Chapter 19
Kroil licked his lips as he finished the huge cheeseburger at the roadside diner and wiped the sauce from his mouth with a napkin. He had no need for mortal food but still enjoyed the taste of many new experiences that come along with each decade, the burger one of his particular favourites.
The diner had been his refuge following his descent from the hill, a rough looking slatted building where the wood was beginning to rot, stood out on the side of the road, its peeling red paint picked out by the flickering neon sign. Kroil had hired a car that morning but needed somewhere to stop to gather his thoughts surrounding his plan, somewhere unassuming, the diner was perfect.
He had been amazed at Clarintors lack of clarity around the kilaris legend, she had confused fact with fiction with her desire for power. The talisman she craved had eluded them, lucky for his foresight to check the pockets of the dead. In his hand he rolled between his fingers the humble stone, polished black and flat like a pebble he had almost dismissed it until he felt the gentle throb from within, the subtle vibrations. The detached soul held the real kilaris but in a bizarre twist of fate whilst that soul roamed the earth it was to be betrayed by the ghostly image of the kilaris left behind. Kroil knew as he approached the soul the pulse would reconnect with the kilaris stone and become whole once more sending its message to the almighty Tadge. Clarintor was on a wild goose chase, he had the means to confront Tadge but would this fallen angel agree to his plan.
He glanced past the unwashed dirt of the window into the misty calm of the mountains, the rising sun shining through as a new day was established. Inside was no better than outside, torn and dirty, echoes of a brighter time from the sixties, Kroil flung a few dollars onto the chipped formica table and nodded to the old waitress in the pale pink frilly apron as he left, the old woman and her clothes had seen better days.
He had not wanted to draw attention to himself but the four by four sleek black Lexus with the golden leather seats and blacked out windows had called out to him from the hire lot, well what the hell he thought, if Clarintor took time out from her obsession then she would easily find him anyway. He headed west in the direction of Taupo, the quickest route back from where he had come, with any luck the kilaris stone would pick up on its trail as he went.
He had not been driving long when he had reached Turangi to the south of Taupo and decided to stop for a packet of cigarettes, another one of life’s pleasures he was able to still enjoy. He pulled to a stop outside a petrol station to feed his craving, heading back to the car he leaned into the cab and lit the cigarette with his finger and flicked on the radio to listen, whilst he stood outside puffing smoke rings into the cool air. As the inane song reached its end the DJ started the usual babble, announcements of next week’s gala day and how Fred Boyce’s prize winning cockerel would again be entering the competition to regain its crown. Kroil snorted at the crap on the radio, it was driving him nuts, local stories that would bore anyone with an ounce of fun in them, he reached across to switch it off when the next story caught his attention.
‘And to finish, strange reports of a leak at New World, water appeared from no-where yesterday, puddles along the aisles and bread rising from the shelves seemingly untouched by human hands, what could be this phenomenon? Manager Chris Deans has been heard suggesting a priest be called to exorcise the store, as yet he has been unavailable for comment.’
Kroil’s face turned into a sneer as he turned off the station before the next wail of noise started from the speakers, stubbing out his cigarette on the wing mirror, he did a u-turn in the road and headed in the direction of the town centre.
High in the hills above Lake Taupo sat the crazy old blind woman, in her makeshift hut, muttering to herself, cross legged in front of the fire she sang a lament of sorts, her head swaying, the flames of the fire seemed to follow the movement rising high and low to the tone of her voice. She stopped suddenly and beckoned to the corner of the room.
“Well if you’re going to stop by for a visit, you could at least come closer so that I can see you.”
“You are Moana?”
“Yes I am and you young man, are not as young as you appear! I have not heard your ancient language for many years, how is Cooper?”
Dallon stepped from the shadows and sat beside her at the fireside, she reached up to his face and gently stroked his cheek as she read his mind.
“Well this is most interesting, what a tangled web we weave, you are searching for the one that seeks my counsel, perhaps you can guide her to me, I sense she is close but she has lost her way, pass me my runes boy and we shall see.”
Dallon lifted the strange stones in front of him, each no bigger than a small coin but with odd looking symbols he had not seen before, he dropped the stones into her waiting palms. Moana began to shake them violently and began muttering incoherently, in an instant she stopped and thrust them forward into the fire. One by one the symbols lit up in a bright white light etched in the stone, she shook her mop of hair and lifted her eyes to the ceiling.
“She is quite near, wait, I see another who walks beside her, a spirit guide, we must act quickly before it is too late.”
As dawn broke Kate opened her eyes to greet the morning, further up the hill Jasper began to sniff at the shadows.
