Page 9 of Kidnappping Casey

  She almost tore the shirt off herself even as she stepped out of the pants he pushed down her legs. She was climbing on the bed before she let herself debate it. She knew she should tell him to go to hell, that she should feel a little ashamed, as she stretched out on her back to spread her legs open to display her pussy to him. She promised herself she’d get even with him somehow later, but for right now she was hornier than hell, aching, and he owed her big-time for the past two sexually frustrating days he’d given her.

  Argernon’s gaze locked with hers as he climbed on the bed after her. “Do you need me inside you or do you need my mouth? What do you need the most?”

  “Both,” she whispered.

  He growled, his hands gripping her thighs as his head lowered. She moaned, clawing the bed as his mouth found her clit. He didn’t tease her. His lips surrounded the throbbing and swollen flesh, sucking her gently into his mouth, as his tongue slid back and forth on her sensitive nub with enough pressure to make her go wild.

  “Yes! Oh, Argernon!”

  Another growl rumbled from his mouth, vibrating against her clit as his tongue moved faster. He sucked, moving his mouth in a way that tugged on her clit. Two fingers thrust into her pussy and he hooked them, finding the right spot to rub on the back side of her clit. That was all it took. A scream tore from her lips as the climax hit her, pleasure almost tearing her apart.

  He didn’t give her time to recover, just releasing her with his mouth and fingers, to grip one of her thighs as he slid up her body. He pushed it up high so her knee was trapped between his chest and his elbow while he lowered on top of her. He didn’t need to guide his hard cock into her. He was hard enough to push into her body.

  Casey clawed at his shoulders, bucking her hips, when Argernon pushed all the way into her until his balls were against her anus. He started to move in deep, hard thrusts. He adjusted his hips so the angle of his cock rubbed her G-spot with every drive in and out of her.

  Frustration made Casey almost scream when Argernon abruptly withdrew totally from her. He lifted up as her gaze tore to his face in shock.

  “Roll over. I want to mount you and fuck you harder.”

  Eagerly she rolled over, pushing her ass up at him, her elbows bending to brace against the bed. Without warning Argernon drove into her from behind. His hands clamped down on her hips, wrapping around the curve of them, holding her immobile while he rammed her over and over. Moans tore from Casey’s lips with every slam of his hips against her ass as he drove into her deep. Pleasure and pain became blurred. One of his hands released her hip to shove between her thighs in the front so thick fingers braced against her clit, applying pressure, his palm against her lower stomach and the curve of her mound, as his hips increased the pace.

  Casey lost it with the added pressure against her clit. Her pussy went wild, clamping down on Argernon, her vaginal walls clenching him like a fist, as the orgasm hit her. Screaming out her pleasure, she came. Argernon roared, bucking hard against her ass, his seed jetting into her. Collapsing to their sides, they lay entwined together.

  A few minutes later Casey opened her eyes. Argernon was staring at her, watching her silently. She couldn’t read the emotion on his features but he didn’t look angry. She knew what she was thinking. The guy got her off every damn time. It amazed her. He was remarkable with that mouth. His cock was built perfectly to hit every right spot inside her body to make her come. It didn’t hurt that he was as sexy as hell. Total eye candy to the max. Those eyes of his were the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. She could stare into them forever. Even his voice turned her on with the way it was gruff or how he growled at her often.

  “What are you thinking?”

  His tongue swiped his lips. “You’re beautiful and you’re mine. I won’t give you up, Casey. I cannot. You are a part of me and I don’t want to leave your body because I want to remain a part of you.”

  She swallowed hard. As far as what a guy was thinking after sex, those were some pretty intense thoughts. No man had ever made her feel as sexy, wanted, or even as needed than Argernon did. His mouth twisted into a smile.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m just thinking about how you make me feel.”

  A chuckle escaped him. Blue eyes twinkled with amusement. “From your screams of pleasure you are very fond of me.”

  She laughed as she swatted his chest with her hand. “You think that’s funny, do you?”

