Page 13 of Call of the Cougar

  When Hal walked down the hallway, he noted Tracey's door was wide open and a bit of panic hit him. She was fine, he told himself. He had to stop jumping to conclusions where she was concerned. Not that the last few times weren't warranted.

  He listened for any sign of her moving around in the house, and he heard none. She might be sitting on the deck, enjoying the scenery and having a cup of coffee, or checking on the foal.

  He wanted to force himself to relax, but damn it. When it came to Tracey, she kept him on edge. He went out to the deck, observed that she wasn't there, and was about to take a walk to the stables when he saw movement in the grassy meadow near one of the ponds, way the hell out. He squinted his eyes. A rider and horse alone. One of his horses. And if he had to guess, the rider was none other than Tracey.

  He yanked out his phone, ran down the steps from the deck, and stalked toward the stables, calling Ted immediately. "Ted—"

  "Morning," Ted said so cheerfully, Hal knew he'd let her take one of the horses for a ride. "Boss lady took Nelda out. She's a good rider. She might not know anything about foaling, but she's a natural in the saddle. Now, Ricky? He's another story. He's afraid of the horses. Though Holly, that's fearful of humans, has taken a liking to him. Maybe because she senses he's not pushy with her like some humans can be. Anyway, there's hope for Ricky still. Before you say it, I've already saddled Big Red. He's chomping at the bit to get outta here."

  Wordlessly, Hal ended the call. He couldn't help being irritated with Ted. He should have asked him first. Hal worried about her being on a horse without seeing for himself that she knew how to ride, when yeah, normally he fully trusted Ted's instincts. But when it came to Tracey, well, Ted should have asked him first. Especially because of all the times she'd been in real trouble lately.

  Ted was conveying his usual "take everything in stride" posture today. Ricky looked nervously from Ted to Hal, like he was in trouble for letting Tracey go.

  When Hal reached the corral, Ted said, "Hey, boss man, she's fine. You know me. I wouldn't have put her on the horse, if she wasn't capable of it. She showed me just how much she knew, and I let her go. Horse and rider are perfect for each other."

  "What about the terrorists who are trying to kill her?" Before Hal climbed into the saddle, he noticed that Ted had packed his bedroll, which Hal shouldn't be needing.

  Ricky quickly said, "She's got her Glock, and she's a good shot." He sounded as though he was protecting Ted from Hal's wrath.

  Giving him a stern look, Hal looked down at the young man. It appeared that he was going to work out just fine here on the ranch. It seemed he already had Ted's back. But Hal frowned down at him anyway because he was boss and he didn't want Ricky getting the idea that he wasn't. "I thought you were supposed to help protect her."

  Ricky shoved his hands in his jeans pockets and gave him a hard scowl right back. "You took my gun."

  Like Hal had any intention of arming the kid. He shook his head and rode off after the lady.

  By the time he was able to ride beyond the house, she was gone. Again, he felt that same sense of dread of losing her skittering across his spine.

  Then he tamped down his concern and got out his cell phone and called her. It took a moment for her to answer, and when she did, he said, "Where the hell are you?"

  There was a significant pause and then she said, "Well, good morning to you too, Sunshine."

  He smiled. Just that one little jabbing, but humorous, poke changed his whole view of the world and her.


  Tracey supposed she should have told Hal that she'd ridden horses before. A lot. On her job and off. On several occasions she'd ridden into the backcountry on horseback to investigate a crime. But she hadn't ever been around any that had foaled. So that was a new experience for her. Riding like this, wasn't. She loved exploring all the meadows brimming with wildflowers, the evergreen forests, and the ponds. Now, she headed toward the rocks. Riding horseback was just the best way in the world to really see the layout of the land. She'd been up for a couple of hours, had a piece of toast coated in honey, visited with Ted and Ricky, and when Ted suggested she take Nelda out for a ride, she was all for it. He said he'd send Hal out to join up with her when he woke. But that had been over an hour ago. And she really loved riding the ranchlands just like this.

