Page 21 of Wicked Fall

  As I walk through the club to the front door, I continually scan my eyes back and forth. Old habits--those where I'm waiting for an ambush by Taliban insurgents while sweeping the Zabul Province of Afghanistan--die hard, and I suppose that will never go away.

  Except, my eyes slam in an abrupt halt on her.

  This is the third night in a row she's come in, and I don't necessarily like how she rattles my focus at work.

  I wish I could tell you what it was about her that caught my attention, and I'm ashamed that I can't. It's a blow to my ego that my intuition and street smarts are failing.

  She's pretty, for sure.

  Not gorgeous, but really pretty. Wavy, blonde hair that comes down halfway in between her chin and shoulders and bright blue, baby doll eyes. On the petite side, but with plenty of curves. This, I've noticed, when she dances with her three girlfriends who she comes in with.

  She only dances with those girls. She's turned down every man who's come up to ask her to dance. I'm also ashamed I noticed this because I have better uses of my time than watching a pretty girl get hit on in a bar.

  I suppose the reason she caught my eye is because it seems she's been trying to catch it. While she sits at a table, talking and laughing with her friends, her gaze will roam around The Wicked Horse. She'll watch the dancers or the band if we have one going. She'll sometimes focus in on other tables of people, but she never rests her gaze in one place very long.

  Except when it lands on me. Then she'll hold my stare if I just happen to be watching her, which is often, and sometimes she doesn't look away for an almost unbearably long time. She's always the one who breaks eye contact though, and it's always with a wistful smile.

  She's never approached me though, even though women do that all the time despite the scary-as-fuck scar that slashes across my face and the menacing glare I seem to give off most of the time. It's true... I've been hit on more times than I could ever hope to remember, and I'd be lying if I didn't say this job wasn't without perks. While I'd never leave my post while on duty, I've taken plenty of those women home and fucked them after work hours.

  Hell, sometimes, I've just taken them up against the side of the building after I've got everything locked up.

  My security team always shakes their heads with amusement at the amount of female attention I get, and I assure them it's not because of my charm or good looks, but rather the rumor floating around--which just happens to be true--that I've got a massive cock and I'm a god in the bedroom with it.

  They all tell me to fuck off when I point that out to them. Jealous pricks.

  I've never approached the blonde woman; although I get the sense she wants me to. Again, when I'm working, I'm working. I don't have time for flirting or fucking. But maybe I should come in on my next night off and possibly talk to her. Try to figure out what's going on underneath those pretty pale curls because she fascinates me. While I get hit on all the time, women have a hard time holding my gaze the way this one does. They're content to stare at my feet while they try to flirt because my eyes are sometimes too cold and my scar is too angry looking.

  But not this woman. She looks me dead in the eye, and it is a fucking turn on as much as it is a mind fuck to me.

  I think she senses my gaze, because hers slides away from one of the girls at her table who seems to be telling quite an animated story, and she locks irises with me. We engage in the same staring war for only a moment, but I'm the one who has to look away this time as I reach the front door of The Wicked Horse. Things to do... people to see.

  I nod at Peter, one of the security detail who opens the door for me, and step out into a warm July Wyoming night.

  I look inside the glass panes of the back door and the living room is empty. People are so stupid sometimes when it comes to their safety.

  First, they have their porch light off and with my black clothing, I blend well into the night. Second, they have flimsy glass panes that would be easy for me to break and unlock the door with a quick flick of my wrist.

  Morons. Haven't you ever heard of double dead bolts?

  But what I find to be more insanely stupid is the fact that these idiots left the back door unlocked.

  Turning the knob, I sneak stealthily inside.

  I can hear noise from the bedroom down the short hall... late evening news. The harsh quality of blue, flickering light into the hallway tells me the occupants are in bed with the lights off.

  Possibly asleep.

  So fucking easy.

  I hold the gun in my hand down at my side as I sidestep quietly down the hall. These new construction homes are solidly built and not a floorboard creaks. Just before I reach the door, I pull the black knit mask down over my face, assured that the holes cut out for my eyes and mouth will not reveal my identity.

  I take a deep breath.

  And then step into the bedroom.

  Husband and wife, laying side by side on the bed, watching TV. Mid-forties I suppose. The guy has a bit of a belly on him, but the woman isn't too bad on the eyes. Dark brown hair cut into a bob and long legs pouring out from a silky, pink nightgown that barely covers what I'm betting are matching panties.

  I'm a sucker for lingerie and I start to get hard.

  Raising my gun, I hold it sideways in a gangster sort of pose, which is not the way you should ever handle a gun. I just find the sideways tilt is more menacing and lets them know I mean business.

  The woman sees me first and a tiny scream pops out of her mouth. The man comes flying up out of the bed, only wearing a pair of white boxers, and stops the minute I swing the gun toward him. His hands come up in an immediate pose of surrender.

