Velvet smiled a secret smile. I shall simply have to try harder. Her great-grandmother's journal provided enough advice to enslave any man breathing. Subtle denial alternated with overt carnal lust, blowing cool, then hot, could bring a male to his knees. She deliber­ately let the sheet fall from her breasts. Watch out, Greysteel. First I'll steal your heart, and then your soul.

  He reached down and lifted the sheet up to her chin. "Cuddle up and go back to sleep, sweetheart. Just because I must arise at an ungodly hour doesn't mean you have to. Thomas will bring your breakfast in an hour or so." He took his clothes to the dressing room.

  There were not many about at this early hour, but as Montgomery passed the rear staircase that led to the king's private chambers, he encountered Charles re­turning from his nocturnal disport.

  "From the look of satisfaction on your face, I take it you persuaded the lady to accept your proposal?"

  "I did, Sire. We were married in the chapel last night."

  "You sly devil! You deprived your king of witness­ing your nuptials. But don't think you have cheated the Court of its entertainment. We shall celebrate with a wedding banquet tonight and follow it with a tradi­tional bedding."

  Montgomery groaned. "Velvet would not welcome a bedding."

  Charles laughed. "I warrant she welcomed the one you gave her last night. Velvet is a saucy little wench, ready for a mischievous romp at the drop of a hat. You've had your fun and games; indulge me."

  As if you haven't indulged in fun and games all night! "Thank you, Sire. A wedding banquet is most gener­ous."

  In the early afternoon, the dowager arrived. She brought along Emma and all Velvet's clothes. The coachman carried in a huge trunk and went down to fetch another.

  "A beautiful blushing bride and none there to wit­ness it."

  "How did you know?" Velvet was amazed that news had traveled so quickly to Bishopsgate.

  "The impetuous earl slipped me a note last night. I came as early as I thought decent for a newlywed, since you had only one gown. A fashionable wardrobe is paramount for a Court lady."

  "Thank you for packing all my things, Emma. We have a very spacious dressing room with two double wardrobes."

  "I hope there are shelves for all your creams and cosmetics. It might be big enough to accommodate your garments, darling, but where on earth will Mont­gomery put his?" Christian teased.

  "Speak of the devil!" Velvet declared as the door was thrown open and Greysteel carried in a trunk and the dowager's coachman wheeled in another.

  "Who would have guessed the devil's bride came with so much baggage?" He lifted Velvet off her feet and branded her with a possessive kiss. Then he gave Christian a grateful smile. "Emma, the countess needs your services. Are you willing to come and live at Court?"

  Emma bobbed him a curtsy. "More than willing, my lord."

  "Good. I'll speak with the chamberlain and ask him to accommodate you with a cozy room close by. The king and Court are feting us with a wedding banquet tonight, so I'll leave you to your unpacking."

  "Oh, how lovely!" Excitement bubbled up in Velvet. She would be the center of attention. "Christian, you must stay."

  When Emma busied herself in the dressing room, Velvet drew the dowager to a comfortable chair and lowered her voice. "There's something I must tell you. The late Earl of Eglinton purchased Bolsover Castle and willed it to his son. The king told me I could get it back for my family when I married Montgomery. But Greysteel refuses."

  "You asked him to give it back to your family?"

  "I asked him to give it to me, but he refused on the grounds that I would turn around and give it to my fa­ther."

  "Well, thank God you have a man with enough de­termination to save you from yourself. You are a Cavendish, Velvet. Once you get your hands on a piece of property, you must keep it for your children. Be­cause you are female, your family would deprive you of your fair share."

  "I don't think they would. Perhaps Father intended to leave me Bolsover in his will,” she said wistfully.

  "Not likely. I learned my lesson when my husband died. I inherited only because there were debts. When I paid them off I made sure from that day forward I controlled the purse strings."

  "When Greysteel said Bolsover was ours, and that he would deed it to our child, I did see the wisdom of that, but what on earth will I say to Father?"

  "I warrant the implacable earl will take care of Newcastle. A pity really, darling. Standing up to your father would give you invaluable experience in stand­ing up to your husband."

