in League of Princes (1785), 362, Seven Years’ War in, 44–45, 49–50, 54, 60, 61

  Scala di Spagna, 247

  Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660–1725), 240, 256

  Scarlatti, Domenico (1685–1757), 221, 240, 256–58, 333

  death of, 257

  Handel and, 256

  instrumental works of, 257

  marriage of, 257

  operas of, 256–57

  in Rome, 256–57

  in Spain, 257, 279, 292

  in Venice, 256

  Scarlatti, Francesco (fl. 1719), 240

  Scarlatti, Pietro (1679–1750), 240

  Scarlatti, Tommaso (1670?–1760), 240

  Scarron, Paul (1610–60), 790, 839

  Schack, Mme. (fl. 1791), 408

  Schadow, Johann Gottfried (1764–1850), 523, 525

  Schardt, Charlotte von, see Stein, Charlotte von, nee Schardt

  Schaumburg-Lippe, Count Wilhelm of (1724–1777), 527, 568

  Scheele, Karl Wilhelm (1742–86), 658

  Scheldt River, 361

  Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775–1834), 551, 618

  Schering, Arnold (b. 1877), 234

  Schikaneder, Johann Emanuel (1751–1812), 407

  Schiller, Charlotte, nee von Lengefeld (1766–1826), 594

  Schiller, Johann Christian Friedrich (1759–1805), 63, 379, 502–3, 517, 545, 569–71, 589, 591–605, 628, 641, 766, 964

  appearance of, 596

  contribution to Romantic Movement, 889

  death of, 580, 605

  early life and education of, 569–70

  edits Die Horen, 596

  esthetic theories of, 593, 595

  estimates of, 602–3

  family life of, 594

  friendship with Christian Gottfried Kröner, 572–75

  friendship with Wieland, 576

  on German family life, 503–4

  goes to Weimar, 575

  Goethe and, 591, 593, 595–605

  historical writings of, 592–94

  illnesses of, 594, 596, 605

  in Jena, 593–603

  Kant’s influence on, 551

  love affairs of, 573, 575

  marriage of, 594

  meets Duke Karl August, 573

  minor dramatic works of, 571–72

  philosophical writings, 572

  poetry of, 599, 603

  première of Don Carlos, 592

  returns to Weimar, 602

  Rousseau’s influence on, 3, 518, 889

  satires of, 598–99

  in Sturm und Drang movement, 521–22, 570–71, 593

  success of, 605

  version of Lessing’s Nathan der Weise, 515

  views on religion, 595

  in Weimar, 591–93

  writes Ode to Joy, 574

  writes plays on Wallenstein, 601–2

  writes The Robbers, 570–71

  writes William Tell, 604–5

  Schimmelmann, Count Ernst von, 594

  Schlegel, August Wilhelm von (1767–1845), 601

  Schlegel, Friedrich (1772–1829), 611, 641

  Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768–1834), 641, 890

  Schleswig, duchy of, 439

  Schloss Benrata, 525

  Schloss Esterházy, 341

  Schloss of Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, 525

  Schlüsselberg Fortress, 465

  Schmettau, Kurt von, 56

  Schobert, Johann (1720–67), 525

  Schönbrunn Palace, 345

  Schönemann, Lili (1758–1817), 566

  Schönkopf, Annette (fl. 1768), 558

  School for Blind Children, French, 905

  School of Commerce, Russian, 453

  School for Scandal, The (Sheridan), 696, 740

  Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788–1860), 3, 550–51, 616

  Schrattenbach, Sigismund von, Prince Archbishop of Salzburg (r. 1753–71), 382–87 passim

