Page 40 of Tempted

There was a tureen of lobster bisque laced with cream and brandy. Tina thought she had never tasted anything so heavenly. Ram allowed her the pleasure of lifting the silver covers to discover the treasures Mr. Burque had placed there. She uncovered a hot brie cheese sprinkled with herbs and surrounded by crusty fingers of French bread. It was delicious, melting on the tongue like ambrosia. Tina sighed with replete pleasure as Ram dipped in the last piece and fed it to her with his fingers.

  When she lifted the next cover, there sat two racks of small spareribs smoked with juniper berries and beech-wood. She had only a token taste and watched Ramsay enjoy the rest. When she uncovered the dessert, it looked too perfect to eat. “Mmm, chocolat,” Tina said, pronouncing it exactly as her French chef did. The soft-centered truffles were identical, perfect works of art, each crowned by a gold-tipped cone of chocolate-coated butter cream. She closed her eyes as she bit into the luscious delicacy, then licked her lips with the tip of her tongue. She held one out to Ram, who shook his head. “I insist,” she said playfully, and held it to his lips.

  To please her he ate one, then reached for another. “Enticing, mouthwatering seduction. These are sinful—the man is a magician.”

  Tina was delighted that he appreciated Mr. Burque’s wizardry with food. Her eyes were brimful of laughter as she watched him savor the exquisite truffles.

  Ram’s eyes never left her face. Her tears were all gone. “Are you happy, Tina?” he murmured.

  “I’m happy now, this moment,” she told him truthfully.

  He knelt before her chair on his knees. “This moment is all we ever have.” His hands went up inside her loose-sleeved bedgown to caress her arms. “There’s one more dish,” he reminded, his dark eyes watching her closely.

  “I couldn’t eat another thing,” she protested; nevertheless, she lifted the silver cover from the small dish. She gasped as she saw the emerald and diamond necklace he had hidden there for her to discover. With trembling fingers she lifted the precious stones and the candles, and firelight scattered a thousand tiny rainbows dancing about them. “Oh, Ram, whenever did you buy these for me?”

  “The same day I spent a fortune on ye. The day ye played mistress.”

  She threw back her head, and her laughter spilled over him. In unison they said, “At least you have a sense of humor.” Suddenly, Tina had a catch in her throat. She lifted the jewels to her neck, but he took them from her, lifted her flaming hair, and clasped it about her throat, then he lifted her and set her down before the mirror. The glittering, dark green fire of the emeralds had surely been designed for a woman with hair of flame. His hands went to her bedgown to remove it, but he knew if he saw her naked loveliness, the fire she ignited in him would flash out of control. This night she needed his strength, not his lust.

  In the mirror his dark figure towered above her, strong, all-powerful. In her imagination they made a fanciful tableau. He looked like some mythical avenging god sent to protect her. The tears spilled down her cheeks, and he swept her up and carried her to the bed. Fiercely he demanded, “Promise me ye will never shed another tear.”

  She swallowed hard, gaining control for his sake.

  “Promise me!” he insisted.

  She nodded and lifted her hand to touch his cheek. “I promise,” she whispered.

  He held her close all that night. Somehow he knew that what she needed from him was his strong arms. She clung to him, never loosening her hold even in slumber.

  Valentina hated traveling in the wagon while everyone else, including Ada, was mounted. The only thing that prevented her from springing down from the warm nest of the featherbed was the fact that it eased Ram’s mind about her comfort. Whenever he rode alongside her to verify that all was well with her, she forced herself to smile sweetly and curb her fiery temper.

  Cumnock was less than twenty miles from Douglas, but nevertheless the wagon train did not arrive there until the afternoon, and Ram decided they would rest there all night.

  For the first time Tina saw Black Ram Douglas through other eyes. The people of Cumnock, from the laird down to the lowliest tenant, treated him as if he were a deity. Lord Vengeance was their divine benefactor, come to bring food for their children and fodder for their beasts. He brought gold to pay for new trappings in the church. He brought manpower to help them rebuild their burned homes He brought medicine, ointment, and bandages for their wounded and burned, but most of all he brought them new hope that the enemy who had descended and destroyed would be hunted down by Hotspur Douglas in retaliation for their suffering. He would wreak revenge for them.

