“To see Lady Anice and the new laird of the castle. Malcolm is James’s next oldest brother. Broc and his father will not know you have taken refuge there.”

  Eilis tightened her hands on her reigns. “You cannot be serious, my laird. We will cause trouble for more of your kin.”

  “What would you have us do?” Niall asked, his voice couched in annoyance. “James wishes your hand, and he will be unbearable to live with if you wed Dunbarton.”

  Eilis closed her gaping mouth.

  Niall raised his brows. “You think not, bonny lass? Why he says naught, but his feelings are shown in his actions. You are the only one he has ever acted thus toward. You are the one for him, no other.”

  “But Catriona…”

  “Aye, Catriona. Did you see the way he switched the trestle tables on you?”

  She couldn’t fathom what Niall was speaking of.

  “The way he kissed Catriona’s hand to make you jealous? I nearly laughed when I saw his actions. He had been avoiding her all morning after you and he had quarreled last eve. Catriona continued to pester him like a sucker fish.”

  Eilis laughed.

  “Aye. And so what does he do? He spoke only with her at the meal, sees you watching him, and he kisses Catriona’s hand. ‘Twas a means to get your attention. I was standing atop the scaffolding, supervising the mending of the south wall when I saw him do it. Nearly fell off I was so shocked. I have never seen him desire any woman before like he wants you. And when he discovers I have spirited you away…”

  “He will be furious with you.”

  Niall grinned. “Aye. Teach him to show any interest in Catriona when he wishes her not and when he refuses to be more forceful in this issue concerning marrying you.”

  “He has good reason,” Eilis said, annoyed.

  Chuckling, Niall nudged his horse closer to Eilis. “And you care for him as much as he does for you. But, aye, he did not realize your cousin would be hot on your trail so soon after Eanruig discovered who you were.”

  “This is folly. Someone will warn my uncle, and I will be right back where I started.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Hurrying into the great hall, Ian joined James and spoke privately before he and Broc quit the meal. “My laird, a bairn rode with Broc’s party. One of his men holds him in the barracks while our men guard them. But one of our men perchance overheard the wee lad mention Eilis with tears in his eyes. He believes the sea took her. Mayhap he is her cousin, but what if he is her brother?”

  James glanced at Brock, but one of his kin was keeping the man occupied. Turning to Ian, James said, “Bring the boy to me.”

  “But the man guarding him…”

  “One man? Have my men take care of him. I wish to speak to the lad at once.”

  “And if the lad is Broc’s brother? Or mayhap even his son?”

  “’Tis no matter. If the lad has a fondness for Eilis, I wish to set his worries asunder.”

  “Aye, my laird.” Ian quickly hurried out of the great hall.

  James assumed the wee laddy had to be Broc’s brother, or Eilis would have mentioned him. James reconsidered. What if the boy was Eilis’s son? What if she had been married or had a bastard son? James watched the entryway in earnest. Could no one act in an expeditious manner?

  Then he saw Ian’s head as he towered over a serving maid but could not see a lad. Until Ian skirted the maid, hurrying forth with a small boy whose hand was clinging to Ian’s. His green eyes round, the lad stared straight at Broc still standing behind the head table. Blond curls trailed down his shoulders, yet the laddy looked remarkably like Eilis and not Broc.

  She had a son. Her innocence had all been feigned.

  Broc suddenly spied the lad and roared, “What right have you in bringing the lad here?”

  James faced Broc. “Sit and be still. I will have a word with the lad, alone.”

  Broc glowered at James as if he wished to do battle with him this very instant.

  “Sit,” James commanded. “You obviously brought the wee lad here for some purpose. I shall speak with him now.”

  For what seemed like an eternity, Broc stared James down. The hall remained deathly quiet, no one leaving until their laird did.

  Then Broc slowly took his seat, but his hard gaze focused on the lad who had yanked Ian to a stop some distance from the head table, his eyes filled with tears, his lower lip quivering.

