32. 122.

  33. 130.

  34. 154

  35. 138.

  36. 148.

  37. 160.

  38. 178.

  39. Les Confessions, I, 238.

  40. Ibid.; The Confessions, I, 178.

  41. Ibid., 224.

  42. 195.

  43. Josephson, J.-J. Rousseau, III .

  44. Ibid., 113-14.

  45. The Confessions, I, 247, 250.

  46. Ibid., 259.

  47. 262.

  48. 265.

  49. Ibid.

  50. 296.

  51. 295.

  52. 300.

  53. Josephson, 132.

  54. Ibid., 133.

  55. The Confessions, 1,305.

  56. Letter of Frederick, 1762, in Gooch, Frederick the Great, 145.

  57. The Confessions, I, 309.

  58. Ibid., 310.

  59. Ibid., II, 139.

  60. Martin, Henri, Histoire de France, XVI, 83; Collins, J. C, Bolingbroke, and Voltaire in England, 209.

  61. Josephson, 140.

  62. Morley, John, Rousseau and His Era, I, 127; Hendel, C. W., Citizen of Geneva, 208.

  63. Diderot, Essai sur les règnes de Claude et Néron, Ch. 67.

  64. Marmontel, Memoirs, I, 321.

  65. The Confessions, II, 21.

  66. Ibid., 32.

  67. Rousseau, Discourse on Arts and Sciences, in Social Contract and Discourses, 130.

  68. Ibid., 132.

  69. 134.

  70. 134.

  71. 146.

  72. 151.

  73. 142.

  74. 151.

  75. 135.

  76. 139.

  77. 153.

  78. 153.

  79. Rousseau, preface to Narcisse.

  80. Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 371.

  81. Grimm, Correspondance litt é raire, IX, 49.

  82. Bayle, Pierre, Réponse aux questions d’un provincial.

  83. Rousseau, Reveries of a Solitary, Book VI, pp. 127-32.

  84. The Confessions, II, 21.

  85. Lemaître, 92.

  86. Letter of July 15, 1756, in Hendel, Citizen of Geneva, 142.

  87. Marmontel, Memoirs, I, 321.

  88. The Confessions, II, 34.

  89. Ibid., 48.

  90. 49.

  91. 51.

  92. 56; Goncourt, E. and J. de, Madame de Pompadour, 143.

  93. Faguet, Rousseau artiste, 192.

  94. Grimm, II, 307.

  95. Rousseau, Reveries, 111 .

  96. In Faguet, Rousseau artiste, 193.

  97. Musée, St.-Quentin.

  98. Levey, Michael, Painting in 18th-century Venice, 155.

  99. Marmontel, Memoirs, I, 169.

  100. Épinay, Mme. d’, Memoirs and Correspondence, II, 52.

  101. Ibid.; Masson, La Religion de Rousseau, I, 184-85.

  102. Preface to Narcisse.

  103. Masson, I, 182.

  104. Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 428.

  105. The Confessions, II, 63.

  106. Ibid., 58.

  107. Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, in Social Contract . . ., 157.

  108. Ibid., 159.

  109. 160.

  110. 239.

  111. Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra, 129.

  112. Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, loc. cit., 181.

  113. Ibid., 169.

  114. 175.

  115. 222.

  116. Rousseau, Social Contract, Book I, Ch. ii.

  117. Second Discourse, in Social Contract … , 214.

  118. Ibid., 207.

  119. 220-22.

  120. 238.

  121. 242-44.

  122. Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques, in Cas-sirer, The Question of Rousseau, 54.

  123. Second Discourse, loc. cit., 236.

  124. End of second Discourse.

  125. Mumford, Lewis, The Condition of Man, 275.

  126. Helvétius, Treatise on Man, II, xx.

  127. Duclos, Consid é rations sur les moeurs, 11.

  128. Lemaître, 122.

  129. Second Discourse, loc. cit., 175, 246.

  130. Voltaire, Works, XXIa, 227-30.

  131. Ibid.

  132. The Confessions, II, 65.

  133. Social Contract, 271.

  134. Ibid., 272.

  135. 281.

  136. 269.

  137. 262.

  138. 253.

  139. 260.

  140. 256.

  141. The Confessions, II, 40.

  142. Ibid.

  143. Masson, I, 181.

  144. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, II, 181.

  145. The Confessions, II, 40.

  146. Grimm, Correspondance, II, 239.

  147. Sainte-Beuve, II, 195n.

  148. Ibid., 180.

  149. 191.

  150. 213.

  151. Morley, Rousseau, I, 272.

  152. Macdonald, Frederika, Jean Jacques Rousseau, II, 83.

  153. Source lost.

  154. Toth, Karl, Woman and Rococo in France.

  155. Hobbes, De Corpore, Ch. xxv.

  156. Toth, 194; Josephson, 194; Faguet (Vie de Rousseau, 214) thought Mme. d’Épinay had been infected by Dupin de Francueil.