“What is it boy?”
Jasper began barking at the shadows.
“Sshh!” said Kate worried that he would give away their hiding place, she did not realise that only those in spirit could hear him.
“Who is it, who's there?” she called into the darkness.
A ghostly figure stepped from the shadows, a boy not much younger than her, dressed in an old cloak, his feet bare and muddy, he gestured to her to be quiet. As he approached Jasper began running around him in circles sniffing at his legs, when he was happy he stopped and began to wag his tail. The boy sat on the bank beside Kate, the grass could still be seen through his transparent body, he reached inside his cloak and held something out to her in the palm of his hand. Kate wondered how the object managed to stay put without falling through as she picked it up and smiled. She had recognised instantly Jol’s signet ring, the one that had belonged to her mother, she had admired it on the day they first met.
“Is she ok?” she asked the strange boy.
Dallon nodded to her, he understood her words but could not reciprocate, with time he would master this affliction, he pointed to her pocket and nodded again. Startled by the small vibration, Kate reached into her pocket, the phone had lit up with a message ‘find moana’ but how? The battery had died ages ago.
Dallon rose to his feet and motioned to the pair to follow him, Jasper bounding along beside him. As they climbed higher, the hillside became thick with trees and Kate could not help but notice that the boy’s image was becoming stronger. Smoke filled the air and up ahead a light glowed from what looked like an old shed, the boy took her by the hand and gestured at the door, he was no longer transparent but his touch icy cold.
The door creaked open and revealed the familiar image of Moana, sat on the floor beside the fire.
“Kate my girl it has been a very long time, come in from the cold and shut the door behind you.”
Kate was shocked to see the old woman again, the hut had fell into disrepair and she would never have recognised it if it were not for the strange boy beside her. Moana appeared to have lost her sight, beside her a small wooden cage which she opened and lifted out a once magnificent Tui, it now looked a little tattered with age, gently caressing its feathers she whispered something to the bird. Kate ducked as the bird swooped past her head, suddenly taking flight towards the door, Dallon opened it just enough for the bird to escape.
Kate remembered the first time she had met the Tui bird, Moana explained how she had trapped him, imitating his call by sucking her breath over a folded leaf to make the chirping sound that attracted him. Kate had thought it cruel to trap such a magnificent bird but Moana explained how
she had trimmed his brush like tongue to aid him with the ability of human speech, they had become firm friends and he was free to come and go as he pleased, the cage served as only his resting place.
“Er, was that meant to happen?” asked Kate.
“Yes, yes, he'll be back, now let me look at you child.”
“But your eyes!”
“I cannot see the living my dear, now tell me what on earth has happened to you?”
Kate was confused. She sat beside her and began her story, when finished Moana asked,
“What’s in that bag child?”
“Um it’s a loaf of bread.”
“What a wonderful gift thank you.”
Kate passed the bag to Moana, she hadn’t even touched the bread, the hunger she expected never came, Moana looked in more need of it than her.
The old woman picked up a pile of stones with strange symbols on and began to shake them in her clasped hands, then as she started to mutter in a strange tongue, she thrust them into the fire. Each symbol threw off a great white light which found every corner of the room sending the spiders to retreat to their hiding places within the walls. Kate held up her hands to protect her eyes, Moana and Dallon did not, both stared into the fire, Moana began to shake her head.
“What I have to tell you girl will be difficult, but the truth is always hard.”
Kate lowered her hands from her eyes, relieved to see the light had ebbed to a gentle glimmer and leaned forward to listen, Dallon sat opposite, watching her.
“You have a sad and heavy heart for the male known as Stanton and what happened, he is alive and for now he is safe, this news startles you I see. How can this be? I understand you saw the body floating in the pool after you tried to save him, but did you not stop to look at that body? Of course not! You were running for your life, running from evil. Kate that body was yours. The effort you made to save your friend took your last breath.”
Moana looked at the girl in front of her. She could see the disbelief on her face as she reached up and touched it.
“But I am alive, I do not understand.”
“You have a very strong spirit, unique, that of the gwenfyndar, very few have this precious gift. You wonder why people stare at you. Your image is fading, you have been lucky to last so long without detection, sometimes you have appeared like a ghost and then whole again, that is how they stare. Your loyal companion has travelled from the spirit world to guide you. Those that were once very close often stay to watch over you once they have passed. Are you alright?”
Kate stared into the flames, as she stroked her companion, this really was her Jasper after all, she had wanted that to be true from the moment they met.
“What happened to Stanton?” her heart skipped at the mention of his name on her lips, “I was so sure he had drowned, I saw……” she shuddered at the image in her mind.
