84. Dakin, 221.

  85. Say, 185-91.

  86. Dakin, 263; Martin, H., France, XVI, 379.

  87. Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 480.

  88. Say, 43.

  89. Warwick, Mirabeau and the French Revolution, 104. On L’Hôpital see The Age of Reason Begins, 337-45.

  90. Jaurès, Jean, Histoire socialiste de la Révolution française, I, 159.

  91. Martin, H., France, XVI, 387.

  92. Taine, Ancient Regime, 302.

  93. Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 488.

  94. Campan, Mme., 1,181.

  95. Tocqueville, 191.

  96. Lecky, History of England in the 18th Century, V, 39-41.

  97. Padover, Louis XVI, 108; Martin, H., France, XVI, 416.

  98. Becker, Carl, The Heavenly City of the 18th-Century Philosophers, 77.

  99. Lecky, IV, 50.

  100. History Today, October, 1957, 659.

  101. Martin, H., France, XVI, 428.

  102. Morris, R. B., The Peacemakers, 104-7.

  103. CMH, VIII, 93.

  104. Gooch, Catherine the Great, 97.

  105. Martin, H., France, XVI, 500-1.

  106. Ibid., 504.

  107. Mahan, A. T., Influence of Sea Power upon History, 337.

  108. Morris, Peacemakers, 178-81.

  109. Lecky, IV, 256-59.

  110. Ibid.

  111. Morris, 277.

  112. Ibid., 461.

  113. Tocqueville, 155.

  114. Ibid., 119.


  1. Parton, Life of Voltaire, II, 491.

  2. Ibid., 496.

  3. Pomeau, La Religion de Voltaire, 427.

  4. Chaponniére, Voltaire chez les calvinistes, 262.

  5. Faguet, Literary History of France, 508.

  6. Lanson, Gustave, Voltaire, 158.

  7. Torrey, N. L., The Spirit of Voltaire, 150.

  8. Brandes, Voltaire, II, 317.

  9. Wagnière in Parton, II, 564.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Note to Walpole, Letters, VII, 35.

  12. Brandes, Voltaire, II, 322; Parton, II, 367.

  13. Desnoiresterres, Voltaire et la société française, VIII, 199-200; Campan, I, 323; Martin, H., Histoire de France, XVI, 393.

  14. Parton, Life of Voltaire, II, 568.

  15. Brandes, II, 324.

  16. Pomeau, 263.

  17. Noyes, Voltaire, 583.

  18. Pomeau, 307.

  19. Desnoiresterres, VIII, 230.

  20. Lanson, Voltaire, 200.

  21. Desnoiresterres, VIII, 232-33.

  22. Ibid., 235.

  23. 236.

  24. 245.

  25. Wiener, Leo, Anthology of Russian Literature, I, 357.

  26. Noyes, 600.

  27. Brandes, Voltaire, II, 336.

  28. Ibid., 337.

  29. Desnoiresterres, VIII, 283-91.

  30. Vigée-Lebrun, Memoirs, 199.

  31. Ducros, French Society in the 18th Century, 121.

  32. Desnoiresterres, VIII, 302.

  33. Ibid., 306; Brandes, Voltaire, II, 340.

  34. Strachey, Lytton, Books and Characters, 12m.

  35. Brandes, II, 341.

  36. Desnoiresterres, VIII, 334, 365.

  37. Pomeau, 447.

  38. Desnoiresterres, VIII, 359.

  39. Ibid., 366; Créqui, Marquise de, Souvenirs, 235n.

  40. Brandes, Voltaire, II, 348.

  41. Gooch, Catherine the Great, 70.

  42. In Brandes, Voltaire, II, 94n.; the order has been slightly changed.

  43. Ibid., 354.

  44. Parton, II, 494.

  45. Voltaire, La Guerre de Genève, in Josephson, Rousseau, 479.

  46. Hendel, Charles, Citizen of Geneva, 92.

  47. Josephson, 481.

  48. Hendel, Citizen, 98.

  49. Ibid., 99 (letter of Oct. 10, 1769).

  50. Ibid., 101 (letter of Jan. 17, 1770).

  51. See Age of Voltaire, 565.

  52. Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 485.

