Page 47 of Tempted

  Angus eyed his favorite nephew and thought for the thousandth time what a pity he wouldn’t inherit the earldom. He would make ten times the regent young Archie would make. Angus sighed. “Ramsay, ye know the Scots would rather fight than eat. We are every last one of us cursed with pride of blood. If ye face it squarely, ye know war with England is inevitable. James Stewart will be on the front battle lines. He’s a soldier to his bones. He’ll be in the front vanguard. I cannot aid his survival, no more than I can guarantee victory for Scotland. My first duty and allegiance is not tae Scotland, nor tae the House o’ Stewart. My first duty is tae Clan Douglas. War has a way of plucking the flowers and leaving the nettles tae flourish. Henry Tudor’s sister already sits on the throne of Scotland. If Tudor wins the war, I want Douglas power at the helm of the ship of state”

  Ramsay almost choked on his anger but thought long and hard on Angus’s words. He was not advocating any sort of betrayal. The whole clan would support the king and fight in the vanguard alongside James. The Bleeding Heart of Douglas would be represented by larger numbers than any other clan, but if Scotland went down in defeat, clan Douglas would be there to pick up the pieces as it had for centuries.

  Valentina had seen next to nothing of Ram since the king called the council of war. She mixed very little with the women of the court. Occasionally she rode out with Janet Kennedy, and when she could not avoid an invitation from Queen Margaret and her ladies, she took supper with them. But just the sight of Henry Tudor’s sister sickened her. The family resemblance was too marked for Tina to be comfortable in her presence. She preferred the company of Ada They sewed new garments for Ramsay, embroidered shifts and nightrails for Tina, and both of them worked on a new wardrobe for Ada. Tina took as much pleasure in the clothes as Ada, and when Angus took her hawking a couple of times and insisted Ada come along, Tina teased her woman about the great conquest she had made.

  November was half over before Ramsay and Valentina found themselves with time enough to share an evening together. They dined alone in their small chamber at Edinburgh Castle. There was no fireplace for them to sit before, and the chill, inhospitable chamber made them long for Douglas. It might be dubbed Castle Dangerous, but it was warm and inviting, even luxurious compared with this pile of cold gray stone The bed loomed large before them as Ram pushed away his plate and emptied the wine bottle into her goblet. “If this bottle could produce a genie who would grant me only one wish, it wouldn’t be for eternal life, nor the riches of Croesus.” He came behind her, put his hands upon her shoulders, and dipped his head to touch his lips to her ear.

  Her hand lifted to caress his cheek, and she murmured seductively, “I know exactly what you would wish for—I desire the very same thing.”

  They were in a playful mood, intent upon teasing each other. His hands slipped over her shoulders, down to her lovely breasts, as he whispered hoarsely, “Just the thought of what I want makes my mouth go dry with longing.”

  “Mine too,” she said, threading her fingers through his midnight black hair. “I want it so badly, I can taste it,” she whispered outrageously.

  Ram swung her into his arms. “I am a slave tae my sinful longings. I’ll tell ye what I want if ye’ll do the same.”

  They looked solemnly into each other’s eyes and spoke in unison. “Mr. Burque’s chocolat truffles!” they said, unable to keep their laughter dammed up any longer. He swung her about the room until finally they fell laughing to the bed. Their faces became intense.

  “I’m starved for ye, sweetheart,” he told her, undressing her with infinitely tender hands. When the last of their garments had been banished to the floor, she came up from the bed onto her knees. Ram did the same. They clung and pressed together until they touched from thigh to breastbone, their mouths fused together as if no power on earth could ever separate them again. Their thick eyelashes brushed together, and he held her as if she were part of his own flesh. It was more than an hour later that the fierce clinging and kissing slowed long enough for them to lie down together.

  Ram knew the entire winter would consist of one separation after another while he scoured the country for recruits, but tonight belonged to them, and they would savor each other to the full, unhurried as it should be between lovers who had been made for each other.