“I do not know everything my child, I only know that he is alive and protected.”
Moana opened the loaf and took out a slice, she began to suck on the bread.
“Pah! This is white - not my favourite - too many additives. Kate you are pale, are you alright?”
Distracted from her thoughts, Kate replied,
“What! Oh yes, it all kind of makes sense now, but I am confused, how can I wear the clothes of the living if I am de, de…..”
Dallon touched her on the arm and squeezed it, she felt that alright, he smiled at her and nodded, did he not speak?
Moana swallowed the mouthful of bread and continued.
“Because you are no ordinary girl Kate, you carry the spirit of the white deer within you, you are in-spirit yet you cling to the life you had, you are the living dead exactly like young Dallon here who was sent to protect you.”
Kate looked at the boy, how could he protect her?
“Can I be saved?”
“I can help you pass over to the other side if that is your wish.”
“What choice do I have?”
Dallon nodded at Moana, encouraging her to tell Kate the truth.
“She is third in line boy, to tell her would be cruel.”
“What does he want me to know?”
“Ah! I suppose it will do no harm, secrets are far worse and have no value. It is a cruel twist of fate that binds us all Kate, I fear young Dallon here is quite taken with you, he wishes to sacrifice himself to save you, he says you are a friend of the chosen one and it is only right that he do this.”
“I don’t understand?”
“Jol is under the protection of others, far from this land, they have sent Dallon to help protect you from Tadge and the demon that seeks your soul.”
“Who is Tadge?”
“The one fallen from grace, he seeks the stone, it was activated the moment Jol was in danger but I am not sure how this happened the stone can only be activated by the one to whom first carried it.”
“That would be Chris, Jol’s brother but he passed a year ago and she gave it to me, to borrow.”
“Ah! That is the explanation.” the old woman nodded her head.
“I don’t understand, what does this Tadge want from me?”
“He does not know you have been given the stone, he will think you have stolen it, that you mean harm to the chosen one, he will attack you.”
“Then I must get rid of it, throw it away.”
“And what of your promise to your friend to give it back?”
Kate thought of her promise to Jol, what a mess, she hadn’t even wanted the stone in the first place. Dallon held out his hand, was he asking for the stone? She took it from her pocket and gave it to him.
“Dallon has a message for Tadge, he will not attack you if Dallon is allowed to deliver the message first.”
“Well, let Dallon keep the stone, he can leave me here and face this Tadge himself.”
“It does not work like that Kate, you cannot give the stone away, Jol gave it to you, perhaps not realising at the time she was passing the baton on to you, so to speak and besides who will help you hide from the demons if you send him away?”
Dallon passed the stone back to Kate, his eyes a little sad from her comments, he nodded at Moana to continue.
“But why hide, apparently I’m dead already!”
“This is the twist Kate, Tadge has a power, the power to give life to just one mortal, he has promised this gift to Jol if she were ever to die.”
“Then why tell me about it if I can’t have it.”
“Because Dallon holds a message for Tadge to return to the others, his guardian wants Tadge to give Dallon the gift of life, only Jol can grant his wish.”
Kate looked at the boy in front of her, his eyes shrouded by soot from the fire,
“Why would she do that?”
“Because, she is in love with his guardian.”
“Oh!” Kate was amazed, she remembered Jol’s bedroom and their conversation before the party, she had never shown any interest in anyone until now, how could she have fallen in love so quickly?
“Then she will grant his wish, I’m sure.”
Dallon smiled again and through the soot his eyes sparkled, he held Kate’s hand and nodded once more at Moana.
“Did I mention he was smitten? What a dilemma for poor Jol, who should she grant life to, young Dallon or her best friend? She does not yet know of your own fate Kate, she believes you are still alive.”
“Then what should we do?”
Kate looked at the boy, he was younger than her and one of them would wind up completely dead anyway, she let him continue to hold her hand, what else could she do? At least he knew how she would be feeling, they both shared the same fate yet he was willing to sacrifice himself for her. The thought was disturbing yet comforting in a way, there could be hope, she felt sorry for the boy.
“See the runes child, they tell me many things, the book you hold in your jacket should be returned to Stanton but the demon, he comes, he has picked up on your signal.”
“Then w
e have to run, hide, where should we go Moana?”
The old woman rubbed at her knees, then traced her hand across her face, raising her bony forefinger towards the boy.
“Dallon you must walk the timelines, the lost souls will help to confuse the signal, take Kate and search for Tadge as you travel. I will send word when it is safe to return the book to Stanton, do not lose it, he is destined to complete the story.”