  53. Morley, Rousseau, II, 156.

  54. Josephson, 495.

  55. Rousseau, The Confessions, II, end.

  56. Josephson, 501.

  57. Ibid.

  58. Desnoiresterres, VII, 488:

  59. Vaughn, C. E., Political Writings of Rousseau, II, 445.

  60. Ibid., 376, 381.

  61. Rousseau, Rousseau juge de Jean-Jacques, p. x.

  62. Ibid., 19.

  63. 64-67.

  64. 120, 124.

  65. 117-18.

  66. 292, 302, 327.

  67. Third Dialogue.

  68. Rousseau Juge , 319 f.

  69. Josephson, 508.

  70. Reveries of a Solitary , Ninth Promenade.

  71. Josephson, 518.

  72. Masson, P. M., La Religion de Rousseau , II, 213-15, 301-2.

  73. Ibid ., 246.

  74. Josephson, 502; Faguet, Vie de Rousseau , 399.

  75. Josephson, 527.

  76. Babbitt, Irving, Spanish Character and Other Essays , 225.

  77. Cassirer, The Question of Rousseau , 39.

  78. Lemaître, Rousseau , 247.

  79. Lanson, Histoire de La Littérature Française , 798.

  80. Goethe, Truth and Fiction , II, 236.

  81. Schiller, “Rousseau,” in Poems , 25. In Works .

  82. In Maritain, Three Reformers , 225.

  83. Collection complète Des Oeuvres , I, 186.

  84. Cassirer, Question of Rousseau , 39.

  85. Pomeau, 340.

  86. Masson, P. M., La Religion de Rousseau , III, 239-44.

  87. Ibid ., 74.

  88. In Morley, Rousseau and His Era , II, 273.

  89. Masson, La Religion , III, 227.

  90. Burke, “Letter to a Member of the National Assembly,” in Reflections on The French Revolution, 262 .

  91. Taine, Ancient Regime , 317.

  92. Lemaître, 361.

  93. Lanson, Histoire de la littérature Fran-çaise, 798.

  94. Crocker, The Embattled Philosopher , 310.

  95. Ségur, Julie de Lespinasse , 402.

  96. Letter of Feb. 27, 1777, in Hazard, European Thought , 323.

  97. Ford, Miriam de, Love Children , 212.

  98. Havens, Age of Ideas , 351.

  99. Crocker, Embattled Philosopher , 400.

  100. Rousseau Juge de Jean-Jacques , “Avertissement,” v-vi.

  101. Crocker, Embattled Philosopher , 433.

  102. Sainte-Beuve, Portraits of the 18th Century , II, 213.

  103. Schapiro, J. S., Condorcet , 69.

  104. Russell, Bertrand, History of Western Philosophy , 722.

  105. Schapiro, Condor cet , 91.

  106. Martin, H., France , XVI, 525.

  107. Schapiro, 96-97.

  108. So reads the ms. in the Bibliothèque de l’ Institut.

  109. See The Age of Voltaire, 775.

  110. Condorcet, Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Mind, p. v.

  111. Ibid ., 105.

  112. 10.

  113. 179.

  114. Aulard, A., The French Revolution , I, 123.

  115. Schapiro, 80, 88.

  116. Condorcet, 193.

  117. Ibid ., x-xi, 175.

  118. 4.

  119. 188.

  120. 169.

  121. 202.

