Page 29 of Tempted

  Gavin and Drummond Douglas had returned in the night. They had anchored in the Dee, not seven miles away. Tina breakfasted alone and hoped she kept Hotspur waiting, but when she finally emerged into the bailey, she saw that no sign of impatience marred his dark brow. When his eyes swept over her, she felt beautiful.

  A man-at-arms held Indigo for her, and as she mounted and rode forward, she was amazed that her mare touched noses with Ruffian, who though beautiful was a vicious creature, untamed except to one man’s hand.

  Ram felt the warmth of the radiant smile Valentina gave his brother Gavin like a twist in his gut. She steeled herself against Ram’s teasing, fully expecting him to banter and make her blush about what had taken place between them.

  “Ye were right about yer French chef. I never tasted anything like that salmon before.”

  She gave him a bewitching look from beneath her lashes and said, “I thought the dessert was spectacular.”

  The look he gave her was so intense and forbidding, she realized that whatever had happened between them was absolutely inviolate. Whatever happened in the privacy of their bedchamber would never be referred to in public. Against her volition, her opinion of him rose a notch.

  She cleared her throat and changed the subject. “My mare Indigo is suddenly accepting Ruffian.”

  “When I had her in my possession, I hope he served her as stud. She could be in foal,” he speculated.

  Suddenly she was blazing mad. His bloody stallion had spoiled her lovely Barbary, and he sounded damned pleased about it! Why did he think he could take whatever he fancied? He’d gotten possession of Indigo again through her, and now he’d own the colt too! She rode in angry silence then raised her eyes to look across the River Dee and saw the land he’d snatched from her. “Your Douglas land on the far side of the river is far superior to the Douglas land on this side.”

  He cocked an eyebrow and corrected her. “Yonder is still Kennedy land. I hold it in yer name until we are wed.”

  We’ll never be wed, she vowed silently.

  The Douglas ship that Drummond captained, the Antigone, lay at anchor in Kirkcudbright Bay. The posse of men drew rein, and Ramsay invited, “Come aboard, my lady, and choose a gift brought back from Flanders.”

  Although Tina was mollified, she chalked up two more black marks against him for the time when she would even the score. She loved ships and all things nautical but had never been allowed to indulge her passion, even though her father owned a fleet of merchant vessels.

  Though Ram handed her aboard, he summoned Colin to look after her needs while he went to the forecastle with Drummond and Gavin. Tina was enchanted with the cargo. There were bolts of cloth, everything from fine wool to shimmering brocade. A shipment of tapestries caught her fancy. One in particular, depicting a tawny-coated lynx with its short tail, long legs, and silky ruff on each side of its face, appealed to her most. It would look spectacular hung above their bed at Castle Douglas.

  Colin rolled it up for her. He was happy that Drummond had remembered to bring him a fresh supply of oil paints, pigments, and canvases from Holland. To get into the aft holds required first going up on deck, and as she glimpsed Ramsay, she saw he was grim-faced and having a most serious discussion with his men She did not question Colin, though she was curious. The Douglases were clannish, and she wanted no tales carried back to Ram about her unseemly interest in their affairs.

  Before she went down into the hold, her nose told her the Antigone had brought back spices. Mr. Burque would never forgive her if she did not acquire a little of each for him She knew the spices were not native to Flanders or Holland—Colin explained they were from the Indy Islands, owned by the Dutch. There was nutmeg with its distinct piquant aroma, and pepper, which tickled the nose and produced sneezing. Then there were cloves that she knew cured toothache and were so precious, they were doled out one at a time. Cinnamon had by far the nicest aroma and the sweetest taste, but ginger too was delicious.

  After she had examined and smelled all the different spices she began all over again with the perfumes. The oils and musk had been distilled from exotic plants and barks, then in Flanders they had been mixed with poppy and freesia and lily that grew so abundantly in the fields. Tina chose a fragrance that was a mixture of spice and freesia, with only a hint of musk. Most of the perfumes were too heavy and cloying for her taste.

