Page 21 of Entrapment

  “Of course not. I do mind that you’re staying in a hotel. You have a home.”

  Pat’s cheeks rose and his nose scrunched. “Thanks, Mom. Baby steps for Dad.”

  Still holding my hand, Patrick tugged me toward the front of the restaurant.

  “Wait,” I said, stalling our exit. “What about my security?”

  “Little cousin, you’ve got me. I’m as badass as they get.”

  Part of me wanted to wait for Suzanna’s permission, but who the hell was that part of me? Not someone I wanted to be. I smiled up at Pat. “Damn right. I sure wouldn’t mess with you.” I reached playfully for his bicep. “Check out those guns.” I turned back to the table. “I’ll be back to the manor as soon as we’re done.”

  “Alexandria,” Suzanna said, “I’m not sure your father or Bryce—”

  “Have fun,” Gwen interrupted. “Be sure to tell Adelaide I said hello and let her know we’re praying for her.” Aunt Gwen waved us off as she turned back to Suzanna. “Have you decided on a caterer? You know I just adore…”

  A long black limousine pulled up to the curb the moment we stepped onto the sidewalk. Hurriedly, Patrick opened the door and rushed us inside.

  Taking in the spacious interior, I leaned my head back against the seat and sighed. It was the most free I’d felt in over a week. “Thanks, Pat. Are you trying to lose my detail? This kind of feels like it did when we were kids.”

  “Not quite. We aren’t going for ice cream or a movie.”

  “No, but for a few hours I’m not being watched.”

  With the car now moving, he looked out the back window. “I think we may have ditched them.”

  I shook my head. “Not for long. They’re bloodhounds.”

  “Do you have a new phone?”

  “Yes, I just got it yesterday. I don’t think you’re on my approved list of calls.”

  He shook his head. “Girl, why are you letting them do this? Is Aunt Adelaide that bad?”

  Tears moistened my vision. “She is. She was.”

  “She wouldn’t want you selling your soul.”

  “I’m not. I have a plan.”

  After a few turns right and left, the car came to a stop.

  Pat winked. “I have a plan, too. Let’s go up to my suite and then we’ll visit Aunt Adelaide.”

  “You’re right,” I conceded. “It’s not the same as ice cream, but I’ll take it.”

  “Before we do, can I see your new phone?”

  Furrowing my brow, I opened my purse. “You’re reminding me of Alton.”

  “Oh! Girl, never say that again.” He took the phone from my hand and laid it on the seat. “GPS. This is how they’re able to find you.”

  “And you don’t want them knowing I’m going to your room, because…”

  He handed me a key card. “Suite 2003. I figure twenty minutes to Magnolia Woods and twenty back. I’ll visit for an hour.” He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “Consider this an early wedding present.”

  I could hardly comprehend his words. “What are you saying?”

  Was he saying what I thought he was saying?

  “Go. He’s waiting. And take that chandelier off your finger.”

  “I-I can’t. They’ll know… somehow, they’ll know.”

  Pat shook his head. “You’re wasting time. And darling, you don’t want to make that gorgeous man wait.”

  As I dropped the diamond ring into my purse, I looked at the phone. “If they call… they will, Pat. I know it. Either Bryce or Alton will call.”

  He waved me out of the car and away. “I haven’t met a man I couldn’t handle.”

  Just before opening the door, I leaned over and hugged him. “I love you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I hear that from all the beautiful women. Sorry, sweetie, I’m happily taken.” He winked. “And so are you… go.”

  As I stepped from the car, I looked up and down the street. We weren’t at the front door of the Riverfront Hotel. The limousine had stopped at a side door. Touching the card to the sensor, the door opened. My heart rate increased as I went down a few stairs. Anticipation and fear mingled through my bloodstream as I stood before a bank of elevators.

  The whole experience was very covert. No front lobby or bellmen, by the time the elevator doors shut, I hadn’t even passed another guest.

