Page 8 of And Then You Die

  “You're not going to tell me more?”

  “Not now.”

  “Don't close me out. I want them as much as you do.”

  “I can't talk now.”

  “You blew your cover with Esteban?”

  Kaldak glanced at Bess. “In a manner of speaking.”

  “Then why didn't you call me?”

  “I have another job for you. We think there's a woman in the hills near Tenajo. Esteban is probably looking for her. You have to find her first.”

  There was a silence. “I don't like killing women, Kaldak.”

  “No problem. Just find her and get her safely out of the country.”

  Nablett sighed. “Nasty job. It would be easier to kill her. How quick?”

  “Very. Esteban has been delayed, but my disappearance may push him to move.”

  “And the woman is important?”

  “Get her out, Yael.”

  “It will be done, your royal gargoyleship. Where do you want her delivered?”

  “I'll be in touch. She's Dr. Emily Corelli. About five foot six––”

  “Seven,” Bess interrupted.

  “Five foot seven, thirty-six, dark hair and eyes, attractive. American but she speaks Spanish.”

  “Great. Do you know how many Mexican women fit that general description? Now, if she has a face like yours, I might have a chance.”

  “But if she did have a face like mine, she wouldn't have a chance. Give the woman a break.”

  A slight smile was curving his lips, and Bess realized Kaldak was joking. The idea of humor connected with that face and intimidating demeanor was totally incongruous. But she had found on the journey that many things about Kaldak were not as they seemed.

  “She may not be willing to cooperate. She'd be an idiot to trust me if she's on the run. Can you give me anything to reassure her?”

  “I'll ask her sister.” Kaldak looked at Bess.

  Bess thought for a moment. “Her daughter, Julie, has an Internet buddy named Linda Hankins. She's her best friend.”

  Kaldak repeated the information.

  “I'm on my way,” Yael Nablett said.

  He didn't sign off but the radio went dead.

  Kaldak turned to Bess. “Satisfied?”

  She wasn't satisfied, but Nablett had seemed confident if bizarre. “A few days.”

  “Thanks,” Kaldak said to the radio operator as he removed the headphones. He took Bess's arm and urged her toward the door. “Those few days will at least allow you to get the baby up to Johns Hopkins and into Dr. Kenwood's hands. You'd better check on Josie and then get to bed. The air ambulance will be here pretty early.”

  She nodded wearily. “I was going to do it. Will you please stop giving me orders?”

  “I said I'd take care of you,” he said quietly. “I meant it.”

  She went ahead of him down the narrow corridor. “Just take care of my sister. Good night, Kaldak.”

  “Good night.”

  He watched her disappear around the corner. He had avoided the confrontation but only temporarily. He wouldn't make the mistake again of underestimating Bess. Right now she was absorbed with worry about the baby and Emily, but he would have to walk very carefully.

  Take care of my sister.

  He wished he could promise her that.

  Lies and deceit and manipulation. Press the right buttons, shade the truth, and twist reality. God, he was tired of it all.

  But it was the coin he dealt in and he would spend it whenever necessary.

  He went back to the radio room to call Yael again.

  Johns Hopkins

  “She looks like she did in that room in San Andreas,” Bess whispered as she looked down at Josie. “All those tubes . . .”

  “Dr. Kenwood says they're necessary. She needs nutrients. She lost a lot of blood,” Kaldak said. “And you said you liked and trusted him.”

  She nodded. “But I wanted him to operate right away. I want to know she's going to be all right.”

  “He said she's got a good chance.”

  “I want to know. I don't want to wait another week.” She bent down and brushed her lips across Josie's forehead. “He's going to fix you, baby. Just be patient.”

  “She's sedated and out of it. You're the one who's impatient.” Kaldak gently guided her from the room. “Come on, let's go to the waiting room. We have to talk.”

  Her gaze flew to his face. “Did Dr. Kenwood tell you something he didn't tell me?”

  “No.” He pushed her into a chair. “He's a smart man. He wouldn't have dared.”