  At last Ram was ready to disembark, but Drummond stayed aboard and some of Ram’s moss-troopers stayed behind with him. Gavin, however, stayed at his brother’s side, and as they remounted their horses, Tina heard Ram say, “Wait until ye see her. Sleekest lines I’ve ever seen. Nothing will be able to catch her.”

  The Douglas rode up beside Tina. “Did ye find something ye fancied, lass?”

  “Everything! I chose a jewel-toned velvet from a place called Veere, and I begged spices for Mr. Burque. He’ll be able to make gingerbread.”

  “Did he ever bake ye a gingerbread man?” Ram asked indulgently.

  “Oh yes, they are the best kind of man to have. Always sweet and silent, and if they give you trouble, you can bite their heads off.”

  He laughed with her. He had begun to enjoy the little barbs she threw his way. There were a lot of things he was beginning to like about her that had once annoyed the very devil out of him, but that was before she belonged to him. Now he admired her wildness, and the way she rode rather than needing a carriage. The way she let the wind stream through her hair to show it off to the world. The way she wore fine jewels and gowns so elegantly, as vain as any French courtesan. But most of all he liked the reckless way she threw herself into lovemaking, holding nothing back, giving all. A small voice warned him, Don’t let her think she has you on a string.

  They rode west to Wigtown Bay, where several ships rode at anchor. The Valentina, however, stood out like a jewel. She had been built for speed, so her lines were sleek, and like her namesake she was most pleasing to the eye. She was all white and gold, glittering in the afternoon sun.

  Tina had deeply conflicting emotions when she saw the ship. She was proud of the Kennedy vessel that had been named for her, yet a wave of resentment washed over her that her father had used it to bribe Douglas to take her. If she felt resentment toward her father, it was unadulterated black hatred she felt toward Hotspur Douglas at that moment.

  As he admired the ship, she noticed, his eyes had the same possessive look as when he looked at her. Though it was not her ship, had never been her ship, in that moment she wanted to own it. She decided to try her power over him. “There is one more present I would have from you this day,” she said prettily.

  “Name it,” he said low, his voice almost a caress.

  “The Valentina” she said, nodding toward the ship.

  His face hardened. “For once yer sense of humor doesn’t amuse me. Come, I’ll take ye aboard.”

  “Hold!” she cried, raising her voice for all to hear. “‘Tis still Kennedy property until I formally turn it over to you. I shall take you aboard.”

  He cocked a black eyebrow but held his peace. They dismounted, and all crowded into a great longboat and took their seats at the oars. With a solemn countenance, he handed her an oar. “Proceed.”

  A look of dismay came into her face as she glanced down at her expensive sky-blue riding dress, but as she looked up, she saw him exchange a wink with his men. Her resolve hardened. “Be damned,” she said, and pulling her riding gloves from her belt, she jerked them on and picked up the oar.

  He had not expected this reaction. He laughed and said, “Give me the oar—I was teasing ye.”

  Her golden eyes narrowed. “I’ll row this damned boat if it’s the last thing I ever do!”

  “Yer almost as stubborn as me,” he mused.

  She was so inept, she only hindered the men in their rowing, but when the boat pulled alongside the graceful ship and the Douglas men climbed the rope ladder to the deck, at least a dozen hands reached down to aid her aboard, and she felt warmed by the
grins of approval the dark-visaged Douglases bestowed upon her.

  The Valentina had only a skeleton crew of Kennedys, and Tina marched straight to the forecastle. She recognized the men aboard as her brother Donal’s men and spoke up immediately “Fetch me the logbook,” she ordered, and the wind whipped her hair and lifted her blue skirt playfully to show her legs and undergarments. While a Kennedy seaman hurried below for the log, Tina stood facing Ramsay, her chin high and her eyes blazing. The long minutes stretched out, while all his moss-troopers stood enjoying their confrontation When the log was handed to her, with great ceremony she held it out to him. “The lady is in your hands, Lord Douglas. Though she has beautiful lines, she isn’t as easily handled as you presume” Her look was triumphant, and none present missed the double entendre.

  “As her new master, I can assure ye she will never be in better hands.”

  She bit her lip Damn the arrogant swine—must he always top her? “I hope you can read storm clouds,” she warned.