Kate did not know what she was talking about but there was no time to ask, there was a noise at the door, a scraping, Dallon opened it slightly to be confronted with the flapping wings of Tui, the bird flew into the room small feathers shooting everywhere as he flapped his wings in a panic, eventually coming to rest on Moana’s shoulder, he looked like he was pecking at her ear.
“The demon is close children, we do not have much time. You are still very pale Kate, Dallon if you please, pour yourself and the young lady here a drink from the pot on the stove, it is my special brew, only for my spirit friends.”
Dallon poured the insipid looking mixture into the broken mugs and handed one to Kate who looked frozen in fear, he downed his drink and nodded with his smile at Kate to try it. She let the clear liquid touch her lips, there was no taste, as she swallowed it was like a fizzle of electricity which flowed through her body, it felt good, almost like she were alive again. Swallowing the last of the liquid she lowered the mug, “what is that!”
“A little something to help you on your way, it will help, you must leave now girl.”
“What will you do?”
“Do not worry about me, I know what I must do, now go.”
Moana had stood and was now shooing at them like unwelcome pests.
“Be gone and quickly, he comes.”
Kroil was a wizard with modern technology, after arriving at the supermarket he had no need to enter, when he pulled into the parking lot the kilaris stone erupted, the pulse within growing stronger as it danced across the dash.
He laughed at the easiness of his quest and how Clarintor had unknowingly sent him in the right direction, it took only seconds for him to synchronise the kilaris stone with the satellite navigation system. He now sat comfortable in the leather seat taking time to enjoy his surroundings as the automated voice told him in which direction to head.
Pulling into a lay-by at the top of a hill shrouded by trees, he had reached his final destination, the pulse now a strong and steady beat within the stone. Kroil cut the engine and reached across the dash for the stone surprisingly warm to the touch now that the beat had grown, oh yes she was quite near, the stone would guide him.
He slammed the door shut behind him and took out another cigarette, tapping it against the side of the box as he thought about the next part of his plan, whether to watch her closely until the great Tadge arrived or to take her hostage but the trouble with that idea was where would he take her? First to locate the soul then he would decide on the best action. He placed the cigarette between his lips and lighting it took a slow long drag, inhaling the drug, the path through the trees turned away from the road and led him down the remote hillside, the canopy overhead darkening his route. Kroil took his time, he did not make a sound, demons had no need for walking such as mortals, he glided effortlessly along the path when he stopped, through the trees he could see an old shack, wood smoke billowing from the roof, what a strange place for a young girl to head, no matter his goal was in sight.
Pushing the door open to the small darkened room, the old woman sat hunched in the centre of the floor with her back to him, he looked into the shadows and saw nothing.
“It is customary to knock before entering,”
Moana spoke in a quiet yet determined voice.
“Where is the girl?” demanded Kroil.
“It has been a long time since I was a girl, can you not tell?”
“Don’t trifle with me hag, you know what I mean.”
“Do you have a gift for me?”
“Guidance must be paid in kind, where is my gift?”
Tui flew from above the fire, towards his head, his wings flapping around in wild excitement, Kroil’s temper erupted, the ground beneath them shook as one swipe from his hand slammed Tui against the wall with such force, the last shriek from his tiny body echoed around the walls as his feathered frame fell down, broken and still.
Moana said nothing as Kroil moved around the room, the stones pulse drumming in his hand, he stopped in front of the woman and kicked at her body. She raised her head slowly to face him, her eyes sunken and her face shrivelled and ashen, a loud crack penetrated the gloom as she parted her lips and began to laugh, a sinister yet triumphant cackle as her form collapsed into a pile of black soot. He had been tricked, tricked into wasting time here, he stepped back outside, the pulse still drumming in his hand when he saw it at the side of the shack, a shimmer against the backdrop of trees. He waved his hand and flicked the butt of his cigarette towards the shack, flames rose rapidly licking at the sides.
So she had entered the timelines, you can run but you can’t hide girl, I shall find you he thought as he stepped forward into the void.
The rush of wind took Jez by surprise, where was his helmet? The cars were backing up in front of him, stopping haphazardly on the highway, it was impossible to weave in and out. These dreams were so real, Jez wanted to pinch himself back to reality but the only movement came with the flashbacks in his mind. It started to rain big droplets, hard and deliberate, the cold eating into his face. Why didn’t he have his helmet on he wondered. He was just as surprised that the engine was purring gently underneath him, then he remembered the old gypsies voice. He was running late, the urgency to get ahead invading his thoughts but what was he late for? A tunnel of time opened up before him, the secret escape from the congested traffic, he opened up the throttle and headed into the clouded shadows.