Page 19 of Tempted

  James Stewart immediately released her from the chain and led her out to start the dancing, gallantly exclaiming, “The captor becomes the captive” Black Ram Douglas stood at the far end beside the fireplace As the couple danced toward him, the fireshine played over Valentina’s molten hair and tawny gown, turning her into the most breath-stopping creature he had ever seen. Desire flared in him like banefire. He wanted something wild to tame.

  When the dance ended, the queen asked her where she could get such a gown for herself, and Tina was relieved that she hadn’t taken offense that James had partnered her in the first dance.

  Valentina looked up as a strong hand took possession of her wrist. Her golden eyes widened so that the tiger stripes slanted exotically as she realized who had taken hold of her. “No, thank you, I don’t wish to dance,” she said in a cool voice. Ram’s eyes changed from pewter to midnight black. “Ye owe me a dance.” His voice cut like the crack of a whip, and the pressure of his powerful fingers on her wrist became painful. She set her will against his. “You are hurting me,” she retorted.

  “I hope so,” he replied with relish.

  “You base-born dog!” she muttered low.

  “Perhaps it is the dog in me that attracts the bitch.”

  “Oh!” she gasped as he swung her into the pavane. She knew an overwhelming need to say something equally outrageous, and the scandalous words she had overheard at court were off her tongue before she could stop them. “It takes more than six stiff inches to attract me.”

  “More?” He raised an amused eyebrow. “I have more.”

  Her cheeks flamed. A witchy look flickered in her golden eyes, telling him she was about to walk off the dance floor again. He reached out a powerful hand to clamp her to the spot. Tina found it intolerable to be overruled. She almost pretended to faint rather than dance with him, but upon reflection she realized if she fainted, rumors would fly about her being in a delicate condition.

  She moved with fluid grace, dipping, revolving, her breasts rising and falling in time to the pulsing music. She saw that his brother Gavin would be her next partner, and she sent him an inviting smile, knowing he would rescue her. When the measure changed and Gavin approached, Ramsay said, “Bugger off.” Gavin Douglas, disconcerted for only a moment, had no choice but to gallantly partner the lady Ram had ignored.

  Tina glanced about and saw she was surrounded by Kennedys, her own clan. Again his powerful hand reached out to stop her from leaving. She smiled and said through her teeth, “If you try to use your spurs on me again, I shall create a scene you will never live down!” His lip curled, and then he simply walked off the floor, exactly as she had done to him, embarrassing her before the whole assembly.

  He was a lout without scruples. It was a lady’s privilege to rebuff a man, but for him to openly scorn her in such a public manner humiliated her to the core. If it was the last thing she did, she would even the score. Douglas was certainly not indifferent to her, she knew. Was it her beauty that attracted him, perhaps, or did she represent a challenge to the dominant male? Whatever it was, she would use it to her advantage to best him and prove a Kennedy was a match for a Douglas.

  Chapter 15

  The next morning, when Angus and his Douglas escort were ready to depart, he sent a message requesting Ramsay to ride with him. Now would be as good a time as any to lay down the law. He learned, however, that Hotspur had departed late last night, taking his borderers and leaving behind only his brothers and Colin.

  Gavin dutifully attended the earl, whose escort was usually close to a hundred. Gavin didn’t know why Angus should need Ram, but Archibald’s lips disappeared in annoyance when he learned Ram had left. “Can Colin or Cameron or myself be of any service, my lord?”

  “I’m tae ride with Arran and his bloody Hamiltons on the king’s orders, tae repair some o’ the havoc yer raiding has wreaked. Tell Ram I’ll see him at Douglas tomorrow nicht!” Gavin stared hard at the ruthless earl. His words had an ominous ring.

  Patrick Hamilton strode purposefully toward the stables. He would not keep his father, the admiral, waiting. On the king’s orders they were to ride with the Douglas earl in a show of unity.

  Nan Howard beckoned to him urgently, and he stepped into the herb garden to bid her good-bye. Her sister Kat, whom he hadn’t seen bending over to pick a sprig of thyme, suddenly straightened, and he knew this was some sort of confrontation. He frowned as his instincts warned him to bolt.