  With each floor the elevator ascended, my destination became more real. Like a schoolgirl, my palms moistened and heartbeat quickened. I glanced toward the shiny doors wondering if I looked all right. When I’d dressed this morning, I never imagined it would be for a reunion. By the time the elevator stopped, my knees wobbled like jelly, stumbling my steps.

  The signs indicating room numbers were there—these rooms to the right and those to the left.

  I had the sensation of floating, not walking. It happened so suddenly I hadn’t had time to process. Nothing about the historic hotel registered, only room numbers as I searched for 2003. As I turned the final corner to the executive suite, the sound of voices—men’s voices—murmuring behind me came into range.

  One sound and my elation turned to dread.

  Oh God. The sign for 2003 was right before me, but if I stopped and they saw me, I could be leading them directly to Nox. I couldn’t do that.

  Taking a deep breath and accepting my fate, I passed my destination and continued to walk, slowing my steps, each one dragging until the men were directly behind me.


  “Yes?” I asked, turning their direction. They were both wearing matching navy jackets with golden emblems on the lapel.

  “Can we help you?”

  “No.” The word came out breathy as I expelled the air I’d been holding. “Thank you. I’m on my way to my room.”

  “If you need anything, just call.” And with that, they were gone, beyond me, moving quickly down the long hallway.

  As soon as they passed the bend, I turned around and hurried back to 2003.

  As the card neared the sensor, the green light appeared.

  Having the knowledge that I would again be face to face with Nox hadn’t prepared me for the reality. Seconds, hours, days, a week… it seemed like ages since we’d been together. One conversation was all we’d been able to manage, and now…

  My breathing hitched as the door opened.

  ELECTRICITY SURGED THROUGH me as Nox’s hand met mine, pulling me closer until nothing separated us but two layers of clothes I desperately wanted gone. I was engulfed in his embrace. His strong arms surrounded me as his spicy scent enveloped us like a cloud.


  The only word uttered rumbled to my core as our lips found their way back to where they belonged. Strong and possessive, his lips dominated, took, and gave. It was the way a kiss should be.

  I didn’t wait for his tongue to probe, as mine sought out his warmth.

  Moans and whimpers filled the suite as large hands tugged my hair, pulling my head backward and exposing my sensitive flesh. My body willingly surrendered and became putty in his hands and pliable to his touch. His midday scruff teased while his lips taunted.

  Buttons were but an obstacle as I pulled at his shirt, freeing each one until my fingers could roam his chest. Mine splayed as they sought the heat and definition that encased his thundering heart. The rhythm beat its mating call as his breathing labored. Soon, it wasn’t only his shirt that was gone: my dress was up and over my head, leaving my bra and panties as my only defense.

  His kisses and caresses stopped for only a moment as Nox held me at arm’s length, devouring me with his gaze. Unashamedly, his blue stare started at my high heels and slowly moved upward. Each moment was fire, burning my skin, leaving goose bumps in its wake until even my scalp prickled.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He turned me completely around. Once my circle was complete, he demanded, “Tell me he hasn’t hurt you.”

  I shook my head… “I’m here. I’m fine.” … all the time praying he wouldn’t notice my arm
. It hadn’t really discolored, but with Nox, anything was possible. The man had a sixth sense.

  Not wanting him to notice, I took a step closer and reached for his belt. “Please, make me forget everyone but you.”

  Nox stilled, suddenly becoming an ice statue. Coolness rolled off of him in waves. Too late, I realized how my plea had sounded. “No, Nox. Only the kiss. That was all. But take that away, please. Fill me with you. Give me the strength to go back.”

  “I don’t fucking want you going back.”

  I reached for his hand and pulled him toward what I hoped was a bedroom.

  The curtains within were closed, blocking out the Georgia afternoon sun. If I pretended, we could be anywhere: in any hotel, in any part of the world. We could be back in Del Mar, New York, or perhaps on the moon. I didn’t care, as long as I was with the man worshipping me, loving me, professing his love and admiration. Covering his lips with mine, I swallowed his words. They were meant for me. I’d keep them deep inside me, allowing them to fortify me when life couldn’t.