  The men shook his hand or touched his shoulder, the women kissed him, the children came up to him shyly to stare at the valiant Lord Vengeance. Tina saw him pick up one child after another. He tickled them, ruffled their hair, whispered in their ears, and succeeded in bringing smiles to their serious little faces. She had had no idea until this moment how much he loved children. And suddenly she knew she loved him. So this was love then, this passionate, wild, all-consuming emotion as powerful as hatred, nay, more powerful. Love was far too tame and pallid a word to describe this thing that was between them. It was closer to madness than sanity, closer to violence than peace. It was primitive, savage, wanton, untamed, reckless, and unquenchable.

  She gazed at him with the eyes of a woman who is proud of her lover. She recalled the verbal exchange they’d had when he came to offer for her “The Douglases are renowned for their ambition, pride, greed, and treachery,” she had said.

  “And valor,” he had added with a wolfish grin. He had spoken the truth. Ram Douglas was innately valiant, and she adored him for it.

  They ate sparingly, and after Ram saw her and Ada bedded down in comfort, he and his men worked far into the night restoring some of Cumnock’s destruction.

  When they departed in the morning he left behind ten of his men-at-arms with instructions to meet him at the ship when they had finished rebuilding. Lord Douglas Was received at Ochiltree with the same adulation as at Cumnock. By now, Tina thought it amusing that they treated him as if he had just descended from Mount Olympus. They should see him when his Douglas temper was unleashed, or see his unsavory condition after a night of debauched drinking, she thought wryly. Then he cradled a burned child so tenderly, it touched her very soul.

  Again, he left men to help rebuild the village. The River Doon lay only seven miles away, and they expected to reach it by dusk. Tina looked forward to spending the night with him aboard the Revenge before she went home to Castle Doon. He had been very careful not to make any demands upon her since her illness, but tonight Tina was afire to make demands of her own.

  They rode along the banks of the Doon until the ship came into view. She was amazed at how camouflaged it was, tucked into a bend in the river. They only had three men with them, so Ram came himself to lift her down from the wagon. She was grateful for the strong hand at the small of her back as they ascended the gangplank of what had once been the Valentina. She looked up in surprise as her brother Davie came forward. She did not recognize the man with him.

  Black Ram Douglas had no trouble recognizing him, however. As Lord Dacre stepped forward, a score of uniformed men surrounded them and held Lord Douglas at swordpoint. “In the name of the king, I arrest you for piracy on the high seas.” Dacre turned to David Kennedy. “Do you identify this man as the infamous Lord Vengeance?”

  “I do,” said Davie Kennedy with relish.

  “No!” gasped Tina, rooted to the spot by the enormity of what her brother had done.

  Ram Douglas struggled fiercely and received a smashing blow to his temple from a heavy swordhilt. It drove him to his knees. Tina screamed, and as Douglas raised his pewter eyes to her, she saw hatred written there. She was the only one who knew he was Lord Vengeance. She had betrayed him! “No!” she cried again, her hand going out to him in supplication.

  Hotspur saw her through a red mist of fury. Their entire relationship had been based upon revenge. She had emerged the victor
in the battle between them. To this vixen, love had meant weakness, and she had put a knife in his back.

  Tina’s eyes never left his face, lingering on the hard, chiseled mouth and strong arrogant jaw. His prominent cheekbones reinforced the impression of power and ruthless vitality. His dark, harshly handsome features brought a rush of love. As they dragged him past her, she threw out both hands in supplication, the gesture begging him to believe she had not done this dishonorable thing.

  Ram’s eyes were murderous. They bored into hers, promising her the thing she understood better than any woman alive—they promised revenge.

  Chapter 31

  “Get the women off the ship,” Dacre ordered David Kennedy, and like a sleepwalker she allowed her brother to lead her down the gangplank. In shock she stood on the banks of the Doon and watched her own ship being sailed away to England. Her heart constricted as she realized there was only one way they would keep Black Ram Douglas aboard, and that was in heavy irons.

  She turned to Davie with an incredulous look upon her face, as if she could not quite believe that this was not some nightmare from which she would soon awaken. “You filthy little turd!” she screamed, and flew at him, her nails raking his face.

  David grabbed her wrists with cruel hands, and she almost vomited at his touch. “How could you betray him to the bloody English?” she cried in anguish.

  “Douglas is more my enemy than Dacre. I met him many a time when I visited Carlisle with mother.”