  “When it storms at sea, I am in my element. I only hope ye are aware of how violent it can be.”

  Should she heed his warning or accept his challenge? As she stared into those pewter eyes, she had a moment of misgiving and decided upon the former. With a shrug of her shoulder and a rueful little smile she said, “Your hospitality is shamefully lacking to keep me standing here, freezing to death.”

  “I’ll take ye below and warm ye up,” he murmured in her ear.

  She could smell the resin of the white pine decking and the odor of the wet canvas sails She turned to her brother’s man “Would you be good enough to carry a letter to Donal and his new wife Meggie for me?”

  He nodded, and Ram said, “Ye had better be brief—I intend to weigh anchor and take her out to sea.”

  Tina was excited at the prospect “I won’t write after all. Donal isn’t one for letters anyway Just give them both my love, and tell them I shall drop in for a visit one day.”

  Ram led her below, noting with satisfaction the paneling and other fine appointments of his new vessel. He opened the door of the main cabin, and she stepped inside. The moment the door closed, he took her by storm. She was swept into his arms against the hard length of him as his mouth took fierce possession of hers. She was thoroughly kissed before he lifted his lips. “Blood of God, I’ve been wanting to taste ye all day tae see if ye still taste like last night.”

  “And do I?” she asked provocatively.

  He tasted her lips again and licked her full underlip. “Mmm, not quite as sweet—a little more tart,” he teased, referring to her temper. He perched on the edge of the table, spread his legs wide, and brought her between. His hands had her bodice unfastened to the waist before she knew what he was about. Her breasts were in his palms, and he lifted each one so he could taste and lick her nipples and aureoles. As they rouched, Tina gasped, “You have no shame.”

  “None whatsoever,” he agreed, as strong hands went behind to her buttocks, and he pressed her secret part against his swollen sex. He glanced at the bunk. “It’s wide enough for two if we lie touching.”

  “One would have to lie on top of the other,” she protested.

  He nodded enthusiastically. “We could take turns”

  She tried to pull away from him. “Your men are awaiting your orders to weigh anchor.”

  “They won’t expect me for some time. All heard ye invite me down here tae warm ye up. Ye deliberately stoke the fires of my passion in public.”

  “That’s so you can’t fall upon me and tear off all my clothes, you madman!”

  “Aye, mad!” he said, taking her mouth again and breathing in her woman’s fragrance. His lips trailed up her throat to her ear, then he whispered, “After being at sea all afternoon, yer skin will taste salty when I lick it tonight.” A queer little shiver made her spine tingle. “If ye behave yerself, I might let ye lick me,” he whispered outrageously, and chuckled deep in his throat when he saw her blushes. He became serious and buttoned up her riding dress. “I’d like nothing better than tae make love tae ye, sweet, but I know how embarrassed ye are in front of all these rough men. I’ll behave myself until bedtime.” He brushed her lovely hair back from her brow and tenderly kissed her temple. “Come on, let’s go fer a run into the Irish Sea.”

  Tina moved forward to the prow while Ram shouted his orders. He stood between Jock and Gavin at the wheel. Jock said, “She’ll need cannon.”

  “Where do we buy cannon?” asked Gavin.

  Ram’s eyebrows went up. “Buy? Are we not reivers? We lift cannon the same way we lift cattle. Tomorrow the first order of business is tae capture an English vessel. We’ll pick our mark today. Keep yer eyes open.”

  Tina watched as the topsails broke from the yards, tumbled loose, and were sheeted home. How she would love to have been a man! To shout orders from the quarterdeck, to own a fine sailing ship such as the Valentina and every man jack aboard! She leaned against the rail and watched the sea and the sky and listened to the shrill screams of the seabirds that seemed so fierce and so free. When she tired of watching the sea, her eyes sought out Ram Douglas.

  She watched him as he spoke with every single one of his men. She noticed that when he spoke with a man he gave him his full attention and listened intently to what that man said back to him. Before he moved on to the next man, he always put a hand on the shoulder or a slap on the back. Women didn’t have that one-for-all and all-for-one camaraderie that men shared. Two women could be close friends like Ada and herself, but a large group would be more like enemies than friends.

