Page 13 of Tempting Raven

  The king eyes me over as well, as he sips from his goblet, and I fight back the urge not to duck underneath the table and hide.

  “I am,” I tell the queen. “And you must be the fey queen?”

  She nods with a cocky smile. “I am.”

  I mirror her grin, but we’re like starry nights and golden sunshine trying to mix together. Where I’m dressed in black lace and leather and a bleeding star crown, her dress is spun together with shimmering gold silk and vibrant teal jewels that match the flowery wreath woven through her silky blonde hair. Same goes for the kings; Rhyland’s studded black attire and blood red tie is the exact opposite of the king’s crisp white shirt and golden crown.

  “Please, call me Faraelee.” The fey queen stretches her ring-bedazzled hand across the table toward me.

  I take her hand. “I’m Raven.” I get the strangest sense of déjà vu as she smiles at me. I don’t know why, though, since I’ve only ever met one faerie in the existence of my life and it wasn’t her.

  “Raven. That’s a fitting name,” the king remarks as Faraelee and I move our hands away from each other. “Your hair and your eyes look just like raven feathers.”

  “Yeah, I hear that a lot.” I work to conceal the disdain in my tone.

  “Personally, I think it’s gorgeous.” Rhyland brushes a strand of my hair out of my eyes and tucks it safely behind my ear. “Then again, everything about her is gorgeous.”

  I reach for my goblet to take a drink, mostly to busy myself from rolling my eyes. “Well, that’s probably a good thing since you’re stuck with me.” My tone flitters with surprising lightness.

  “You say stuck. I say lucked out,” Rhyland teases, sweeping my hair away from my shoulder.

  “We’ll see if you’re saying that in twenty years.” I take a sip of my drink, hoping my nerves aren’t showing. So far, things are going smoothly. In fact, I’m surprised how easy playing the role of queen is.

  As if I was made for it.

  I start to crinkle my nose at the thought when the sunny, warm liquid drink that is definitely not blood spills down my throat.

  “What is that?” I cough, patting my chest.

  A smile graces Faraelee’s purple tinged lips as she reaches for a goblet in front of her. “Faerie wine, straight from our kingdom. It’s considered the best in all the land.”

  “Oh.” I don’t know what to do.

  From what I understand, faerie wine can be tremendously potent and can make even the saddest vampires giggly. Not wanting to offend them, I take another drink. And another.

  Did I also mention it’s very addicting?

  The fey king and queen join in, drinking with me, while Rhyland watches me down half the glass with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Easy,” he teases in a low, husky tone. “Wouldn’t want to have to carry you back to bed.”

  “Yeah, we wouldn’t want that,” I say sweetly, licking some wine off my lips.

  “Or maybe you do want that?” His gaze bores into mine as he gently cups the back of my neck.

  “Maybe I do.” What in the lusty vampires am I saying?

  He chuckles, softly massaging the back of my neck as he dips his lips to my ear. “Easy on the wine. I mostly trust the fey, but I still don’t want you drunk and vulnerable while they’re here.” He starts to move away, then pauses. “When they leave, though, and it’s just you and me, you’re more than welcome to get drunk and vulnerable, if you want.”

  “And what would you do if I did?” I’m pretty sure I’ve drunk too much already since the fey king and queen can’t even hear us, which makes our flirting only for our benefit.

  He releases a deafening exhale. “Nothing.”

  I start to lean away, irritated and feeling like an idiot. What was I thinking flirting with the enemy?

  His fingers tighten on the back of my neck, trapping me where I am. “I wouldn’t do anything because you’d be drunk and vulnerable, and anything I did would be taking advantage of you. When we get to that place in our lives, I want you to be sober.”

  I steady my breathing before I speak. “When? That’s a pretty bold statement. Can you see the future or something?”

  His fingers stiffen on my neck. “No,” he chokes out. Then he’s moving away from me and reaching for his goblet. “I’d like to make a toast.” He raises his goblet. “To the fey king and queen, who have more than held up to their reputation. Thank you for dining with us.” His tone is tight, his demeanor stiff.