  She relaxed. “You scared me.”

  “This situation scares me.” He sat down beside her. “I know you asked Dr. Kenwood to find you a bed here.” He paused. “You can't stay, Bess.”

  She stiffened. “The hell I can't.”

  He shook his head. “It's too dangerous.”

  “No one knows I'm here.”

  “They probably will soon. It's just a matter of time. Esteban has established a network here. You'll have to go underground. I'm going to take you to a safe house.”

  “I won't leave Josie.”

  “Oh, you'd rather see her dead?” he asked bluntly. “That's what will happen. You're a witness. Esteban wants your head. As long as you're close by, Josie is in danger. Is that what you want?”

  “You know that's not what I want.”

  “I've called headquarters and arranged a guard for Josie at the hospital just in case Esteban tries to use her to get to you. But you're the one he wants. If he doesn't hear you're hovering over her, he may think she's not important to you. Without you, Josie is much more safe.” He added softly, “Give her a chance, Bess. She's got a long way to go.”

  Bess felt tears sting her eyes. “He might not find her.”

  “Do you want to take the chance?”

  “She'll be all alone.”

  “She'll be well guarded and besides, Josie's a heartbreaker. The nurses will be hovering over her every second of the day.”

  “But I want to––” But she couldn't do what she wanted, not if she wanted Josie to be safe. She hadn't wanted Kaldak to be right, dammit. “I want reports every day. Do you hear me? And I want to talk to Dr. Kenwood every other day. And she'd better be safe or I'll cut your throat, Kaldak.”

  “She'll be safe. I give you my word. Trust me.”

  She did trust him, she realized. Where had it come from? The trek through the hills, the night he had stayed with Josie after the operation? However it had happened, the trust was there. She stood up. “I want to say good-bye to her.”

  He nodded. “Ten minutes? I have to make a few arrangements.”

  It was stupid to say good-bye, she thought as she looked down at Josie. The baby didn't even know she was there. “I'll be back,” she whispered. “They're going to take good care of you but I have to leave for a little while. I'll be thinking about you.” She blinked hard to keep back the tears. “You think about me too. I know you're going to be pretty occupied with all these doctors and nurses, but remember I'm the one you came with.”

  She couldn't take any more. She was going to blubber like a baby herself. She strode blindly out of the room and into Kaldak.

  He handed her a handkerchief. “Okay?”

  “No.” She wiped her eyes. “Get me out of here. Where are we going?”

  “To the airport. I have a helicopter waiting.”

  “And then?”


  “To your blasted safe house?”

  He shook his head. “We're in transition. I need to see a friend who may help us. And the safe house isn't set up yet.”

  Transition. Her life seemed to be nothing else since the day she arrived in Tenajo. “I'm not going to stay in any safe house unless you bring Emily there.”

  “Okay, I promise.” Kaldak opened the door for her. “The minute we find her.”


  “You've found no sign of her?” Habin asked.

hat's not quite true,” Esteban said. “My men said one of the bullets hit her. We're checking the hospitals for anyone who fits her or the baby's description.”

  “What else?”

  “Kaldak himself is a lead. He went back to Tenajo before leaving Mexico. Does that suggest anything to you?”

  There was a silence. “Yes.”

  “Then we have an idea where he's headed, don't we?”

  “But will he take her there?”

  “Oh, yes, most definitely. He's not going to let her out of his sight until it's confirmed. I've sent for Marco De Salmo to take care of the matter. He's leaving Rome right away. Don't worry, we'll find Bess Grady before she can interfere.”

  “She's already interfered. She's in our way and you're doing nothing about it.”

  “I'm doing a great deal about it. I'll call you when I know more.” Esteban hung up the phone. Habin was nervous and this time Esteban couldn't blame him. Time was of the essence, and he had hoped to locate the woman much more quickly. With any luck, De Salmo would get to her and make the kill in time.

  But Esteban seldom relied on luck. A backup plan was always wise.