  A red-tailed hawk flew up above the pines, and she watched him soaring high in the bright blue sky. She wasn't upset with Hal, who was displeased with her for riding alone. She understood his concern, but she wasn't going to be cooped up in the house all the time until he got his butt out of bed so he could go with her places.

  Maybe some of it was taking perverse delight in proving he couldn't tell her that she wasn't going anywhere without him.

  "Where are you?" he said in a much nicer tone, though it still bordered on hostile.

  "I'm headed for the rocks."

  "Wait for me."

  "Did you have a good sleep?"

  "Yes, the best ever. Having cocoa with you until sunrise agrees with me. Waking to find you had ridden off on your own when someone is trying to have you killed, doesn't."

  "I love it out here." She sighed. She wasn't going to let him ruin it for her. She was thrilled. "I'm having the best time ever."

  She could hear his horse galloping, at least on the phone. She was still a ways off and couldn't hear the actual sound of him getting closer.

  "I'm glad. Sorry. Good morning."

  She laughed.

  He let out his breath. "It's beautiful out here. I often ride first thing in the morning—"

  "But we slept instead."

  "What time did you get up?" He sounded really surprised that she was out here already.

  "Two hours before you did. I'm glad you got a nice rest."

  "Sorry that I didn't get up any earlier. Couldn't you sleep?"

  "I had the most wondrous sleep. Then I heard one of the horses whinny, and I was thinking how much I'd love to go for a ride."

  "What kind of dog do you like?"

  She laughed. "Any kind, really. I love dogs."

  "And horses."

  "Yeah. And animals in general. Which is why I do the job I do."

  "Are you waiting for me?" He sounded like he thought she was still riding away from him.

  "Yeah. When are you going to get here?"

  "I see you, just through the trees."

  "I hear you." She took a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled at him. He looked great, like a cowboy in an old western—jeans, cowboy boots, hat—except for the blue T-shirt. And the gelding, a beautiful bay. She thought the stud riding the gelding was pretty hot too.

  Ted had told her the gelding's name was Big Red, best bomb-proof gelding they had. Tracey was riding a perfectly good trail horse. She noted also that Hal was armed like she was, only he was carrying a rifle and a handgun.

  Hal was giving her a look that said he was still not pleased. She just gave him her cheeriest smile back. He was being an all alpha male, deputy sheriff right now.

  But she was a Special Agent, and she could handle herself.

  "So do you want to show me the rocks?" she asked.

  "You said you weren't going anywhere without me. How am I supposed to protect you if you don't stay near me?"

  "Okay, next time I'll come knocking at your door when I wake up, and then you can protect me all day long."

  "How about you stay in bed with me the next time, and I'll change your mind about leaving me?"

  She laughed. "You're too cute."

  "I'd go for something a little hotter than cute. Foals are cute. Puppies are cute. Male cougars are not—cute."

  She laughed again. She really liked him. She liked his protectiveness and his teasing her about staying with him, though she knew it wasn't all teasing. If she agreed, he'd have her in his bed tonight.

  "Remember, just a bodyguard detail. Nothing more."

  He didn't look like he bought it. Probably not, after she seemed so comfortable
here. Loved everything about the area and the ranch, the horses, and even got along with Ted. Not only that, she'd kissed Hal. But she knew as soon as she went back to work, Hal wouldn't like it. Not when she had to run all over the place doing her investigations. She suspected, as she assumed most husbands would be, he'd want her home in his bed at night, there to share meals, not gallivanting all across the country.

  He was watching her, smiling a little, and she thought he had the notion of changing her mind. She wasn't about to.

  "Okay," he said, though he didn't appear to be agreeing with her, and he headed toward the rocks. "We'll go this way. There are several ways, but this has the most scenic trail."

  Wild rose, bluebells, primrose, and some kind of yellow flower covered the meadows on either side of the well-worn horse trail. Way before she reached the rocks, she heard the sound of what she thought was a waterfall, the water rushing over boulders just up ahead. Ohmigod! Hal had to have been keeping it a secret from her. A special treat that he had wanted to show her when they ran as cougars. And she had almost ruined it for him.