  157. Épinay, II, 85.

  158. Ibid., 130.

  159. Josephson, 149.

  160. The Confessions, II, 81.

  161. Ibid., 66.

  162. Letter to Malesherbes, Jan. 26, 1762.

  163. Épinay, II, 128; Sainte-Beuve, II, 187; Morley, Rousseau, I, 274.


  1. Frederick the Great, Mémoires, I, 4.

  2. Frederick the Great, Histoire de la guerre de Sept Ans, 388.

  3. Dorn, W. L., Competition for Empire, 306.

  4. Mahan, A. T., Influence of Sea Power upon History, 74.

  5. Aldis, Janet, Madame Geoffrin, 200.

  6. Goodwin, A., The European Nobility in the 18th Century, 113.

  7. Coxe, Wm., History of the House of Austria, III, 346.

  8. Walpole, H., Memoirs of … the Reign of George the Second, II, 73; Marmontel, Memoirs, I, 175.

  9. Carlyle, History of Friedrich the Second, V,72.

  10. Levron, Jacques, Pompadour, 174.

  11. Treitschke, H. von, Life of Frederick the Great, 149.

  12. Mann, Thos., Three Essays, 163.

  13. Dorn, Competition for Empire, 15.

  14. Treitschke, Frederick, 181.

  15. Carlyle, Friedrich, V, 263-69; Martin, H., Histoire de France, XV, 497; Reddaway, Frederick the Great, 198; Coxe, History of … Austria, III, 370.

  16. Reddaway, 199.

  17. Gooch, G. P., Frederick the Great, 334.

  18. Reddaway, 201.

  19. Dorn, 300; Cambridge Modern History, VI, 251.

  20. Gooch, Frederick, 334.

  21. CMH, VI, 402.

  22. Coxe, History of … Austria, III, 369.

  23. Ibid.

  24. Padover, The Revolutionary Emperor, 33.

  25. Gooch, Frederick, 43.

  26. Coxe, 379.

  27. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, II, 369; Carlyle, Friedrich, V, 479.

  28. Ibid., 523.

  29. 527.

  30. 534; Sainte-Beuve, II, 373

  31. Ibid., I, 219; Brandes, Voltaire, II, 77.

  32. Sainte-Beuve, II, 372.

  33. Martin, H., France, XV, 522.

  34. Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 402.

  35. Dorn, 323.

  36. Michelet, V, 402.

  37. Carlyle, VI, 22.

  38. Ibid., V, 547.

  39. Jahn, Life of Mozart, I, 47.

  40. Carlyle, VI, 42; Robinson, J. H., Readings in European History, 395.

  41. Macaulay, Critical and Historical Essays, II, 173.

  42. Acton, Lord, Lectures on Modern History, 297.

  43. Carlyle, VI, 63.

  44. Martin, XV, 527.

  45. Ibid., 528.

  46. Carlyle, VI, 63.

  47. Dorn, 338.

  48. Carlyle, VI, 115.

  49. CMH, VI, 290.

  50. Wilhelmine, Memoirs, vii.

  51. Ibid., ix.

  52. Frederick, Guerre de Sept Ans, 44.

  53. Carlyle, VI, 265.

  54. Coxe, History, III, 407.

  55. Voltaire and Frederick the Great, Letters, 259.

  56. Carlyle, VI, 322, 386.

  57. Martin, XV, 533.

  58. Dorn, 363.

  59. Voltaire and Frederick, Letters, 262; Carlyle, VI, 399.

  60. Martin, XV, 565.

  61. Voltaire and Frederick, Letters, 271.

  62. Coxe, III, 425.

  63. Dec. 25, 1761, by the Russian calendar.

  64. Frederick, Guerre de Sept Ans, 229.

  65. Ibid., 227.

  66. 295.

  67. Gooch, Frederick, 64.

  68. Frederick, Guerre de Sept Ans, 305.

  69. Macaulay, Essays, II, 185.

  70. Voltaire and Frederick, Letters, 245; Mann, Three Essays, 210.

  71. Gooch, Frederick, 64.

  72. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, II, 192.