  They had no need for a fire; this bleak winter night, they made their own heat. He had hungered to be buried deep inside her for so long, his shaft probed between her lips of its own accord, and a violent shudder went through him when he found her swollen with need. When the entire hard length of him was within her scalding sheath, he held it still until they could feel each other pulsing, then slowly he raised his head and kissed her temples, brow, eyelids, and the corners of her mouth until his tongue could not be denied It too plunged within the scalding intimate haven and pulsed and throbbed as violently above as he did below. They savored each other for another hour this way, postponing the inevitable cataclysm that would separate them. When the convulsive climax came, however, it was deeply and completely satisfying to both of them as he filled her with his life.

  She lay enfolded in his powerful arms for the rest of the night.

  “I’ll take ye home tae Douglas if ye can bear the sight of the place again. I have tae go west and north, and I swear I’ll come tae ye for the night whenever I find myself within fifty miles.”

  “Home to me is wherever you are. If you can’t come to me, I’ll come to you. I’d follow you to the ends of the earth.” Both knew their love was such that the angels might envy.

  Ram set an easy pace on the ride from Edinburgh, so consequently the journey of forty miles took up most of the day. It wasn’t long enough for Ram and Tina, however. They enjoyed every minute of the cold ride through the majestic southern uplands. The colors of the season were vastly different than at any other time of year. The sere branches of winter reached hauntingly against the loden-colored hills and pewter sky.

  They glimpsed red deer through the bare trees and watched hawks and other raptors circling the skies in search of prey. When they stopped to water their horses on the banks of the Clyde, they walked off alone from their attendants so they could embrace and enjoy a few stolen kisses where the air was as heady as sweet wine. Though they had ridden stirrup to stirrup all the way, it was no longer close enough to satisfy them. When they resumed their journey, Ram took her up before him in the saddle.

  The warm fragrance of her skin and hair mixed with the scent of horse and leather acted as a potent aphrodisiac, so that by the time they reached the castle at Douglas, Ram was incapable of doing anything save carry her to his bed.

  Damaris and Alexander stood at the top of the staircase hand in hand. It had been so long that Valentina and Ram had spent the night under the same roof with them, they had despaired of their ever returning.

  After sixteen long years Alexander had managed to make Damaris listen to his story of what had happened on that fateful night that culminated in tragedy. Damaris believed him with all her heart and soul. She had never really stopped loving him—she had only been so deeply hurt at the thought that he could poison her, that she had built a carapace about herself that none could penetrate. Now they were as close in death as they had ever been in life.

  Alexander had shown her the evil shadow that still lurked at Castle Dangerous, and they had committed themselves to preserving the lives of Ramsay and Valentina, to give their very tenuous love a chance to grow and flourish. They both felt that their deaths would not be in vain if Ram and Tina loved, married, and produced the children that they had been cruelly denied. Together, their power for good would overcome the power of evil that festered at the core of Castle Dangerous.

  The spirits were not the only ones overjoyed to see the safe return of Black Ram Douglas. His own moss-troopers as well as Angus’s men-at-arms had known of his arrest and had gathered at Douglas hoping he would be able to escape his enemies and return, though none of them had actually believed he could accomplish such a

  Ram’s wolfhound, the Boozer, rolled in a paroxysm of happiness in the center of the great bed, forcing Ram to cool his ardor until he and his lady had patted and stroked and allowed him to wash their faces with his great rough tongue. So while the lovers lay abed whispering and touching and mating, plans were laid for a great feast. Mr. Burque planned the food, while Colin arranged for the pipers and issued an invitation to every household in the town of Douglas

  It was as if Christmas had come early this year. The spirit lovers were euphoric that Ram and Tina were so wrapped up in each other. No longer were they like two scorpions, circling, waiting for the opportunity to sting. Alex and Damaris had a surprise of their own and plotted and planned a way for Valentina to find Mad Malcolm’s lap desk, which contained the history of Clan Douglas with all its ugly secrets. It was the key to revealing the truth about their own tragedy and preventing another.