  I refused to think beyond us… beyond our bubble.

  The soft bed bowed to our weight as we fell together onto the comforter. There were things we needed to say and plans we needed to make, but none of that mattered as my body screamed for what only Nox could give.

  My bra disappeared as he captured and caressed my breasts. I writhed at his skillful touch. My nipples beaded as he sucked one and then the other. His lips moved lower, forever kissing, nipping, and biting until he was over my stomach.

  “Princess, I need to get you home to Lana’s cooking. Are they not feeding you?”

  I didn’t answer as his touch dominated my thoughts. Food wasn’t even on my radar. My focus was overtaken with the sensation of panties moving from my hips, to my knees, and then beyond.

  When had I taken off my shoes? I couldn’t remember.

  My legs willingly opened as he kissed my inner thighs.

  “I missed everything about you, princess. Your scent, your taste.”

  My nails gripped the comforter as Nox buried his head at my core. It had been so long. I wanted everything about this man, but what I desired most was what I’d yelled for in a California gas station. “Please, Nox. Please, fill me.”

  He moved upward. The woodsy scent of his cologne mixed with my essence on his lips created an intoxicating cloud as his blue eyes sparked and he hovered above me. “Say it.”

  Blood rushed to my cheeks as I obeyed. “I want your cock.”

  Without hesitation, he granted my wish. My back arched as my core conformed to his invasion. Whimpers echoed, bouncing against the walls and blending with moans as I welcomed the delicious stretch. In and out, Nox plunged. Over and over, we moved in sync, one pushing until the roles reversed. Together we soared upward until we were the only two at the top of the peak.

  In the distance there was a storm building, and yet neither of us was willing to seek shelter. Nox Demetri was the only refuge I desired. Surrendering to his expertise, I enjoyed the view as he thrust deeper and deeper, taking me beyond the mountain, higher up into the rumbling clouds. His broad shoulders strained as the tendons in his neck came to life. Muscle and definition encased this powerful man and I couldn’t get enough.

  I held on tight—to the bed, to him. He was both the wind beneath my wings and the anchor for my life’s journey. I couldn’t let go. Surely if I did, I’d fly away.

  “O-oh, Nox!”

  Beginning at my toes, my body stiffened, tighter and tighter until words no longer formed. Lightning and thunder from a late-night Georgia squall would never exude power like that of the eruption building within me.

  I lost my grip, surrendering to the strength. Sounds of satiation spilled from my lips as I gave in to the detonations clenching my core—once, twice, too numerous to count. They continued overtaking my body as they created a wave capable of complete destruction, a tsunami of orgasmic proportion.

  My mind was adrift with only us.

  As the seas began to calm, I floated above the water and below the clouds.

  I could go up or down, fly or swim. It wasn’t my decision. Faster and faster Nox thrust, bringing me higher, back to the stratosphere. My body and mind were no longer singular but willingly joined with his. One more surge, and then, all at once, the suite filled with a guttural growl, a roar that resonated from the depths of his soul. His broad shoulders relaxed and we both drifted back to earth.

  My entire body fell slack as Nox collapsed upon my chest, his thundering heart against mine. Pants and hums of satisfaction combined with our labored breathing until our hearts found their normal rhythm.

  With him over me, in me, and around me, I was safe and secure, encased in a Nox cocoon. It was exactly where I wanted to be. My lids fluttered as I imagined falling asleep in his arms.

  Easing out of me, Nox hovered above, shifting his weight to his elbows, and stared down into my eyes. I couldn’t look away; I didn’t want to.

  “Stay with me.”

  Just like that, the spell was broken.

  I pushed against his chest. “Nox, don’t.”

  He rolled to his side, his gorgeous body fully on display as he ran his hands through his hair. “Don’t? Do you fucking know what I went through to get you here?”

  I reached for the comforter and pulled. Covering myself, I retorted, “Do you have any idea of the risk I took coming here?”

