At first Harry refused absolutely to consent to Dick's accompanying him,but after a long argument he was forced to yield.

  "Why should you take all the risks when it isn't your own country,especially?" asked Dick, almost sobbing. "I've got a right to go! And,besides, you may need me."

  That was true enough, as Harry realized. Moreover, he had beeninvestigating the Bleriot, and he discovered that it was one of a newsafety type, with a gyroscope device to insure stability. The day wasalmost without wind, and therefore it seemed that if such an excursioncould ever be safe, this was the time. He consented in the end, andlater he was to be thankful that he had.

  Once the decision was taken, they waited impatiently for the return ofJack Young. Harry foresaw protests from Jack when he found out whatthey meant to do, but for him there was an easy answer-there was room inthe aeroplane for only two people, and there was no way of carrying anextra passenger.

  It was nearly dusk when Jack returned, and he had the forethought tobring a basket of food with him-cold chicken, bread and butter, andmilk, as well as some fruit.

  "I didn't find out very much," he said, "except this. Someone fromLondon has been asking about you both. And this much more-at least adozen people have come down to Bray Park to-day from London."

  "Did you see any sign of soldiers from London?"

  "No," said Jack.

  He was disappointed when he found out what they meant to do, but he tookhis disappointment pluckily when he saw that there was no help for it.Harry explained very quietly to both Jack and Dick what he meant to doand they listened, open mouthed, with wonder.

  "You'll have your part to play, Jack," said Harry. "Somehow I can'tbelieve that the letter I wrote to Colonel Throckmorton last night won'thave some effect. You have got to scout around in case anyone comes andtell them all I've told you. You understand thoroughly, do you?"

  "Yes," said Jack, quietly. "When are you going to start?"

  "There's no use going up much before eleven o'clock," said Harry."Before that we'd be seen, and, besides, if a Zeppelin is coming, itwouldn't be until after that. My plan is to scout to the east and tryto pick her up and watch her descend. I think I know just about whereshe'll land-the only place where there's room for her. And then-"

  He stopped, and the others nodded, grimly.

  "I imagine she'll have about a hundred and twenty miles to travel in astraight line-perhaps a little less," said Harry. "She can make that inabout two hours, or less. And she'll travel without lights, and in thedark. Big as they are, those airships are painted so that they'realmost invisible from below. So if she comes by night, getting herewon't be as hard a job as it seems at first thought."

  Then the three of them went over in every detail the plan Harry hadformed. Dick and Harry took their places in the monoplane and rehearsedevery movement they would have to make.

  "I can't think of anything else that we can provide for now," saidHarry, at last. "Of course, we can't tell what will come up, and itwould be wonderful if everything came out just as we had planned. Butwe've provided for everything we can think of. You know where you are tobe, Jack?"


  "Then you'd better start pretty soon. Good-bye, Jack!" He held out hishand. "We could never have worked this out without you. If we succeedyou'll have had a big part in what we've done."

  A little later Jack said good-bye in earnest, and then there was nothingto do but wait. About them the voices of the insects and frogs changed,with the darkening night. The stars came out, but the night was a darkone. Harry looked at his watch from time to time and at last he got up.

  "Time to start!" he said.

  He felt a thrill of nervousness as the monoplane rose in the air. Afterall, there was a difference between being the pilot and sitting still inthe car. But he managed very well, after a few anxious moments in theascent. And once they were clear of the trees and climbing swiftly, ingreat spirals, there was a glorious sensation of freedom. Dick caughthis breath at first, then he got used to the queer motion, and criedaloud in his delight.

  Harry headed straight into the east when he felt that he was highenough. And suddenly he gave a cry.

  "Look!" he shouted in Dick's ear. "We didn't start a moment too soon.See her-that great big cigar-shaped thing, dropping over there?"

  It was the Zeppelin-the battleship of the air. She was dipping down,descending gracefully, over Bray Park.

  "I was right!" cried Harry. "Now we can go to work at once-we won'thave to land and wait!"

  He rose still higher, then flew straight for Bray Park. They were high,but, far below, with lights moving about her, they could see the hugebulk of the airship, as long as a moderate sized ocean liner. Shepresented a perfect target.

  "Now!" said Harry.

  And at once Dick began dropping projectiles they had found in theaeroplane-sharply pointed shells of steel. Harry had examined these-hefound they were really solid steel shot, cast like modern rifle bullets,and calculated to penetrate, even without explosive action, when droppedfrom a height.

  From the first two that Dick dropped there was no result. But with thefalling of the third a hissing sound came from below, and as Dickrapidly dropped three more the noise increased. And they could see thelights flying-plainly the men were running from the monster. Its bulklessened as the gas escaped from the great bag and then, in a momentmore, there was a terrific explosion that rocked the monoplaneviolently. Had Harry not been ready for it, they might have beenbrought down, But he had been prepared, and was flying away. Down belowthere was now a great glare from the burning wreckage, lighting up thewhole scene. And suddenly there was a sharp breaking out of rifle fire.At first he thought the men below had seen them, and were firing upward.But in a moment he saw the truth. Bray Park had been attacked fromoutside!

  Even before they reached the ground, in the meadow where Harry and Jackhad emerged from the tunnel, the firing was over. But now a searchlightwas playing on the ground on the opposite bank, and Harry and Dick saw,to their wonder and delight, that the ground swarmed with khaki-cladsoldiers. In the same moment Jack ran up to them.

  "The soldiers had the place surrounded!" he cried, exultingly. "Theymust have believed your letter after all, Harry! Come on-there's a boathere! Aren't you coming over?"

  They were rowing for the other shore before the words were well spoken.And, once over, they were seized at once by two soldiers.

  "More of them," said one of the soldiers. "Where's the colonel?"

  Without trying to explain, they let themselves be taken to where ColonelThrockmorton stood near the burning wreckage. At the sight of Harry hisface lighted up.

  "What do you know about this?" he asked, sternly, pointing to thewrecked airship.

  Harry explained in a few words.

  "Very good," said the colonel. "You are under arrest-you broke arrestthis morning. I suppose you know that is a serious offence, whetheryour original arrest was justified or not?"

  "I felt I had to do it, sir," said Harry. He had caught the glint of asmile in the colonel's eyes.

  "Explain yourself, sir," said the colonel. "Report fully as to yourmovements to-day. Perhaps I shall recommend you for a medal instead ofcourt martialling you, after all."

  And so the story came out, and Harry learned that the colonel had neverbelieved Graves, but had chosen to let him think he did.

  "The boy Graves is a German, and older than he seems," said the colonel."He was here as a spy. He is in custody now, and you have broken up adangerous raid and a still more dangerous system of espionage. If youhadn't come along with your aeroplane, we would never have stopped theraid. I had ordered aviators to be here, but it is plain that somethinghas gone wrong. You have done more than well. I shall see to it thatyour services are properly recognized. And now be off with you, and getsome sleep. You may report to me the day after to-morrow!"

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Percy F. Westerman's Novels