Although James knew better than to be angry with his cousin. From the concerned expression on Niall’s face, he knew it couldn’t be good.

  Niall looked at the bundle next to him then his expression changed from worry to surprise. “Fergus said Nesta came to stay with Eilis. But she was not there when the maid arrived.” He looked at the bundle next to James again.

  James glanced at the maid in his bed. It could not be Eilis.

  Niall waited expectantly. James let out his breath in exasperation.

  Niall said, “If the lass is tucked somewhere safe, then I will need to tell everyone to cease searching for her.” He again looked at the bundled figure. And waited.

  James reached out and ran his hand over her blanketed thigh. “Is it you, Eilis?” She moved away from him.

  Niall raised a brow. “You know not who is in your bed?”

  “Niall.” James gave him a sharp look.

  “What do you wish me to do?” Niall asked, half serious, half amused.

  As much as James didn’t want to reveal the woman in his bed, especially if it was Eilis, Niall was right. They couldn’t have half their people searching for her if she was safe.

  ‘Twas the lass’s folly that she got herself into this predicament. He pulled the pillow away from her face, but a quilt still hid her identity.

  “’Tis a wonder you could breathe under all that.” James pulled back the quilt.

  Tears shimmered in Eilis’s eyes as she looked from James to Niall. “We…we did not…I mean to say, he did not even know I was here until you came barging into the room.”

  Niall raised his hands with a shrug and turned to James. “Shall I fetch the priest?”

  James frowned at him.

  “I am fully dressed.” Eilis jerked the covers aside, but her gown rested above her knees. She yanked the covers back up, her face flushed.

  Niall smirked. “A lady does not need to remove her garments for a gentleman to have his way with her.”

  “I cannot wed the lass unless I know her name,” James warned.

  “I will then.” Niall folded his arms and smiled at her.

  “You cannot either, Niall. No one can.”

  “Make up a name then.”

  James ran his hand over the hint of beard on his jaw. “She has already done so.”

  Fergus poked his head into the chamber. “Lady Akira is frantic to think we have lost Eilis. She wishes to see you, my laird.”

  “Tell her the lady has been found.”

  Fergus waited, undoubtedly to learn where the lady was now. James waved at him to leave. “Go to your guard post. The lady will return to the chamber shortly.”

  Fergus glanced at the bed, but from where he stood, he could not see Eilis. “Aye, my laird. Do you wish me to inform Lady Akira—”

  “I will tell her shortly.”

  “No need,” his mother said, stalking into his room.

  His chest bare, his lap covered with a quilt, James growled inwardly. “I am not dressed.”

  “Of that I am well aware. What I want to know is where Eilis has slipped off to.”

  His mother glanced at the bed. James looked back, expecting to see Eilis in tears. But instead, he found she’d pulled the pillow and quilt over her face again.

  “Who is here with you?” his mother asked. “’Tis not Eilis?” Her frown dissolved. “Is it?”

  Niall grinned. James gave him a sour look.

  “Fetch the priest,” his mother said.

  “We do not even know her name,” James warned.

  His mother waved her hand dismissively. “All is well. We will make one up.” She sighed. “I wished to plan this more and ensure your brothers were here, but, well, it cannot be helped. When a man and a woman are in love…”

  Eilis groaned under the pillow.

  James’s mother smiled. “’Tis done.” She turned her attention to Niall. “What are you still doing here? Fetch the priest!”

  Enruig poked his head into the chamber. “My laird?”

  James shook his head. “Everyone out. Let me get dressed!”

  “I will speak to Enruig,” James’s mother said. She hurried to leave the chamber. “I will send another gown for Eilis. At least now we shall have an heir.”

  Eanruig looked to James to explain, but he just motioned for him to leave. Despite his mother’s wishes, James could not take a woman to wife who still did not know her family’s name.

  Niall shook his head as he followed James’s mother out of the chamber and shut the door.