  If Mohammed wouldn't come to the mountain . . .

  He smiled.

  Habin would appreciate the proverb.

  It was almost noon when the helicopter landed at a deserted airport several miles north of Atlanta. There was no tower; one runway and only a few hangars dotted the scraggly landscape. It was the middle of the day, but no one was in sight.

  “What is this airport?” Bess asked as she jumped from the helicopter.

  “It doesn't have a name.” Kaldak grabbed his knapsack and followed her out. “It's used by a few legitimate private pilots and a lot more illegitimate ones.”


  “Maybe. It takes money to buy this kind of privacy. I don't ask.” He turned to the pilot. “Stay with her. There's supposed to be a car parked behind the hangar for me.”

  She shivered as she watched him walk away. It was actually warmer there than in Maryland, but she felt chilled anyway.

  Something heavy settled over her shoulders. The pilot, Cass, had given her his leather flight jacket. “Thank you.”

  He smiled. “You're welcome. I guess you've been a little too busy to worry about a jacket.”

  “I guess I was. You get around. You're the pilot who picked us up in Mexico.”

  He nodded. “I've been put at Kaldak's disposal for the next month or so.”

  “Is that usual?”

  He shook his head. “Not with all the budget cuts lately.”

  “Kaldak didn't introduce us. I'm Bess Grady.”

  “Cass Schmidt.”

  “I suppose you're used to picking up people in unusual circumstances. You're CIA?”

  He nodded.

  Her gaze went back to Kaldak. “Have you worked with him before?”

  He nodded, then made a face. “The last time I screwed up, and I thought he was going to break my neck. I was surprised when he radioed me to pick him up this time.”

  “Maybe he realizes you're a good pilot.”

  “Well, I could have done without the honor. He scares me shitless.”

  “Does he?” She had almost forgotten how intimidating she had found Kaldak at first. “Have you known him long?”

  “Two years. Libya and then Mexico.”

  Kaldak had mentioned Libya in connection with Esteban's partner, Habin.

  “The car's here,” Kaldak said as he reappeared. “Take off, Cass. We don't need you any longer.”

  Cass nodded. “Good-bye, Ms. Grady.”

  “Your jacket.” She slipped it off and handed it to him. “Thanks again.”

  He grinned. “My pleasure.”

  Kaldak took her elbow and urged her forward. “Did you find out anything interesting about me from Cass?”

  She didn't bother to deny that she had tried. “No, except that he was in Libya with you.”

  “Too bad. He may have been your last chance. You won't find many people in my circle as loose-lipped. The CIA has lowered its standards drastically of late.”

  They had reached a beige sedan parked by the road. “I don't want to question people like Cass about what's going on. I want you to tell me.”

  “When I know myself.” He opened the passenger door for her and got in the driver's seat. “There are clothes for both of us in the trunk. I radioed ahead and told them we'd need clothes and new identification. We'll be staying at a motel north of town while we're here. Your name is Nancy Parker.”

  False names. New identification. It was all so unsettling. “I never liked the name Nancy.”

  “Then we'll get you another later.”

  She shook her head. He didn't understand. It wasn't really the name. She was beginning to feel as if everything was drifting out from under her. Emily and Josie had slipped away from her. She didn't even have her camera.

  And it was her fault.

  She'd been so worried and exhausted, she'd let herself coast along, letting Kaldak make his arrangements with Yael Nablett and Josie's doctors, and now he was trying to arrange her own life. “We need to talk, Kaldak.”

  He didn't speak for a moment as he studied her. Then he glanced away and started the car. “Okay, no problem.”

  By the time they had driven to the Residence Inn, it was close to eight. The motel was an older kind, with separate units, and after checking in they had to drive a short distance to their quarters.

  Kaldak locked the door behind them. “It's their penthouse unit. The penthouse is just a loft. Not as grand as it sounds but convenient. Bed and bath upstairs, the same setup down here together with a kitchenette, dining area.”

