Page 12 of Unconditional Love

  He dug into my hips harder and said, “Touch your breasts.”

  I moved my hand up and began touching my breasts. “Your nipple, Azurdee. Play with your nipples.”

  I began twisting and pulling my nipples as I became this person I’d never known I could be. “Fuck,” I hissed between my teeth.

  “You feel so damn good. Touch your clit, Azurdee.”

  I moved my hand down and lightly brushed my clit. I sucked in a breath of air and threw my head back.

  “Make yourself come. Now,” he said with such authority in his voice that I began coming before I even touched myself again.

  “Oh God! Lark! Yes! I’m coming…oh my…oh God!” I called out as a powerful orgasm hit me fast and hard. He pulled out and turned me around and began kissing me. I reached down and began stroking his dick as he moaned into my mouth. He reached down and lifted me up again. He attempted to kick his sweats off while he held me and I couldn’t help but laugh as he hopped around.

  “You’re going to bust your ass and my fucking will come to an end,” I said as I pouted. He set me back down and kicked off his sneakers and pulled his sweats off before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. As he walked down the hall he smacked my ass and I let out a scream. He walked into the kitchen and set me down onto the cold soapstone counter.

  “Shit! That is cold!” I called out as he spread my legs apart and slammed into me before I even knew what was happening. The moment he began sucking on my nipples I lost it again.

  “Oh God. What’s happening?” I called out.

  “Come on, baby…give it to me again,” Lark said as he slammed so hard into me I instantly came again.

  Holy shit. This orgasm was more intense than the last one. I was still throbbing when he picked me up and carried me into the library. He set me down on the very end of the leather sofa. He dropped to the floor and buried his face between my legs. I practically jumped off the sofa.

  “Jesus!” I cried out. I dropped my head back and ran my hand through his hair.

  “Oh shit…my mother…would be very…disappointed…in my behavior…right now,” I panted between breaths. Lark pulled away and looked at me.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  I quickly shook my head. “God no…I’m so close.” He brought me right to the edge of my orgasm and then pulled away. He reached up and brought me down and placed his dick at the entrance to my throbbing sex.

  “Don’t come, Azurdee,” he pushed himself into me as we both let out a moan.

  What? He wants me to not come? Is that even possible?

  I felt the build up and looked into his eyes. “Lark, I don’t think I can…oh God…I’m going to come again and I can’t…” He quickly pulled out and I cried out. “No!”

  He stood up and lifted me up again. I was starting to feel weak. That was twice he denied me an orgasm.

  When he walked into his office I was going insane from the throbbing sensation between my legs. He walked up and in one quick movement he pushed everything off his desk and laid me down on it as he crawled on top of me.

  “Are you getting a thorough fucking?” he asked as he pushed himself into me again and began pumping me fast and hard again.

  “Yes. Oh God…I’m so close. Harder! Lark, harder!”

  I couldn’t believe who this girl was that I’d become. I was totally letting my libido run this show and I couldn’t have cared less. I’d never felt so incredible in my life.

  “Fuck…there is nothing sexier than you telling me to fuck you hard,” Lark hissed through his teeth.

  “Lark! I’m coming! Oh God.” I thrashed my head back and forth as I yelled out. I’d never had an orgasm hit me so hard. I could feel my sex squeezing him and then felt him get bigger inside of me.

  “Jesus…holy shit…Azurdee…ahh!” Lark pushed into me a few more times hard and fast before he collapsed onto me. I could feel us both still pulsing and if I hadn’t been so exhausted I would have been turned on again.

  I closed my eyes and barely felt Lark move and then pick me up and carry me into his room. He laid me down on the bed and I opened my eyes and watched his fine naked ass walk into the bathroom. I covered my mouth and let out a giggle at my wayward thoughts. Lark just brought the naughty out in me and I liked it…a lot.

  I heard the shower turn on and I sat up. This man has ruined me for all other men. No one would ever be able to hold a candle to him. When he walked out he stopped and smiled at me.

