Page 3 of Betrayed

  One week, Caitlin thought. Incredible.

  She felt like she’d been out for years. She felt like she’d died and returned to life, but in a new form. She felt washed clean, as if she were starting life again with a blank slate.

  But as she remembered all the events that were transpiring, she realized that the passing of one week was also an eternity. They had stolen the Sword. And her brother, Sam, kidnapped. An entire week had gone by. Why hadn’t Caleb gone after them? Every minute counted.

  Caleb got to his feet, and so did Caitlin. She stood opposite him, looking up into his eyes. Her heart started beating. She didn’t know what to do. What was the protocol, the etiquette, now that they were both true vampires? Now that he was the one who had turned her? Were they together?

  Did he love her just as much now that she was of his race? Now that they’d be together forever?

  She felt more nervous, like there was more at stake, than ever before.

  She reached up and gently lay a hand on his cheek.

  He looked down into her eyes, and his eyes shone in the moonlight.

  “Thank you,” she said, softly.

  She had wanted to say, I love you, but it hadn’t come out right. She had wanted to ask: will you be with me forever? Do you still love me?

  But despite everything, despite all of her newfound powers, she didn’t have the courage to say that. She could have at least said, Thank you for saving me, or, Thank you for watching over me, or Thank you for being here. She knew how much he had given up to be here, how much he had sacrificed. But all she could manage was, Thank you.

  He slowly smiled, reached up with one hand, and gently pulled the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. He then ran the back of his hand, so smooth, over her face, studying her.

  She wondered what he was thinking. Was he about to express his love for her forever? Would he kiss her?

  She felt that he was about to, and suddenly she got nervous. Nervous for what their new life would be like. Nervous for what would happen if it didn’t work out. So instead of savoring the moment, she had to go ahead and ruin it, open her big fat mouth when all she wanted to do was keep it shut.

  “What happened to the Sword?” she asked.

  His facial expression changed completely. It transformed from a look of love, of passion, to troubling concern. She saw it happening instantly, like a dark cloud passing over a summer sky.

  He turned and took several steps towards the edge of the stone ramparts, his back to her, and looked out at the river.

  You’re such an idiot, she thought to herself. Why did you have to say anything? Why couldn’t you just let him kiss you?

  She cared about the Sword, that was true, but not nearly as much as she cared about him. About them, as a couple. But she had ruined the moment.

  “I’m afraid the Sword is gone,” Caleb said softly, his back to her, looking out. “It was stolen from us. By Samantha, then Kyle. They caught us by surprise. I did not anticipate their being there. I should have.”

  Caitlin walked to him, standing by his side and gently reaching up and placing a hand on his shoulder. She hoped that maybe she could change the mood again.

  “Are your people all right?” she asked.

  He turned and looked at her, even more troubled than before.

  “No,” he said flatly. “My coven is in grave danger. And every minute I’m away, the danger grows.”

  Caitlin thought.

  “Then why haven’t you gone to them?” she asked.

  But she already knew the answer, even before he said it.

  “I could not leave you,” he said. “I had to see that you were all right.”

  Was that all? Caitlin thought. Did he only care about seeing that she was all right? And as soon as she was, was he going to just leave?

  On the one hand, Caitlin felt a surge of love for him, knowing what he’d sacrificed. But on the other hand, she wondered if he only cared about her physical well-being? Not about them as a couple?

  “So…” Caitlin began, “now that you see that I’m all right…are you going to just leave?”

  It had come out too harsh. What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she be more kind, more gentle, as he had been? She certainly didn’t mean it. It just came out all wrong. What she had wanted to say was, Please, don’t ever leave me.

  “Caitlin,” he began softly, “I want you to understand. My family, my people, my coven—they are in grave danger. The Sword is out there, and it is in the wrong hands. I need to get back to them.

  I need to save them. In truth, I should have left a week ago…and now that I see that you are recovered, well…it is not that I want to leave you. It is that I must save my family,” he said softly.