  Schreiben an den Herrn Diaconus Lavater (Mendelssohn), 639

  Schröder, Friedrich Ludwig (1744–1816), 511

  Schroeter, Johanna (fl. 1791), 378

  Schröter, Korona (1751–1802), 524

  Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel (1739–91), 527

  Schubert, Franz (1797–1828), 399

  Schulenburg, Count von der, 344

  Schulz, Johann H. (fl. 1784), 507–8

  Schulz, Johann Peter (1747–1800), 525

  Schumann, Robert (1810–56), 398

  “Schutzschrift für die Vernunftigen Verehrer Gottes” (Reimarus), 513–14

  Schwarzenberg, Prince Karl Philipp von (1771–1820), 379

  Schweidnitz, 51, 53, 60, 61

  Schwerin, Count Kurt Christoph von (1684–1757), 43–44, 47

  science: in Germany, 532–33, 596–97, 615–18

  Industrial Revolution and, 669, 671, 680

  in Sweden, 658–59

  Scienza della legislazione, La (Filangieri), 336

  Scienza nuova (Vico), 251, 254

  “Scotia, my dear, my native soil!” (Burns), 775

  Scotland, 670, 762–85

  agriculture in, 762

  anti-Catholic riots in, 735

  architecture in, 765

  art in, 765

  Catholics in, 763

  England and, 762

  Enlightenment in, 764–78

  France and, 39

  historians in, 765–66

  Industrial Revolution in, 763

  morality in, 763

  philosophy in, 764–65

  poetry in, 767–68, 772–78

  population of, 762

  Protestants in, 763

  social classes in, 762

  Scotland, Church (Kirk) of, 763, 766, 774, 779

  “Scots wha’ hae wi’ Wallace bled” (Burns), 777

  Scott, Sir Walter (1771–1832), 765, 775, 815

  Scudéry, Madeleine de (1607–1701), 169

  sculpture: in England, 750

  in France, 106–9, 911

  in Germany, 523

  in Italy, 247

  in Portugal, 270

  in Russia, 426, 467

  in Spain, 298

  in Sweden, 662

  Scuola degli Incurabili, 255

  Scuola di San Rocco, 238

  Seasons, The (Haydn), 379

  Seasons, The (Thompson), 379

  Second Estate in States-General, 956–61

  Sedaine, Michel-Jean (1719–97), 920

  Segeste, 589

  Segovia, 288

  Ségur, Comte Louis-Philippe de (1753–1830), 423, 459–60

  on American Revolution, 872

  on Marie Antoinette, 855, 941

  on pre-revolutionary skepticism, 898

  Sejm, Polish, 472–73

  Select Society, 764

  Selwyn, George (1718–91), 702, 729, 730, 734, 747

  Seminario Musicale dell’ Ospedale della Pietà, 233–34

  Semiramide (Sacchini), 334

  Semler, Johann Salomo (1725–91), 507

  Senate: Polish, 487

  Russian, 424, 440

  Venetian, 229, 231

  “Senate of Magna Lilliputa” (Johnson), 819–20

  Senegal, 714

  Senesino (Francesco Bernardi; 1690?–1750?), 223

  sensibility cult in Germany, 518

  Sentimental Journey (Sterne), 465

  Sentiments des citoyens (Voltaire), 200–1

  Sephardic Jews, 630

  September Massacres, French Revolution, 496, 725

  Serafinovich (fl. 1716), 633

  Serbia, 411

  serfdom: in Austria, 345, 349–50, 356

  in Denmark, 649

  in France, 928

  in Germany, 500–1, 503

  in Hungary, 341

  Joseph II’s policies toward, 349–50

  in Poland, 472–73, 487

  in Prussia, 500–1

  revolt in Bohemia, 350

  Rousseau on, 885

  in Russia, 422–23, 438, 451, 454–55, 470

re’s opposition to, 135

  Sergel, Johan Tobias (1740–1814), 662

  Sermon des cinquantes, 199

  Sermons of Mr. Yorick (Sterne), 789

  Serre, Suzanne (d.1748?), 14

  Serva padrona, La (Pergolesi), 100, 223, 333

  Servetus, Michael (1511–33), 176

  Sevastopol, 459

  Seven Last Words of Christ, The (Haydn), 380

  Seven Years’ War (1756–63), 38–64, 290, 556, 646, 698–99, 798

  in America and India, 57–59, 709

  efficiency of Prussian army, 43

  events leading to, 38–44

  George III’s attitude toward, 698

  results of, 62–64, 552

  start of, 44

  Voltaire’s views on, 149


  coalition against Frederick, 45–46, 59–60: Convention of St. Petersburg (1757), 45