  I stood up and looked down at his dick as I walked up to him. When his dick jumped I looked back into his eyes and said, “Round two.” He laughed as I walked by and headed straight into the shower. I let the hot water run over my body and when I felt Larks hands on my body I smiled. He pushed me against the wall and spread my legs open with his foot. He lifted my leg and said, “Arch your back, Azurdee.”

  I did as he said and I let out a long moan when I felt him slide into me. “God, nothing feels better than being inside you,” Lark said as he began slowly moving in and out of me.

  When he grabbed my hair and pulled back, I let out a gasp. “Lark…oh God, Lark.”

  “You. Have. Ruined. Me,” Lark said as he gripped my hips and slammed into me…over and over again. I smiled knowing I had just thought the same thing.

  When he reached his hand around and began playing with my clit I lost it as I called out his name and he followed. When he pulled out of me he spun me around and slammed his lips to mine as he pushed me against the shower wall again. I thought I was lost before with his lovemaking but his kisses…his kisses took me to heaven.

  When he pulled away he smiled. “Did you bring jeans?”

  I smiled and nodded my head. “Good. Wear jeans and a T-shirt.”

  He quickly pushed away and soaped up. I stood there just staring at his body. Could this really be happening? Could Lark really be mine?

  He rinsed off and then pulled me to him and quickly kissed me on the lips. “Take your time baby, I have a few calls to make and then we’ll leave.”

  “Okay,” I said as I reached for his soap.

  I stood under the hot shower for at least fifteen minutes. My legs felt weak but I’d never felt so damn good in my life. I smiled thinking about how we had made love in so many places of his condo. Then I felt my cheeks blush. We didn’t make love. We fucked.

  I shook the image of Lark on top of me and turned off the shower. I reached for the towel and made a mental note to talk to Jessie about how I was feeling. Was all this sex normal? Was I craving it because it was new, or was it Lark? Was he just that...incredible?

  When I walked into the bedroom Lark had my bag sitting on the bed. I headed for it and heard my cell phone ringing. I looked and my purse was sitting on the bench. Lark must have put it there for me since I didn’t remember bringing it in here.

  I quickly ran over to it and pulled my cell phone out to see my mother was calling. Again.

  I swiped the phone and said, “Hello, Mom.”

  “Where in the world have you been? I called the coffee house and they said you weren’t in yesterday or today. Is everything okay?”

  I smiled and bit down on my lower lip. “Everything is wonderful, Mom.”

  “Oh. My. Lord. You’ve met someone.”

  My mouth dropped open and I stood there stunned. “How in the world did you know?”

  My mom laughed and I heard the screen door open and shut. She must have walked outside.

  “I hear it in your voice. Is he good?”

  What? “Mom! You did not just ask me that!”

  She laughed and said, “Yes I did just ask you that. Well?”

  I walked over and opened up my bag and pulled out my jeans and a T-shirt. I looked for my light pink boy short panties and the white lace bra I packed. I hit speakerphone and threw my phone down on the bed.

  “Mom, I’m trying to get dressed. Can I call you back?”

  “No. I’m waiting…well?”

  I rolled my eyes and tried
to stall. “Well what, Mom?” I slipped on my panties and then my bra as I heard my mother saying something to my father about how she would be back in the house in ten minutes.

  She let out a sigh and said, “This boy you’ve met, is he any good?”

  I slipped my jeans on and my bra. “He is hardly a boy, Mom.”

  “Ohh…do tell. Come on, I’ve waited years for you to talk to me about a boyfriend.”

  I had to admit I was dying to talk to someone and I couldn’t talk to anyone at work. I was the boss. Jessie was just back from her honeymoon and would be busy with Lauren, so in reality, I only had my mother to talk to.

  Oh Jesus. I just depressed myself.

  I slipped the T-shirt over my head and said, “Yes, Mom, he is very…very good.”

  She giggled and that caused me to giggle. “Jesus, Mom, this feels wrong to talk to you about this.”