  James motioned for his mother to come with him. He wouldn’t have done so, but he believed the lad might need a woman’s gentle touch to gain the truth from his lips.

  Outside the hall, James crouched in front of the lad while his mother smiled at him with adoration in her gaze. After having raised four boys and a nephew, she looked ready to take on a new charge.

  “Your name, laddy? I am James.”

  The boy’s eyes grew huge. He whispered, “Ye are laird?”

  “Aye, and you are?”

  The lad looked at James’s mother.

  “I am Lady Akira. Laird James’s mother.”

  “My…my mother is dead.”

  Which brought up the question again, did the boy think Eilis had died at sea? “Eilis is verra much alive, well, and—”

  The lad let out a sorrowful squeak. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and if James hadn’t caught the boy’s frail body, he would have fallen in a dead faint in the rushes on the floor.

  “Oh, my,” James’s mother said outside the great hall as James cradled the unconscious lad in his arms. She motioned to a servant to join James and her. “Fetch Tavia at once.” As the man hurried off, James’s mother said, “Let us take the lad to Eilis’s chamber. Why did she not mention the wee bairn?”

  “Her lack of memory?”

  Or had she chosen not to remember? Mayhap that was the reason her uncle had not found her a suitable husband. She had a bastard son.

  James carried the lad abovestairs while his mother chattered nonstop. “We must keep them both—Eilis and the boy. You must do whatever you can to bargain for them. The wedding cannot be put off any longer. You have compromised the lady’s good name, and since she is not betrothed—”

  James grunted. “And what do you call the bairn?”

  His mother gave him a sour look. “A mistake? Mayhap she is widowed? Matter’s not. You will wed her and return her honor, James.”

  In truth, none of it mattered. Taking the lady to wife would be his pleasure.

  His mother knocked on the door to Eilis’s chamber, but when no one opened it, James had a very bad feeling about this. Already his muscles were tensing for battle.

  His mother pushed the door aside. But then she stood in the entryway and didn’t move out of James’s path, just stared into the chamber. “She and Fia are not here. Well, lay the lad down and I will…will check into the matter.”

  James cursed under his breath, stalked into the chamber, and laid the lad on Eilis’s mattress. “You will stay with the boy while I look for the women.”

  His mother covered the boy with a coverlet and brushed a tangle of hair away from his cheek. “He will make a fine—”

  Ian knocked at the chamber entrance, his face flushed, his hands clenched into fists. “I could not find Tavia, and a servant said she thought our healer aided Eilis’s escape. That Niall is with her.”

  James stormed toward Ian. “I will…”

  James’s mother hurried after him and grabbed his sleeve. “She fears this Broc. And so does the lad. Take a care with your temper. She needs a gentle hand as does the boy.”

  “I will wring Niall’s neck, I was about to say, Mother,” James growled as he headed out the door. “As far as the lady is concerned, you have ordered me to marry her, remember?” He cast a glance over his shoulder, his brows raised, as he and Ian rushed for the stairs.

  “Aye.” His mother smiled. “Because ‘tis your heart’s wish.”

  His mother’s words could not be truer, and James was ready to thrash Niall for his rashness.
br />   Ian cleared his throat. “What about Broc, my laird? He stews in the hall still where you commanded him to sit.”

  James gave a dark chuckle. “Have a servant take him to my solar and give him mead. I will visit with him shortly. Where are Eilis and Niall?”

  “Beyond the castle walls, my laird, on the west side.”

  James headed for the outer bailey, saw Catriona walking his way, and gave her a look like now was not the time to speak with him.

  “My laird—”

  “Not now, Catriona.” He motioned to a stable boy. “Get my horse.”

  The boy disappeared into the stable.

  “My laird,” Catriona said, hurrying to catch up with James’s long stride. “I wish a word.”

  Fergus hurried out of the keep. “My laird, you wish me to come with you?”

  “Aye, gather five more men.”

  “Aye.” Fergus dashed off.

  “My laird,” Catriona said, reaching her hand out to caress James’s arm. “You wished me to give you my answer.” She looked up at him with an adoring look. “I will give it now.”