  122. Schapiro, 107.

  123. Tocqueville, 8.

  124. Taine, Ancient Regime , 317.

  125. Aulard, I, 83.

  126. Robertson, J. M., Short History of Freethought , II, 284.

  127. Aulard, I, 83.

  128. Robertson, J. M., Short History , 288.

  129. Tocqueville, 165.

  130. In Sée, Henri, Economic and Social Conditions in France during the 18th Century, 107.

  131. Padover, Louis XVI , 6, 7, 11.

  132. Tocqueville, 156.

  133. Masson, P. M., La Religion de Rousseau , III, 237.


  1. Sée, Economic and Social Conditions, 61; Jaurès, Histoire socialiste, I, 60; Taine (The French Revolution, I, 168) estimated the value of church property at four billion livres.

  2. Herbert, Sydney, The Fall of Feudalism in France , 40.

  3. Mornet, Daniel, Les Origines intellectuelles de la Révolution Française, 278.

  4. Ibid ., 274; Sée, 66.

  5. Ibid .; Taine, French Revolution , I, 162-63.

  6. Sée, 66 .

  7. Taine, French Revolution, I, 167.

  8. Burke, Edmund, Reflections on the French Revolution, 142.

  9. Sanger, W., History of Prostitution , 131.

  10. Sée, 23; Mornet, 276.

  11. Vigée-Lebrun, Memoirs , 14.

  12. Lacroix, Paul, The Eighteenth Century in France , 346.

  13. Taine, Ancient Regime , 291.

  14. Mornet, 335.

  15. Lacroix, 265.

  16. Mornet, 331.

  17. Faÿ, Louis XVI , 280.

  18. Martin, H., Histoire de France, XVI, 512.

  19. Faÿ, 280.

  20. Lecky, England in the 18th Century , V, 308.

  21. Martin, H., France , XVI, 353.

  22. Mornet, 212.

  23. Funck-Brentano, L’ Ancien Régime , 554.

  24. Martin, H., France , XVI, 585.

  25. Tocqueville, 9.

  26. Herbert, S., Fall of Feudalism , 84.

  27. See Age of Voltaire , 776-80.

  28. In Crocker, Age of Crisis , 392.

  29. In Becker, Heavenly City , 80.

  30. Carlyle, Essay on Diderot .

  31. Restif de La Bretonne, La Vie de Mon Père , 90 f.

  32. Taine, Ancient Regime , 380.

  33. Lacios, Choderlos de, Les Liaisons dangereuses , Letter LXVI.

  34. See Plato, The Republic , Nos. 338-44.

  35. De Sade, Comte, Juliette , in Crocker, Age of Crisis , 15.

  36. Guérard, Albert, Life and Death of an Ideal , 294.

  37. Mme. d’Oberkirch in Taine, Ancient Regime , 163.

  38. Kóhler, Carl, History of Costume , 366.

  39. Boehn, Modes and Manners , IV, 215.

  40. In Loomis, Du Barry , 169.

  41. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire , near end of Ch. xix.

  42. Gibbon, Correspondence , II, 46, in Memoirs, 222n.

  43. See Age of Voltaire , 301-2.

  44. Walpole, Dec. 2, 1765.

  45. Koven, Anna de, Horace Walpole and Mme. Du Deffand , 102, 116.

  46. Ibid ., 127.

  47. Watson, Paul, Some Women of France , 90.

  48. Ibid .

  49. 89; Koven, 157.

  50. Ibid ., 195.

  51. Crocker, Embattled Philosopher , 354.

  52. Gambier-Parry, Madame Necker , 78.

  53. Ibid ., 215.

  54. Créqui, Marquise de, Souvenirs , 192-94.

  55. Gambier-Parry, 250.

  56. Anderson, E., Letters of Mozart , II, 787.

  57. Einstein, Mozart , 356.

  58. Lespinasse, Letters , 138.

  59. Rolland, Romain, Essays in Music , 147.

  60. Grove’s Dictionary of Music , II, 456.

  61. Young, Arthur, Travels in France , 67.

  62. Louvre.

  63. In the Institute, Paris.

  64. Dilke, Lady Emilia, French Architects and Sculptors , 130. It is now in the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris.

