory, its superiority in every way to ur-human flesh.


  The First Insurrection began with two terrorist attacks upon humans by the djinn. The first was an attempt upon the life of the Empress, which failed. The second was an attack upon the Imperial Academy, in which overa hundred lives were lost, including that of the High Adept. The djinn rebellion was eventually put down by the employment of the gramagandar, the weapon which dissolves false flesh.


  The gambling agents (sometimes known as ‘touts’) accept wagers on behalf of the three large gambling houses which underpin the economy of Midgard. From their profits fees are paid to combatants who fight from themag position. Only min combatants are allowed to bet upon themselves – but only to win.

  Bets offered to Arena 13 gallery spectators are often very complex. Many aficionados attempt to predict the actual time of a victory and use accumulators, where winnings are placed upon the outcome of succeedingcontests. Red tickets are sold, and these bets are made on the likelihood of a contestant suffering injury or death.


  This is the only city of Midgard, although there are some small towns and hamlets. Gindeen consists largely of wooden buildings, with roads that are just mud tracks. Its main landmarks are the Wheel, the large cube-shaped slaughterhouse, and the citadel of Hob, which casts its shadow over the city.


  Gorestad is the ‘high mind’ usually operative in all high djinn with more than one self. But despite this group consciousness, which makes a djinni with many selves just one entity, there is always some individualawareness particular to each self. Both asscka and shalatan can control the awareness of their selves, even denying particular selves access to gorestad.