  Ram and Tina arose very late the next morning. When they came downstairs, they saw how everything had been hung with holly, ivy, and mistletoe. In front of everyone Ram put the mistletoe to good use, and Tina blushed at the hoots and whistles of the moss-troopers. He cocked a black brow and warned, “Don’t even think of trying this with my woman.”

  It was one of the happiest days of their lives. When they visited the stables, they saw that the lovely Barbary mare, Indigo, was visibly swollen with a colt. They indulged in a mock argument over who would own it and what its name would be. They even argued over the gestation period for a horse. Tina thought it was over a year, but Ram informed her it was eleven months.

  In the afternoon it began to snow, and the company was so merry, they rushed outside like children to frolic and scoop it up by the handful to taste and toss at each other. Tina worried that if Ram and his men rode out at dawn as they planned, they would freeze or be caught in a terrible snowstorm. But Ram only hugged her to him and laughed. “How can I ever be cold again with ye tae warm my heart?”

  The meal was perfect. Mr. Burque had even allowed the other cooks to prepare the traditional haggis. What went into it was a fiercely kept secret, and Mr. Burque held his fastidious nose as they carried the obscenity to Ramsay for his approval.

  The villagers were all crowded into the hall, jostling one another for a glimpse of their lord and his lady and the magnificent haggis. All went well until Mr. Burque became alarmed that Tina was actually going to consume some of it. He shook his head desperately and went as far as to snatch the pronged fork from her fingers. He rolled his eyes and warned, “‘Tis all ears and arseholes!” Those who heard him fell down howling, and Tina laughed so hard the tears ran down her cheeks.

  Ram said, “Man, yer a rare treasure. Not only do ye cook better than any chef in Scotland, ye provide the entertainment while we dine”

  “And he’s so easy on the eyes,” added Tina with a wink

  Before the reels got too wild and while there was still a semblance of order, Colin presented Ramsay with the promised portrait of Valentina. It took his breath away It was so lifelike, he could almost smell the heather and burn his fingers on her flaming mass of hair

  Tina knew a terrible moment of misgiving Where had Colin concealed the naked portrait he had painted? When Ram was safely away, she decided to confront Colin about the whole thing. The other painting must be destroyed before Ram accidentally laid eyes on it.

  By dark, the serious fun was under way, but any man who didn’t have a hard head for drink knew better than to imbibe too heavily. Black Ram Douglas would depart at sunup, and any man in his service unfit to ride would not be tolerated.

  Ram lured Tina from the hall early They went up onto the parapets to view the surrounding countryside, now covered in its pristine blanket of snow. The music and laughter from the hall were muted up here in the frosty night air, and Tina caught her breath at the beauty of the moon above the upland mountains

  She enjoyed every moment of Ram’s seduction as he lured her back to their chamber and pulled the heavy fur cover of the bed in front of the blazing fire “We only have till dawn,” he murmured, drawing her down to him. She knew she was falling more deeply in love every day. She enjoyed being courted and wooed and longed for him to ask her to marry him Ram smiled a secret smile and knew he was wearing down her resistance He enjoyed the wooing as much as she did.

  He whispered, “Each time I come home, I’m going tae ask if ye love me and if ye’ll wed me, until the answer comes back a resounding yes!”

  She brushed his face with her lips “Court me just a little while longer. I enjoy it excessively.” She pushed him back against the furs and trailed her hot mouth down his muscled chest and across his taut belly. Ram groaned with deep pleasure as the curtain of her glorious hair bathed his loins and hid the intimate things her lips did to him.

  Damaris was slightly frustrated. She had been present when Mad Malcolm had asked Jenna to give the laptop desk to Lady Kennedy. Damaris was aware of the secret compartment that held the Douglas history, though Jenna was in ignorance. Because of Malcolm’s death and because Tina had been so very ill, Jenna had put the desk away for safekeeping and obviously forgotten about it.

  Damaris stood behind the Douglas maid and whispered into her ear. She urged her over and over to give the little desk to Tina. It took an hour of persistence, but eventually Jenna recalled the small antique desk she had set aside in her wardrobe for Lady Kennedy. She knew that Lord Douglas had retired for the night and that Valentina would not be about until the next day. She pondered on what she should do and finally decided to take the desk to Lady Kennedy’s woman, Ada, who promised to give it to Tina first thing in the morning.