  65. Time magazine, Jan. 31, 1764, p. 44.

  66. Ibid .

  67. All in the Louvre.

  68. Both in the Louvre.

  69. Vigée-Lebrun, 42.

  70. Louvre.

  71. Private collection.

  72. Taine, French Revolution , I, 141; Mornet, Origines intellectuelles , 419; La Fon-tainerie, French Liberalism , 23.

  73. Mornet, 443.

  74. Lecky, V, 394.

  75. Mornet, 426.

  76. Enc. Brit. , XVI, 349d.

  77. Lecky, V, 425.

  78. Ducros, French Society , 314.

  79. Ibid .

  80. Faguet, Literary History , 539.

  81. Chamfort, Sébastien, Maximes , 25.

  82. Ibid ., 27.

  83. 6.

  84. 71.

  85. 67.

  86. 69.

  87. 62.

  88. 87.

  89. 89.

  90. 26.

  91. 539.

  92. Ibid ., preface, p. 50.

  93. In Masson, La Religion de Rousseau , III, 137-38.

  94. Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Paul et Virginie , 15, 34, 58.

  95. In Bury, J. B., The Idea of Progress , 200; italics ours.

  96. Restif de La Bretonne, La Vie de mon père , 75.

  97. Palache, Four Novelists of the Old Regime , 172.

  98. Ibid ., 191.

  99. Restif, La Vie de mon père , 14.

  100. Chadourne, Restif de la Bretonne , 185.

  101. Ibid ., 354.

  102. Palache, 246.

  103. Chadourne, 223.

  104. Ibid ., 219.

  105. Restif, Les Nuits de Paris , Nos. 109-114.

  106. Ibid ., No. 112.

  107. No. 103.

  108. Young, Arthur, 143.

  109. Beaumarchais, letter of June 16, 1755, in Loménie, Beaumarchais and His Times , 55.

  110. Ibid., 78.

  111. 94.