  Nan said, “Patrick, there’s no way to wrap this up in pretty words I’m afraid I’m going to have a child.”

  He swallowed as he felt the trap closing on him. “Christ, surely yer not accusing me of being the father!”

  Her eyes narrowed against tears, and Kat spoke for her. “Deny it all you want. You have bedded her, and I am the witness.”

  “I bedded you both!” Suddenly he understood that Nan had baited the trap with the irresistible lure of two voluptuous bodies at one time. What a gullible fool he’d been! There was nothing so devious as a slut, unless it was two— two English sluts!

  “I am betrothed to Lady Valentina Kennedy,” he said stiffly.

  “Not yet, you’re not,” Nan said.

  “And you’d better not pledge yourself, if you know what’s good for you,” warned Kat. “The queen will be furious if you bring dishonor to one of her ladies-in-waiting.”

  He almost blurted, “Get rid of it!” before he realized this was her means to marriage with the heir to the Earldom of Arran.

  Tina rode back to Doon in high spirits. The wedding at Stirling had proved to be an exciting diversion, and the party that now traveled south was quite large. The newly-weds were on their way to Castle Kennedy in Wigtown, and a large number of Campbell retainers were going with the bride. Donal had an equal number of Kennedy household servants, and it had been decided that some of the tenants from Doon would move with him permanently.

  Archibald, Earl of Cassillis, traveled to Doon with the family, and Rob, ever suspicious, wondered if he had an ulterior motive. Tina was blissfully unaware of the undercurrents that would change her life forever once they were revealed.

  When she parted company with Meggie, she promised to ride down for a visit with her new sister-in-law very soon; then she headed for home, vowing to be the first to clatter into the castle courtyard.

  The first hint that something was in the wind came from Ada. When she came into Tina’s chamber, she found that she had almost finished unpacking her own clothes. As Ada hung the remaining gowns in the wardrobe, she said, “Something’s up. The minute we arrived, Archibald sequestered your father. When the door opened, I’ve never seen Rob so grim-faced. He whisked Elizabeth into the chamber, the door shut with a crash, and they are still in there.”

  “It must be something urgent. The very first thing my father does when he arrives back at Doon is enjoy one of Mr. Burque’s sumptuous meals.” She tapped her chin with a reflective finger. “The wedding went off without a hitch, and the newlyweds are on their way to Castle Kennedy, so it cannot concern them.”

  Ada agreed. “The earl had a queer look about him from the minute we left Stirling. He had something in his gullet, and I could see if he didn’t disgorge it soon, he would choke to death.”

  There was a great clatter in the courtyard, and both women immediately went to the window. “It’s Cassillis. He’s leaving!” Tina said with disbelief. She experienced a prickling at the nape of her neck. The very air seemed ominous, and Tina knew the ripples from the whirlpool that had been stirred would reach her any minute.

  A servant boy knocked on the chamber door and told them Lord Kennedy wanted both of them. Immediately. He led the way to the first-floor room Rob Kennedy used for business, and Tina’s eyes went to her mother’s face the moment she stepped over the threshold. Elizabeth looked as if she had been struck in the face. The door opened once again to admit Beth and Kirsty.

  The moment Elizabeth saw Beth, she dissolved into tears. Ada took one step toward
her, but Rob, his face a florid red, said, “Leave her. Ye’ll have more than one hysterical woman on yer hands afore we’re done here. Ye had better all sit doon.” When his audience sat before him in a semicircle, he gave each one such a fierce look, even Tina knew he would stand for no interruptions.

  “A pox on all my misbegotten offspring! I ha’ nurtured a nest of vipers here at Doon. The minute ma back was turned, all hell broke loose! Dinna thank me for what ye are about tae receive—thank yer brothers!”

  Elizabeth sobbed. Rob glared at her fiercely, and the sobs settled down to hopeless tears.