  But she would love to return as a cougar later.

  A stand of junipers had hidden the view of the waterfall cascading into the creek. Now, she saw it in all its glory.

  The waterfall rose several hundred feet, the water cascading between the rock walls of a narrow gorge, moss covering the rocks, giving it a pretty green cast. The water rushed over a stepping stone of rocks into a pool, before it continued on its way down the rocky creek.

  The breathtaking spot was like a secret garden, only in this case, a half hidden waterfall with rock walls that jutted out in front of the falls to provide a glimpse of the shower of water.

  On a hot summer day after horseback riding, no one could see all that tumbling water, and not want to at least get in and cool off a bit—but just her feet. She knew it would be cold. But she couldn't wait.

  "You wanted to save this for me to see tonight when we ran as cougars, didn't you?"

  "Yeah." He smiled. "This is good for now. You can see it in the daytime and enjoy the flowers in the meadow. I didn't know you could ride or I would have suggested we ride out here too."

  "And visit it tonight as cougars. I'd love to see the waterfall by moonlight." She dismounted and tied her reins to a juniper.

  He watched her.

  "Are you going to join me?"

  He jumped down and tied off his horse. "You know this can be awfully dangerous."

  "What? Slipping on the moss-covered rocks? Falling? I'll be careful."

  She sat down and took off her boots.

  He sat next to her and began to remove his boots. He didn't say anything more, just began to strip off the rest of his clothes, all but his briefs.

  She had removed her jeans, but she'd left her T-shirt and panties on. She wasn't that wild. He was so hot. Sculpted cowboy, cougar, and deputy sheriff all rolled into one sexy package—the abs, the tanned body, the erection already straining for release.

  She stepped into the creek, carefully, so she wouldn't slip and fall. He quickly joined her, grabbing her hand and guiding her. As soon as she reached the pool of water, she slipped and fell, pulling him down into the five feet of water with her.

  "Ohmigod, it's cold!"

  He laughed and pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her. Now she knew what he meant when he said this could be dangerous.

  Maybe because this was the second time they'd kissed, or maybe because he'd worried about her again, he was kissing her without reservation, holding her tight against his body, and hers warmed his enough that she began to feel his cock stir and grow again.

  She felt so wickedly entranced by the setting, the rocks towering above, and the seclusion from the rest of the world. Then she thought briefly of how it would look when they returned to the ranch and Ted and Ricky saw they were soaking wet.

  She smiled against Hal's mouth, just thinking of it. She kissed him back just as passionately, pressing hard against his erection, loving the feel of him wrapped around her body.

  This was perfect. The ride here. The wildflowers in bloom. The waterfall. Hal.

  All of it.

  She didn't think anything could get more romantic than cuddling with him in front of the outdoor fireplace, cocoa in hand, while they watched the sun rise. This was the ultimate romantic spot though.

  Nature surrounding them, wild as days gone by. Pristine, beautiful.

  He began to lift off her T-shirt, pulled it over her head, then threw it on the rocks, out of the water's spray.

  They began kissing again, his hands on her breasts, rubbing the lace bra against her nipples, so sensitive, she was in heaven and wanted to experience everything with him.

  "Do you have a blanket?" she asked.

  His eyes clouded with lust, he looked down at her, studying her as if he was trying to figure out what she had in mind.

  "For heaven's sake, come on. The water's too cold to do anything else, and we need to dry out a bit." Except she wasn't planning on just drying out.

  Unless, he wasn't ready for this. Fat chance of that, she figured.

  She took his hand and led him out of the water, but when she slipped again, he quickly came to her rescue and helped her over the mossy rocks to the shore.

  "You sure about this?"

  "About drying out? Sure."

  He pulled his bedroll off his horse while she brushed the water off her arms and legs with her hands. She wrung out her hair, observing him as he adjusted the seamless, down-filled bedroll from twin size to king size and spread it out among the wildflowers.