  He clinks glasses with the fey king and queen, and then with mine, not making eye contact with me.

  “Yes, to us.” A sly smile spreads across Faraelee’s face. “And of course to the new vampire king and queen. You make such a lovely couple. And how quickly you’ve fallen in love and Proclaimed. Some might say a little too quickly, though.”

  Rhyland carries her gaze. “True love usually happens quickly and without cause.”

  “Some may say that,” the queen replies. “But not everyone agrees with it. I sure don’t. I’m surprised you do, all things considering.”

  The two of them stare each other down in a challenge, leaving me confused. The fey king appears quite the opposite, though, looking utterly bored.

  Their behavior only gets weirder the longer we dine. While Rhyland does continue to flirt and tease me, his remarks and touches are more forced. And the queen acts oddly giddy.

  An hour later, the fey bodyguards are lining up out in front of the castle to see their king and queen off.

  Rhyland and I walk the faerie-winged royalty to the door, stiffly holding hands, Rhyland stuck in a daze. Our bodyguards trail at our heels.

  When we step outside beneath the starry sky, Faraelee turns to Rhyland. “Would you like that gift you requested now?” Her sparkling gaze briefly flicks to me. “Or, shall I leave it with one of your guards so you can give it to her later.”

  Rhyland blinks out of his daze. “What?”

  “The gift you requested.” She smirks at him. “For your queen.”

  “Oh, right.” Some of the stiffness loosens from Rhyland’s muscles. “Now will be fine. I’d like to give it to her tonight.”

  Still smirking, the queen whisks off toward the forest with a few of her guards following, her golden dress swishing across the painted charcoal dirt behind her.

  I turn and gape at Rhyland, my jaw hanging to my knees. “You got me a present?”

  He reaches over and lines his fingers under my chin, guiding my parted lips closed. “Consider it an early birthday present.”

  “But you’ve never given me a birthday present before.” I observe his reaction carefully, watching for a sign that perhaps he has. That perhaps the dream that whisked into my sleep last night was a memory.

  He simply shrugs and grins. “There’s a first time for everything, right?”

  “I guess so.” I frown. I don’t even know why. Maybe because the entire night has been so strange. “Is there something going on between you and the fey queen?”

  “Why would you think that?” he asks.

  “Because there seemed to be some tension between you two.”

  “I just have some issues with the fey. That’s all.”

  Again, he’s acting evasive.

  Silence dances in the air as he stares silently at the forest until Faraelee emerges from the trees with my present. Then all my worries briefly sail away to the moon.

  “You got me a baby lilywolf tiger?” I sound like a stupid, gushing vampire, but I don’t give a shit.

  “Yes, I did. You’re not excited, are you?” he teases with a crook of his brow.

  “I’m more than excited.” I bounce up and down, clapping my hands together. “I’ve always wanted one.”

  “I know.”

  I stop bouncing. “How?”

  He winks at me. “What fun would it be if I told you how I know the secret way to your heart?”

  I blink. How can this be the Rhyland I grew up with?

  Maybe a shapeshifter to
ok over his life?

  His smile fades as he whispers, “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  My brow arches. “You can’t hear my thoughts right now?”

  “No. I haven’t since Gabe attacked you…” He shuts his eyes, shakes his head, and clears his throat before his eyelids lift open again. “But yeah, I can’t hear your thoughts.”

  I chew on my bottom lip. “I’m thinking that maybe you’re not really Rhyland. The one I grew up with, anyway.”

  “Then what am I?” he half-jokes, half-worries.

  I shrug. “Maybe a shapeshifter?”

  A beat of silence willows by, and then he busts up laughing.

  “You think I’m a shapeshifter?” He howls with laughter, hunching over.

  I pinch his arm. “Yes, now stop laughing at me. I don’t like being laughed at or made fun of.”

  He straightens, smashing his lips together. “I’m sorry.” He traces a delicate path down my cheek with his fingertip, and my eyelashes annoyingly flutter. “I didn’t mean to laugh, and I wasn’t making fun of you. It’s just that … you’re so adorable and I couldn’t help it.”