  effects of battle of Rossbach on, 50

  English treaty with Russia (1755), 39

  First Treaty of Versailles (1756), 42

  Frederick publishes Saxon documents, 45

  Frederick’s peace efforts, 47–48

  French peace feelers, 60

  German principalities and Frederick, 45

  Kaunitz’s diplomacy, 40–42

  Maria Theresa’s policies, 38, 40–44, 48

  “Pacte de Famille,” 60

  peace negotiations, 62–64

  Pitt’s diplomacy, 39

  Russia establishes peace, 61

  Russia withdraws from war, 61, 457

  Second Treaty of Versailles (1757), 45

  Spanish alliance with France, 60

  territorial pledges, 45–46

  Treaty of Westminster (1756), 39–40

  LAND CAMPAIGNS OF: battle of Leuthen, 51–52

  battle of Rossbach and, 50

  in Bohemia, 47–48

  in East Prussia, 48–49, 55, 59–60

  final victories of Frederick the Great, 61

  in India, 57–59

  in Moravia, 53

  in North America, 57–58

  in Saxony, 44–45, 49–50, 54, 60, 61

  in Silesia, 55, 60–61

  NAVAL OPERATIONS OF: battle of Lagos (1759), 57

  battle of Minorca (1756), 42–43, 57

  seige of Louisbourg, 57–58

  Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de (1626–96), 138, 792

  Seville, 288–89

  Sèvres, 106, 749

  sex education, Rousseau’s views on, 185–86

  Seydlitz, Friedrich Wilhelm von (1721–73), 43, 53

  Sganarel’s Journey to the Land of the Philosophers (Halberg), 650

  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d Earl of (1671–1713), 595

  Shah Alam, Mogul Emperor (r. 1759–1806), 716–17

  Shah Jehan, Mogul Emperor (r. 1628–58), 419

  Shah Rukh, Persian ruler (r. 1748–96), 420

  Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 464, 486, 511, 553, 559–60, 561, 565, 599, 659, 661, 794, 842

  influence on Germany, 511, 519

  revival of, 739–43

  Voltaire’s condemnation of, 835

  Shakespeare festival, 743

  Sharp, Granville (1735–1813), 733

  Shaw, George Bernard (1856–1950), 748

  Shchedrin, F. F. (1751–1825), 467

  She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith), 816

  Sheffield, 681

  Sheffield, John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of (fl. 1780), 795

  Shelburne, Sir William Petty, 2d Earl of (1737–1805), 759, 871

  duel with Fullerton, 732

  ministry of, 714–15

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822), 810

  Rousseau’s influence on, 3, 891

  Voltaire’s influence on, 880, 881

  Sheraton, Thomas (1751–1806), 748

  Sheraton furniture, 523

  Sherbatov, Princess (fl. 1789), 446

  Sheridan, Charles, 695

  Sheridan, Elizabeth Ann, nee Linley (1754–92), 695, 696, 727

  Sheridan, Frances, nee Chamberlaine (1724–66), 694, 696

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751–1816), 486, 694–96, 683, 701, 714, 739, 747, 757, 759, 761