  Velvet's eyes glittered with amusement. "You are wicked!"

  "Don't despair, darling. Wickedness can be learned."

  As the newlyweds entered the Banqueting Room a loud cheer rang out from the crowd. When Velvet saw how many fashionably dressed ladies were present, she was thankful she'd chosen the peacock blue gown that contrasted so strikingly with her red gold curls. Barbara and Roger Palmer were there, along with all the guests who had been at their entertainment. As well, there were numerous courtiers she had not yet met and many of the King's Guard Montgomery com­manded.

  As Greysteel led her to the head table to take their places of honor at Charles's side, everyone they passed offered congratulations. She tried to curtsy to the king, but Charles would have none of it and took her hand instead. "It gives me the greatest pleasure in the world to present to you the newest and loveliest member of my Court, Velvet Montgomery, Countess of Eglinton. Greysteel, you are a very lucky man."

  The applause was deafening and when Mont­gomery placed a proprietary arm about his new bride and moved her out of the king's reach, everyone laughed and shouted approval.

  The food served was sumptuous and the wine flowed freely, prompting dozens of toasts, to which the groom gallantly responded. As the hour advanced and the toasts became lewd and licentious, Mont­gomery's pithy rejoinders showed that he could hold his own against all tormentors.

  The courtiers moved to the Presence Chamber and as the dancing began, Greysteel took Velvet's hand to lead her out.

  "By the Divine Right of Kings, I claim the honor of being the lady's first partner," Charles declared loftily.

  Velvet stood between the two tall men, looking from one dark face to the other, feeling like the prize at a cockfight.

  Silence stretched between the trio for a full minute. "By the Divine Right of Montgomery, I grant you the honor, Sire." Greysteel bestowed his wife's hand on the king, successfully masking his reluctance with a smile.

  Montgomery made sure he partnered Velvet in the next dance, but after that his guardsmen monopolized her to such a degree that he had no choice but to accept it with good-natured grace.

  Suddenly, Velvet found herself flanked by Barbara and Christian and tried to make sense of their urgent whispers.

  "A bedding... I don't understand."

  "Hurry, darling, unless you wish to be stripped naked here in the Presence Chamber."

  Holding hands, the three females made a dash for the exit, as determined courtiers plucked the bowknots and galants from Velvet's gown. The music and laughter grew fainter as they ascended the stair­case to the newlyweds' second-floor apartment.

  Barbara helped her undress while Christian went to the wardrobe to select a suitable chamber robe. As Vel­vet slipped her arms into the loose white silk garment, the dowager explained, "A bedding is an ancient tra­dition that has come down through the centuries. Such delightfully risque customs were abolished during Cromwell's dreary years."

  Barbara licked her lips. "Isn't the bride supposed to be naked and waiting in bed for the groom?"

  "That was in medieval times. The bride's body was displayed to show that she was virgin pure and free from blemish."

  "I don't believe I was ever virgin pure," Barbara drawled.

  Christian turned back the covers. "Slip into bed, darling. I hear them coming."

  Velvet's eyes widened with alarm as the bedcham­ber suddenly filled with courtiers, some of whom were f
alling-down drunk. Half a dozen, including the king, his brother James, Buckingham and the Scottish Lau­derdale, carried aloft a stark-naked Montgomery and deposited him on the wide bed next to his wife. As the ladies of the Court pushed and shoved to get a better view of the virile groom, the gentlemen shouted las­civious suggestions about the various ways to copu­late.

  Buckingham bowed. "I hereby declare fornication, drunkenness and debauchery back in favor at the King's Court."

  "Would ye like me tae show ye how tae fuck her, laddie?" Lauderdale's shock of red hair was standing on end.

  "Stand back, you wild Highlander—I claim the first kiss." Charles elbowed his Scots friend aside.

  "You're all too late. I initiated her long ago," an in­solent voice drawled.

  Velvet looked up into the leering face of young Lord Cav and began to tremble.