  “I could come with you,” Caitlin responded, hopeful. “I could help.”

  “You are not fully recovered,” he said. “That crash landing was not an accident. It takes any vampire some time to fully come into her own powers. And in your case, you also suffered a terrible injury from the Sword. That may take days, or weeks, to heal. If you came, you could injure yourself.

  The battlefield is no place for you right now. They will train you here. That is why I brought you.”

  Caleb turned and crossed the terrace, leading her, and they looked down at the courtyard.

  There, far below, were dozens of vampires, lit up under the torchlight, sparring, jousting and wrestling with each other.

  “This small island holds one of the finest covens there is,” Caleb said. “They have agreed to take you in. They will teach you. They will train you. They will make you stronger. And then, when your powers are fully developed, when you are fully healed, I would be honored to have you fight beside me. Until then, I’m afraid I cannot let you. The war I am heading into will be very dangerous. Even for a vampire.”

  Caitlin’s brow furrowed. She’d been afraid he’d say something like that.

  “But what if you don’t come back?” she asked.

  “If I am alive, I will return for you. I promise.”

  “But what if you don’t live?” Caitlin asked, almost too afraid to utter the words.

  Caleb turned and looked out at the horizon, and breathed deeply. He stared out at the clouds, and did not say a word.

  Now was Caitlin’s chance. She desperately wanted to change the subject. He was determined to leave, she could see that, and nothing was going to stop him. And it was clear that he could not bring her. She felt a wave of exhaustion, and she knew that he was right: she was not ready to fight.

  She needed to heal.

  She didn’t want to waste any more time trying to stop him. And she didn’t want to talk anymore about vampires, wars, or swords. She wanted to use their precious remaining time to talk about them. Caitlin and Caleb. Them as a couple. Their future. Their love for each other. Their commitment to each other. Where, exactly, did they stand?

  More importantly, she realized, throughout all their time together, since she’d first met him, she’s always just taken him for granted. She had never stopped to take a moment, to look into his eyes and tell him exactly how deeply she felt for him. She was a woman now, and she felt it was time for her to step up and act mature, act like a woman. To tell him what she really felt for him. She needed him to know. Maybe he sensed it, sensed how much she loved him, but she had never uttered the words. Caleb, I love you. I’ve loved you from the second I met you. I will always love you.

  Caitlin’s heart was pounding, more terrified for this than she had been for anything thus far.

  Trembling, she reached up a hand, and gently placed it on his cheek.

  He slowly turned towards her.

  She was ready, finally, to tell him what she thought.

  But as she tried, the words got stuck in her throat.

  At the same time, he suddenly looked at her with a flash of concern, and opened his mouth to speak.

  “Caitlin, there is something I need to tell you—” he began.

  But he
never had a chance to finish his sentence.

  There was suddenly the sound of a door opening, and Caitlin sensed immediately that the two of them were no longer alone.

  They both spun towards the noise, and looked to see who it was.

  It was a person. A vampire. A beautiful, incredible creature, taller, thinner, better built than Caitlin. With long, flowing red hair and bright green eyes.

  As Caitlin realized who it was, her heart plummeted.

  No. It couldn’t be.

  It was her. Sera. Caleb’s ex-wife.

  Caitlin had met her only once, briefly, at the Cloisters. But she had never forgotten her.

  Sera walked towards them with the elegance of a creature who had been on this planet for thousands of years. Confident. Without slowing, her eyes on Caitlin all the while, she walked up beside Caleb.

  She reached up a single, pale, beautiful hand, and slowly draped it around Caleb shoulder. She looked down at Caitlin with utter contempt.

  “Caleb?” she said softly, a sinister smile across her face. “Didn’t you tell her about us?”

  And with those few words, Caitlin felt as if a knife had been plunged into her heart.


  Samantha watched in horror as the cauldron tilted toward Sam’s face. She struggled for all she was worth, but there was nothing she could do to break free of her captors. She was helpless. She’d just have to stand there and watch it destroy the person she had come to love.

