Page 19 of Redson

  He held her tighter. “Stay here with me. They’ll help him.”

  Emma struggled but Red was too strong. “I need to do this! Grandpa’s out of it. The smell of fresh blood should bring down his fangs. I’m supposed to place a bag of it over his mouth.”

  Velder turned his head and held her gaze. “How much blood will he need to fully recover?”

  “I don’t know. This has never happened. We just talked about it. He said to get a pint of blood, that would rouse him, and it should be enough to clear his head to make sure that he’s not mindless. We figured he could hunt for a donor after that.”

  “What does he normally consume? How much?”

  “A few pints a week in all. He doesn’t have to feed nightly. That’s only when he’s not so injured though.” Her gaze went to her grandpa’s face—she instantly regretted it. Her grandpa looked dead and horrible. Nothing like his normal self. His blond hair appeared even starker white compared to his now dark skin.

  Velder sighed, bending over her grandpa and blocking her view. “It will be fine. All the VampLycans will offer up blood. Except you, Emma. You’re already injured.”

  Graves came forward. “A pint from each of you three should be enough. If not, I’ll offer my blood too.”

  Emma nodded. “Three pints healed him after he got shot seven times.”

  Everyone turned to stare at her.


  “Who shot him seven times? And why?”

  She looked up at Red. “I told you my grandpa likes to play hero. There was a drive-by shooting while he was talking a walk. He tackled the humans in harm’s way and took the bullets instead.”

  “He’s a fucking saint.” Red sighed and rolled his eyes.

  Emma lightly punched him. “For the last time, he’s not bad.”

  “I get it. Let’s hope he doesn’t want to kill me when we tell him you’re my mate.”

  “Emma?” Velder turned. “His fangs aren’t down.”

  “Cut a finger and rub some blood under his nose. It should work.”

  Velder bent over her grandfather once more. “It did. They slid down. Now what? Just shove my arm on his fangs?”

  “And try to hit a vein.”

  “Got it.” Velder paused and then hissed. “That hurt. Fangs are in. He’s not moving.”

  Emma had been schooled well by her grandpa. “Give it a minute. His fangs will automatically draw blood and once it hits his system, be careful. He might come up fighting.”

  More VampLycans came forward and crouched, ready to pounce if needed.

  Emma tried to go closer but Red continued to hold her back. “They won’t hurt him. We know what starved or severely injured Vamps are like. Trust us, Emma.”

  They were clan. She needed to get used to that concept. It was hard though and would take a while.

  “I know it’s just been the two of you, but not anymore,” Red rasped next to her ear.

  Grandpa’s leg jerked and a low growl came from him.

  “Hold him down,” Velder demanded. “Malachi, look at me.” He deepened his voice. “It’s Velder. Stop fighting. That’s my arm in your mouth. Drink, old friend. VampLycans are holding you. It’s safe. We’ve got you.”

  Emma couldn’t see her grandpa with so many big bodies in the way. Her grandpa’s leg stopped moving and he went still.

  “That’s it.” Velder’s tone softened. “The Vampires who did this to you are restrained and contained. Emma is here and safe. Just drink. No, you can take more. I’m not feeling light-headed.”

  “I don’t want to weaken you.”

  Emma felt tears sliding down her face at hearing her grandpa’s voice, even if it sounded weak and hoarse.

  “Take as much as you need from us. This is Lake. Bite his arm. You look like shit, Malachi. We’ve got plenty of donors willing to get you back to your old self.” Velder turned his head and smiled at Emma, nodding. “He’s all intact. Got all his fingers and toes.”

  Jarred chuckled. “He kind of looks like a shelled Gargoyle, only with some blue.”

  “His fangs work fine, Emma.” Lake moved a little to smile at her. “He’s drinking like a champ.”

  Velder stood. “Red, why don’t you take Emma out of here. Maybe for a walk outside. I wouldn’t want my granddaughter to see me in this condition. We’ll get him a shower after he’s fed enough to completely heal.”

  “I want to stay,” Emma protested.