  “Think you that you can find your way to your chamber without my assistance, lass?” James said, running his hand under the covers to her hand and squeezed. “You have gotten us into a fine predicament. And I fear nothing will stop my mother from having her way in this to save your honor, Eilis. Although truth be told, I am well pleased at the way things have turned out.”

  She pulled the pillow aside, and her eyes pleaded with him to save her from this nightmare. “Nothing happened betwixt us,” Eilis moaned.

  “Aye, but that is not what will be said.” And God’s truth, the woman had intrigued him and brightened his days from the moment he’d set eyes on her. Allowing her to return to her kin wasn’t an option. As far as dealing with her family, he was sure he could come to some kind of agreement.

  But he still had to know her name.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Below stairs in the great hall, James intercepted the priest as soon as he arrived, delaying the inevitable, while his mother searched for just the right gown to have Eilis married in. Here, James did not know which clan Eilis truly belonged, whether she was betrothed, or even already wed. But complicating matters, Catriona was due to arrive at anytime, thinking she would be his betrothed.

  Ian waited nearby, ready to do James’s further bidding.

  “Niall called you here before I have need of your services, Father,” James said to the robed old man whose face was heavily wrinkled as if a river of tears had carved lines into the skin.

  “Lady Akira said you have finally decided on a bride choice and that it is most urgent you proceed with the marriage.”

  So Niall must have informed the old priest some of the reason for the urgency. James stiffened his spine. He would have a word with Niall shortly. “Aye, well, circumstances make it necessary to delay this wedding for a time.”

  The priest narrowed his gray eyes. “Lady Akira insisted it was most pressing.”

  “Later,” James said, with authority in his tone.

  His mother hurried into the hall, her eyes sparkling with delight and a hint of a smile played on her lips.

  “You have good news, I pray.” And not that she believed James would marry Eilis without knowing her family name.

  His mother smiled broadly. “Aye. The young lady, Fia, just arrived. The one who knows Eilis. One of our servants hid beneath Eilis’s bed while the lady was in my chamber and will eavesdrop on their private conversation.”

  James raised his brows, turned to the priest, and said, “Later, Father. I may need you sooner than I thought. Partake of the meal with us, and the wedding will have to take place later.”

  The priest nodded and left the hall. Ian said to him, “Mead and something to eat, Father, if it pleases you? Come, see how the south wall progresses in the meantime.”

  James leaned down and kissed his mother’s cheek. “You have the devil in you, my lady mother.”

  “Aye, now you know where you and your brothers get it from.”

  “And here I always thought we got it from da.”

  Eanruig escorted Fia into the hall, and James considered the way the lady looked from the top of her head to the hem of her brown woolen gown. She was small like Eilis and his mother, fine-boned, but sturdy looking. Her hair and eyes were dark brown and her skin more peach. Where Eilis’s face was small, Fia’s was longer, more determined.

  Eanruig was right. The two ladies did not favor one another, except for the small smile that lighted
her lips. Well, and the doe-like eyes the two had also. Her gaze flitted to James, and she quickly curtsied, her cheeks flushed with color. In that respect, she looked like Eilis also. Mayhap they were related after all.

  With a smile, Lady Akira greeted Fia and motioned for her to come with her. “You say you do not know Eilis, yet our seneschal said he saw the two of you together last summer.”

  The color washed out of Fia’s cheeks. James was certain Eanruig had guessed right.

  They climbed the stairs while James followed some distance behind.

  “Your seneschal was mistaken, my lady,” the woman said, her tone curt, but nervous.

  “Aye, well, Eanruig is very observant when it comes to the beauty of fine lasses. He said that you and Eilis fairly shined as bright as the sun.”

  Fia glanced back at James, her cheeks properly blushing. James withheld a smile, hoping the lass would soon confess the truth. Once he learned Eilis’s true name, the lady would be his.

  A servant hurried to open the door to Eilis’s chamber. He knew his mother had the matter concerning Eilis and Fia well at hand.