  As the liquid doused Sam, Samantha braced herself, expecting to hear the horrible shrieks so often accompanied by a dousing of Ioric acid.

  But as Sam became completely lost in the waterfall of acid, there was, strangely, not a single sound.

  Had it killed him so quickly, so completely, that he didn’t even have a chance to scream? As the liquid stopped, Sam came into view.

  And Samantha was truly shocked. As was every other vampire in the room.

  He was fine. He blinked and looked around, clearly not in pain. He even looked a bit defiant.

  It was incredible. Samantha had never seen anything like it—never seen anyone, human or vampire, immune to the liquid. That is, anyone except for one person. Now she remembered.

  Caitlin. His sister. She had been immune, too. What could that mean? Was it because they were genetically linked? She thought back to his watch, to the inscription. The Rose and the Thorn. Was the dynasty split between them? Could it be that she wasn’t The One?

  But that he was?

  Caitlin was a few years older than Sam, and perhaps she’d showed signs of coming-of-age sooner than he. Perhaps, if they had waited a few years, Sam would also have shown signs of morphing into a half-breed.

  Whatever the reason, he was clearly immune. Which made him very, very powerful. And very dangerous to her coven.

  Samantha looked around, and in the room of several hundred vampires, there was not a sound.

  They all just stared, in shock.

  Sam looked pissed. He reached up, dragging his chains, and wiped the water from his face. He tugged at the chains, but could not get free.

  “Can someone get me out of this fucking thing!?” he screamed.

  And then, it happened.

  Suddenly, there was a crash at the door.

  Samantha spun around, and watched as the huge set of double doors came crashing down.

  She couldn’t believe it. There stood Kyle, half his face disfigured, Sergei at his side, and hundreds of mercenary vampires behind him.

  And that wasn’t all. Kyle had it. Was holding it high. The Sword.

  Kyle let out a horrific scream and charged madly, headlong, into the room. His supporters followed close behind, shrieking, on a rampage. And the room broke into mayhem.

  It was vampire against vampire, as Kyle and his men viciously attacked every being in sight. But the Blacktide Coven had been at war for thousands of years, and it was not about to give in easily.

  Rexius’ vampires fought back with equal determination.

  It was an outright battle, hand to hand, vampire to vampire. Neither was giving an inch.

  But Kyle himself made incredible headway. He held the Sword high, with both hands, and swung it widely in both directions. Wherever he went, vampires fell. Arms, legs, heads…. Kyle was a one-man army. He cut a path right through the crowd of thousands of vampires, murdering each one.

  Samantha was shocked. In her thousands of years, she had never seen a vampire murdered, actually, ultimately, killed. She had never pictured a vampire as frail. This Sword was awe-inspiring.

  And very, very deadly.

  Samantha didn’t wait any longer. As a vampire charged her, screaming, his bloody, sharpened teeth aimed right for her face, she quickly ducked, let him fly over her, and then took off at a sprint.

  She charged across the room, heading right for Sam.

  Just in time. A rogue vampire had the same idea, and was going right for the chained, petrified boy. The vampire leapt right for Sam, teeth extended, aiming for his throat. He was like a lamb chained in a room full of lions.

  Samantha reached him just in time. She leapt, colliding with the vampire in midair and knocking him down to the ground. Before he could get up, Samantha backhanded him hard, knocking him out cold.

  She jumped to her feet and tore at Sam’s chains. As she set him free, he looked all around in utter disbelief, as if he were watching a fantastical nightmare come to life.

  “Samantha,” he said, “what the hell is going on—”

  “Not now,” Samantha said, as she tore the last of his chains, grabbed his arm, and jerked him, leading him through the mayhem. She was heading for the exit.

  As they ran, another rogue vampire leapt right for them, teeth extended.

  Samantha grabbed Sam and threw him to the ground, ducked herself, and the vampire leapt right over their heads.

  She quickly regained her feet, dragging him up, and they sprinted through the room. They managed to duck and weave, she all the while leading them. She knew that if she could just make that door, there was a back corridor, a rear staircase that could take them to the street. Once outside, she could take them far, far from here.