  “Yes.” He rolled onto his back.

  Grinning, she sat up, putting her hands on his chest to rake her nails lightly down to his nipples. She hesitated before she lightly pinched them between her thumbs and fingers. His body jerked, his blue eyes flared with passion. She played with the hardening buds as she straddled him, rotating her hips, and rubbed against the hard length of him that was thickening by the second. She was wet enough and he grew turned-on enough that she was able to push back when in the right position so he entered her pussy. Argernon’s eyes shut, his grin gone as he moaned softly.

  “Not laughing now, are you, baby?” She rolled her hips over him in a circle, moving him inside her.

  Beautiful eyes snapped open. “Do you want to play?”


  “Do you want me to get loud?”

  She grinned. “You always get loud. You roar, for Christ sake, when you come hard.”

  His hands gripped her hips, lifting her body off him, to make her release him. He grinned. “I’ll be right back.”

  She sat up, frowning, as she watched him almost run into the bathroom. He turned on the shower letting water slice down his body. She saw him cup himself, cleaning his groin area well, before he waved off the water. He didn’t even waste the seconds it took to dry as he strode quickly into the bedroom to almost jump on the bed. He rolled onto his back grinning.

  “Play with me. Touch me.” He stared at her. “Will you lick me?”

  Her eyes ran over his naked, wet body. He was rock hard again. It was amazing and kind of frightening that the guy rarely got soft. She moved, straddling his hips so her ass rested on his lower stomach, letting her attention drift over every inch of him from his stomach up. Casey nodded.

  Licking her lips, she bent forward, intent on starting at his neck. She ran her tongue from his ear down to his shoulder, nipping him there with her teeth, enjoying the water drops and the taste of his skin. Argernon growled as his hands gripped her hips. She leaned up to smile at him.

  “Hands up and don’t touch me.”

  Glowing blue eyes narrowed. He didn’t look happy but he followed directions. He released her with his big, warm hands to put both of his arms up, folding them under the back of his head like a pillow. It really displayed his thickly muscled arms. Smiling, Casey went for his chest next. She went for one nipple, sucking on it, while she used her fingernails to lightly play with the other until both of them hardened into pointed tips. A groan sounded from the man under her, his body tensed while his hips arched up a few inches from the bed, lifting both of them.

  “Down, baby,” she chuckled, releasing his nipple. “Stay still.”

  “Patience isn’t something I have much of. You turn me on too much. Maybe in a few years you can play with my body more without me feeling like I will die if I am not inside you.”

  Years? Shock hit her as she thought about years of having this kind of sex life ahead of her with Argernon. Was he for real? She scooted down his body, having to lift up high over his rock-hard erection, sitting on his upper thighs, to let her mouth trail kisses over his ribs. She licked him in a few places like the groove between the muscles on his abs. She let her teeth nip his hipbone. By the time she reached his thick and throbbing cock he was growling continuously and his body was tense enough to resemble a sexy statue. His legs shifted slightly apart but didn’t move enough dislodge her from her seat on him.

  “Please,” he growled. His voice was deep and harsh.

  She’d teased him enough. One of her hands gripped the
base of his cock while her other hand brushed his thighs. She rose up.

  “Spread your thighs open all the way so I can get between them.”

  He instantly moved to obey her. A smile ghosted her lips. She could get used to giving him orders. She looked up at his handsome face, noticing his closed eyes, the passion-pained look, the tight press of his mouth and his sharp upper teeth hooked on his lower lip, noticeably indenting them. She moved between his thighs slowly, settling down to sit on her legs as she bent forward. Her other hand cupped his heavy balls gently, exploring them, caressing the underside of them with her fingertips.


  Argernon opened his eyes to look down at her. “Yes?” He almost panted.

  “Hold still. Don’t choke me, okay? You’re way big. I like breathing.”

  Confusion lit his features. “I’d never choke you.”

  “Good enough. Don’t move your hips or you will.”