  Time for James to get back to the business of freeing his brother and Gunnolf. He headed for the chamber where Allison and the rest of his mother’s ladies-in-waiting stayed. When he reached the door, Niall greeted him outside the chamber. “I have spoken with Lady Allison. She says she has never been to Brecken. That Eilis was mistaken.”

  “Allison lies.”

  Niall let out his breath. “As for having any relation at Dunbarton’s castle, Allison denies this as well. She also states that she did not release Dougald and Gunnolf.”

  “And you believe her?” James didn’t know what to think concerning the lass’s involvement with freeing his brother and Gunnolf. Mayhap that was a bit of a stretch.

  Niall shook his head. “Not a word. She looked guilty as Dougald would when your da caught him stealing a kiss from a maid a’ milking the first time. What about Eilis? Will you wed the lass?”

  “Fia is here now.”

  Niall smiled. “Then we shall soon know Eilis’s clan. Then you will take her to wife?”

  “What if she is betrothed?”

  “Seems to me the betrothal will be for naught.”

  Ian hurried to join them. “Lady Akira wishes you to join her for the meal.”

  “And? Did she say anything…” James took a deep breath. “I shall learn the truth soon enough. Come, let us eat.”

  He hoped like the devil the woman was not already wed, for that would be the only situation that would thwart him in his marriage plans. For her sake, Catriona should have come when he’d asked long ago. He smiled.

  Now ‘twas too late.


  Eilis attempted to embroider away her nervousness as she waited for Lady Akira to return with yet another gown she wished Eilis to consider wearing for wedding James. How could she marry him without knowing who she truly was? James and his mother could not force such a state on her. The priest could not do so without knowing her family’s name. At least she didn’t think so. Unless they made up a name for her. If they did, would the marriage be valid? Mayhap not.

  She set aside her embroidery, stood, then stalked to the window. Keary, bastard son of Dunbarton, and his friends, though one less now, still worked on the south wall.

  What if James did marry her despite her lack of name? Would he wish his rights as her husband?

  Och. She wrung her hands. He could not. If they consummated the relationship, she would be spoiled for any other man.

  Keary helped lift another stone in place with several others. Where was the missing man? The one who had been eyeing the wagon carrying the barrels? Now the wagon was gone. Had he escaped in one of the kegs?

  The door opened to Eilis’s chamber, and her heart skipped a beat. She swung around, expecting Lady Akira and a servant with yet another gown. Instead, Fia entered the room, while Lady Akira and Tavia hovered outside with Fergus.

  Eilis gasped, “Fia.” Thank God, she recognized her favorite cousin, her dark brown hair flowing over her shoulders in satiny curls, her chestnut eyes bright with tears.

  For a moment, neither said anything because of their audience, although it took all Eilis’s restraint not to rush across the room and embrace her cousin.

  “Come, let us leave the ladies to visit alone,” Lady Akira said to Tavia with a smile. “The meal shall be ready shortly.”

  Once the door shut, Eilis and Fia raced across the floor and hugged one another, both sobbing.

  Fia said between choking tears, “You were…were dead. Eanruig came to our village and said so. I thought I would never see you again.”

  The memories flooded back at once. In horror, Eilis remembered her clan’s name. MacBurness. And her uncle’s mission. Marry her off to Dunbarton while she pretended to be her uncle’s daughter.

  Och, what if James could ransom her for Dougald and Gunnolf’s release, ignoring the fact she wasn’t truly betrothed to Dunbarton? Why not? She could see how important his brother was to him, and blood would come first over interest in some lassie he knew not. Besides, he still had Catriona.

  “You have not heard the half of it.” Disheartened, Eilis slumped onto the cushion covering the bench.

  God’s teeth, if Dunbarton’s men had known she, who was supposed to be his betrothed, was in the company of James’s brother unchaperoned, he probably would have killed them.

  Fia lowered her gaze to the rushes on the floor.

  “You have heard.”

  “Aye, Eilis. Everyone who is kin to you has been told you are Agnes and shall wed Dunbarton.”

  “I will not.”

  Wringing her hands, Fia said, “You must. You cannot think to avoid it.”