  1. Du Hausset, Memoirs of Mme. de Pompadour, 97.

  2. Goncourts, Madame de Pompadour, 338-42.

  3. Ibid., 200.

  4. Aldis, Madame Geoffrin, 129.

  5. Lewis, D. B. Wyndham, Four Favorites, 42.

  6. Goncourts, Mme. de Pompadour, 317.

  7. Ibid., 319; Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, I, 451.

  8. Mitford, Nancy, Madame de Pompadour, 234.

  9. Levron, Jacques, Pompadour, 260.

  10. Bancroft, George, Literary and Historical Miscellanies, 91.

  11. See Stryienski, Eighteenth Century, 189.

  12. Mitford, Pompadour, 234.

  13. Ercole, Lucienne, Gay Court Life, 236.

  14. Mitford, 234-35.

  15. Taine, H., Ancient Regime, 338.

  16. Tocqueville, L’Ancien R é gime, 181-82; Martin, H., France, XVI, 236.

  17. Barnes, H. E., Economic History of the Western World, 253.

  18. Nussbaum, F. L., History of the Economic Institutions of Modern Europe, 213.

  19. Martin, H., Age of Louis XIV, I, 54.

  20. Mousnier and Labrousse, Le Dix-buiti ème Siècle, 135.

  21. Du Hausset, Memoirs, 27.

  22. Voltaire, Age of Louis XIV, 352.

  23. Rousseau, La Nouvelle Hélo ï se, in Du-cros, Louis, French Society in the 18th Century, 193.

  24. Parton, James, Life of Voltaire, II, 329.

  25. Voltaire, Works, Vllb, 56.

  26. Goldoni, Memoirs, 359.

  27. Taine, Ancient Regime, 308.

  28. Cru, R. L., Diderot as a Disciple of English Thought, 61.

  29. Ducros, French Society, 325.

  30. Martin, H., France, XVI, 163; Acton, Lectures on Modern History, 326.

  31. Higgs, Henry, The Physiocrats, 18.

  32. Say, Léon, Turgot, 47, 67.

  33. Turgot, Éloge de Gournai, in Martin, France, XVI, 165.

  34. Mirabeau père in Higgs, 21

  35. Higgs, 24.

  36. Wolf, A., History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the 18th Century, 730.

  37. Higgs, 37.

  38. Warwick, C. F., Mirabeau and the French Revolution, 146.

  39. Higgs, 68.

  40. In Sè e, Henri, Les Id ées politiques en France au xviiie siècle, 161.

  41. Pomeau, René, La Religion de Voltaire, 405.

  42. Hume, letter to Morellet, July 10, 1769.

  43. Voltaire, Works, lb, 247-48, 265.

  44. In Gay, P.eter, Voltaire’s Politics, 169n.

  45. Smith, Adam, Wealth of Nations, Book IV, Ch. ix.

  46. Higgs, 135.

  47. In Frankel, Charles, The F’aith of Reason, 121.

  48. Bury, J. B., The Idea of Progress, 157.

  49. Say, Turgot, 27.

  50. Dakin, Turgot, 10.

  51. Say, 29.

  52. Dakin, 19.

  53. Turgot, Reflections on the Formation and the Distribution of Wealth, No. 6.

  54. Ibid., No. 68.

  55. See The Age of Voltaire, Ch. xviii, Sec. 111.

  56. Morelly, Code de la nature, in Hearn-shaw, F. J., ed., Social and Political Ideas of Some Great French Thinkers of the Age of Reason, 224.

  57. In Tocqueville, L’Ancien R é gime, 173.

  58. Martin, H., France, XVI, 147.

  59. In Martin, Kingsley, The Rise of French Liberal Thought, 254.

  60. Ibid.

  61. 256.

  62. Taiman, J. L., Origins of Totalitarian Democracy, 58.

  63. Hazard, Paul, European Thought in the 18th Century, 178.

  64. Hearnshaw, 238.

  65. Jaurè s, Jean, Histoire socialiste de la R évolution fran ç aise, I, 158.

  66. Martin, Kingsley, 247.

  67. Hearnshaw, 243.

  68. Ibid., 244.

  69. Mornet, Daniel, Les Origines intellectuelles de la R évolution fran ç aise, 233.

  70. Hearnshaw, 217.

  71. Marquis D’Argenson in Taine, Ancient Regime, 82.

  72. Crocker, L. G., The Embattled Philosopher, 78.

  73. Ducros, 81.

  74. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century, I, 452.

  75. Loomis, Stanley, Du Barry, 33.

  76. Ibid., 57.

  77. Ercole, 263-66.

  78. Parton, II, 394.

  79. Loomis, Du Barry, 175.

  80. Michelet, Histoire, V, 454.

  81. Diderot, Salons, in Oeuvres complètes, II, 357.

  82. Loomis, 89.

  83. Lefebvre, Coming of the French Revolution, 41.

  84. Stryienski, Eighteenth Century, 162.

  85. Ibid., 163.

  86. Lecky, W. E., History of England in the 18th Century, V, 327.

  87. Voltaire, Works, XVIa, 234.

  88. Ibid., 232.

  89. 236.

  90. Dorn, 352.

  91. Voltaire, XVIa, 231.

  92. Ibid., 226.

  93. Cobban, A., History of Modern France, I, 127.

  94. Voltaire, XVIa, 227.

  95. See Age of Voltaire, pp. 765 f.

  96. Martin, H., France, XVI, 243.

  97. Ibid.

  98. Voltaire, letter to Thieriot, Aug. 9, 1769.

  99. Crocker, Embattled Philosopher, 352.

  100. Martin, H., XVI, 281.

  101. Ibid.

  102. 283.