  “I’m not adorable—“

  The queen reaches us and steps under the lanterns burning across the porch, giving me a better look at my new pet.

  With blue-ish black fur, cat-shaped ears, a wolf’s snout, and tiny silver pixie wings sprouting from its back, it’s seriously the most adorable lilywolf tiger I’ve ever seen.

  “It’s so pretty.” I reach out and stroke its soft fur. “Its fur is kind of the same color as my hair.”

  “I know. Your king requested it.” She hands me the lilywolf tiger. “And it’s a girl.”

  I hold the lilywolf in my arms, and she peers up at me with her silver eyes. “You’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Maybe that’s what I’ll call you—Cutie.”

  Her chest rumbles as she lets out a squeaky roar.

  I giggle. “Okay, you’re still cute, but I’ll think of a better name.” I pause. “How about Aeribella.” Aeribella, after a town located in the Land of Moonlight. I haven’t ever been there before, but I’ve often wondered about the land hidden in the moonlight where, as legend has it, the most powerful creatures—from fey, to witches, to vampires—live together, creating the light of the moon.

  “After the Land of Moonlight?” the queen asks with her head cocked.

  I nod. “I’ve never been there before, but I’ve heard it’s a lovely place. Sometimes I even dream about it.”

  “You do?” Rhyland’s brows dip.

  I nod again, petting the lilywolf tiger. “I’m not sure if I’m seeing it correctly, since there are no photos of the moonlight kingdom.”

  “That’s because it’s forbidden to take photos or paint portraits of the sacred land,” Faraelee explains. “Unless your blood is of moonlight descent, but that’s a rarity these days.”

  I glance up at her, my brows pulling together. “Since when?”

  “Since for decades now,” she says. “Too many wars over power and leadership have resulted in too many deaths. It’s also ruining the land.”

  “That’s tragic,” I say. “I heard it was supposed to be the most beautiful place that ever existed.”

  “It was once,” Rhyland mutters, almost as an afterthought. “Until the magic made everyone go insane.”

  “You’ve been there?” the queen inquires with intrigue.

  He promptly shakes his head. “No, but I’ve heard others speak of it and how the lands are getting tainted.”

  Faraelee taps her fingers against her side, her fingernails clinking against the gems on her dress. “I wonder if any of these others you heard talk have ever been to the land. Or if they just like to gossip. I’ve always wanted to go there, but have never found anyone who can get me in.”

  “More than likely, they’re just passing along rumors.” Rhyland’s tone is neutral, his tone flat. He’s obviously bothered by Faraelee’s inquiry, but why?

  “Anyway, thank you for allowing me to have a lilywolf tiger,” Rhyland says to Faraelee in a curt tone. “I know it’s against the rules, so I appreciate the favor.”

  “Anything for the vampire king and queen.” She smirks. “Although, I think it deserves a kiss.”

  At first, I think she means Rhyland should give her a kiss, but then I notice she’s looking at me.

  “You want me to kiss you?” I ask in surprise.

  She laughs, throwing her head back. “Faeries, no. No offense, I’m just not into vampires. On a romantic level, anyway.” She collects herself. “I was actually thinking you should give your king a kiss for giving you such a wonderful gift.” She gives Rhyland a strange look I can’t decipher.

  “Oh.” Heat combust across my cheeks as I glance at Rhyland, hoping he doesn’t agree with the queen.

  But then I remember what he said about pretending we’re Proclaimed, so I lean forward and give him a quick peck on the lips. When I start to pull away, he slips his arm around my waist, pressing me closer, his lips quivering against mine.

  “I can’t even …” His breath falters against my mouth as his hand quivers against my back. “I don’t know …” He presses his mouth to mine again, his tongue parting my lips as he kisses me slowly but deeply, as if every single second our lips remain fused matters.

  I try not to think about how this is my first kiss and how I should find a way to pull away. But then he tilts my head back to deepen the kiss, and I’m suddenly kissing him back.

  Our tongues tangle, our body chills mixing together and frostbiting my skin. The sensation is wonderful, just like the kiss I experienced in my dreams. No, even better than that.