  Eilis slumped further on the bench. “I will not marry him.”

  “You are betrothed to him.”

  “Never I! Agnes was, and she died of a fever.”

  Fia let out her breath in exasperation. “Aye, but anyone who denies you are Agnes will be banished or worse.”

  “Does my uncle know I am still alive?”

  “Rumors abound. Although when Eanruig came looking for me, he only told me he had found you. Still, I fear word may reach our uncle that inquiries were made concerning you. Once he learns you live, you will not be able to escape your marriage.”

  “Agnes’s marriage!” Eilis jumped up from the bench, paced across the room, then stopped and faced her cousin. “Will you not tell Laird James I am Agnes’s cousin?”

  Her eyes wide, Fia quickly shook her head. “Nay. I cannot. And you would best heed our uncle’s words also.”

  Eilis clenched her teeth to combat the exasperation she felt. ‘Twould be best if her cousin—who would not help her with her cause—knew naught about what Eilis intended.

  Someone knocked on the door, shattering Eilis’s composure, and she gave a small gasp. “Aye?”

  The door opened, and the female servant said, “Laird James awaits your presence at the meal.”

  Stalwart Fergus stood beside the door, awaiting Eilis’s compliance.

  “Why do you have an armed guard?” Fia whispered to her.

  “To protect my virtue.” Which seemed was in a shambles already.

  Seizing Fia’s arm, she led her out of the chamber. She hated to lie to her cousin, but no one could be trusted who would do her uncle’s bidding.

  They walked together down the stairs and strode toward the great hall. Fia cleared her throat. “His Lairdship sent word to my da that he was considering me as a bride’s choice.”

  “You also?” Eilis shook her head. “I thought he only wished you to reveal who I was.”

  Fia took a deep breath and smiled in her usual cheerful manner. “Well, he only said so to please my da, but of course the real reason was he wanted to see if we knew each other.”

  Eilis smiled back in return. “Aye, you were always my canny cousin. His Lairdship wishes me to make a lady jealous who is coming to see him on the mor

  “Make a lady envious?” Fia shook her head. “I cannot see how that would make a lady want His Lairdship. You say she is arriving on the morrow?”

  “This verra day,” Lady Akira corrected Fia, her face beaming as she slipped in behind them. “Catriona made haste and has just arrived. I pray you and Eilis will make her work for my son’s affection.”

  Upon hearing Lady Akira’s words, Eilis’s heart raced. Had Lady Akira wished to catch Eilis’s private conversation with her cousin? To discover the truth of their relationship?

  Then another thought occurred to her. “Where will Catriona be staying?”

  “In the chamber Nighinn and her mother stayed. Yours is far nicer. That will teach Catriona to delay her journey here. Fia will stay with you.” Lady Akira flashed Eilis another heart-warming smile then walked with them into the great hall.

  For an instant, Eilis wondered if Lady Akira had given up the notion Eilis would wed her son. After all, now the one he wished to marry was here, and Eilis was of no real importance. She would be gone, and no one would ever know she’d been found in such a compromising situation with James.

  She still couldn’t believe antagonizing Catriona would help in securing a marriage agreement with James, though.

  But Eilis was torn over Dougald and Gunnolf also, who had ensured her safety before they were taken prisoner again. Easily, she could offer herself in exchange for their freedom, to lie and say she was truly Agnes. Yet if Dunbarton were to find her out…och, how could she live such a lie? He might very well take her life and war with her uncle over the matter.

  Then Eilis spied Catriona, and her heart nearly stopped.

  Why had no one mentioned where the lady was from? She chided herself. ‘Twould not have mattered as she would probably not have remembered her anyway. But seeing the woman…her bright red curls the color of a fiery sunset and blue eyes as dark as the deepest loch, a willowy figure, and ivory skin defined her, but ‘twas her sharp tongue and mean-hearted spirit that kept most out of her path.

  Seizing Fia’s arm before Catriona caught sight of them, Eilis wished she could flee the castle more than ever. “We are in trouble now.”