8. Plumb, J. H., Men and Places , 11.
9. Namier, Structure of Politics , 77-79.
10. Ibid ., 150.
11. Lecky, III, 171.
12. Blackstone, Sir W., Commentaries on the Laws of England , 17 (p. 50 of orig. ed.).
13. Namier, Crossroads of Power , 133.
14. Thackeray, The Four Georges , 62.
15. CF . Butterfield, George III and the Historians , 175; Morley, John, Burke: A Historical Study , 9.
16. Lecky, III, II; Namier in History Today , September, 1953, p. 615.
17. Watson, J. S., The Reign of George III, 6.
18. Age of Voltaire , Ch. iii, Sec. IX; present volume, Ch. ii, Secs. II, IV.
19. Walpole, Horace, Memoirs of The reign of George III , II, 331.
20. Burke, Edmund, speech on American Taxation, in Speeches and Letters on American Affairs , 28.
21. Burke, Vindication of Natural Society , 9.
22. Ibid .
23. 12-20.
24. 20.
25. 22.
26. 44.
27. 21.
28. 48.
29. 50.
30. Morley, John, Burke, 13.
31. Vindication, 4 (preface).
32. Burke, On Taste, and On the Sublime and Beautiful, 45 f.
33. Ibid.
34. 93.
35. 95.
36. Macaulay, Essays, I, 454.
37. Morley, Burke, 30.
38. Ibid., 104.
39. Boswell, Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, 141.
40. Stephen, Sir Leslie, History of English Thought in the 18th Century, I, 222.
41. Parliamentary History, XXXVII, 363, in Buckle, H. T., An Introd. to the History of Civilization in England, I, 327.
42. Piozzi, Hester Thrale, Anecdotes of the Late Samuel Johnson, 138.
43. Morley, Burke, 107.
44. In Cambridge History of English Literature, XI, 9.
45. Enc. Brit., XI, 644d.
46. Moore, Thomas, Memoirs of the Life of Sheridan, I, 78.
47. Drinkwater, John, Charles James Fox, 9, 11.
48. Staël, Mme. de, Germany, I, 277.
49. Thackeray, Four Georges, 87.
50. Enc. Brit., IX, 568b.
51. Drinkwater, 195.
52. Walpole, Horace, Letters, Feb. 4, 1778.
53. Lecky, III, 468.
54. Gibbon, Edward, Memoirs, 54.
55. National Gallery, London; Dulwich College; National Gallery, Washington.
56. Moore, Sheridan, I, 17.
57. The Rivals, Act I, Sc. ii.
58. Ibid., Ill, iii.
59. In Taine, H., English Literature, 355.
60. Enc. Brit., XVII, 973b.
61. Wilson, P. W., William Pitt, 58.
62. Dorn, W. L., Competition for Empire , 75.
63. Walpole, letter of Oct. 31, 1760.
64. Laski, Harold, Political Thought in England, Locke to Bentham, 144.
65. Butterfield, George III, 173.
66. Lecky, III, 61.
67. Macaulay, Essays, I, 431.
68. Wilson, William Pitt, 44.
69. Gibbon, Edward, Journal, 145.
70. Enc. Brit., XXIII, 602b.
71. Ibid.
72. Sherwin, A Gentleman of Wit and Fashion: The Life and Times of George Selwyn, 47-53.
73. Jefferson, D. W., Eighteenth-Century Prose, 140.
74. Walpole, Memoirs of Reign of George III, I, 248.
75. Enc. Brit., XXIII, 603d.
76. Walpole, Reign of George III, I, 263.
77. Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica and France, 5.
78. Walpole, Reign of George III, III, 239.
79. Lecky, III, 151.
80. S. MacCoby, ed., The English Radical Tradition, 2.
81. Lecky, III, 175-76.
82. Ibid., 152.
83. MacCoby, 2.
84. Lecky, III, 153.
85. Junius, Letters, 3-6.
86. Junius, letter of Nov. 29, 1769.
87. Letters, pp. 134, 148.
88. Ibid., p. 29.
89. Lecky, II, 468.
90. Walpole, Reign of George III, IV, 78; Lecky, III, 143.
91. MacCoby, 31.
92. Enc. Brit., XXIII, 603d.
93. CMH, VIII, 714.
94. Lecky, III, 268.
95. Ibid., 300.
96. Watson, Reign of George III, 174.
97. Ashton, 158; Traill, V, 115.
98. Hammond, J. L. and Barbara, Rise of Modern Industry, 32.
99. Lecky, III, 299.
100. Drinkwater, 94.
101. CMH, VIII, 521.
102. Lecky, III, 331.
103. Beard, Charles and Mary, Rise of American Civilization, I, 212.
104. Peterson, Houston, Treasury of the World’s Great Speeches, 102-22.
105. Lecky, III, 530.
106. Ibid., 531.
107. 545.
