NOTE: Pronouns and names usually accentuated on the second syllable, and regular nouns and verbs accentuated on the first, though there are exceptions; those are often due to the Terran appropriation of the word to make it easier to pronounce. The dh diphthong should be pronounced as a ‘d’ with a slight lisp.
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all names and words that have spiritual reference to them are capitalized. All other words, including the first words of an Anjshé sentence, are rarely if ever capitalized. They are capitalized within the novel, however, for grammar’s sake.
aiye, aiya: EYE-yay, EYE-yah love
alaiadh: ah-LYE-ˌadh to give
aladh: a-LADH to be given in kind
allei aiya: ahl-LEY EYE-yah ‘I give my love to you’; used mostly as a way to say ‘I love you’ but can also be used to convey deep gratitude
Anjh: ahng word
Anjshé: ahng-SHEY ‘Word of One’; the Meraladian native tongue
braudha: BROW-dhah a group of people; a collective with a similar goal
cho: cho Meraladian term for duality, used in spiritual matters as well as physical and philosophical.
cho-nyhndah: cho-NYEEN-ˌdah twin-spirited
cho-shadhisi: cho-shah-DHEE-see 'twin lovers'; soul mates
chufyo: CHOOF-yo ‘unaligned’; weird or odd
dahla: DAH-lah a leader physically (front of line) or economically (top manufacturer)
Dahné: dah-NEY leader, specifically in spiritual situations
dayen: DEY-en to know
dayen-ne: dey-YEN-ney knowledge
dea: DEY-ah rest, or to be at rest
dehndarra: den-DAR-rah to believe
D'haff Sshalé: djaff SHAH-ley ‘dark-minded reptile’; old Meraladian curse, now often used against someone ill-mannered, stubborn or mean-spirited
dhyn: dheen star (or stars/night sky)
di, d’: dee general conjunction, usually ‘and’ or ‘with’
edha: EY-dhah formal male title
eicho: AY-sho ‘male spirit’; brother
eichi: AY-shee ‘female spirit’; sister
eilee: ay-LEE general possessive (my, your, etc)
emha: EY-mah formal female title
esha: EY-shah center
fadayin: fah-DAY-een father
fadhyané: fah-DHYAH-nay parent or parental guardian
fadin: fah-DEEN mother
fesha: FEY-sha eyes; often used to mean 'eyes of the soul'
fesh crahné: faysh crah-NEY ‘eyes opened’; open-minded, patient, or attentive
fesh piann: faysh pyahnn ‘eyes closed’; closed-minded, ignorant, or having a big ego
fi, fiyé: fee, FEE-yay general pronoun (fi = singular, fiyé = plural)
Gharné: GAR-nay Earth human
Gharra: GAR-rah Earth
hra: hrah to be
hrrah-sehdhyn: RRAH sey-DHEEN ‘five old stars’; refers to spacefaring years, specifically a Meraladian five-point maneuver in which five ships would surround its main focus (whether its prey or the ship it was defending); this move would purposely cause a stalemate. [the double ‘r’ is slightly glottal]
iedha: ee-YAY-dhah friend
imhsha: EEM-shah to be afraid
jinko: JEEN-koh (derogatory) unclean or undeserving of spirituality
khera: KAY-rah here, there
kinléshi: keen-LAY-shee sibling
kiralla: kee-RAH-lah ‘light spirits’; the highest ascended aspect of the Mendaihu
lafiyaah: la-FEE-yaah freedom [the double ‘a’ is slightly extended]
lumia: loo-MEE-ah sight, or what someone perceives
lumisha dea: loo-MEE-shah DEY-ah ‘the center of vision at rest’; a deeply personal place set aside for meditation and relaxation
madin: mah-DEEN daughter
madayin: mah-DAY-yeen son
madhyané: madh-YAH-ney child, offspring
mehra: MEH-rah spiritual state
mehridhea: MEH-ree-DHAY-ah peace
Mendaihu, Mendaihuza: men-DYE-hoo, men-DYE-hoo-zah Meraladians of Mendaihu Descent
Meraladh: MER-ah-LAHDH ‘heaven returned’; current Meraladian homeworld after leaving Trisanda
né, Né: nay one (number), The One of All Sacred (m) [cap. only when referring to the deity]
nehko: NEH-koh untrustworthy, or to distrust
nuhm'ndah: NOOM’n-dah ‘dark spirits’; the highest ascended aspect of the Shenaihu
nyhndah: NYEEN-dah heart, spirit
nyhnd'aladh: NYEEN-da-LADH 'I give my heart'; given as an apology
pashyo: PAHSH-yo general exclamation of surprise or frustration
piann: pyahnn closed or closed-minded
rhade: RAH-day general qualifier to add negativity or warning to a word
sa’im: sah-EEM general qualifier to add grandness or excitement to a word
sehna: SEY-nah old
sehna lumia: SEY-nah loo-MEE-ah‘old vision’; analogous to Akashic records, memories of past lives, including actions and thoughts
sehnadha: sey-NAH-dhah old friend, best friend
sehndayen-ne: sen-DAY-en-ney ‘old knowledge’; teacher
se’nyhndah: sey-NYEEN-dah ‘old soul; a particularly strong spirit able to travel past the physical barriers of Light and physical reality
shadha: SHAH-dha to love
shadhisi: shah-DHEE-see ‘love’ or ‘from my heart’; a term of affection
shé, Shé: shay one (number), The One of All Sacred (f) [cap. only when referring to deity]
Shenaihu, Shenaihuza: sheh-NYE-hoo, sheh-NYE-hoo-zah Meraladians of Shenaihu descent
shimshiya: sheem-SHEE-yah start of a spiritual event, akin to 'call to arms'
si: see general conjunction, used mostly as a time reference in genealogy and history
somfei: SOM-fey general greeting
taftika: taff-TEE-ka general phrase of thanks or appreciation
-za: zha, sha suffix used to denote someone’s land, or alternately their clan descent
-zi: zhi, zee suffix used as a nickname, often added only to first syllable of name, i.e. Nandahya = Nanzi, Amna = Amzi, Karinna = Karzi
In Anjshé, the proper word would be Meraladhza (literally, ‘those from Meraladh’) and is pronounced as such on other planets within the Crimson-Null Foundation, but due to the overwhelming use of Terran English on Earth by these peoples, this word gets the "Terranized" version on Earth.
One will often find variations of Meraladian clan names, such as Mirades/Miradesi and Usara/Usarai. The additional letter ‘i’ at the end of the name pertains to clan ancestry; in this case, it denotes a distant relation of some kind (like a cousin), rather than a direct descent of the main clan who would maintain the original. Names ending in that letter simply have another ‘i’ added, such as Shaleii and Runeii.