  112. Voltaire, letter of Jan. 3, 1774.

  113. Loménie, Beaumarchais , 263, 269 f.

  114. Havens, Age of Ideas , 368.

  115. Beaumarchais, The Barber of Seville , Act I, in Matthews, Chief European Dramatists , 332.

  116. Ibid .

  117. Blom, Eric, Mozart , 119n.

  118. Loménie, Beaumarchais , 250.

  119. Ibid ., 252.

  120. Le Manage D’ F igaro , directions to the players, in’Beaumarchais, Oeuvres , 184.

  121. Ibid ., Act II, Sc. ii.

  122. V, vii.

  123. V, Xii.

  124. II, xxi.

  125. V, iii.

  126. Preface, Oeuvres, 172.

  127. Loménie, Beaumarchais, 351.

  128. Ibid., 383-84.

  129. Havens, 382.

  130. Loménie, 348.


  1. Sée, Economic and Social Conditions, 8.

  2. Labrousse, C. E., in Cobban, Historians and … the French Revolution, 35.

  3. Young, Arthur, Travels in France, 70.

  4. Ibid., 19.

  5. Herbert, Fall of Feudalism, 5-10.

  6. Ibid., 12, 15.

  7. Lefebvre, Georges, Coming of the French Revolution, 121.

  8. Sée, Economic Conditions, 54.

  9. Jaurès, Histoire socialiste, I, 36.

  10. Mornet, Origines intellectuelles de la Révolution, 143.

  11. Michelet, Histoire de France, V, 548.

  12. Martin, H., France, XVI, 512n.

  13. Tocqueville, 193; Taine, Ancient Regime, 300 f.; Taine, French Revolution, I, 157.

  14. Goodwin, The European Nobility, 41.

  15. Argenson, Marquis d’, Pensées sur la réformation de l’état, in Sée, Economic Conditions, 109.

  16. Young, 24.

  17. Herbert, Fall of Feudalism, 58; Sée, 5; Gershoy, From Despotism to Revolution, 310.

  18. Chamfort, Maximes, 90.

  19. Young, 125, 61.

  20. Lefebvre, 116; see also Taine, Ancient Regime, 335-36.

  21. Lefebvre, 118.

  22. Ibid.

  23. Jaurès, I, 76.

  24. New CMH, VII, 237.

  25. Mousnier and Labrousse, Le Dix-buitième Siècle, 137.

  26. Stryienski, Eighteenth Century, 271.

  27. Lefebvre, 87.

  28. Lacroix, Eighteenth Century in France, 340.

  29. French, Sidney, Torch and Crucible: The Life and Death of Antoine Lavoisier, 87.

  30. Young, 103.

  31. Lefebvre, 97.

  32. Ibid., 21.

3. Sée, 183; Renard and Weuler sée, Life and Work in Modern Europe, 198.

  34. Mousnier and Labrousse, 186.

  35. Taine, Ancient Regime, 387.

  36. Ibid., 388.

  37. Jaurès, Histoire socialiste, I, 109.

  38. Ibid., 110 .

  39. Ibid.

  40. Taine, Ancient Regime, 334.

  41. Ibid., 361.

  42. Lecky, V, 394; Gershoy, 308.

  43. Jaurés, I, 69.

  44. Ibid., 68.

  45. Sée, 148.

  46. Cobban, History of Modern France, I, 123.

  47. Jaurès, I, 62; Sée, 197-98.

  48. Taine, Ancient Regime, 351-52.

  49. Lefebvre, 14.

  50. Jaurès, I, 62.

  51. Ibid., 98.

  52. Beard, Miriam, History of the Business Man, 404.

  53. Taine, 320.

  54. Beard, Miriam, 352.

  55. Lecky, V, 484.

  56. See above, Ch. iii, Sec. v.

  57. Lichtenberger, André, Le Socialisme et la Révolution française, 35; Martin, Kingsley, Rise of French Liberal Thought, 252.

  58. Lichtenberger, 447.

  59. Ibid., 446-50.

  60. Enc. Brit., II, 238b.

  61. Lichtenberger, 442 f.

  62. Mornet, 360.

  63. Ibid., 364; Lefebvre, 43.

  64. Cumming, Ian, Helvétius, 126-28.

  65. Ibid., 119.

  66. Fülop-Miller, R., Power and Secret of the Jesuits, 436.

  67. Faÿ, La Franc-Maçonnerie, 242.

  68. Georgel, Memoirs, II, 310, in Buckle, lb, 665.

  69. Mornet, 450.


  1. Young, Arthur, Travels in France, 15.

  2. Ségur, Marie Antoinette, 121; Castelot, 184.

  3. Faÿ, Louis XVI, 293.

  4. Gooch, Maria Theresa, 168.

  5. Vigée-Lebrun, Memoirs, 57.

  6. Mossiker, Queen’s Necklace, 36.

  7. Ibid., 37, 200. 203.

  8. 105.

  9. Vie de Jeanne de Valois, by herself, in Mossiker, 63.

  10. Enc. Brit., VII, 321a.

  11. Mossiker, 183-84.

  12. Ibid., 226.

  13. 273.

  14. 269.

  15. Faÿ, Louis XVI, 275.

  16. Mossiker, ix.

  17. Martin, H., France, XVI, 539.

  18. Taine, Ancient Regime , 92.

  19. Martin, H., XVI, 573.

  20. Paine, Thomas, The Rights of Man , 80.

  21. Stryienski, Eighteenth Century , 286.

  22. Young, Arthur, 92.

  23. Ibid ., 97.

  24. Guérard, A., Life and Death of an Ideal , 308.

  25. Martin, H., France , XVI, 597.

  26. Lefebvre, 29; Cobban, History of Modern France , I, 128.

  27. Martin, H., XVI, 608.

  28. Stewart, J. H., Documentary Survey of the French Revolution , 27-29; Martin, H., XVI, 612.

  29. Michelet, The French Revolution , 118.

  30. Michelet, Histoire de France , V, 545.