  “I knew it. I heard it in your voice. I knew you would eventually find the boy…er…man, who would change your whole world. How long have you known him?”

  And here come the questions. “It will be a year around this Christmas.”

  “How long have y’all been dating?”

  “Um…not terribly long.”

  “Uh huh…I see. What does this boy do for a living?”

  I paused. I had no clue what Lark did. None. All I knew was he flew helicopters, he had been in the Marines, and whatever it was he did, he sure didn’t talk about it to anyone.

  “He was in the Marines.” I rolled my eyes and flopped down on the bed and hit my forehead with the palm of my hand.

  “The Marines, huh? Your father will like that. What’s the young man’s name?”

  “Lark Williams. Hey Mom, listen I hate to cut you off, but we’re fixing to leave.”

  “Okay, darling. Will you be back at the coffee shop tomorrow?”

  “Yes. I’ll be there at opening and then heading over to the new place to check on things.”

  “All right, dear. Practice safe sex.”

  I shuddered and said, “Yuck, Mom…too far. You went too far!”

  My mother let out a loud laugh and then said, “Bye, darling. Have fun today with Lark.”

  I hung up and threw myself back onto the bed. “Oh God! My mother knows I’m having sex!”

  I felt the bed move and Lark was laying on me laughing. “But does she know how fucking hot the sex is?” he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down. I giggled and decided I liked the playful Lark. A lot.

  “I held that part back.”

  Lark placed both hands on the side of my face and kissed me so sweet and gentle. When he pulled back, he lifted his eyebrow and looked at me and pushed himself into me. I raised my eyebrow back and asked, “What do you feed yourself to have such stamina?”

  He laughed and pushed himself off of me and then reached for my hand and pulled me up.

  “Thank you for this morning. It was amazing.”

  I nodded my head and said, “Yes, it was.”

  I looked him up and down and somehow managed to keep the moan I wanted to let out buried deep down inside of me. He looked amazing. He had on Lucky jeans that fit him perfectly, a dark blue T-shirt and his cowboy boots. He looked hot as hell.

  “You look…good,” I said as I licked my lips. He smiled slightly and said, “You look beautiful. Come on, the day is young still and I have lots I want to do today. I have to leave town tomorrow.”

  My smile faded and my heart dropped. I wanted to let out a childlike nooo and stomp my foot and demand he not leave again. He walked up to me and lifted my chin up and brushed his lips across mine. “I don’t want to leave, mi amor, but I have to.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him as we both kissed each other like we wouldn’t see each other for days.

  He pulled back and leaned his forehead against mine. “Azurdee…I hope you know how much you mean to me.”

  “I do. I hope you know as well,” I said as he slowly slid me down his body. He grabbed my hand as I reached for my purse.

  “Leave it…you won’t need it. Oh wait. Grab your driver’s license.”

  I reached in and took out my license and pushed it into my back pocket along with some money. My mother always told me to never go anywhere without a few dollars in your pocket.

  We made our way to the elevator. I glanced at the small table and thought about last night. I chewed on my bottom lip as I tried to decide what I liked better. Lark making love to me or Lark fucking me. I looked at him and he was smiling at me, almost like he knew what I was thinking.

  “I like it rough too, but I love making love to you more than anything.”

  My mouth parted open slightly and I was washed away with what he said. Just when I think I know him he goes off and swoons the hell out of me.

  The elevator opened and we stepped inside. He swiped his card across and hit the fifty-sixth floor button.

  “I’m having a key card made for you. I want you to know you can stay here anytime you want. Especially when I’m in town. I really liked waking up with you next to me.”

  I smiled and felt the butterflies go off in my stomach. The elevator opened and Lark motioned for me to go first. “Turn to the right.” I headed to the doors and opened them. It was the gym.

  “I know how much you like to workout and run so I wanted to show you the gym. The other side is the yoga and workout room.”

  “Wow. This is amazing.” All the exercise equipment faced the windows. “Who wouldn’t want to work out with this view? I swear.”