108. Peterson, 143-46.
109. CHE, IX, 6.
110. Sherwin, 205.
111. Burke, Speeches and Letters on American Affairs, 84.
112. Ibid., 118-19.
113. Drinkwater, 145.
114. Walpole, letter of Sept. 11, 1775.
115. Lecky, IV, 82.
116. Churchill, Sir Winston, History of the English-Speaking Peoples, II, 116.
117. Lecky, IV, 221.
118. Namier, Crossroads, 130.
119. Enc. Brit., V, 833d.
120. Namier, Crossroads, 164.
121. Walpole, letter of Mar. 5, 1772.
122. Lecky, III, 491.
123. CMH, VI, 570.
124. Ibid., 572.
125. 578-80.
126. Walpole, letter of Mar. 2, 1773.
127. Wilson, William Pitt, 171.
128. Morley, Burke, 33; Namier, Crossroads, 165-67.
129. Watson, Reign of George III, 319.
130. Morley, Burke, 125.
131. G. G. S., Life of R. B. Sheridan, 113.
132. Macaulay, Essays, I, 633.
133. Peterson, Great Speeches, 179.
134. Gibbon, Memoirs, 334.
135. Macaulay, I, 644.
136. Burke, Observations on the State of the Nation (1769), in Lecky, V, 335n.
137. Burke, speech on “Relief of Protestant Dissenters” (1773), in Morley, Burke, 69.
138. Wilson, William Pitt, 226.
139. Stephen, English Thought in the 18th Century, I, 279.
140. Lecky, V, 449; Wilson, 235.
141. Burke, Reflections on the French Revolution, 8.
142. Enc. Brit., IV, 418c.
143. Burke, Reflections, 35.
144. Ibid., 18 f.
145. 36.
146. 73.
147. Enc. Brit., IV, 418d.
148. CHE, X, 285.
149. Morley, Burke, 179.
150. Ibid., 15.
151. Burke, Reflections, 93.
152. Ibid., 6.
153. CHE, XI, 11.
154. Letter to a Member of the National Assembly, in Reflections, 279.
155. Burke, 87.
156. Lecky, III, 218-19; Stephen, English Thought in the 18th Century, I, 251-52; Laski, 159, 171.
157. Laski, 147.
158. Sherwin, Selwyn, 275.
159. Taine, English Literature, 416.
160. Wilson, 325.
161. G. G. S., Life of Sheridan, 155.
1. Eckermann and Soret, Conversations with Goethe, Mar. 12, 1827.
2. Lecky, England in the 18th Century, VI, 139.
3. Quennell, Everyday Things, 93.
4. George, London Life, 103.
5. Quennell, 90.
6. George, 26.
7. Boswell, Hebrides, 31.
8. Lecky, VI, 153.
9. Nussbaum, History of Economic Institutions, 128.
10. Boswell, Life of Johnson, 1, 781.
11. Sherwin, George Selwyn, 34.
12. I
bid., 125.
13. Drinkwater, Charles James Fox, 13.
14. Lecky, VI, 152.
15. Boswell, Johnson, 978.
16. Age of Voltaire, Ch. ii, Sec. VI.
17. Wealth of Nations, II, 276.
18. Stephen, English Thought, I, 421.
19. Besant, London, 282-83.
20. Sherwin, 288.
21. Vicar of Wakefield, Ch. xxiv.
22. Boswell, Johnson, 338.
23. Lecky, VI, 268; Drinkwater, 131.
24. Lecky, VI, 269.
25. Boswell, Johnson, 846.
26. Walpole, Mar. 22, 1780.
27. CMH, VI, 187.
28. Buckle, An Introd. to the History … of England, I, 321n.
29. George, London Life, 135.
30. Botsford, J. B., English Society in the 18th Century, 332 f.
31. Blackstone, Commentaries, 128-29.
32. Enc. Brit., XX, 780a.
33. Ibid., 780d.
34. Faÿ, Bernard, Franklin, 77.
35. Mowat, Age of Reason, 61.
36. Quennell, 9.
37. Watson, P. B., Some Women of France, 77.
38. Walpole, Memoirs of the Reign of George III, IV, 158.
39. Boswell, Johnson, 597.
40. Burke, Reflections, 86.
41. Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy . . ., 184.
42. Robertson, Short History of Freethought, II, 206.
43. Boswell in Holland, 62.
44. Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, V, 554.
