Page 10 of By Honor Bound

  “Someone like me?”

  She smiled. “You strike me as a realist.”

  “I am. And trust me, the spirits on those battlefields are real.”

  At the intensity of his words, she felt a shiver along her spine. It was, she realized, another side to the very complicated Micah Lassiter. One he’d managed to keep carefully hidden.

  As they drew closer to the city, they could see the lights of the Capitol dome and the Washington Monument. While Micah maneuvered through traffic, Pru found herself thinking how pleasant these past few hours had been. She hated to have them come to an end.

  In Georgetown, Micah turned into their street and parked in the garage. By the time he stepped out of the car, his gaze had already swept every darkened corner of the structure, and had spotted his operative lurking on the far side, as he’d been ordered.

  Inside the apartment building, Pru dug out her key and opened the door, then turned to Micah with a puzzled frown. “My alarm is off. I’d have sworn I set it when I left this morning.”

  “Stay here.” He strode across the foyer and walked through every room of her apartment before returning. Not that he expected to find anyone. His operatives had done a thorough search while he and Pru were at dinner. It had been Micah who had ordered her alarm turned off. It was all part of his plan to keep his word to her father.

  “There’s nobody here, and nothing seems out of place. Are you sure you set the alarm?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t be absolutely certain. But it’s part of my routine when I’m leaving.”

  “All right. So you may or may not have set it this morning. At any rate—” he pointed to the alarm “—set it now.”

  “Before you leave?”

  He merely smiled. “I’m not leaving.”

  He could see the warring of emotions in her expressive eyes. On the one hand she didn’t want to face the night alone. Still, she felt a trace of annoyance at his take-charge attitude. This was, after all, her private space, which he was now invading.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and made a feeble attempt to protest. “Don’t I have something to say about this?”

  He shook his head. And though he was still smiling, Pru could hear the thread of steel in his voice. “Sorry. Like it or not, I’m staying the night. Don’t forget. Security is my business. Why not take advantage of that?”

  She turned away, hoping he wouldn’t hear the relief in her voice. “I hope you don’t mind sleeping on the sofa.”

  Pru lay in bed listening to the muffled sounds of the night. How could she possibly sleep knowing Micah was in the next room? It had been bad enough when he’d been just across the hall. But at least they’d each had their own space. Now he was here. Just a door away. And the thought of going to him, of asking him to hold her, was almost too tempting to resist.

  She rolled to her side and tried to block the memory of his kiss. But there was no turning off her mind. Even in the darkness, with her eyes tightly closed, she could see the way he had looked. It had been exciting to watch him struggle for control. To feel all that pent-up passion ready to explode.

  And what an explosion. When he’d finally kissed her, she’d felt as though she was being swept up in something all-consuming. Helpless against the torrent of passion that flowed over her and carried her along until she was drowning in it.

  She touched a hand to her heart. It was thun dering. Just thinking about Micah’s kiss had her struggling for breath.

  She pulled the covers over her head and prayed for sleep.

  Pru was having such a lovely dream. It was a hot summer day. She was driving her little sports car. The top was down, the wind whipping her hair as she maneuvered the sharp curves along the Virginia highway. She hadn’t a care in the world. It was the most wonderful feeling to be free. Suddenly the car speeded up. She touched the brakes, but nothing happened. She clutched the wheel and felt the car hurtling through space.

  Somewhere in the night, brakes screeched and tires squealed.

  Pru sat up in bed shivering violently. It took her a moment to realize that it had all been a dream.

  She glanced at the clock. She’d been asleep for more than two hours. How would she ever get back to sleep now?

  She stepped out of bed and was halfway across the bedroom before she remembered that Micah was asleep in the next room. It was comforting to know she wasn’t alone. Comforting and…exhilarating.

  He was here. In her space. Asleep and un guarded. For the first time since they’d met, she would be free to study him without his knowledge.

  She opened the door softly and started across the floor.

  The great room was in darkness. She glanced at the sofa and could see the darker mound of pillows and blankets. She tiptoed close and was just about to peer down when she caught sight of a shadowy figure standing in front of the French doors. She tried to scream but her throat was so constricted it came out as a croak.

  The figure was across the room and hauling her into his arms before she could recover.

  “Micah.” His name came out in a whoosh of air.

  “Sorry.” His breath was warm against her cheek. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “You didn’t startle me.” She struggled for air, but it was so hard to breathe when he was holding her like this. “You absolutely terrified me.”

  He ought to step back and give her some space. But he couldn’t seem to let go of her. “You shouldn’t come creeping up on a guy like that.”

  “The last I looked, this was my place.” Her voice sounded breathless in her own ears. But she couldn’t tell if it was because of fear or guilt. After all, she had been hoping to catch him unaware, and was instead caught in her own trap. “You’re the one creeping around, Micah.”

  “I wasn’t creeping around. I was…” Standing guard, he thought. Ready to slay any dragons that dared to threaten his princess while she slept in her ivory tower. Aloud he said, “Admiring the garden.”

  “In the dark?” Her head came up, her mouth brushing his jaw.