  The boy hurried James’s horse out to him, and James swung into his saddle as Fergus and five men rushed out of the keep to join him. “Later, Catriona. This is not the time or place to discuss business.”

  “But…” She almost looked like she could cry. Almost. He’d never seen her weepy before, and even now, the expression didn’t suit her.


  He kicked his horse to a gallop while his men rode out after him.


  Eilis, Fia, and their escort consisting of Eanruig and Niall, headed in the direction of the village, but she kept feeling they would not get very far.

  “We will solicit some of our kin there, who will ride with us for protection,” Niall said. “’Twould not have been a sound idea to take any more of the staff at Craigly, or James would have suspected wrong—”

  “Hold!” James shouted from the distance as he and his men headed toward them at a gallop from behind.

  Eilis’s heart sank, all her hope of escape shattered as she and her escort turned around.

  Niall winked at Eilis. “No doubt my cousin has a plan.”

  “He will have all our heads from the look of the stern expression on his face,” Eilis warned.

  James slowed his horse to a trot and turned him around to walk beside Eilis, escorting her back to the castle.

  She let out her breath in exasperation, avoiding James’s harsh look. “Broc will give me to my uncle, who will turn me over to—”

  “Me,” James said, interrupting her. “’Tis the least I can do to repair your honor.”

  Eilis’s face flushed with mortification. James had done nothing to dishonor her! And she didn’t wish anyone to think he had.

  Niall grinned. “I knew you would come up with a plan, cousin.”

  “You are marrying Eilis?” Fia asked, her eyes wide.

  Eanruig shook his head, although he looked more thoughtful than anything. “What of Lady Catriona, my laird?”

  “The devil with her. Eilis is the pearl I plucked from the sea before I went on Crusade. ‘Tis the lass I was always bound to wed.”

  Eanruig shifted his gaze from James to Eilis. “The one you searched high and low for? The same lass your da was willing to pay any amount to have the girl returned to you as much as you wanted her?” Eanruig smiled broadly. “The sopping wet young lassie lying on the edge of the cliff Malcolm said you kissed but knew not. Och, you had the whole of our kin in an uproar for weeks. ‘Twas a sign for sure.”

  “Aye,” James said, sighing. “The very lass.”

  Eilis closed her gaping mouth, frowned then said, “James? You said you were named James. I had taken a fever, and I did not remember much of that day.”

  “The kiss?” He raised his brows speculatively.

  Her face heating, she touched her lips.

  “Aye, you remember, as chaste as it was.”

  As Eilis recalled, ‘twas the very first kiss a lad ever presented her with, and ‘twas not chaste in the least. At least as far as it felt to her. And him betwixt her legs as his head rested on her breast, listening for her heartbeat when she had fainted, he had said.

  James gave Niall a pointed look. “I will have a word with my cousin concerning his absconding with my bride later. But I intend to wed you first, lovely lass.”

  “But Broc…he will put an end to your plans.”

  “Do you wish me as your husband, Eilis?”

  “Not if Dunbarton and my uncle join each other to fight you and your kin.”

  “If we lived another thousand years, I surmise Dunbarton and I will never get along. As for your uncle, if he looks for alliances, he will have mine and more of a bride price than Dunbarton would ever pay. Trust me, lass, your uncle will not refuse this. Especially under the circumstances.”

  “Circum…oh.” Her cheeks heated anew. “You mean because of Nesta’s tales.”

  “She only embellished them, to be sure. But because of the uhm, circumstances she found us in, ‘twould have been anyone’s assumption who might have found us that I had already claimed you for my own, dear Eilis. So, aye, your uncle will be glad to have a son who honors his commitment.” James smiled at Eilis.

  Part of her was thrilled, but another part of her felt alarmed.

  As they grew closer to the outer bailey, she saw Broc and his men mounting their horses. Had they learned Eilis had run away? She wanted James’s solid, warm body wrapped around her for protection.

