
  Dorian took something from the bag. "I want you to take one of these now and one before bed. It's amoxicillin. There's enough in this envelope for morning and noon tomorrow, and when I come home I'll bring the rest of your prescription." Dorian stood. "I'll get you some water."

  Nikki shut her eyes until he returned and then obediently swallowed the pill he gave her.

  "Have you had anything to eat today." the doctor wanted to know.

  Nikki looked at him. "I had some yogurt, but I couldn't taste it, so I gave up."

  "I brought a can of soup. The kids and I will heat it for you."

  Nikki thanked him and watched him walk from the room. It took her a moment to realize that Petra was still with her, those dark eyes watching her with concern.

  "Do you feel better now, Nikki? Did the medicine help."

  "Not yet, Petra, but I'm sure it will."


  The little girl nodded and put her hand on Nikki's arm. If Nikki had felt more like herself, she'd have taken her hand. Not long afterward, Theo and Dorian came with a mug of soup and a large glass of apple juice. They sat with Nikki while she ate most of the soup and then rose to put their coats back on. Dorian wrote something on a piece of paper and left it on the table.

  "This is our home phone. If you need anything or start to feel worse, call me, even if you just want to talk about your symptoms."

  Nikki nodded. "Thank you."

  Dorian watched her, hating to leave but knowing he had no choice. "I'll be back tomorrow as soon as I

  can get away, no later than about six o'clock." "Okay."

  Nikki stood long enough to be certain the doors were all locked and then gave up. A double ear infection! It was time to admit she was sick and go to bed.

  Nikki didn't feel much better in the morning, but late as it was, almost eleven o'clock, she still made herself get up, shower, and dress. Refusing to return to bed, she headed for the living room sofa and put in a video. Nikki was usually strict with herself about watching Christmas movies out of season--the holidays were more special if she saved them until at least Thanksgiving--but today she was in need of a dose ofWhite Christmas.She kept the sound very low and dozed off before the movie ended. She woke to


  someone knocking at the door. It was Mrs. Butram; Petra was behind her.

  "Hello, Nikki," she spoke kindly, her arms full. "Petra and I have brought you a little something to


  "Oh, Mrs. Butram, how nice."

  Nikki held the door open wide and tried to stay on her feet. The stuffiness of her ears made her feel as if the room were spinning.

  "Go back to your seat, Nikki," the older woman ordered, sizing up the situation. "We'll take this to the kitchen and then bring you a nice hot bowl of soup."

  Nikki thought she smelled food, but she couldn't be certain; her head felt as though it was stuffed with cotton. She sat back down on the living room sofa, and a few moments later Mrs. Butram materialized carrying a tray which held a mug of soup, some tiny muffins, and hot tea.

  "Oh, my," Nikki croaked. "How nice."

  "This is my mother's recipe for colds," the older woman informed her. "She swears byit."

  "It looks wonderful," Nikki said as she took a sip. She looked up in surprise. "I can tasteit."

  "That's the dill. Now you drink as much as you can and rest all day today. By tomorrow you'll be feeling much more the thing."

  Nikki smiled at her and then looked down at Petra, who had drawn close.

  "My dad is bringing you medicine." "Yes. Isn't that nice of him." Petra nodded. "He'll fix you."

  The adults in the room shared a smile.



  "Adores him, this one does," Mrs. Butram said softly, and Nikki's eyes went back to the little girl who was still watching her in concern. When she felt better she would have to plan a tea party or something equally fun just for the two of them.

  The visitors weren't long in staying, but Nikki thought about their visit for a long time. "Adores him" had been the babysitter/housekeeper's words. The writer's mind went back to the Swanns' visit the night before and how kind the doctor had been. Without much effort, Nikki found it very easy to believe that Petra adored her father.

  One week later Nikki knocked on the Swanns' door and waited. It didn't take long for the young man of the household to answer.

  "Hi, Theo, you're just the person I want to see. Do

  you have time to talk about the book.)"

  "Sure. Come on in."

  Nikki stepped in the door, notepad in hand. The whole house smelled as if Mrs. Butram had been baking. Nikki followed Theo into the living room and sat when he did. She could see Petra coloring at the kitchen table, but other than a brief wave, she seemed unaware of the two in the living room.

  "Should I tell Mrs. Butram that I'm here, Theo.)" "She's already left." "Your dad then.)"

  "He's not home just yet. A few days a week we have time in between."


  "Oh, all right. Should I come back when your dad gets home.''

  "No, this is fine. I can't open the door to just anyone, but we know you."

  "Okay," Nikki nodded, taking it all in. Feeling protective all of a sudden, she had to remind herself that she'd come on business. "Did you have a chance to

  finish the book, Theo.)"

  "Yes, and--"

  "Theo," Nikki cut him off. "I want to say something

  before you do, okay.)"

  The little boy nodded.

  "Just because I'm your neighbor--just because you know me--doesn't mean you have to be easy on me. I want you to give your honest opinion. If you like some of the book, none of the book, or all of the book, I want you to tell me. If there were certain points that confused you, or were not well-written, you need to tell me. Don't worry about my having hurt feelings or being upset. I won't be. Okay?"