  "The boy is flown with wine—get him out of here before I'm forced to draw my sword." Greysteel could feel his wife's shivers and decided to put a quick end to the bawdy entertainment. His eyes looked directly into the king's and signaled that Velvet had endured enough.

  Charles held up his all-powerful hands and began to usher the revelers from the chamber. "Out, every­one! Montgomery's weapon is formidable. He's prom­ised to sheath it the moment we leave."

  Greysteel jumped off the bed and helped herd them through the door. Then he threw the heavy bolt across.

  "Are they all gone?"

  He heard the apprehension in her voice and re­turned quickly. He put out the lights, climbed in be­side her and gathered her into his arms. In spite of the precocious facade she sometimes affected, he knew she was shaken by the men's overt coarseness.

  He stroked her back to calm her, enjoying the feel of the slippery silk against his rough hand. He knew if he removed the night rail immediately, she would feel too vulnerable, and wisely decided to hold her fast and safe. Perhaps she will learn to love me. In the darkness his mouth curved with tenderness. He silently thanked the gods that Velvet was a gently bred lady.

  Chapter 17

  Charles thanked the gods that Barbara had the lush body of a courtesan and the morals of a strumpet. He was a big man with a large sexual appetite, and his new mistress matched him in carnality, satisfying his lust with wanton abandon.

  After draining him of his raging desire and quench­ing the fire that snaked through his groin, Barbara lay sprawled on top of him in the dominant position she relished. She gazed down at him with slumberous eyes, her luxuriant breasts pressed against his broad chest, and licked her lips with satisfaction.

  "I rather like the royal bed. It's majestic and gener­ous, just like you, Charles." Barbara had left Whitehall through the front entrance and reentered at the rear, where Prodgers had guided her up the back stairs to the king's private chambers.

  He smiled drowsily. "I'm glad you feel comfortable here."

  She rubbed her mons against his cock. "I'm always comfortable in bed with you—our bodies were made for each other. But Charles, I'm not always comfortable at Court."

  Not really wanting to talk, he murmured, "Why is that?"

  "Every other female at Court has a title. I have to curtsy to Lady Muck and bend the knee to Baroness Big-nose. Even the bride tonight just became a countess. It makes me feel like a commoner!"

  You are a commoner. He hid his amusement and pulled her close. "There is nothing common about you, Barbara."

  She pulled away from him and pouted her lips. "When they look down their noses at me, it is an insult to you, Charles. They wouldn't be able to do that if you elevated me."

  He squeezed her bottom cheeks, stirred against her and leered wickedly. "I'll elevate you, my love."

  "I'm serious, Charles. If I were truly your love, you would give me a noble title. One befitting the king's chosen lady."

  If it were up to him, Charles would willingly re­ward her favors with a title or anything else she fan­cied, but he knew that Chancellor Hyde would strenuously object to raising the king's mistress to the peerage. On the other hand, he did not wish to lose this woman whose explicit sexual appetite matched his own. "I'll look into it, Barbara," he temporized, and made a mental note to buy her some spectacular dia­monds to appease her inevitable disappointment.

  Velvet stood on tiptoe to kiss her husband, who had just donned the new guard's uniform he'd been instrumental in designing. "You look very sober and commanding in blue."

  "That was the idea. I fought tooth and nail against red. His Majesty's Royal Guardsmen are not merely for decoration, to be trotted out for display purposes at parades."

  "Your military men are unsuited to the ballroom. I trust they ride better than they dance. May I come down later and look at the horses you've chosen?"

  "By all means. I invited your father to come and give us his expert advice this morning. It may assuage his distress at the loss of Bolsover."

  Velvet bit her lip. "When he didn't come to the wed­ding banquet last night, I feared he had learned about the castle and was outraged."

  "I'm sure he'll be gratified to know his daughter will be mistress of Bolsover and will pass it down to his grandchild."

  She secretly cherished a hope that her father had in­tended her to have Bolsover Castle someday. If not when she married, then as her Cavendish inheritance in his will. "Perhaps he won't be angry."

  "If he is, he'll get over it—after I explain matters."