  “God’s passion, you’ve not seen the atrocities Dacre and his English raiders have committed! They fired the entire village of Ochiltree, burning women and children!”

  “Don’t speak tae me of burns!” he spat, holding up his scarred arm

  She looked at him in disbelief. “You think you’ll get your thirty pieces of silver, but let me tell you, Davie Kennedy, you have just frittered away your life! The powerful Douglas clan will hunt you down like a dog. You are a dead man!”

  He looked at Ada, standing with a protective arm about Nell, then his eyes narrowed and fastened upon Tina “You are the only witness, and women are soon silenced.” He raised his hand to strike her, but Tina was quicker. The moment he let go of her wrist, she slapped him full in the face. At the same time she brought her leg up and kneed him in the balls. He went to his knees, howling for his men to grab her

  Tina turned to face the four red-headed Kennedy men with a sweeping look of contempt Not one of them made a move toward her Her golden eyes blazed their challenge “Is there any one of you man enough to drive my wagon to Castle Doon?”

  The men looked at the three women who stood defenseless before them and felt hot shame. The oldest stepped forward. “I will take ye home, Lady Valentina,” he said grimly

  When Tina arrived home, she learned that her father had taken her mother to Castle Kennedy to be with Donal and Meggie because Meggie’s time was near Tina’s heart sank. She had counted upon her father to take her to the king Ada cast her an anxious glance Tina had only just begun to recover from the double ordeal of the poisoning and the miscarriage She must be ready to collapse.

  Tina kept on her feet by sheer willpower alone. There was no time to think of herself There was not one moment to lose She knew without a doubt that Henry Tudor would hang Lord Vengeance when he was delivered to London Tina went out to the stables to speak with the Kennedy grooms. “Ada and I will be riding to Edinburgh at dawn. I want the two best mounts you have, and I’ll need an escort of at least two men. I don’t want young boys,” she told the head groom.

  “I’ll attend ye myself, Lady Kennedy,” he offered, thinking his young mistress looked ill.

  Tina felt almost uncomfortable in her old home. Beth was distant with her, and she was at a loss for the reason. Kirsty, however, was her old hateful self. She looked down her long nose at Tina’s slim waist and said snidely, “I see yer not breeding yet. ‘Twould be a pity if ye proved barren when the Douglas only agreed tae take ye tae provide him with an heir.”

  Dear God, there would be no Douglas heir if they hanged Ramsay. “I’ll say good night,” said Tina stiffly. “I must be away at first light.”

  “Oh, I have your bedchamber now,” said Beth ingenuously.

  Tina pressed her lips together. “That’s all right. I’ll sleep in your old chamber.”

  Kirsty said smugly, “I now occupy Beth’s old chamber.”

  Ada intervened. “Tina, come, I’ll ready your parents’ room for you.”

  Kirsty pressed her thin lips together in outrage. “Ye canna use the master bedchamber!”

  Ada fixed her with a steely eye. “Watch me!” she challenged, and took a menacing step toward the woman. Kirsty fell back instantly. She was no match for Ada.

  Valentina could not sleep, but at least she rested her body. They arose before dawn and dressed warmly for the long ride to Edinburgh. When they arrived at the stables, Tina felt weak with relief when she saw the burly, mail-clad figure of Bothwick armed to the teeth. “Oh, Bothwick, this is so good of you. But I’m honor-bound to tell you that Dacre and his soldiers were as close as the River Doon yesterday. What if they return and attack the castle?”

  Bothwick clenched a meaty fist. “When I saw what the whoresons did tae Fisherton, I sent messages tae all the clan, including the Earl o’ Cassillis. They should ha’ men here by tonight,” he assured her.

  Tina wore the fox cape whose fur was identical to the color of her hair. She sent Ram a whispered thanks upon the wind for buying her such a luxurious garment to keep her warm. The head groom had done an efficient job of strapping her luggage and food for their journey to the backs of two packhorses. He had also chosen a sure-footed garron for her to ride, and another for Ada.

  The journey of about thirty-seven miles would take five or six hours, depending upon the weather and the stamina of their mounts. Tina thought with pride that Hotspur could do it in just over two hours. The first part of the journey seemed to invigorate her. She was racing against time, and danger had ever been a spur to her. They did not stop to break their fast but ate bannocks and washed them down with ale as they rode.