  In all the mayhem, no one noticed them sprinting. She was almost out the door, only feet away.

  And then, just as she was about to make it, she felt the pressure on her back, felt herself tumbling, hitting the floor. She had been jumped from behind.

  She spun around and looked up to see who it was. Sergei. That despicable little Russian sidekick to Kyle. The one who had stolen the Sword from her hand.

  He grinned down at her, an evil, cruel grin, and she hated him more than she’d ever had.

  Sam, to his credit, showed no fear. Still shackled, he jumped onto Sergei’s back, using his chains, wrapping them around Sergei’s throat. The boy was strong. He actually squeezed hard enough to get Sergei to loosen his grip on Samantha, and she used the opportunity to roll out from under him.

  But Sam was no match for a vampire, nonetheless. Sergei stood, snarling, and threw Sam off of him like a ragdoll. Sam landed ten feet away, crashing into the wall.

  As Samantha tried to scramble to her feet, she was pounced on by a dozen more vampires. She saw that Sam was surrounded, too. They were trapped.

  The last thing she saw was Sergei’s cruel smile, as he wound up and punched her in the face.


  As Kyle ripped through the huge chamber of the Blacktide Coven, wielding the Sword wildly, destroying vampire after vampire, he had never felt more alive. Blood splattered in every direction, covering him, and his hands felt wet with blood as he swung with more and more intensity. It was vengeance. Vengeance for his thousands of years of loyal service, for the way they’d treated him.

  How dare they. Now they would know the meaning of the word revenge. They would all apologize, every last one of them, bow down to him, down to the ground, and admit that they had been profoundly wrong.

  It was all going perfectly. After his little
detour at the Brooklyn Bridge, he had led his loyal throng right through the doors of City Hall, killing the few vampires who dared stand in the way.

  They had then filed through the secret passageway, lower and lower, into the bowels of City Hall, right into his coven’s nest. No vampires dared stand in his way as his army stormed the chamber.

  Many other vampires, upon seeing Kyle, and especially the Sword, immediately fell in with him. He was happy to see that so many of his old coven were still loyal. He knew that the day had arrived for him to claim rightful leadership.

  Rexius was a weak leader. If he had been stronger, he would have found the Sword himself, years ago. He never would have sent others to do it. He liked to punish others for his own faults, when he was the one that needed to be punished. He had grown drunk with power. Banishing Kyle had been a last, desperate attempt to remove all those close to him. But it had backfired.

  As Kyle tore through the room, he headed right for Rexius’ throne. Rexius spotted him coming, and his eyes opened wide with panic.

  Rexius jumped down from his throne and tried to slink away, away from the fighting. Their so-called leader, showing his true colors in a time of war.

  But Kyle had other plans.

  Kyle ran to the other side, to meet Rexius face-to-face. It would have been much easier to just plunge the Sword into his back, but he refused to allow Rexius to go down so easily. He wanted Rexius to see, up close, who killed them.

  Rexius stopped, his path blocked by Kyle’s massive shoulders, by the shining, gleaming Sword.

  Rexius jaw trembled. He raised a shaking finger, pointing it at Kyle’s face. At that moment, he just looked like an old man. A weak, old, terrified man. How pathetic.

  “You are banished!” he yelled, lamely. “I ordered you banished!”

  Now it was Kyle’s turn to grin, a wide, malicious grin.

  “You cannot win!” Rexius added. “You will not win!”

  Kyle stepped up casually, reached back, and with one, smooth stroke, plunged the Sword right through Rexius’ heart.

  “I already have,” Kyle said.

  The entire room, even while busy in battle, turned and stared at the sound. It was a horrific screech, consuming the entire stone chamber. It seemed to go on forever, as Rexius screeched and screeched. As they all watched, his body dissolved before their eyes, disintegrating into a cloud of smoke, and then a wisp, rising up, into the air and towards the ceiling.