  He sat up. “Charli, listen to me. Stay. We have everything set up for your mom and Isaac can get Chelsea. Don’t go back. Don’t put yourself at risk.”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking. I did what you said. I talked to Chelsea.” My chin dropped to my chest. “God, Nox, he’s hurt her.”

  Nox stood, his body rigid as his hands clenched to fists and the muscles and tendons in his arms bulged with the interior pressure. “Fuck this. You’re not going within one hundred feet of that bastard. He’s hurt Melissa and now Chelsea. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you go back. You’re not going to be next.”

  I stood, pulling the comforter with me. “I am. I don’t care what you say.”


  “You heard me. I’m sick of having everyone else decide what’s best for me. I love you, Lennox Demetri. If you love me, you’ll trust me.”

  “Trust me.”

  “I have. I do, but I know there’s more to this situation than meets the eye. I feel it. I’ve talked to Jane. My mom, she was on to something before she got sick. I don’t trust that bastard. Alton hurt her—I know it. And I don’t just mean the abuse she’s endured. I mean this illness. It’s wrong. I’m not walking away and letting him win.”

  Nox reached for my shoulders. “Then fight him—from New York. We should have a copy of the will soon. If not tonight, tomorrow.”

  My neck stiffened. “How?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Yes. It’s not electronic. How can you—”


  “Oren? You told Oren?”

  “Charli, there are a lot of things I need to tell you—some things I’ve just learned and other things I’ve known.”

  I looked down at my watch. “Now isn’t the time. I need to get back.” My neck straightened. “I am going back.”

  “Tomorrow night I’ll be on that road. Find a way there.”

  “I will. After what Chelsea told me, I can’t leave her. Somehow we’ll both get there.”

  Nox took a deep breath. “Fuck. She told you?”

  “She was emotional—”

  “Charli, you have to know that having her end up with Edward Spencer wasn’t the plan. It was supposed to be Severus Davis. It all happened so fast.”

  My stomach dropped as I clung to the comforter. “What did you just say? What do you mean it was supposed to be… Davis… that’s a name related to that Senate bill… right? The man at my party. Why? How?”

  “Your party? I don’t know, but yes, he’s a lobbyist. It was supposed to be controlled.”

>   “Shit, Nox.” My words slowed. “Supposed to be? Have her end up with? Please tell me you’re not talking about Infidelity.”

  His eyes widened as his Adam’s apple bobbed.

  “Lennox Demetri, what do you mean the plan? Did you lure my friend into Infidelity when you hate the damn company? Did you know what was happening to her all those months I was worried sick?”

  He turned away, rubbing his palms over his cheeks.

  “Answer me!”

  He spun back, his jaw set with navy blazing in his eyes. “Yes. It was a stupid decision on all of our parts. Yes, she’s in Infidelity. Yes, she has an agreement with Spencer. Yes, Deloris is the one who told her about it. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way.”

  The muscles of my throat squeezed, choking off my first response as my knees gave out. I sank to the edge of the bed. “Th-that’s what she meant when she said I’d told her to trust her. The her was Deloris. Oh God… I was part of it. You made me part of it.”

  “No. It was Chelsea’s decision. We’ve offered her an out. She wanted to stay for you…” He squared his shoulders. “…and for the money.”

  My head moved back and forth as I scanned the floor for my clothes. Heat filled my bloodstream and my temperature rose. I’d accused my best friend of wanting money. I’d meant the Carmichael money, not Infidelity’s.


  “I need to get dressed. I need to be ready when Patrick comes to get me. I can’t stay with you, not if she’s there… not if my mom is still there… I can’t leave if those bastards haven’t all paid for what they’ve done.”

  Nox reached again for my shoulders. “Charli—”

  “Don’t! This isn’t just about the last week. This is about more. You saw me suffering. Hell, you came back to New York to comfort me when I was devastated over Chelsea’s message and you knew! You didn’t just know… you were responsible.”

  “I didn’t know then. I found out… but not that night.”