  "Okay." Theo would have gone on, but Nikki opened her pad and poised her pen.

  "Are you going to take notes." he asked.

  "Yes. That way I can remember the changes I need to make."

  Theo nodded but then said very honestly, "I liked it.

  I especially liked Brad. He was cool and really brave." Nikki nodded, feeling very pleased.

  "And what about the whole mystery--was it believable.) Do you think it could have really happened.)"

  Before he could answer, a door opened somewhere in the kitchen, and Petra's voice could be heard greeting


  her father. A sudden flush coming to her face, Nikki stood. By the time Dorian made the front room, she looked ready to bolt.

  "Well, hello," he said kindly, and Nikki felt her face grow very red.

  "I'm sorry to intrude. You must be ready to eat dinner. I'll come back later."

  Dorian watched her for a moment and then looked to his son.

  "We're talking about the book," Theo explained. "Great." Dorian sat down as if he had all the time in the world. "I'm eager to hear all of Theo's comments too."

  Nikki slowly sat back down, her face still hot. She studied the notepad in front of her as though she'd written down the secrets of life and worked to gather her composure.

  "You were asking me if I thought the mystery was real?"

  "That's right." Nikki looked up and smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Theo. What did you think?"

  "It was very real, but I didn't understand how Brad got out of the cave."

  Nikkimadea wry face. "I wondered about that when I wroteit."The writer's face became thoughtful. "Did you understand the cave had a rear entrance?"

  "No,"Theo's brows rose. "I don't remember that." Nikki's shake of the head was directed at herself. "That's because I didn't do a good job explaining the layout."

  "Where was that part?"

  "Doyou have the manuscript handy?"

  106 "In my room, I'll get it."

  Theo ran up the stairs that led up from the front door, an
d Nikki looked over to find Dorian smiling at her. For some reason the smile reminded her of the paper in her pocket.

  "I didn't think I would see you," she said as she reached for the blank check. "I signed this and left you a note asking you to fill in the amount. But now I'll just give it to you."

  Nikki stood, took a few steps across the room and

  held the check out to him, but Dorian only stared at it. "What is it for?" "The medicine."

  He dismissed it with a hand. "Don't worry about

  "Are you sure? I don't want you to have to take care of it."

  Dorian only shook his head as Theo came back into the room.

  "Here it is," the little boy said.

  Nikki stuffed the check back into her pocket, turned, and took the stack of papers from Theo's hands. She found the place they needed, and with heads bent together, they studied the chapter for the next ten minutes. Nikki made notes in the margin of

  the page, seeming pleased with the changes. "Anything else?"

  Theo shook his head. "I don't think so. It was a good book, Nikki. Maybe even my favorite."

  Nikki sighed. "I can't tell you what a help you've been, Theo."

  "Why was it such a help?"



  "Because you're the right age for this book. My editor reads it, and different people at the publishing house read it, but I don't have any kids who can look it over and give me their feedback. Kids read my books, so input from someone your age is the most valuable thing to me."

  Theo smiled. She had a way of making him feel so good. And he had liked the book. It was a great story. It had been so cool the way she'd told his whole class that he'd agreed to read it for her. He'd been a little bit embarrassed, but when everyone found out Dominique Brinks was his neighbor and thought that was cool, his embarrassment faded. And besides that, she was just Nikki: not a writer, but a neighbor who was really nice and seemed just right for his dad.

  "I'd like to take you to lunch some time, Theo," Nikki said as she stood. "We'll set a date one of these days and go to Camden's for sandwiches and ice

  cream. Would you like that?''


  "Great. That will be my thanks to you. We'll do it real soon."

  Theo's smile was infectious, and Nikki thought if she knew him better, she'd have given him a hug.

  "I'd better go," she said with a smile that encompassed both the older and younger Swann without having to look directly at Dorian. "Thanks again, Theo, and thank you again, Dorian, for the medicine. I'll see you later."

  They both saw her to the door, and as before, Nikki was very aware of the doctor's eyes on her. She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking but knew there


  was no way to find out. She speculated on it all the way through her own evening meal and even as she readied for bed. She had just picked up the book she was reading when the phone rang.

  "Did I call too late." Dorian's voice sounded in her ear, and Nikki had to breathe deeply at the pleasure that ran through her.

  "No, not at all. I was going to read for a while."

  "I wanted to thank you for what you said to Theo. You can't believe how excited he was that you valued his opinion."

  "It's I who owe the thanks, Dorian. He was a huge help. When the galleys come, I can make the changes or even fax them in ahead of time."

  "The galleys are what you proof before the book goes to print, right.''

  "Yes. I should have them in a few weeks." "When does this book come out.'' "January."

  "And the cover, do you work on that as well.''

  "I have input, but artwork is not my strong point, so I leave a lot of that up to my publisher."

  Before they knew it, an hour had passed, the conversation ranging far. Dorian told her about the book he was reading to the kids before they went to bed each night, and for some reason that led to the way his hours worked and who his partners were. Nikki had questions about his hospital and clinic work, and he asked her about her family and more about the way she got started as a writer. It was after 10:30 before they hung up, but it was as if they never left off. Waiting at



  night until the kids were in bed and things were settled, Dorian called six times in the next ten days.