  Casey lowered her gaze to his cock. She knew there was no way she was going to get him all the way in. She was just glad he agreed to hold still. If he thrust up into her mouth while it was wrapped around him then he’d definitely cut off her air. She wet her lips again, moistening her mouth, before opening wide.

  She licked the large, round tip of him at first and swirled her tongue around his mushroomed head. The taste of him was a shock. Pre-cum was beading on the tiny slit there. To make sure, she ran her tongue over him again to taste more, letting her tongue trace that little crevice. A growl tore from Argernon. He tasted really sweet, like warm, melted sugar of some sort. He was delicious, and more pre-cum eased from his cock to catch on her tongue. She moaned, taking more of him into her mouth. It was a taste she could get addicted to. She had a feeling he’d just become her favorite dessert when she had a sweet craving.

  The circumference of his cock barely fit in her mouth. Once she was past the thicker head, his shaft thinned slightly, but not by much, before it grew thick again. She heard Argernon gasp. His body moved, but he didn’t thrust upward into her mouth. He squirmed under her while growling in a low tone that sounded more animal than man. She heard his breathing increase to a loud pant until he sounded like he was having difficulty breathing as she sucked and licked on him. She took him as deep as she could before lifting up, turning her head, and then taking him deep again at the new angle.

  “Casey,” he snarled.

  It was the only warning she got before his cock swelled slightly. He was coming hard down her throat. Sweetness filled her mouth. She moaned in surprise and delight at the taste of him, swallowing everything he had to give until she was down to licking him clean with her tongue.

  Casey had thought his pre-cum was sweet, but he tasted even better when he came. She milked him with her mouth until she reached the head of his shaft, taking every drop that hid there. Easing him out of her mouth completely, she ran the tip of her tongue over her lips. She knew what he reminded her of now. He tasted like honey and brown sugar melted together. It amazed her. Lifting up enough to see his face, she peered at him.

  Argernon’s head was thrown back with his eyes tightly closed. He was breathing hard still, panting. His mouth was open. What shocked her was that one hand gripped bedding by his hip. He’d torn the material with his fisted hand. His other hand was on his chest. The sight of his blood made her gasp.

  She climbed up him to grab his bleeding hand. She cradled it wondering what had happened. Her eyes flew to his face. That’s when she saw the blood on his lower lip and chin. Her eyes flew to the hand she held. She saw the small holes that caused the bleeding on his palm and the back of his hand. They were bite marks from his teeth.

  “Why did you bite yourself?”

  His sexy eyes opened. Amazement and satisfaction literally glowed from their depths as his full mouth curved into a grin. “You told me not to move. I wanted to so badly I bit myself to keep still. I knew with your teeth around me that startling you with my roaring out my pleasure wouldn’t be a smart thing to do. Lord of the Moons. That was…” He chuckled. “It’s a good thing you’re my bound. You definitely would be now if not before.” His uninjured hand moved to rub her stomach in a caress. His eyes followed his hand. Wonder filled eyes rose to lock with hers. “You took my seed down your throat. I am in awe of you, beautiful. You honor me more than any woman ever has.”

  She blinked. “Huh.” She let his words sink in as confusion hit her. “Okay.”

  A grin split his lips widely, an ecstatic look on his face. “Women don’t swallow seed. You must really be fond of me to take as much of me as you can. You accept me as your bound. I will make you happy, beautiful.”

  Casey had to slam her mouth shut. It had fallen open. “Your women don’t swallow?”

  He couldn’t wipe the grin from his face. He shook his head no. “They lick the hais but move away when seed spills. You took me into your mouth and you took my seed into your belly.” His hand caressed her stomach again. “Lord of the Moons, did that feel so good.”

  “Wow. For a world with highly sexual men you guys don’t do a lot.”

  He remained smiling. “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t have anal sex and now you’re telling me your women don’t give blowjobs? They give lick and flee.”

  He chuckled. “It is not called lick and flee. It is called tonguing. I assume what you just did to me is called a blowjob? You didn’t blow on me so why is it called that?”