  "I hate to get it wet. Wait." She grabbed up his sun-warmed T-shirt, still perfectly dry, and wiped down her body as he watched in fascination. She considered the bedroll, then put his shirt on the ground, not ready to let him use it, unfastened her bra, and dropped it on the flowers, then pulled off her panties and spread them out to dry. Then she used his shirt to wipe the water droplets off her breasts and smiled at him. "Sorry. I probably should have let you use it first. Since it's your shirt."

  Not that she was truly sorry, nor that she figured he minded in the least.

  He pulled off his sopping wet briefs and gave her a sinfully roguish smile. "Lady's first."

  Smiling back, she handed him his damp T-shirt, laid down on the bedroll, and watched him dry himself like he'd watched her.

  Between the mild breeze and the sun, she was already warmed up, and the bedroll was nice and comfy. She wondered if he'd thought it might come to this, and she liked that he'd thought of it. He dried himself really slow, working over his abs, letting her get an eyeful of every impressive inch of him—his chiseled muscles, the light dusting of blond hair on his chest trailing down to his blond curly hairs, his growing erection, jutting out proud and strong. Imposing. Smiling just a little, she swore she wouldn't blush, but she did.

  He laid the shirt out flat so it would dry. Then he joined her. This was just perfect—dry, warm, well, now things were beginning to get hot, surrounded by wildflowers, the scent of junipers, and the water, the sweet fragrance of the flowers, the smell of him—man and cougar combined.

  They kissed again under the blue, blue sky, only a smattering of white clouds high above as his mouth was hot against hers, his tongue quickly probing as if he wanted more, a deeper connection, to show this was only the beginning. Then he moved his leg in between hers, dominating, claiming, displaying his intent. She welcomed it—nothing permanent—just a special moment in her life that she would remember forever, instead of the real reason she was here, that her life needed protecting, that she had lost the bad guy, that her partner was in the hospital after what went down.

  Hal paused in his kissing her, and their gazes collided. He was watching her, and she realized she'd stopped responding, her fingers on his waist, her mouth open to his, but she had become lost in thought about what she wanted and her intent was not anything permanent.

  She took a deep breath and smiled a little, then tugge
d him down for another kiss. He must have thought she was rethinking this moment, and that she might not be ready for this now, if ever. But she wanted this, needed this, and was damn well going to have it.

  She lightly scratched his back with her nails as he stroked her breast with his hand, cupping, lifting, rubbing his palm over the sensitive nipple. His gaze trained on her breast, making her feel admired and beautiful.

  Wanting more, she locked her leg around his and rubbed her mound against his thigh, encouraging him to go further. He groaned and moved his hand lower, and began to stroke her sweet spot. His tongue circled her nipple, the warm breeze blowing on it, licking the flames higher, making her all the more sensitive.

  She loved it. Love being here with him. Loved the way he made her feel sexy and hot and totally desirable.

  She hoped she did that for him, because he was sexy and hot and totally desirable as her hands combed through his hair, the length just perfect, rugged looking, outdoorsy, not cut military or cop short. But sexy, like he was.

  As sensitive as her sense of smell was, she adored the smell of him—the way his hot and spicy pheromones kicked hers into a higher aroused state, the animal part of her that she valued, and she appreciated that it did the same to him.

  He continued to stroke her, continued to work her into a frenzy of emotions from need to want to raging desire. She was burning up, felt the tactile pleasure of his strokes on her clit pulling her heavenward, up and up, until she thought she'd burn up in the flames of the sun's brilliant fire.

  As if he knew she was nearly there, he stroked harder, plunged his tongue into her mouth, saying he needed to be in her at that moment. She sucked on his tongue, just as she came, loving him and this instant and the intimacy between them.

  The climax hit her like a burst of fireworks, hot, bright, and beautiful.

  He pressed the broad head of his erection between her folds and pushed in. But then he held still and cursed under his breath. In that instant, she knew exactly what he was concerned about.