  His words were implacable as always, and at the thought of a confrontation, her knees suddenly felt like wet linen.

  Her maid knocked on the door and Greysteel opened it. "Are you happy with your room, Emma?"

  "Yes, thank you, my lord. It's the largest chamber I've ever had. I'm just down the corridor next to Thomas."

  Before Greysteel left the chamber, his glance roamed appreciatively over Velvet's revealing white silk robe. "She's coming down to the stables this morn­ing. Don't let her wear anything provocative."

  Greysteel knew Charles had a deep love and abid­ing interest in horses, so he fully expected him to be present when the final selection of mounts was made for his troop of Royal Guards, who were fast becoming known as "The Blues." He also knew that the king would expect him to smooth over any thorny difficul­ties with Velvet's father before Charles came on the scene.

  When Newcastle arrived, Montgomery shook his hand. "I'd like to clear the air, my lord. It came as a surprise when I inherited the title deed to Bolsover. When I married your daughter, I pledged to hold it in trust for our child. In exchange I relinquish any claim to the considerable dowry agreed upon at our be­trothal."

  Newcastle vented his chagrin over the loss of his castle, and Montgomery countered every protest. By the time His Majesty arrived, the roiling waters had been calmed and the two nobles, now related by mar­riage, had settled their differences.

  The focus of the conversation now turned to horses and both Charles and Greysteel showed great defer­ence to Newcastle's equine expertise. Though both had been horsemen all their lives, they agreed that William Cavendish's superior knowledge made him England's leading authority. On his advice, since the horses were all showy animals of uniform size and color, the mounts were selected on the basis of health and temperament.

  The guards were busy saddling up in preparation for a test gallop when Montgomery spied Velvet in the stable yard. "Here comes the bride," he murmured to Newcastle, and the two men went outside to meet her.

  She was wearing a long-skirted, buttoned-up coat over a matching blue riding skirt. The sophisticated, military style lent her an air of confidence.

  She looks stunning! Greysteel, sensing her apprehen­sion at meeting her father, squeezed her hand, then kissed it. "The duke and I have come to a mutual un­derstanding regarding Bolsover."

  Greatly relieved, Velvet smiled at her father and went into his arms. She stiffened as he quickly with­drew his arms and said grudgingly, "I always in­tended that Bolsover Castle would go to my son, and that Henry would pass it down to his son."

/>   She stared at her father. The deep hurt of rejection washed over her. The thought of giving me the castle never once entered his head.

  "However, since Montgomery holds the title deed, we have agreed that it shall be passed down to your son. In return, your husband relinquishes all claim to your dowry."

  Velvet's glance swept over her father. He had used the word son three times, with nary a mention of a daughter. Her hurt was replaced by anger. She looked at her husband and raised her chin defiantly. "Does he really?" she drawled insolently. "How very civilized that the two of you have settled my affairs without even consulting me."

  "Velvet—" Montgomery's stern voice warned.

  She totally ignored the warning. "The Earl of Eglinton may relinquish all claim to my dowry, but I cer­tainly do not! Twenty thousand pounds, wasn't it? Now that I'm a lady of the Court, I shall need a little spending money. Don't delay—after all I'm not getting any younger."

  Newcastle glared at Montgomery. "This is what I get for indulging her every whim when she was a child. I don't envy you the taming of her."

  She smiled sweetly at her father. "When the earl and I are in residence, you must come and visit us at Bolsover. You and your lovely wife, Margaret, are wel­come anytime." She picked up her skirt, sauntered into the stable and curtsied to the king. "Your Majesty, I have come to admire your Royal Horse Guards."

  Charles swept off his hat. "And my Royal Horse Guards will doubtlessly return the favor, my beauty."

  That night in the privacy of their apartment, Greysteel slipped an arm about his wife. "I'm very proud of the way you put our interests before those of your family, Velvet. It took a great deal of courage to assert yourself over Bolsover."

  She basked in her husband's approval.

  "I was taken aback, however, when you demanded vour dowry after your father and I had settled the mat­ter."