  Velder met her gaze. “Not a request.”

  Red pulled her out of the office. She didn’t fight, going with him willingly. He led her out the front door and into the sunshine. “Malachi will be fine. Men have pride, Emma. Let Malachi get cleaned up and then you can talk to him.”

  She turned and threw her arms around his waist. “Just hold me.”

  “Forever.” He hugged her tight. “You’re hurt. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about that. I can smell your blood. How bad is it? I’ve been damn patient since you haven’t fainted or complained of being in pain.”

  “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “Nothing too serious. A lot of bruising, some cuts, and maybe a few cracked ribs. I’ll heal fast.”

  He growled, gentling his hold. “You should drink some of my blood.”

  “I’ll wait until we officially mate. I’m good.”

  “You need a shower. Those Vampires were touching you.”

  “My room is upstairs. I have a private bathroom.”

  “Let’s go.”

  “Velder said to stay outside.”

  “My uncle can get over it once I tell him why we went inside. I want to check you over myself and see if any of those fuckers need to die. Are you sure you’re not seriously hurt?”

  “I’ve had worse than this in training. The Vampires were attempting to capture me. Not hurt me.”

  He snarled.

  She just smiled and promised, “I’m fine, Red.”

  “You’d better be.”

  He turned, staring at the house. “Is there another way in? I don’t even want you near those bastards.”

  “We could go in at the side of the house and use the back stairs near the mudroom.”

  “Show me.”

  She let her arms drop. Red grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together. She smiled, walking around the house. Her gaze lifted to the clear blue sky. Thanks for looking out for us, Mom.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Red hated everything about the house. Emma had said it was big. His cabin could have fit inside it and there would still be a good fifteen thousand square feet. It was a huge mansion. Her bedroom alone was bigger than his living room and kitchen combined, and her bathroom beat the size of his bedroom. Not only did it have a huge jacuzzi tub, but a shower they could have thrown a party inside.

  All of it depressed him. How could she possibly give all this up to be happy with him in Alaska?

  He watched her shower through the clear glass, documenting every bruise, cut, and scrape on her skin. He wanted to go beat on some Vampires downstairs for doing that to her. She shut off the three showerheads and pushed open the glass door. He grabbed a towel, opened it, and began to dry her.

  She smiled. “I’m fine, Red. You’re treating me like I’m a baby.”

  “You’re my baby.”

  She chuckled. “That’s kind of hot and disturbing at the same time. I’m never calling you Daddy.”

  He snorted. “I hope not. That’s something I’m not into.” He backed away when she wrapped the towel around herself and passed her another. “For your hair.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You have double sinks and a vanity.”

  She glanced around. “It’s horrible, isn’t it?”

  He scowled. “It’s the nicest bathroom I’ve ever seen.”

  “Sing. I bet it echoes in here. Whoever built this house either liked to waste a lot of space or thought they should be an opera singer. I’ve never used that vanity. I don’t even wear makeup. Grandpa bitches about the smell and tel
ls me only working women wear it.—that’s his kind way to say ‘hooker.’ Then again, way back when, that was probably true. When I was a kid, I once asked him if he rode any dinosaurs when he was my age.”

  Red was amused. “I bet you gave him hell.”

  “All the time.”

  He followed her out of the bathroom to her walk-in closet. It was mostly empty. “You don’t have many clothes.”

  She snickered. “You mean because I only use this tiny section? Twenty people could share this closet.” She pulled a pair of leggings off a hanger and then grabbed an oversized black shirt. “Do me a favor?”


  “Why don’t you start shoving my clothes into the two suitcases in that corner? I might as well take it all when we leave.”

  He didn’t move.

  She turned to him, staring. “What? You don’t want to pack for me? No problem. It won’t take me long to do it.”

  “Are you still coming to Alaska with me?”

  She stepped closer. “Did you change your mind about us being mates?”

  “Fuck no, but how can I compare with this?” He waved his arms.