45. Faÿ, La Franc-Maçonnerie, 273.
46. Age of Voltaire, pp. 528, 580.
47. Cowper, The Task, ii, lines 378-94.
48. Stephen, English Thought, II, 375.
49. Walpole, June 3, 1780.
50. Walpole, June 7, 1780.
51. June 16, 1780.
52. Lecky, V, 189.
53. Sir F. D. McKinnon, in Turberville, Johnson’s England, II, 289.
54. Bentham, Jeremy, A Fragment on Government, 22.
55. Blackstone, Commentaries, Vol. I, p. 3.
56. Commentaries (orig. ed.), Book I, Ch. vii.
57. Commentaries (1914 ed.), Vol. II, p. 129.
58. Lecky, VI, 261.
59. Ibid., 255-58; Turberville, I, 17-21; Johnson, The Idler, Jan. 6, 1759.
60. Besant, London, 608.
61. Bentham, Fragment, 10.
62. Ibid.
63. Ch. iv, No. 20.
64. Bentham, Fragment, 3.
65. Ibid., 56.
66. Age of Voltaire, 139, 149, 529,687.
67. Mack, M. P., Jeremy Bentham, 102-5.
68. Bentham, Introduction to Principles of Morals and Legislation, 189.
69. Clark, G. N., Seventeenth Century, 127.
70. Davidson, W. L., Political Thought in England: The Utilitarians, 26.
71. Turberville, II, 178.
72. Mantzius, Karl, History of Theatrical Art, V, 388.
73. Krutch, Samuel Johnson, 272.
74. Barton, Margaret, Garrick, 53.
75. Ibid., 59.
76. 50.
77. Burney, Fanny, Diary, 12.
78. Hawkins, Sir John, Life of Samuel Johnson, 189.
79. Pearson, Hesketh, Johnson and Boswell, 282.
80. Johnson, Samuel, Works, I, 196.
81. Krutch, 37.
82. George, London Life, 288.
83. Boswell: The Ominous Years, 118.
84. Turberville, I, 195.
85. George, London, 171.
86. Ibid., 24.
87. Turberville, I, 171.
88. Boswell’s London Journal, 81.
89. Boswell, Johnson, 733.
1. Geiringer, Haydn, 95.
2. Ibid., 103.
3. Burney, Charles, History of Music, II, 868.
4. Walpole, June 23, 1789.
5. National Portrait Gallery, London.
6. Burney, II, 9.
7. Sherwin, Selwyn, 110.
8. Lewis, W. S., Horace Walpole, 107.
9. Turberville, II, 110.
10. Dillon, Glass, 299.
11. Samuel Smiles in Mantoux, Industrial Revolution, 385.
12. London, Royal Academy of Arts.
13. Turberville, II, 10.
14. Ibid., 91.
15. Wilson, William Pitt, 97.
16. Collection of Lady Ford.
17. Greenwich, Eng., National Maritime Museum.
18. London, National Gallery. (Unallocated pictures are in private collections.)
19. National Portrait Gallery.
20. Ibid.
21. Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Portraits, 110 .
22. National Portrait Gallery.
23. Ibid.
24. San Marino, Calif., Huntington Art Gallery.
25. Waterhouse, Reynolds, 110 .
26. Ibid., 127.
27. 79.
28. 87.
29. 63.
30. 267.
31. 291; London, National Gallery.
32. Waterhouse, 57.
33. Wallace Collection, London.
34. Reynolds, Fifteen Discourses, 3.
35. Wilenski, R. H., English Painting, 150.
36. Reynolds, Portraits, 167.
37. Boswell, Johnson, 651.
38. National Portrait Gallery.
39. Royal Academy of Arts.
40. Reynolds, Fifteen Discourses, 78 (Discourse VI), 8 (1).
41. Ibid., 7 (I).
42. 14 (II).
43. Ibid.
44. 30 (III).
45. Ibid.
46. 264 (XV).
47. Wilenski, 113.
48. Allan Cunningham in Clark, B. H., Great Short Biographies, 789.
49. Gillet, Louis, La Peinture, xviie et xviiie siècles, 416.
50. Washington, National Gallery.
51. Edinburgh, National Gallery.
52. Millar, Oliver, Thomas Gainsborough, 11.
53. Clark, B. H., Biographies, 796.
54. Craven, Thomas, Treasury of Art Masterpieces, 214.
55. Reynolds, Fifteen Discourses, 230 (xiv).
56. Waterhouse, Gainsborough, 36.
57. Pijoan, Joseph, History of Art, III, 479.
58. Reynolds, Fifteen Discourses, 227 (xiv).
1. Lecky, England in the 18th Century, IV, 314.
2. New CMH, VIII, 28.
3. Ibid., 714.
4. Lecky, IV, 317.
5. D’Alton, E. A., History of Ireland, IV, 545; Enc. Brit., X, 659d.
6. Faÿ, La Franc-Maçonnerie, 399.
7. Smith, Adam, Wealth of Nations, I, 70.
8. Johnson, Works, II, 271, 345.
9. Boswell, Hebrides, 135.
10. Enc. Brit., XX, 169d.
11. Snyder, F. B., Life of Robert Burns, 189.
12. Age of Voltaire, 184.
13. Ibid., 507-86.
14. 586-602.