  “It's fine,” she said. “I don't care. I just need a shower. Do I go upstairs or stay here?”


  She picked up her suitcase and headed for the curving stairs.

  “I'll carry that for you.”

  “I'm not helpless.” But she was feeling powerless and frustrated, and she needed this little bit of control.

  “God forbid I infringe on your independence.” He turned away. “I need a shower myself.”

  In the bedroom Bess opened the suitcase and found two pairs of black slacks, a black jacket, two white blouses, blue striped cotton pajamas, a black chemise, a pair of black high heels and ballet flats, and five sets of black bras and panties. Amazingly, except for the shoes, which were a half-size too large, everything fit perfectly. It shouldn't have surprised her. The clothes Kaldak had brought to the hospital had fit too. He had a good eye.

  A black leather shoulder bag was in the bottom of the suitcase. Inside she found a cosmetics case and wallet with two hundred dollars in cash, three credit cards, and a driver's license with her picture and Nancy Parker's name. How had they managed to put all this together so quickly?

  She grabbed the pajamas and headed for the shower.

  The warm water felt wonderful as it beat against her body. She closed her eyes and tried to relax. Some of the tension began to ease out of her. She had been coiled tight as a spring, and that didn't bode well for clear thinking. It was good to be cocooned there away from Kaldak.

  She stayed in the shower a long, long time.

  “Kaldak, I've had news from Interpol,” Ramsey said when he answered his portable phone. “The word is Marco De Salmo is heading for New York.”

  Kaldak tensed. “De Salmo?”

  “Esteban has used him before.”

  “So have a lot of others.”

  “I just thought you should know. He could connect to anywhere from New York.”

  Including Atlanta.

  “You should get her to a safe house,” Ramsey said.

  “I can't, dammit. Not yet. Keep me informed.”

  He hung up the phone. De Salmo. Not good.

  He didn't have to be heading for Atlanta. Esteban might not have made the connection.

  Kaldak couldn't take the chance. He had to move fast.
  Kaldak was standing by the microwave in the kitchenette when Bess came down the stairs. He was wearing jeans and a dark blue sweatshirt and his close-cropped hair was wet. He slammed the microwave door shut. “I hope you like chicken. I had them stock the freezer with frozen dinners. But it's all chicken.”

  “Most frozen dinners taste the same.” She sat down on the stool at the breakfast bar. “I need answers, Kaldak.”

  “The chicken will be seven minutes.” He glanced at her towel-wrapped head. “You have time to go dry your hair.”

  “There wasn't a blow-dryer in the suitcase.”

  “How remiss of them. Any other omissions?”

  “Imagination. Everything but these pajamas and a couple of shirts is black.”

  “It's standard procedure. Navy blue or black and everything wash-and-wear. Anything else?”

  “A camera. I want my camera.”

  “I can't help you. I didn't see it after I took you to San Andreas. I assume Esteban has it.”

  “But I need it.” She knew she was being unreasonable, but it was the final frustration for her. Without her camera she felt depleted . . . lost.

  “Do you want me to pick up another one for you?”

  Pick up? You didn't just pick up a camera. You had to examine and probe and get the feel of it. “I've had that camera for eight years. It's my favorite.”

  “Sorry, I'm not going back for it. Do you want me to replace it?”

  “No, I'll do it myself.” She went back on the attack. “I want answers. What you've told me about Tenajo has to be just the tip of the iceberg.”

  “Not now. You already have me at your mercy, so there's no reason for you to push. You're exhausted.”

  She was exhausted and her mind felt so blurry, she didn't know if she'd comprehend anything he told her anyway. Maybe she'd cope better after dinner. Kaldak was being evasive, and she was relieved not to have to be on the attack for a while. “You're not off the hook.” She took off the towel and began to dry her hair.

  “I see you're making do without the blow-dryer. That adaptability must have come in handy in some of the places you've had to go. Croatia isn't long on beauty salons these days.”

  She stopped in mid-motion. “How do you know I was in Croatia?”