  “The whoresons have been raidin’, stirrin’ up old hatreds and feuds atween Kennedys, Campbells, Hamiltons, and Douglases, and the king won’t stand fer it. He called the heads of the clans on the carpet and told them if they didna sign bonds of friendship and bonds of matrimony, he was goin’ tae start hangin’ the culprits. Now, we’ve made a start wi’ the Kennedy-Campbell marriage, so that keeps bloody Argyll frae ma throat. But that’s just the start! There’s tae be two more weddin’s without delay.” He cast a fierce look upon Tina. “Ye can expect a visit and a proposal frae Patrick Hamilton any hour now. Ye will accept that proposal, and while yer at it, ye can get on yer knees and thank God fer yer good fortune in landin’ the heir to the Earldom of Arran.”

  Tina flushed. If there was one thing she could not abide, it was taking orders. She opened her mouth to speak, but Ada laid a warning hand upon her sleeve, and when she glanced at her father’s face, she realized Ada had done right to warn her. His face had gone from red to purple and he looked as if his next words might kill him. “Our youngest, sweet child, our baby girl, goes as a sacrificial lamb tae none other than Black Ram Douglas.”

  Beth gasped, Kirsty choked, Elizabeth sobbed. Then Beth went into hysterics, Kirsty looked ready to scratch out Rob’s eyes, and Elizabeth gabbled, “I’ll take her to England, I’ll hide her. She’s only a baby, far too young to wed any man, let alone a degenerate Douglas!”

  “Enough, woman!” roared Rob. “We ha’ no choice. The head o’ the clan has decided, and his word is law! This is Scotland, woman. God’s passion, ye’ve lived here donkey’s years, and still yer ignorant of our customs.”

  Tina at last found the courage to speak up. “Black Ram Douglas won’t come with cap in hand and a proposal of marriage on his arrogant lips. He’s not the marrying kind.”

  Her father swung on her. “Ye forget—Archibald Douglas will be givin’ him his orders. Can ye imagine any man breathin’ not doing as the powerful Earl of Angus suggests?”

  It took the combined ministrations of Elizabeth, Kirsty, and Ada to get the distraught and hysterical Beth to her bedchamber. Rob, his mouth grimmer than Tina had ever seen, said in an ominous tone, “Ye may tell Duncan an’ David tae present their misbeggotten carcasses afore me.”

  Valentina was in a very subdued mood when she entered her own chamber. She sank down onto the bed to slowly digest her father’s orders. She would make no protest about her marriage to Patrick Hamilton. She felt she was the luckiest girl alive when she compared herself with her young sister. It was unthinkable that innocent little Beth must become the mate of Black Ram Douglas. He would swallow the tiny morsel whole. She shuddered involuntarily as her mind conjured a picture of the dark, intimidating Scot

  The Prince of Darkness himself could not have been more compelling, yet more forbidding. She knew the horror her mother must feel at the mere suggestion of a match between her favorite child and the Douglas. My God, it was as if history were repeating itself. When a Kennedy daughter wed a Douglas, the result could only be tragic.

  The next afternoon brought Patrick Hamilton, accompanied by his father, the Earl of Arran. Tina fidgeted while Ada pinned up her hair in a chignon. She was almost resigned to the inevitability of her marriage and was determined to act in a composed, mature manner when she was summoned before the men who were deciding her fate.

  At last the knock came upon her chamber door, but the servant told her that young Lord Hamilton awaited her in the garden. She was glad that Patrick was thoughtful enough to propose to her in private, even though it was just a formality.

  As she walked toward him she thought wryly, my God, he looks as if he’s been handed a death sentence. He took her hands and searched her face. There were no words that would be kinder or less hurtful. “Tina, sweetheart, ye must know I want tae marry ye more than anything in the world.”

  “Yes, Patrick, I know how you feel,” she replied, smiling to encourage him.

  “I’m tae wed Nan Howard next week, by order of the queen.”

  Tina’s eyes went wide. “But why? I thought the king had ordered a bond of matrimony between our clans.”

  Patrick looked ill. “I—she … Nan Howard is with child,” he said miserably

  “Yours?” she asked softly.

  “No … I don’t know. Perhaps,” he admitted. “The queen’s ladies are such sluts, I don’t suppose I’ll ever know,” he said bitterly.

  Tina withdrew her hands. She looked up at the window of the chamber, where her father conducted his business. He and Arran must be having a similar conversation. Her pride was stung that Patrick had been having a liaison while courting her, but she bit back the cutting remarks that sprang to her lips as she realized it was much worse for Patrick than for herself. In a strange way she felt relief that she had been reprieved. She touched his hand again. “Patrick, I’m sorry.”