  Perfect. Powerful. Shattering.

  Rhyland jerks back, breaking the kiss, blinking dazedly until his eyes come back into focus.

  “I’m sorry,” he mouths before turning back to the now frowning fey queen.

  I blink from the haze spinning through my body. Sorry for what?

  “I guess I was wrong.” Faraelee gathers the front of her dress in her hands and starts down the path toward where the king is waiting near a massive willow tree. “I had a lovely time tonight.” When she arrives in front of the king, she glances over her shoulder. “And Rhyland, I’ll be collecting my favor soon.” She waggles her fingers as she hikes farther into the night.

  I wait until she exits our land through the willow tree, then I glance up at Rhyland. “You offered her a favor?”

  Rhyland stuffs his hands into his back pockets and shrugs. “In exchange for the lilywolf tiger. It’s not that big of a deal.”

  “That all depends on what the favor is.”

  “It hasn’t been decided yet.”

  “That sounds like a dangerous bargain to make with a fey queen. I mean, she’s nice, but the fey are known for trickery.”

  Rhyland lifts his shoulders in a shrug. “That’s for me to worry about.”

  “All for a pet?”

  His gaze flicks to mine. “Just a pet, huh? Haven’t you been dreaming about getting one since you were seven years old?”

  “Yeah, but how do you know that?”

  He runs his fingers along the lilywolf tiger’s back. “I remember you talking about it.”

  “That’s strange, because I don’t remember us being around each other very much. And when I was around you, I barely talked, too afraid you’d make fun of everything I said.”

  “They’re also very protective creatures,” he continues, ignoring me. “Especially toward their owners.”

  “Yeah, I’ve heard that too.” I scratch behind the lilywolf tiger’s ear, listening to her purr. “You told me you were going to start telling me more things once the fey king and queen left.”

  He sighs, pinching the brim of his nose. “I know I did.”

  “So, maybe you can start by telling me why you seem to know more about me than it feels like you should.” And why you kissed me like that.

  And why I kissed him back like that.

removes his fingers from his nose, his eyes locking with mine. “I don’t know what to tell—”

  “Oh, my stupid bats, will you let me go?” my mom’s voice cuts through the night. “I’m her mother, for vampire’s sake. And your boss.”

  A smile breaks across my face as I whirl toward the voice.

  My mom is standing near the bottom of the path, waving her finger at Cam while spouting curses. “You better let me through, or else I’m going to—”

  “Mom!” I shout, more than happy to see her.

  Her gaze snaps to me and her brows pinch when she notices the furball in my arms. “What in Mystic Willow Bay is that?”

  “It’s a lilywolf tiger,” I say, glancing toward Rhyland. “He gave it to me …” I trail off. Rhyland is nowhere to be seen.

  That sneaky vampire thinks he can sneak away from telling me the truth! No, I won’t let him off the hook so easily.

  After an exchange of a few foul words, Cam steps aside and allows my mom through the gate of guards fencing the castle.

  “I’m sorry, but you told me to protect her at all cost,” Cam apologizes as my mom brushes past him.

  She shoots him a dirty look. “Protect her from everyone but me from now on.” She steps forward, then stops. “And Rhyland.”

  “Man, Rhyland’s got her wrapped around his little finger.” I grimace as my mom hikes across the field that’s glistening red from the glow of at least a hundred blood fireflies.

  “Who does?” my mom asks as she stops in front of me.

  “I … No one. Never mind.” I plaster a smile on my face. “I’m so glad you’re here. You just missed the meeting of the fey king and queen.”

  She momentarily tenses. “I’ve met them before.” She pets Aeribella. “A long time ago. And I must say, you must’ve impressed her if she gave you a lilywolf tiger.”

  “Actually, Rhyland gave her a favor in exchange for one.”

  “Really?” She appears impressed.

  “Yeah, he said they’re good protectors.” I shrug. “And that I’ve always wanted one. How he knew that is beyond me.”

  The starry sky waterfalls light across my mom’s smile. “I think he might like you,” she says.