  Lark laughed and said, “Come on, two more floors to visit.”

  Lark hit the tenth floor and within seconds the door was opening and he was showing me a theater room, a game room, a spa, and the pool.

  “Maybe when I get back we can barbecue down here by the pool.”

  I nodded my head and said, “Or my place.” His smile faded for a brief second and then it was replaced by a wider smile.

  “Or my ranch between Johnson City and Marble Falls. I meet with the architect in a few weeks to talk about the house.”

  “I forgot you owned land out that way.” I looked out over the city and thought about each of our futures.

  “I’d love to show it to you,” he said as he took my hand in his. I knew that was huge for him. I smiled and said, “I’d love that. Maybe when you come back I can show you my new restaurant.”

  His smile grew wider and he said, “I’d love to see your new place.”

  We walked back to the elevator and made our way to the fourth floor. As we walked into the parking garage, I glanced at the yellow bike. My heart did a little drop. I wasn’t sure why I thought motorcycles were sexy as hell. This one was beyond sexy. I made my way to the truck as Lark made his way to the bike. I stopped and just looked at him.

  He looked at me and winked. He lifted the back seat and pulled out a helmet and walked up to me and handed it to me.

  I just stood there staring at him and his drop dead gorgeous smile of his. Oh. My. Word. This is his bike. I think I just had a mini orgasm at the idea of being on that thing with him.

  “You said you wanted to go for a ride, mi amor. You still up for it?”

  I took the helmet and let out a laugh. “You’re kidding. This is your bike, Lark?”

  He looked back at it and said, “Yes ma’am, it is. I love the feel of being free and just going as fast as I can on her.”

  I snapped my head over and looked at him. I shouldn’t be surprised. I’d heard Scott talk about how Lark lived life on the edge with the partying and fast living.


  He laughed and pulled me over to the bike. “I promise not to go too fast. I have precious cargo.”

  I put the helmet on and my heart began pounding with excitement. Lark got on and started the motorcycle. Eminem’s “Berzerk” began playing and Lark yelled, “Fuck yeah.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. I closed m
y eyes when he started going and he yelled for me to hold on. “Here we go, mi amor.”

  As we rode around Austin, something in me changed. It felt like it was a new me. I’d never done anything like this before, but with Lark, he made you want to live life to the fullest.

  For lunch we went to Home Slice pizza. Then we hit Amy’s for ice cream before we were back on the bike and heading to the hike-and-bike trail. We walked for a bit and then I sat and watched Lark play a quick game of sand volleyball. A group of guys he knew were playing, and though he had just come down to watch, he somehow got talked into playing. I saw Jason, Lark’s friend who he said he worked with, playing. I tried not to make eye contact with him, but when I did, he politely smiled and waved. I gave him a quick wave back.

  A blonde was sitting next to me and smiled at me when I sat down. We sat in silence for a few minutes as we both watched the game. I finally asked, “Is one of them yours?”

  She laughed and said, “Yep.” She pointed to the only other guy who looked like he might have been in the military. “That’s my Ron. He’s normally stationed in California, but we’ve been here for the last two weeks. Some kind of training.”

  I nodded my head and said, “Do you know what the training is for?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Nope. Ron is a sniper in the Marines. I think Lark and Jason are training him for something.”

  I turned and looked at Lark. I knew he could shoot well because I’d heard Scott talk about it. Why would Lark be training him?

  “Is Ron going out of town tomorrow?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I think he is in some kind of meeting all day.”

  I smiled at her and looked back at Lark. His eye was still really black and blue from where he fell.

  I didn’t take my eyes off of Lark when I asked, “Did Ron go out of town a few days back?”

  “Yeah, he did. Said he had a training mission to go on. He just got back…um…the day before yesterday, I think it was. Yeah.”

  I turned and stuck my hand out and smiled. “I’m sorry, how rude of me. Azurdee Emerson.”

  She reached for my hand and said, “Lisa Kentwood.”

  “So Ron is active duty Marines?”