  The end of October brought cold weather and lots of sunshine. The days were shorter, but Nikki was still accomplishing much. She had been writing steadily since she recovered from her ear infections, and she knew it was time for a day off. She planned to spend it in the kitchen, baking, putting together her menu for November, writing letters, and catching up on small, fun jobs. She knew it would be a nice change from her desk work, especially with no deadline breathing down her neck.

  The baking was first, and Nikki saw very soon that she would need a trip to the grocery store in town. Making a quick list, she checked her purse for keys and wallet, and walked to the garage. She moved down the street, her mind already wandering the aisles of Patron's Market. She was almost to the Swann home before she spotted Petra playing in the street. Nikki stopped the car and rolled the passenger window down.

  "Petra," Nikki called to her and waited for her to approach. Nikki's small car put their faces on a closer level.

  "Hi, Nikki."

  "Hi, Petra. I wonder if maybe you shouldn't play in the street."

  "Why not?'' she asked sincerely, and as usual, Nikki had to smile; Petra had that effect on her.

  "You might get hit by a car."


  110 Lore WiCK

  Petra's confused brow relaxed. "That's all right; my dad's a doctor."

  She had Nikki this time. There wasn't a thing she could find to say. The blonde writer just stared down at Petra's adorable, confident little face and found herself speechless.

  "Are you going to town, Nikki?"

  "Yes," the older female answered absently. "I've

  got to go to the grocery store."

  "I'm playing."

  Nikki nodded, still trying to recover. "Well, have a good time."

  "Thank you," Petra said and skipped off on her merry way. Nikki drove on, a small shake to her head. Petra's logic was probably normal for a five-year-old, but Nikki had little contact with children, so she found the little girl quite amusing. She chuckled to herself as she completed her list and even knew what she would say to Petra if she saw her again, but the little girl was out of sight when Nikki returned home.

  Nikki paced next to the phone in her kitchen and told herself she shouldn't. Stopping many times to stare at it, she even reached for it one time but pulled her hand back.

  Just because he's called a few times doesn't mean he wants you calling him. Maybe he's having a hard time getting the kids down. You can laresume, Nikki, and you know that. But the talk didn't do much for her heart, She still desperately wanted to call Dorian Swann and tell him about her brief conversation with Petra. He was sure to think



  it was fun. Nikki had just about given up when the phone rang. She took a deep breath, reminding herself it could be anyone, and lifted the receiver.

  "How was your day?" It was the way he always

  started, and Nikki's smile, had he but seen it, was huge. "Great. I was hoping you would call." "You were?'' He sounded very pleased.

  "Yes. I spoke with your daughter this morning and got the quote of the day."

  "What did she say?" She could hear the smile in his voice.

  Nikki filled him in and smiled when she heard him laugh on the other end; it was a hushed laugh and she knew the kids must be settled in bed.

  "She's so funny, Dorian, and she doesn't even try." "You're certainly right about that. She's decided that you need a pet, by theway,so the discussion

  around the table tonight was all about that."

  "What pet did she decideon?"

  "I think the last one under considera
tion was a white rat."

  Nikki made a noise that told Dorian she was shuddering, and he laughed all over again.

  "I don't suppose you want to come down to the porch and visit for a while," he said suddenly, his voice soft and inviting. It was the first time he'd ever asked her to do more than speak on the phone.

  It was Nikki's turn to chuckle. "I don't have that many coats."

  "You could wear your snowmobile suit." "I don't have a snowmobile suit." "Are you serious?"


  "Yes. I've never needed one."

  "Well, you do now. We have two sleds, and we'll

  have snow before you know it."

  "Sounds fun."

  "It is fun, so you better get the proper clothing." Nikki knew an invitation when she heard it, and again her smile was huge and her heart felt as light as a balloon. As with the other nights, they talked for at least an hour. She had never had a relationship like this. When she saw Dorian at church or on the street, she felt shy and a little tongue-tied, but on the phone they were able to talk about anything. She already knew that he was a wonderful man, and the way he loved his children was causing Nikki to fall in love with him.

  Dorian's feelings were on the same path. After he hung up the phone, he sat for a long time and thought about his neighbor. He'd not been searching for another wife, but right now he would be lying to him self if he didn't admit that Nikki certainly seemed to fit the bill. She was so special, so full of life and caring. Lately he was having a hard time keeping his mind on anything but her. He finally took himself off to bed, but he fell asleep as he always did when they talked, their conversation still going through his mind.

  Halloween fell on a Tuesday. Although Nikki had seen advertisements for candy in the market's newspaper ad, the day almost passed before she remembered what day it was. Living on such a quiet, dead-end street on the outskirts of town gave her little reason to plan. However,



  there were still Theo and Petra. She could not and would not want to forget them.

  It was coming onto four o'clock when she put together a plate of cookies and headed down the street. Darkness was falling fast. The days were shorter now, and the very air smelled of winter. Nikki's mittened hand knocked on the door, and even though she could see lights inside, she had to knock a second time before the door was answered.