  “I hate this monstrosity of a house, Red.” She dropped her clothes and pressed up against him, putting her hands on his chest. “Those aren’t just words to make you feel better. Grandpa got this place cheap. No one else wanted to take it on. And whatever you do, don’t open any of the other doors up here. There’s got to be an inch of dust layered on every surface. No way was I cleaning spaces we didn’t use. I love your cabin. It’s cozy and comfortable. Have you once thought of either of those descriptions since you’ve been in this house?”

  “No.” He gripped her hips. “You didn’t mention loving my den.” He smiled.

  “That’s going to take some adjusting. Big metal box buried in the ground. For you though, I’ll be motivated to love it.” She stroked him with her hands. “Are you going to pack my stuff or am I? Face it…I’m yours.”

  He loved hearing that from her. “What if Malachi forbids you to be with me?” It was his worst fear.

  “He won’t, Red.”

  “What if he does?”

  She licked her lips. “I love my grandpa. I owe him my life.” She rose up on her tiptoes, holding his gaze with hers. “You’re my future, Red. I love you too. I can’t see him being upset but if he is, he’ll get over it with time. I’m going home with you to Alaska.”

  He grinned. “Good. It’s where you belong.”

  “Anywhere you are.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her. He kept it light though. They needed to return downstairs to speak to Malachi, and he was curious what his Uncle Velder would do with the Vampire assassins. Then he remembered Eduardo as he pulled away from her soft, tempting lips.

  “I’ll kill Eduardo for you.”

  She dropped on her heels. “He’s mine.”

  He reached up and cupped her face. “You shouldn’t have to live with death, Emma. You believe in the Easter Bunny. You’re soft…and there’s nothing wrong with that. I love you just the way you are. You tell me how you want him to die and I’ll take care of it for you. It should be my hand that ends his life. I won’t have a problem sleeping at night. You might. I’m your mate. Let me take this burden.”

  She seemed to consider it. “I’ve spent most of my life having nightmares about him. He was my boogeyman, Red. My childhood was happy, and I had a wonderful mom until that night he betrayed my grandpa and went after the VampLycans. He murdered the humans living with us. They were our friends, who had no idea we weren’t just like them. It was kind of a hippie community. They all had gardens in their backyards and everyone was very kind. They didn’t deserve to be hunted and killed.” She paused. “I appreciate you offering but this is something I need to do. I’ll be fine with it. If for some reason I chicken out, you can kill him for me. I don’t see that happening though. I’ve wanted that asshole dead since I realized my mom was never coming back.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be with you. Always. You falter, I’ll do it.”

  “Thank you.”

  He heard someone yell out his name. Emma did as well, and she turned her head in the direction of her room.

  “Get dressed.” He released her and left the closet, walked through her bedroom, and opened the door to the hallway.

  Graves stood near the stairwell. “There you are. This place is more like a hotel than a house. I had no idea what room to go to. Velder wants you.”

  “How is Malachi?”

  “Clean, smells a hell of a lot better, and looks normal.” He grinned. “For a Vampire. I have to say, he’s larger than most of the ones I’ve met. I like him. Good sense of humor.”

  “We’ll be right down.”

  “Hurry up. Velder is in a mood. One of the Vampires tried to run.”

  “Are they still alive?”

  “Yeah. Pest didn’t blender his ass, but he did shell and crush his hand.” Graves grinned. “I want to see that blender move. Fingers crossed. It sounds gross as hell but I’m lacking any sympathy for those bloodsuckers who started this shit-storm.”

  Red returned to the closet. Emma had dressed and put on a pair of slip-on canvas shoes. He held out his hand. “It’s time.”

  “I hope we have time to pack.” She glanced at her clothes. “I’d like to take them to Alaska with me. I didn’t exactly have much in my go bag.”

  “We’ll take the time.”

  “Will Velder be annoyed with me bringing suitcases?”

  “No. There’s room on the jet.”