  Thinking of Ada reminded her of her advice. She had made a tactical mistake today to allow her anger and hatred to show through, making her tongue sharp and her behavior outrageous. She should have waited until they were abed to ask Ram Douglas for the Valentina. She shivered. He was a dangerous man—she must never let him know that what she did now was so that she could wreak revenge later.

  In the late afternoon he joined her at the rail and slipped a possessive arm about her as the red balloon of the sun dropped down the sky to be swallowed by the black sea. “I hope all this fresh air has worked up an appetite.”

  “I’m starving,” she said, leaning against him, all soft compliance.

  “Good! A couple of the lads have prepared a veritable feast. Mind ye, they aren’t quite on the same level as yer Mr Burque, but there’s oysters, scallops, and big prawns. We’re all going to eat it here on deck, if yer game?”

  It suited her to a tee She loved nothing more than being treated like one of the lads, and she and Ram sat cross-legged with the men on the deck, held the platters of shellfish on their knees, and washed it down with tankards of ale.

  The wind dropped as they sailed into the mouth of the River Dee. The Valentina’s sails were furled, and she went up river on the evening tide. Ram wanted to know just how close he could get the midsize vessel to Castle Douglas. “Let’s stay aboard tonight?” he implored her. “Tomorrow I’m back patrolling that damned border, and God knows how often I’ll get tae spend the night with ye, since most raids take place at night.”

  Since he wanted it so much, she fulfilled his desire. She would deny him nothing. In the small cabin she allowed him to undress her, making sure both her stockings were removed. Then his hands were on his own clothes, flinging them off with all possible speed.

  As she stood in the golden glow of the ship’s lantern, he beckoned her to the berth. “There is something between my legs that needs yer ministrations,” he told her, unable to mask the laughter in his dark eyes. He handed her his sharp dirk and opened his thighs.

  She looked at him blankly for a moment, not comprehending the savage gamp he wanted to play. “Take out yer stitches,” he explained, “Lord, woman, what did ye think I wanted ye tae do?”

  “Foolish Douglas to trust a Kennedy with a knife,” she taunted him, touching the point to the taut skin of his belly. I could ruin the arrogant bastard, she thought. Of course she’d be dead, but he’d be cas
trated. But then she thought of the pleasure he gave her and knew she’d never do it.

  She moved the lantern closer, and its light spilled across his groin, making deep shadows in the dark pelt and highlighting his phallus, which rose up like a tree trunk from a forest. His eyes licked over her like a candle flame, scorching her mouth, the tips of her breasts, and her mons. All the while the ship rocked gently, lulling them with its rhythmic undulations

  She forced her eyes away from his man’s center and examined the long gash she had stitched. He had healed amazingly well in such a short time, and she felt a pang of regret that he had not suffered more. Carefully she began to cut the silken threads and pick out the stitches, proud that her handiwork would leave no permanent scar.

  With her hands upon him, his shaft began to buck. “Be still,” she murmured.

  “I’m not making it do that—ye are,” he explained.

  “That is a lie, Douglas. ‘Tis your own impure thoughts make you like a ram in rutting season.”

  “My god, vixen, you kneel before me naked, tormenting my flesh until I know not if ye are angel or devil then accuse me of impure thoughts. They’re not impure, they’re profligate!”

  “Degenerate Douglas,” she purred, the tip of her tongue between her teeth as she almost reached the end of the stitches.

  He grabbed for her, dragging her between his thighs, his mouth taking hers prisoner, capturing the delicious tip of her tongue. The point of the dirk went in and spurt blood, but he was oblivious to anything save the fiery temptress who aroused him to madness. His hot mouth moved down her throat, kissing, sucking, licking. He lifted her body higher so that his mouth was on her delicate breasts, tasting, biting, stroking her silken curves with his tongue, curling it about the hard little fruits that thrust so impudently into the hot wetness of his mouth.

  He tongued her dimpled navel and ran his lips down the gentle curve of her belly, making her cry out with the intensity of his mouth on her golden flesh. He turned with her and laid her back upon the berth, spreading her copper tresses across the pillows, then when he had gazed his fill, he knew he must taste her honeypot or go mad.