  After almost three hours they stopped to water the horses in the Clyde, very close to Patrick Hamilton’s castle at the town of Hamilton. When Tina thought of the young man she had almost married, goosebumps stood out upon her skin. What a close call that had been. Only Fate, much wiser than she, thank God, had saved her from a disastrous marriage with the immature son of Scotland’s admiral. Her mind could not help comparing him with Ram Douglas, and he suffered greatly by that comparison. Just thinking of Ram’s capture made her lean against her horse, weak-kneed.

  Bothwick said gruffly to Ada, “She’s as pale as a corpse.”

  Ada bit her lip. “She shouldn’t be riding this hard. She lost her bairn only last week”

  “Christ, woman, do ye want tae kill her?” he growled.

  Tina felt herself lifted in Bothwick’s strong arms. It was exactly like being picked up by a bear. Thankfully, she slipped her arms about his neck and clung to his strength. He mounted and tucked her in the crook of one massive arm. “Rest child, auld Bothwick will get ye tae Edinburgh, though I canna promise the king will see ye.”

  “Angus,” whispered Tina.

  Bothwick was alarmed. Surely this child wasn’t courageous enough to beard Archibald Douglas? Tina smiled up at him. The golden eyes slanting from the red fox hood reminded him exactly of a sleek vixen. “He has a soft spot for me.” Bothwick’s heart did a little dance inside his massive chest. Valentina Kennedy was indeed a man’s woman.

  They caused no little stir at Edinburgh Castle. The beefy giant with the fiery red head and beard swept along the stone passageways carrying the beautiful young woman wrapped in furs, her flaming tresses trailing to the floor. He hammered his beefy fist upon the Earl of Angus’s apartment door and contemplated belting anyone who refused to admit her. Tina was tired, cold, and hungry, and in that moment he was her gentle parfait knight in armor, fulfilling
the quest she had set him.

  When Angus’s servants saw who it was, they were admitted immediately, and a page was dispatched with a message to the earl. When he arrived and Bothwick saw with his own eyes that the full power of Clan Douglas was at Tina’s beck and call, he departed for Doon with a much easier mind.

  “When did they take him?” growled Angus.

  “Yesterday, early in the morning,” replied Tina, fiercely ashamed that David had tainted the Kennedy name.

  “Ye did real good, lass, gettin’ here so quick. But where in the name of Christ were his men?” he demanded.

  “His first lieutenant, Jock, took a score of men from Douglas after three towns were raided. Ram was busy looking after me—I drank poisoned wine.”

  Granite-faced Archibald Douglas looked shocked.

  “It wasn’t Ramsay who poisoned me!” she protested hotly.

  Angus looked relieved. “Nay, poison is a coward’s weapon. In any case he had only tae send ye home tae rid himself of ye an’ be free of the hand-fasting. What about his other men? He had sixty of mine.”

  “He left some at Cumnock and more at Ochiltree to help the villagers rebuild. Their plight was heartrending.”

  “Reckless young fool! I never ride out these days without a hundred Douglas at my back.”

  “How long will it take Dacre to get him to London?” Tina asked fearfully.

  “What makes ye think they’ll take him tae London?”

  “Because he’s Lord Vengeance, and there’s a big price on his head. Before he hangs him for piracy, Henry Tudor will want to see what he got for his money.”

  Angus cursed and sat down immediately at a desk littered with papers to write out orders and seal them with his earl’s signet ring. He could clearly see how agitated Tina was over Ram’s capture, and he explained some of what he planned. “I’ve orders for Gavin, Ian, and Drummond Douglas tae raid all along the east coast of England tonight and tae make sure they leave Lord Vengeance’s callin’ card. I’ll go tae the king, and we’ll send Henry Tudor word he’s got the wrong man. If Dacre took him yesterday, he’d take him tae Carlisle. Dacre couldna take him tae London and wouldna spare the men it would take tae ride tae the capital. Too much chance fer Ram to escape overland. He’d transport him in irons in the hold of a ship. That would take at least three, mayhap four days tae reach London. That’s ample time tae get a courier there wi’ messages. I’ll offer a kingly ransom fer him, lass. Henry Tudor might take the money, especially if we convince him Lord Vengeance is still free and raiding every seaport from Berwick tae Yarmouth.”