  "Turn the light on," I rasp out to the man. He reaches a shaky hand back and flips on the bedside lamp, coating the room in a soft glow.

  "TV off," I command. I don't want anything interfering with my concentration.

  He turns the TV off with the remote control laying on the table.

  The woman has sat up in bed and is breathing erratically. It draws my attention down to her breasts, which are large and obviously fake. I see her nipples are pebbled against the pink silk, and it makes my cock swell further.

  I turn the gun on her and make a motion with it toward me. "You... get over here."

  She looks to her husband with wide eyes, and he tries to give her reassurance. "It's okay, honey. Just do what he says and I'm sure everything will be fine."

  He turns his look back to me. His voice quavers. "Please... we have money... jewels. Whatever you want?"

  "What I want," I say darkly as I cock the gun, "is for your wife to get the fuck over here."

  "Okay," the man all but shrieks and actually makes a shooing motion toward his wife. "Amy... darling... just do as he asks."

  He turns those somber eyes my way and begs. "Please don't hurt her."

  I chuckle and don't give him another thought as Amy stands from the bed and tentatively walks toward me. Her large breasts barely sway with the motion and the rounded edges definitely tell me they're fake, but fuck... they're nice.

  Very nice.

  When she's standing in front of me, lower lip trembling, I lower my gun and with my free hand, stroke her cheek. She flinches but otherwise lets me have my way with her.

  I slide my fingers through her hair, to the back of her head, and I grip her tight. "Now, Amy... I want you to get on your knees and suck my cock for a bit."

  She lets out a whimper as I start to push her down.

  "And if you bite me, I'm going to blow your husband's head off," I add on as I raise the gun back at him. "Are we understood?"

  She nods her head vigorously and tears pool in her eyes.

  "Good girl," I say with a grim smile. "Now... get my cock out and get to work."

  She fumbles with the button and zipper of my pants, but makes quick headway because I'm not wearing any underwear. My dick comes out locked and loaded, swollen hard and ready for action. My eyes cut quickly over to the husband, but he's not mo
ved a muscle, I'm sure worried that I'll shoot him. I'm not sure what he thinks watching this, but he can't seem to tear his gaze away from his wife on her knees before me.

  The minute those lips wrap around the head of my cock, my eyes flutter closed just for a moment and I groan. "Fuck yeah, baby. Just like that."

  Apparently, Amy's got skills.

  Mad, mad skills.

  She bobs up and down on my cock, perfect amount of friction, and has this wiggle move with her tongue underneath the head that almost causes my knees to buckle. When I feel my balls start to tingle, I push her off, noting the faint spill of drool from her swollen lips.

  "Panties off and get on the bed," I tell her curtly. "Spread your legs so I can see that pretty pussy."

  Amy looks to her husband pleadingly, but he just nods his head.

  She does as I ask, shimmying out of the tiny scrap of pink silk. She lays in the middle of the bed, and as instructed, spreads her legs wide for me. My cock actually bobs up and down in anticipation, but I got to suit up first.

  Stepping forward, I lay my gun on the bed, right between her legs. I give her a devious smile and taunt her as I reach into my back pocket for a condom. "I dare you to go for the gun. Think you're faster than me?"

  She squeezes her eyes shut and doesn't answer me. But I know she's also too chicken shit to make a grab for it. While I rip the foil packet open, I add some further shame to her situation. "Touch yourself, sweet Amy. Let me see if you're wet for me?"

  Her eyes snap open and she actually glares at me. "You go to hell."

  I laugh at her as I roll the rubber on my cock and pick my gun back up. Rubbing the tip of it through her pussy lips, I bring it up to inspect. It's glistening with her juices, just as I knew it would be.

  Fear doesn't stop the thrill of excitement.

  I don't spare Amy's good husband a look as I lay the gun back down on the mattress, this time out of her reach. I'm getting ready to put some concentration into my work, and I can't risk her making a grab for it. As soon as my hands are free, I snatch her by the ankles and pull Amy roughly to the edge of the bed. I actually pull up hard on her legs, lifting her hips off the edge, and I slam my way inside of her.

  She lets out a yip of pain, because even though she's wet as all get out, I've got a big fucking cock--which is truth, not rumor--and I know that hurt. I stay lodged in her deep, let her get accustomed to my size. I wait for her to open her eyes and when she does, I start fucking her.

  I go deep and steady, but no need to go too hard. I'm going to make sweet Amy come hard around me and I hope it fucking shames her.

  Damn... she's so fucking wet, I slide so easily in and out. Feels amazing.

  My eyes cut over to her husband and widen with surprise when I see he's got an erection tenting his boxers. That's interesting. Apparently, Mr. Amy is a little turned on by me fucking his wife.

  "Get over here," I rasp out at him, and he jerks his gaze toward me. It had previously been pinned on my dick ramming in and out of his wife.