  103. Voltaire, letter to Mignot, June 24, 1771.

  104. Crocker, Embattled Philosopher, 352.

  105. Walpole, H., letters of Oct. 19 and 28, 1765.

  106. Collins, J. C, Bolingbroke . . .47; Cum-ming, Ian, Helvétius, 168.

  107. Grimm, Correspondance, January, 1768.

  108. Loomis, 131.

  109. Ibid., 140.

  110. Du Hausset, Memoirs, 36.

  111. Ibid.

  112. Loomis, 151.

  113. Martin, H., France, XVI, 308.

  114. Loomis, 154.


  1. Funck-Brentano, F. (L’Ancien R égime, 180), gives another form: “Qui n’a pasvécu avant 1789 n’a pas connu la douceurde vivre.”

  2. Wilson, A. M., Diderot: The Testing Years, 135.

  3. Hazard, European Thought, 256.

  4. Goncourts, Woman of the 18th Century, 112.

  5. Crébillon fils, The Sofa, introduction.

  6. Ségur, Julie de Lespinasse, 237.

  7. Goncourts, Woman, 143.

  8. Ibid., 142; Michelet, Histoire, V, 454.

  9. Ellis, Havelock, Sexual Inversion, 207.

  10. Westermarck, Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas, II, 482.

  11. Rousseau, Émile, 145.

  12. Smollett, Travels through France and Italy, Letter xv.

  13. Toth, Woman and Rococo, 271.

  14. Cas
anova, Memoirs, I, 51.

  15. Boehn, Modes and Manners, IV, 196.

  16. Ibid., 211.

  17. Ducros, French Society, 340.

  18. La Fontainerie, French Liberalism and Education, 63.

  19. Vigée-Lebrun, Mme., Memoirs, 27.

  20. Láng, Music in Western Civilization, 722.

  21. Jahn, Life of Mozart, I, 38.

  22. Rolland, Essays in Music, 194.

  23. Voltaire, M élanges litt é raires, in Tiersot, Jean, Gluck and the Encyclopedists.

  24. Goncourts, Woman, 87.

  25. Taine, Ancient Regime, 154.

  26. Herold, Love in Five Temperaments, 264.

  27. Ibid., 267.

  28. 277.

  29. Diderot, Paradox of Acting, 15.

  30. Herold, Love in Five Temperaments, 281.

  31. Ibid., p. 288.

  32. 326.

  33. Mornet, Origines intellectuelles, 121.

  34. In Aldis, Madame Geoffrin, 223.

  35. Marmontel, Memoirs, I, 102, 120.

  36. Marmontel, Moral Tales, I, 18.

  37. In Martin, Kingsley, Rise of French Liberal Thought, 101.

  38. Hazard, 63.

  39. Brunetiè re, Manual of the History of French Literature, 371.

  40. Faniel, French Art of the 18th Century, 119D.

  41. Litchfield, Illustrated History of Furniture, 240.

  42. This statue has disappeared.

  43. Letter of May 11, 1770.

  44. Grimm, Correspondance, VII, 23.

  45. Diderot, Salons, I, 370.

  46. Louvre. Another form in Huntington Art Gallery, San Marino, Calif.

  47. Louvre.

  48. Huntington Art Gallery.

  49. Louvre.

  50. In Muther, History of Modern Painting, I, 98.

  51. Ibid.

  52. Dilke, Lady E., French Architects and Sculptors of the 18th Century, 36.

  53. Diderot, Dialogues, 163.

  54. Vigée-Lebrun, 160.

  55. Both in the Louvre.

  56. Goncourts, French 18th-Century Painters, 213.

  57. Ibid., 233.

  58. Prado.

  59. Turin.

  60. Victoria and Albert Museum.

  61. Musée Condé, Chantilly.

  62. National Gallery, Edinburgh.

  63. Goncourts, French Painters, 216.

  64. Louvre.

  65. Louvre.

  66. Wallace Collection.

  67. Louvre.

  68. Diderot, Salons, I, 243.

  69. Louvre.

  70. Goncourts, 224.

  71. Ibid., 228.

  72. 239.

  73. École des Beaux-Arts, Paris.

  74. Goncourts, 266.

  75. Catalogue of the Fragonard Exhibition, Bern, 1954, Plate XIII.

  76. Diderot, Salons, I, 544.

  77. Leningrad.

  78. All in the Louvre.

  79. Louvre.

  80. Louvre.

  81. Hume in Mossner, Life of David Hume, 449.

  82. Aldis, 11.

  83. Batiffol, The Great Literary Salons, 155.