  “There is one other important issue, though,” James said to Eilis before they entered the outer bailey.

  She waited breathlessly to hear it.

  “A wee lad has come to visit. He is most anxious to see that you had not drowned in the sea.” James gave her such a questioning look she had no idea what he was searching for.

  She could think of no bairn who—

  Fia gasped. “Ethan, God in heaven. Did Broc bring him here? You must give him refuge. He cannot return to our uncle.”

  “Ethan?” Eilis squeaked. “Lord have… How could I have forgotten him?” Tears filled her eyes.

  “Hold,” James gently said, stopped her horse, pulled Eilis into his lap, and held her close.

  Niall took her horse’s reins.

  “Dear Eilis, your son will remain with us.” James held her even tighter against his chest.

  Fia sputtered something under her breath. Eilis smiled through her tears. “He is my wee brother.” But why had Broc brought him here? To make her do her uncle’s bidding, that’s why.

  James smiled, appearing relieved Ethan was not her son.

  “I cannot believe I could forget him.”

  “He is here now, and here he will remain. With you and me and the rest of our clan. Worry naught more about it,” James assured her.

  As they reached the inner bailey, the messenger galloped to join them after his trip to see Dunbarton, with news concerning exchanging Dunbarton’s son for James’s brother.

  “He does not look pleased,” Niall warned.

  Everyone waited expectantly, but James dismounted then helped Eilis off her horse while Niall lifted Fia from hers. Several of James’s men gathered outside, ready to do battle with Broc and his men should the need arise. All waited for a signal from James to begin the fight.

  “Return the ladies to their chamber,” James said, his hand on the hilt of his sword as Brock advanced.

  “She comes with me now,” Broc commanded. “And the lad also.”

  “Eilis and her brother will remain here. If you wish to enjoy our hospitality longer, so be it. But they will not be leaving here tonight.”

  Broc jumped down from his horse and stalked toward Eilis, his expression intimidating for women and men of lesser fortitude as he scowled at James.

  James drew his sword. “Hold, man. You will not touch the lady.”

  “She is my cousin, and for now I am her guardian until I return her to my

  “She is my wife.” Or at least she would be. Tonight. No further delaying the matter.

  Broc stood slack-jawed and looked from James to Eilis. Broc’s men appeared just as surprised. James hoped his people didn’t also.

  “Aye,” Eilis said in a brave voice, although it still sounded meek to James’s ears.

  He slipped his free arm around Eilis’s waist and felt her shiver. God’s wounds, her beast of a cousin would never lay a hand on her again. “Come, wife, a word with the messenger from Brecken and then off to bed with you.”

  She drew closer to his side, her face flushing beautifully. James remembered the day when he wished to protect her from her cousin on the top of the cliff, the way she’d been injured and the whoremonger had treated her so roughly. If the man so much as took another step in her direction…

  James tightened his hold on the hilt of his sword and steered her around Broc toward the keep.

  “Ye have proof ye are wed?” Broc called after James, his voice threatening.

  “Aye.” Soon enough.

  James’s guards would keep Broc and his men in line in the meantime.

  “What was the word?” James asked the messenger inside the keep, unable to wait until he reached the lady’s chamber, as Niall and Ian tagged along.

  “Dunbarton said he would not exchange your brother for a son who was not his. But he would exchange Dougald for his betrothed. Those were his only terms.”

  “Then someone sent word to Dunbarton concerning Eilis,” James said, frowning.

  “But as Agnes or Eilis?” Niall asked.

  “Matters not at this point. Fetch the priest from his bed, Ian.”

  “Aye, my laird.” Ian bolted down the stairs.

  “What do we do about Dunbarton?” Eanruig asked.

  Niall shook his head. “We ought to lay siege to his castle.”

  “If he promises to release your brother and Gunnolf,” Eilis said tearfully, “I will be Dunbarton’s wife.”

  “Nay, sweeting.” James gave her a slight embrace. “We will come up with another plan. Come, you must see your wee brother. I am afraid I gave him a fright when I told him you were alive.”