  Damaris’s sigh of relief was so great, it made the candles flicker beside Ada’s bed. Ada shivered and drew the heavy curtains tight across her window to keep out the drafts. Damaris wanted Tina to read the pages while Ramsay was still at the castle to protect her. The danger must be effectively removed before Tina was left alone and vulnerable. Damaris looked for Alex to remind him to keep a vigil regarding Ram’s leavetaking at dawn. She shook her head with tolerant amusement when she found him watching Mr. Burque make love to a plump and ripe Douglas wife, whose husband lay snoring beneath the very table upon which they sported.

  “For shame,” Damaris chided. “I thought you were above such spying.”

  “I’m no’ spying, I’m receiving an education,” Alex said in awed tones of admiration at Mr. Burque’s inventiveness.

  Ram Douglas was up long before the cold, gray light of dawn filtered into their chamber. He had no intention of waking Tina. He wanted no tears at his leavetaking—he wanted only to carry the intimate memories of the night with him to warm his blood on the freezing trek into the Highlands. He regretted that he had seen neither of his brothers but wrote a letter to each advising them to paint out the name of Revenge on their vessels as a precaution against being taken by England’s new admiral, Thomas Howard.

  His men had already broken their fast and were lining up in the courtyard, eager for the gallop that would see them in Stirling before the hour of noon. Letters in hand, he looked for Colin. He wasn’t in the dining hall, so Ram ran upstairs to Colin’s chamber. The door was not locked, though Colin was nowhere to be seen, so Ram propped the letters on his mantelpiece. As he turned, a painting on an easel riveted his attention. Tina lay nude amongst the wild-flowers beside a loch where he had once made love to her. It was apparent he was not the only one who had done so. The feral look upon her face made her look like a vixen in heat. The howl that burst from Ram’s throat was that of a wounded animal.

  The spirit of Alexander flew into the chamber, and he cursed at himself for allowing Ramsay to see the erotic portrait. “‘Tis a lie, a filthy lie!” he cried, but Ram burst past him like the angel of death.

  Damaris was frantically trying to send Ada into Tina’s chamber with the hidden papers before Ram departed. Suddenly she heard the heavy door to the master bedchamber crash back upon its hinges. She flew to Tina’s side in a p
anic, just in time to see her roused from sleep.

  Black Ram Douglas towered over her garbed in leathers and chain mail. His knuckles clenched his knife hilt so.

  Chapter 37

  Damaris moved so quickly, the draft caused the bedcurtain to blow protectively across Tina’s naked figure. Ram snatched his knife from the tangled curtain and cursed the Kennedy bitch. He slammed his knife back into its sheath. “Ye deserve each other!” he flung before he quit the room.

  Damaris saw Alexander. “What happened?” she cried.

  “He saw the nude portrait,” Alex explained.

  “Don’t let him leave! Don’t let him leave her here with Colin!”

  Alexander flew after Ramsay, while Damaris stayed with Tina.

  Ada came into the room carrying the laptop desk. “What on earth has happened?” she asked, taking a sobbing Tina into her arms.

  “The painting! He must have seen the nude painting. He nearly went mad!”

  Ada locked the door. She was aware of the Douglas temper. He was not called Hotspur merely because of his riding skills.

  Alex materialized through the locked door. “He’s gone. I couldn’t stop him.”

  “Dear God, Alex, sometimes a tragic event is stamped so indelibly upon a place, it is doomed to happen over and over again. She’s already been poisoned, as I was. Colin painted both of us, and now Ram has seen it as you did. Murder will be done again if we don’t do something!” Damaris cried.

  “I’ll go after him and bring him back!” swore Alex.

  “I don’t think you can leave this place,” Damaris whispered hopelessly.

  “Yes, I can, if I bond with a living being. I can go where he goes.”

  “Be careful, Alex,” Damaris cried.

  “Sweetheart, nothing can happen tae me that hasn’t happened already.”