  He grew quiet, and so did Emma as they took the main stairs down. The Vampires were still in a circle in the living room. The Lycans, GarLycans, and his clan members surrounded them. Eduardo had inched closer to Paula, hissing words at her. Red cocked his head, listening. The bastard was pleading with her to save his life. Red studied her face, seeing a granite expression without emotion. He doubted the assassin could do anything, regardless of what she wanted. Eduardo would die.

  “Grandpa!” Emma tore out of his hold and ran to the tall blond who walked out of the office with his Uncle Velder at his side.

  Red watched as the man opened his arms wide, scooped his mate up, and hugged her tight. He tensed, his fingertips tingling, his claws wanting to rip through his skin when the Vampire buried his face in the crook of her neck. He couldn’t stop the growl that rumbled from him. He’d kill him if he bit her.

  But Malachi lifted his head fast, no blood on his lips, and their gazes locked.

  Red tried to calm his anger. The Vampire was Emma’s grandfather. Not the enemy. He just didn’t like her being held that tight by anyone who wasn’t him.

  Malachi’s eyes narrowed, his nostrils flared, and he glanced down at Emma. The Vampire looked at him again…and his lips compressed into a tight line.

  Emma fought tears. She hated crying, but it had been a tough day. “You’re okay.”

  Grandpa hugged her tight again and eased her to her feet. He cupped her chin, studying her face. “You got banged up. What part of calling you ‘princess’ left you confused? I trained you better, Em.”

  That helped dry her eyes. Anger sparked as she grasped his hand and removed it from her jaw. “Don’t even lecture me, Grandpa. Did you think I wouldn’t come? Give me a break.”

  He smiled. “I thought you’d send the VampLycans. Not put your ass right in the line of fire.” He glanced up at Velder. “Thank you. I had faith that someone from the clan would show up. I’m sorry for getting you involved but they kept me poisoned and drugged. They also said the entire council was looking for my granddaughter. At some point, she might have left your territory and been captured.”

  Emma frowned. “How did you get Linda to call the VampLycans?”

  Grandpa chuckled, looking down at her. “I embedded a few easily controlled humans with orders to call Howl, Alaska, and say I was searching for you, if I ever called them by phone. Linda was the only human I was able to reach. She hadn’t retired
from her job yet. Those idiots from the council wanted you. I knew if I left that message on our machine, you’d tell the VampLycans I was in trouble, and they’d come.” His expression grew serious. “These morons believed I’d made a deal with them to lure you home. They swore you wouldn’t be hurt if I brought you in.” He snorted, shooting a glare in their direction. “As if I’d allow you assholes to turn my Emma over to those thugs you call a council.” He looked back at Emma. “You were supposed to stay with their clan and keep safe.”

  Emma wouldn’t apologize. “You would have come for me.”

  “I taught you to save yourself, Emma.” He glanced at Velder. “Do you have grandchildren yet? They love to frustrate you and drive you insane. They forget that older is wiser.”

  Velder chuckled. “Just sons. No grandbabies yet. I can’t wait.”

  Her grandpa reached up, tugging on her wet hair. “Who’s the one glaring at me?”

  Emma backed away and held out her hand to Red. “Grandpa, I’d like you to meet Redson Redwolf.”

  Red came forward, took her hand, but looked tense. “Sir.”

  Her grandfather glanced around, and then frowned at Red. “You look just like your father. Klackan didn’t come with you?”

  Emma opened her mouth but Red spoke first.

  “He died, sir.”

  Her grandpa’s grief showed. He reached out to Red, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Your father has always held a special place in my heart. I am deeply wounded to hear this news. You have my sincerest condolences.” He briefly glanced down at their joined hands. “Is Emma your mate?”

  Red didn’t hesitate. “Yes.”

  Grandpa released his shoulder. “Why haven’t you completed the bond?”

  “We wanted to get your permission first, sir.”

  Emma glanced back and forth between the men she loved. Red and her grandpa seemed to have some kind of grim staring contest. Her grandpa finally broke it by glancing at Velder. “Is it allowed? Her father was human, and there’s no hiding that. I’m not certain of the laws you may have written.”