  He absorbed a rush of heat and felt his pulse begin to speed up. “It’s beautiful by moonlight.” His voice lowered. “And so are you.” He knew he couldn’t go on holding her like this without putting his hands on her. His mouth on hers. And so he lowered his hands to his sides and clenched them into fists to keep from touching her.

  He studied the white silk slip that barely covered her from torso to hip. “Is that all you wear to bed?”

  She was grateful for the darkness. She hoped it would give her courage. “I didn’t realize I’d have an audience.”

  The sight of her had him thinking about devouring her, inch by glorious inch. He started to turn away. “Maybe you’d better get a robe.”

  She stopped him with a hand to his arm. Just a touch, but she felt him flinch. “Why, Micah?” She could hear the tremor in her voice, but she was determined to put up a brave front. “Are you afraid to see me like this?”

  “Afraid?” His throat was dry as dust. “In my line of work I’ve seen dozens of women wearing less than that. Now, why don’t you do whatever it was you came out here to do and let me get back to what I was doing.”

  “That’s right. I’d forgotten.” She gave him a long, sweeping look, noting the fact that he was fully dressed right down to his shoes, and the bedding on the sofa wasn’t even mussed. “You were busy watching the garden, I believe.”

  Her voice was taunting him. Whispering over his senses. Making him want what he had no right to.

  “Don’t play games with me, Pru. I’m in no mood.”

  “Just what is your mood, Micah?” She took a step closer, forcing him to hold himself perfectly still. If he so much as breathed too hard, he’d feel the brush of her breasts against his chest.

  “My mood is pretty dark. So don’t push.”

  “You mean like this?” She brought her hand to his chest. Just a touch of her fingertips, but he could feel it go straight to his loins.

nbsp; “You’re playing with fire, Pru.” He closed a hand around her wrist.

  “Maybe I like the heat.” She brought her other hand to his cheek and stood on tiptoe to brush her mouth over his.

  He tensed, preparing himself for the firestorm to come. If he gave in now, they would both be lost. “Believe me, you won’t like getting burned.”

  “Is that what you’re afraid of? Getting burned?” She pressed closer, determined to break through that iron will. “You want me, Micah. You know you do.”

  “Maybe.” His eyes narrowed. “But I don’t always get what I want.”

  “You can, if you’re honest enough to admit to it.”

  “I see. It’s honesty you’re looking for. And all along, I thought you were just looking for a few thrills.”

  She tossed her head. “Don’t mince words. I want you, Micah.”

  “You don’t even know me. Or what I’m doing here. And once you do, you’ll regret ever having said that.”

  “There will be no regrets. I don’t care who or what you are. I only know that I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. I want you to make love with me. Kiss me, Micah. Quick.”

  He caught her roughly by the shoulders, intent on saving her from herself. But the minute his hands were on her, he knew he’d lost the battle.

  In the darkness he could see the glint of moonlight in her eyes. Eyes fixed on him with such hunger. They spoke to a hunger deep inside him.

  He lowered his mouth to hers. Against her lips he whispered, “God knows I never meant this to happen, Pru. But unless you tell me right this minute that you’ve changed your mind, there’ll be no stopping it.”

  “I don’t want you to stop, Micah.” Her voice was rough with need. “I want you. I want this as much as you do.”

  Chapter 11

  There was no longer any way Micah could hold back. He’d tried heroically to do the right thing. But he was a mere man, desperate for this woman in his arms.

  His mouth was on hers, kissing her with all the passion and feeling that had been building all these long, lonely nights. His hands moved over her, setting off sparks wherever they touched. And now, at last, they were free to touch her everywhere.

  The thin silk was no barrier. It only added to her allure. He slid one narrow strap from her shoulder, then lowered his mouth to follow the trail until she gasped with pleasure.

  Her skin, milk-white and soft as cream, carried the scent of spring flowers. As he tasted her, he breathed in the fragrance, filling himself with her. In the years to come, he knew, he would never again be able to smell spring without thinking of her. Of this. She’d taken over his life, his heart and soul, completely.

  The hem of her slip rode high on her thigh. It was deeply arousing to feel the softness of silk, and the smooth texture of her flesh beneath. Though he was tempted to take her hard and fast, he resisted. He’d waited too long. Wanted too desperately. And now that he was free to have all that he wanted, he would savor the moment. She was, with all her shy, sweet alluring ways, a wonderful banquet of delights.

  He lingered over her lips, drawing out the kiss until he heard her sigh with impatience and clutch at his waist. And still the kiss spun on and on, until, hungry for more, he ran soft, nibbling kisses along the smooth column of her throat.

  Pru arched her neck, loving the feel of his mouth on her skin. She’d never known a man’s kiss could bring such pleasure. There was a quiet intensity in him. In every move he made. Everything he did. He made her feel like a special gift to be opened. And with each touch, each kiss, she could feel herself opening more.

  His fingertips stroked, soothed, and she began to relax in his arms until they suddenly found her. Her eyes went wide with shock as he took her up and over. Shuddering, she nearly collapsed in his arms. In one smooth motion he scooped her up and carried her to the sofa, where he lay her down among the blankets. And all the while his mouth lingered on hers until she wanted to beg for more.