  She laughed. “Hell if I know. Maybe it’s because it blows a guy’s mind?”

  He chuckled as he pulled her down on his body. “My mind is blown. I know this saying. Now I think I know what you must feel when I am tonguing your clit. I will do that to you a lot more. I was worried the first time I touched you that I would do it wrong. I am a fast learner though and you enjoy it as much as I hoped you would.”

  “Back up,” Casey stared down at him in confusion and shock. “What do you mean you were worried you’d do it wrong and you had to learn fast?”

  He chuckled. “You are slightly different from Zorn females. Their unis is deep inside and can’t be tongued. Your unis, clit, is very accessible. My brother told me about humans and what to do with one since he learned from his bound. What he didn’t tell me is how good you would taste and how it would turn me on to tongue you and hear you respond to me. Do I do it well? You seem to enjoy my mouth on you.”

  She was stunned. “You learn really damn fast.”

  He tilted his head slightly, staring at her. Argernon’s smile disappeared as his gaze narrowed. “What is that look in your eyes? Tell me what you are thinking.”

  She slowly smiled. “I was just thinking that it’s kind of funny that a guy who’s never touched a human woman and who never tongued one is the best lover I’ve ever had.” She caressed his chest. “Some Earth guys should take lessons from you Zorn men. A lot of them couldn’t find a clit with a map drawn for them and have no clue what to do with one when they find it.”

  He chuckled. “Maybe we should send Zorn women to your men.”

  Chapter Seven

  Casey gazed into Argernon’s eyes over dinner the next day. They were sitting on the bed, facing each other, with their trays between them. He’d just come in from his work shift. She was nervous but she’d had all day to think while he’d been gone. Argernon arched an eyebrow.

  “What are you thinking about? You look very stern.”

  “I have questions.”

  “I was warned that humans are very curious. Proceed with your questions.”

  She smiled. He looked ready to do battle with her judging by his grim expression and tense shoulders. “Relax. This isn’t going to be painful.”

  “I don’t know about that. My brother warned me that his bound gets angry with him for reasons he sometimes can’t understand when he answers her questions.”

  “That sounds ominous. Uh oh. Do you know what they fight about? Maybe we can start there. I want to know the good and the bad about this bound thing.”

/>   He hesitated. “She refuses to run around his home naked.”

  Eyebrows shot up. “Naked?”

  “She is not comfortable naked in his home but that is the Zorn way. Our women only cover their bodies when company is over or when they leave the house. Weather permits as well.”

  “And you want me naked when we’re at home together?”

  He laughed. “What do you think?”

  She grinned. “I might run around naked.” She winked. “It would save on getting undressed.”

  He grinned widely at her. “I knew you were perfect for me.”

  “Okay. We’re getting somewhere. What else do they fight about?”

  His grin died a fast death. “She doesn’t like it that she can’t go outside without guards and without his protection. You will have to stay in our home where it is safe. Human women are much wanted on Zorn. I told you how our males are. Four attackers went after my brother’s bound in their home and would have killed her after forcing her to take them inside her body. You will be in our home but I have a beautiful home with a large yard and nice view where you will be safe. I will take you out often so you will not be lonely or bored.”

  Casey digested that. “Okay. I can see the danger and appreciate that it wouldn’t be safe for me as a human to walk around by myself. I can live with that as long as I don’t have to sit staring at walls all the time. I don’t want to go house crazy.”

  “No argument?”

  “Not so far. What other fights do they have?”

  He hesitated. “She was very upset when my father sent a woman to my brother.”

  That brought a frown to her face. “Why did your father send a woman to your brother?”

  “My father wasn’t happy that my brother bound to a human at first so he sent my brother a very desirable Zorn woman who many men wanted. He thought she would tempt my brother from his bound human woman but he was not tempted.”

  “Is your father going to pull that shit with us?”

  He shook his head. “No. He learned his lesson. He will not be sending women to our home to try to get me to bound to a Zorn woman instead.” He hesitated. “There is something I need to explain to you.”