  He moves forward, his eyes sliding back down to watch what I'm doing and his cock peeps right out of the hole in his boxers.

  "Fuck, dude," I pant as I keep moving in and out of her. "You're turned on by me fucking your wife."

  He flushes red over my statement, and Amy doesn't even bother to look at her husband. Her eyes are squeezed shut and her fingers are grasping onto the bed covers.

  "Jack off," I tell him.

  "What?" he gasps in astonishment.

  "Get on the bed, kneel by your wife's head, and jack off while I fuck her."

  He makes a choking sort of sound, but he doesn't argue. That's because he doesn't forget there's a gun on the bed only inches from my hand.

  Amy's husband kneels beside his wife and without any further direction from me, pushes his boxers down and starts jerking at his dick, his eyes pinned on my cock claiming his wife.

  Yeah... this is actually kind of hot. Wasn't what I imagined, but I'm digging it.

  I start tunneling into Amy a bit faster, and now she's making mewling sounds. I reach a hand down, pluck at her clit lightly, then press down on it so she can feel me moving in and out of her just on the other side of that sweet bud.

  She gasps.


  Then screams as she starts to come.

  "Oh, fuck," her husband groans and he starts to come as well, shooting all over Amy's big, round breasts and soaking the lovely pink silk.

  As I pound harder inside of her, my balls tighten. I grit my teeth, my neck muscles straining, and I start to come. I slam into her hard... brutally actually, and she gives a startled yip as I grind against her pelvis, unloading buckets inside the condom.

  "Fuck, that's good," I croak, and then praise my captive fuck. "Amy, of the sweet pussy."

  When I've expelled every fucking drop I have, I pull out and pluck the condom off. Amy's husband sags down on the bed beside her, and she scrambles over so they can hold on to each other.

  Awww... that's sweet.

  I throw the condom on the floor, tuck my dick away, and snatch the gun from the bed. Giving them both a nod and a toothy smile, I say, "Not one word of this to anyone. I so much as hear you've told someone, and I'll come back and I won't be so nice. Are we clear?"

  "Yes," they both say simultaneously. "We won't."

  I stare at them, my eyes promising all kinds of retribution. When I'm satisfied we're good, I turn and walk out of their bedroom.

  Down the hall, and right out the back door. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I pull the black knit mask off and take a deep breath of the fresh Wyoming air. I swivel my head, the cervical bones in my neck popping.

  I feel loose and relaxed.

  I actually sit down on the bottom step and look up at the stars hanging low and heavy in the sky. Beautiful.

  The porch light flicks on, bathing me in a yellow glow. The door opens, and I turn my head to see Amy standing there.

  She's holding a bottle of Hoback Hefeweizen out to me and gives me a smile. "That was excellent, Cain."

  "I thought it was some of my better work," I say with a grin and hop up to accept the beer, which is my favorite from the Snake River Brewery.

  Amy's husband appears over her shoulder and pulls the door open. "Want to come in while you drink that?"

  "Sure," I say and trot back up the steps, walking back into one of the fantasy cabins that belong to The Wicked Horse. This wasn't the first fantasy I've played in involving Amy and Charles Mason, but this was a special one. It's their wedding anniversary and as members of The Wicked Horse's sex club, Bridger wanted to do something special for them.

  As the door closes behind me, I wonder if the blonde girl is still back at the club. I'm technically off duty and I consider for a moment finishing my beer and going back to check it out.

  But then Amy's hand is on my crotch and she's rubbing my cock, which is eagerly responding, and I know the party here isn't quite over yet.

  Blonde woman is forgotten.

  For now.


  Find out how you can receive a FREE copy of Sawyer Bennett's Uncivilized by turning to the next page.

  Wicked Lust - Cain's Story will be available for pre-order on October 10, 2015.

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  Books By Sawyer Bennett

  The Off Series

  Off Sides

  Off Limits

  Off The Record

  Off Course

  Off Chance
  Off Season

  Off Duty

  The Last Call Series

  On The Rocks

  Make It A Double

  Sugar On The Edge

  With A Twist

  Shaken Not Stirred

  The Legal Affairs Series







  Confessions of a Litigation God

  Clash: A Legal Affairs Story

  Grind: A Legal Affairs Story

  Yield: A Legal Affairs Story

  Friction: A Legal Affairs Novel (Releasing October 27, 2015)

  Stand Alone Titles

  If I Return


  The Cold Fury Hockey Series (Random House/ Loveswept)




  Ryker (Releasing September 8, 2015)

  The Forever Land Chronicles

  Forever Young

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today bestselling Author, Sawyer Bennett is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. Her husband works for a Fortune 100 company which lets him fly all over the world while she stays at home with their daughter and three big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn't have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.



  Sawyer Bennett, Wicked Fall

  (Series: Wicked Horse # 1)




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