  “Micah.” She pulled back, her eyes glazed.

  “I warned you, Pru.” His mouth returned to hers, while his body pressed her deeper into the cushions. “Don’t ask me to stop now.”

  “I wasn’t…” She struggled for breath. Her heart was pounding, but whether from excitement or fear, she wasn’t sure. “I wouldn’t ask you that. Please don’t stop.”

  He chuckled against her skin. He couldn’t if he’d wanted to. He was already in over his head, tumbling faster and faster into a deep, dark cavern. And taking her down with him.

  Their breathing was ragged, their heartbeats erratic. Moonlight spilled through the French doors, gilding her flesh, turning her hair to flame. His hands fisted in it as he kissed her until they were both breathless.

  Desperate to touch him, she tore at his shirt until he’d managed to shed it, along with the rest of his clothes. She was humming with pleasure when at last she was free to run her fingertips across his hair-roughened chest and revel in the feel of those perfectly toned muscles beneath her palms.

  She thought, because he was fully aroused, that he would take her, and end this terrible need. But he had other plans.

  His hands, those incredibly strong hands, moved over her with such care. His rough fingertips felt like heaven against the silkiness of her flesh. She’d never known a man to treat her with such care. As though she were some fragile piece of glass that might shatter at any moment in his hands.

  Just as she began to relax in his arms, he lowered his mouth to burn a trail of fire down her body, unlocking new secrets. She tensed, knowing she had never experienced such a dark side of passion before. But with Micah leading the way, she was helpless to do more than follow.

  Her breathing grew labored. The air felt hot, clogging her lungs, pearling her flesh. When he took her on a dizzying upward spiral, she could do nothing more than clutch the blanket while her body shuddered, before going limp.


  “This was how I’ve dreamed of you, Pru.” In the moonlight his eyes were hot and fierce as he tore away the silk. “Your hair wild and loose. Your spirit free. The taste of you so sweet. So sweet.” He ran his mouth across her throat, over her breasts, until she sobbed out his name and fisted a hand in his hair. “And mine. If only for tonight, all mine.”

  Desperate, she wrapped herself around him, drawing him in. He struggled to hold back, but there was a beast inside him, struggling for freedom. He plunged himself inside her and heard her sudden cry. For one heart-stopping moment he hesitated. Then she whispered his name. Just one breathy whisper, but he could feel himself drowning in her and he knew he never wanted to surface.

  When he began moving, she matched his rhythm, his strength, until they were moving together, racing toward a distant peak.

  He breathed her in, filling himself with her until she seemed to be in every part of him. His heart. His lungs. His very soul.

  His, he thought with a fierceness that bordered on insanity. Only his.

  He breathed her name against her mouth as they took each other over the top. And soared to the star-filled heavens.

  Micah lay on the sofa, watching the way the thin morning light played over the woman in his arms.

  He’d always loved sunlight. Until today. Right now he’d give everything he had to hold it at bay, so that he could stay just like this for a few hours more. Holding Pru close to his heart. Watching her sleep as peacefully as a child. He knew that once she woke, their little idyll would be over. He would have to go back to being her silent protector, holding her at arm’s length until the threat to her safety was over. And once it was, they’d go their separate ways. There was no place in her world for him. And certainly no place in his world for a woman like Pru.

  That knowledge left a bitter taste in his mouth. Still, if they had nothing more, at least they’d had the night. She’d been amazing. Sweet. Funny. Sexy. And so trusting. It pleased him to know that he’d taken her to places she’d never been before. She’d gone with him willingly and with such aband
on. They’d both been dazzled by her response.

  She stirred and he watched as her lashes fluttered, then opened. He found himself drowning in those wide, trusting eyes. If only they could always be so trusting.

  “Good morning, Micah.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

  At once he felt the jolt and wondered how he would be able to go on living without this. It was almost worse, knowing he’d be consigned to hell now that he’d had a taste of heaven. But he had nobody to blame but himself. He’d walked into this with his eyes wide open. Pru, on the other hand, had no idea what a hornet’s nest she’d uncovered. But she would soon enough. And when she did, she would hate him.

  “’Morning.” He lingered over her mouth for a moment, then abruptly sat up and began disentangling himself from her.

  She couldn’t hide her disappointment. “Where are you going?”

  “To my apartment to shower and dress.” He turned away and picked up his discarded shirt, leaving it unbuttoned as he drew it on.

  “Do you have to go right away?”

  He walked past her and headed toward the foyer. “I’m afraid so.”

  “Micah.” He was almost at the door when she stopped him with a hand on his arm.

  The heat was growing. Threatening to steal his very breath. He knew if he turned toward her, he’d be lost. “You’re going to be late for work, Pru.”

  “That’s all right. They don’t pay me anyway.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her mouth to his back. “I guess if I’m late just this once, I won’t worry about being fired.”

  “Pru…” He turned. That was his first mistake. His second was putting his hands on her shoulders, to draw her away. Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. The way she offered her lips. The way she pressed that perfect body against his. He was drowning in her again. And not even trying to resist.

  Against her mouth he murmured, “I guess…as long as you have time…”

  They never even made it to the sofa before taking each other on a wild, dizzying ride.