  “Dear God, how can ye be so understanding when I’ve been such a foolish swine?”

  She could not explain her mood. Life had such unexpected twists and turns. The last thing in the world she had expected was rejection, for whatever reason. It was pointless to linger. What more could she say? “Next time we meet, we will still be friends.” She turned and left him. She could not bear to witness the deep despair she saw clearly writ upon his face.

  Tina did not recall climbing the stairs to her chamber, but before she could explain matters to Ada, they were both summoned to the first floor. When they entered the room, Elizabeth joined them and the Earl of Arran had apparently departed. Tina saw that her mother’s face was still swollen from crying. Now she was to be upset again, and Tina felt wretched to bring her mother more unhappiness.

  She took a seat and folded her hands in her lap. Her father’s face was so grim, it took all her courage to meet his eyes. Tina felt guilty. Not only was Patrick devastated, her parents would be heartbroken, while she herself was almost unscathed.

  “The clans o’ Kennedy and Hamilton will no’ be joined in matrimony,” he said heavily. “Arran has informed me his son must wed the queen’s lady, Nan Howard.”

  Elizabeth, in dismay, demanded, “Why?”

  “Because he’s put a bairn in her belly,” Rob said baldly.

  Elizabeth was in shock.

  Tina said low, “I’m so sorry, Mother. I only wish for your sake it was the other wedding that had been called off.”

  Elizabeth’s face lit with a ray of hope. “Oh Rob, don’t you see? Perhaps this is the answer to my prayers! Valentina will be free to marry. Perhaps the Douglas will settle for her instead of Beth.”

  Tina looked at her mother in disbelief as the words “settle for her, settle for … settle for her” repeated themselves in her brain. Tina felt as if she had received a blow to her solar plexus. It was unthinkable that she marry Black Ram Douglas, but even worse was the knowledge that her mother loved Beth so much more, she was willing to sacrifice Tina to save Beth.

  With tart sarcasm Tina said, “‘Twould be a match made in Heaven.”

  Elizabeth agreed. “Yes, yes, Rob, don’t you see that Valentina is much more suited to a brute like Douglas?”

  When Tina felt Ada’s comforting hand upon her shoulder, tears gathered in her throat, almost choking her

  “Rob, promise me you will see about it immediately, before it is too late,” Elizabeth pressed.

  As Rob Kennedy looked at his daughter, his heart was filled with pity for
his beautiful little Firebrand He wished Elizabeth had spoken to him in private—the woman had no sensitivity at all “Well, it will be up tae the earls tae decide,” he said

  Elizabeth was already on her feet. She couldn’t wait to take the news to Beth. Hope wasn’t dead after all. Ada followed Elizabeth from the room.

  Tina hadn’t moved. Her father said hoarsely, “Lassie, I’m sorry. She’s right, ye know If any can stand up tae Douglas, it’s ye”

  “Don’t pity me, it’s insulting,” she said in a brittle voice

  His heart was heavy as he saw her shrug her shoulder before departing the room.

  She paced up and down her chamber, giving vent to her outrage

  “It might not be so bad,” Ada placated. “Marriage might alter him. People change, you know.”

  “No they don’t—they just get more like themselves,” Tina said with conviction. “Bloody men!” she swore. “Foul fall the lot of them!”

  “Men can be managed,” Ada said, “if a woman is clever enough.” Ada had made a decision to stop trying to placate her. What Tina needed was help, advice, the truth She would aid her any way she could, and she would begin by laying it all out on the table for her

  Tina stopped pacing “What do you mean by clever?”

  “A woman, a real woman, has weapons that can defeat any man breathing, whether he’s a lord, an earl, or even a king”

  Tina sat down and gave Ada her full attention. “Do you mean my beauty?”

  Ada shook her head. “Beauty is only a small part of it. It’s not even necessary, though I cannot deny it is helpful. I’m speaking of a woman’s sexuality. Most women never utilize it, never even achieve it. Like your mother.”

  Tina thought about that for a minute. “My mother gets her way with tears.”