15. 139-61.
16. Reid, Thomas, Works, I, 7, 81, 91.
17. Ibid., 12.
18. 106.
19. Hume, David, Treatise of Human Nature, I, 254.
20. Reid, Works, 423.
21. Boswell’s Journal, Sept. 16, 1769 (Boswell in Search of a Wife, 293).
22. London National Portrait Gallery.
23. Edinburgh National Gallery.
24. Private Collection.
25. Carlyle, Schiller, 103.
26. Walpole, July 11, 1759.
27. Gibbon, Memoirs, 122.
28. Stewart, Dugald, Life of Robertson (1811), 305.
29. Gibbon, Memoirs, Appendix 22, p. 296.
30. Black, Art of History, 15.
31. Brandes, Goethe, I, 84.
32. See The Age of Faith, 498.
33. Thomson, Derick, The Gaelic Sources of Macphersorfs “Ossian,” 4-5, 80.
34. Macpherson, James, Poems, 40 (Fingal, Book I).
35. Ibid., 49, 52, 54.
36. 415-16.
37. J
ohnson, Works, XII, 375; Boswell, Hebrides, 163.
38. Boswell, Johnson, 496.
39. Thomson, Derick, 16 f.
40. Buckle, lb, 347.
41. Smith, Adam, Moral and Political Philosophy, 75.
42. Ibid., 255.
43. 191.
44. Laski, Political Thought in England, 99, 101, 188; see also Age of Voltaire, 155.
45. Smith, Wealth of Nations, II, 107.
46. Ibid., 113.
47. 121.
48. See Age of Voltaire, 138.
49. Wealth of Nations, II, 180.
50. Ibid., I, 26, 29.
51. I, 119.
52. 129.
53. 129.
54. 42.
55. 75, 2.
56. 73.
57. 72, 345.
58. Rosebery, Lord, Pitt, 4.
59. Waterhouse, Reynolds, 329.
60. Burns’s autobiographical letter to John Moore, in Neilson, W. A., Robert Burns, I.
61. In Snyder, Burns, 54.
62. Ibid., 67.
63. 67.
64. 239.
65. See “The Ordination.”
66. Witte, Schiller and Burns, 10.
67. Hill, J. C, Love Songs and Heroines of Robert Burns, vii-x.
68. Burns, Robert, Works, I, 85, 75.
69. Ibid., 101.
70. Witte, Schiller and Burns, 10.
71. “The Rigs o’ Barley.”
72. Burns, Works, I, 85, 77.
73. Ibid., 50.
74. Brown, Hilton, There Was a Lad, 23, 50.
75. Carlyle, Essay on Burns, in Works, XIII, 294-96.
76. Burns, Works, 1,162.
77. Keith, Christina, The Russet Coat, 81.
78. Burns, Works, I, 141.
79. Brown, Hilton, 26.
80. Snyder, 297.
81. Ibid., 308.
82. Hill, J. C, 102.
83. Snyder, 360, 374, 379, 390.
84. Burns, Robert, and Mrs. Dunlop, Correspondence, II, viii.
85. Burns, Works, I, 24.
86. Currie, James, Life of Robert Burns, in Burns, Works, II, 58.
87. Robert Chambers in Snyder, 432.
88. Snyder, 432-35.
89. Ibid., 430.
90. Boswell’ London Journal, 108.
91. Pearson, 107.
92. Boswell’ London Journal, 66.
93. Ibid., 93.
94. 66.
95. 93.
96. 137.
97. 206-9.
98. Boswell on the Grand Tour: Germany and Switzerland, 44.
99. Boswell, Johnson, 237-40.
100. Boswell’s London Journal, 251, 281.
101. Boswell in Holland, Sept. 18, 1763.
102. Ibid., 387-90.
103. 46.
104. 157.
105. 259-61.
106. 314.
107. 328.
108. 330.
109. 349.
110. 368.
111. Boswell on the Grand Tour: Germany, 134.
112. Ibid., 117.
113. 164-66.
114. 241.
115. Boswell in Search of a Wife, 24.