  aid to American colonies, 727

  death of, 727

  early life of, 694–95

  enters Parliament, 696

  in Hastings’ trial, 719–20, 805

  on Johnson, 831

  liberal views of, 696

  literary activities of, 695

  marries Elizabeth Linley, 695

  in ministry, 714–15

  partnership in Drury Lane Theatre, 743

  personality and appearance of, 695–96

  in “the Club,” 827

  Sheridan, Thomas, the Elder (1687–1738), 694

  Sheridan, Thomas, the Younger (1719–88), 694–696, 780

  Shi’a sect, 412, 419

  ships, iron, 672

  Shiraz, 420–21

  Shuvalov, Ivan, 432

  Shuvalov, Piotr, Count (d. 1762), 137, 432, 437

  Siberia, 422

  Sicily, 226, 278

  Caraccioli’s reforms in, 315

  Jesuit colleges in, 219

  Spanish loss of, 273

  Siddons, Sarah, nee Kemble (1755–1831), 720, 740–41

  Siddons, William (fl. 1773), 741

  Sidney, Algernon (1622–83), 177

  Siècle de Louis XIV, Le (Voltaire), 528

  Sievers, Yakov Efimovich (1731–1808), 489–90

  Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph (1748–1836), 915

  in Club Breton, 939

  Duc d’Orleans and, 955

  as Freemason, 939

  as spokesman for Third Estate, 954–55

  in States-General, 957

  Silesia, 48

  excused from taxes, 500

  Frederick II regains, 52

  mining in, 501

  Prussia and, 38, 62

  Seven Years’ War in, 51–53, 55, 60–61

  Silhouette, Étienne de (1709–67), 56

  silk industry, 230, 501

  Silva, Antônio José da (1705–39), 260, 631

  Simon, Richard (1638–1712), 641

  Simonides of Ceos (6th century B.C.), 510

  Singspiel, 367, 525, 528

  Siraj-ud-daula (1728?–57), 715–16

  Sirvens family, 140, 146, 151, 498, 881

  skepticism: in England, 734

  French Revolution and, 898

  “Sketch of My Life” (Boswell), 203

  slavery and slave trade: American colonies and, 57, 708, 732–33

  Beaumarchais and, 921

  Denmark and abolition of, 649, 653

  England and, 57, 670, 693, 732–33

  France and, 58, 935

  in Moslem countries, 413–14, 420

  Portugal and, abolition of, 259, 269

  Wilberforce’s opposition to, 726

  smallpox inoculation, 93, 348, 434, 454, 846

  Smeaton, John (1724–92), 671, 674

  Smith, Adam (1723–90), 214, 321, 719, 764, 766, 768–72, 786, 808, 827

  Burke and, 693, 832

  on class conflict, 680

  death of, 772

  early life and education of, 768–69

  economic theories of, 769–71

  ethical theories of, 769

  on Gibbon, 805

  habits of, 771–72

  on Hume, 834

  influence of, 287, 772

  influences on, 769–70

  in London, 772

  on morality, 730–31

  opposes slave trade, 733

  on overwork in factories, 677

  philosophes and, 769

  physiocrats and, 75–76, 78, 769

  at University of Glasgow, 763, 769, 779

  on wealth of Holland, 646

  writes Theory of Moral Sentiments, 769

  writes Wealth of Nations, 769

  Smollett, Tobias (1721–71), 699, 702, 820, 824

>   on French officers, 98

  Smolny Institute, 453

  Sobieska, Maria Clementina (1702–35), 247, 320

  Sobieski, Jan, see John III Sobieski

  Social Contract, The (Rousseau), 27, 33, 171- 78, 191, 268, 465, 808, 884–85, 887, 891, 898

  American Revolution and, 868

  attitude toward peasantry in, 174

  attitude toward proletariat in, 174

  banning of, 190

  concept of general will in, 172

  on Corsican independence, 204

  critics of, 177

  democracy and, 173–74, 198–99

  “enlightened despotism” and, 173

  French Revolution and, 880

  ideal type of government in, 173

  importance of law in, 172–73

  inconsistencies in, 176–77

  influence of, 177

  middle classes in, 174

  private property and, 174

  publication of, 171, 178

  radicalism of, 176

  religion and, 174–76

  Rousseau’s earnings from, 178

  socialism and, 174

  state of nature in, 172

  taxes and, 174

  socialism: French Revolution and, 938

  Prussia and, 501

  Rousseau and, 174, 891

  Sociedades Económicas de los Amigos del País, 280, 287

  Société des Amis des Noirs, 935

  Société du Printemps, 797

  Society for the Abolition of Slavery, 749

  Society of Arts, 750

  Society for Commemorating the Revolution (of 1688), 722–23

  Society for the Encouragement of Art, Manufacture, and Commerce, The, 750

  Society of Jesus, see Jesuits

  Society of Supporters of the Bill of Rights, 704, 722

  Society of Thirty, 957

  Socinians in Holland, 646

  Socrate (Voltaire), 136

  Socrates (470?-399 B.C.), 834, 839

  sodomy, legislation against, 98

  Sogno di Scipione, Il (Mozart), 388

  Soho, 675

  Soldaten, Die (Lenz), 521

  Soler, Antonio (1729–83), 292

  Solimena, Francesco (1657–1747), 115

  Soloviev, Sergei Mikhailovich (1820–79), 435

  Soltyk, Kajetan (fl. 1766), bishop of Cracow, 480–81

  Some Thoughts on Education (Locke), 179

  Something More from the Papers of the Anonymous Writer, concerning Revelation (Reimarus), 513

  Somodevilla, Zenón de, Marqués de la Ensenada (1702–81), 279

  “Song of the Bell” (Schiller), 503–4, 599

  Sonnenfels, Joseph von (1732–1817), 355

  Sophia (1630–1714), Electoress of Hanover, 683

  Sophia Dorothea (1687–1757), Queen of Frederick William I of Prussia, 47

  Sophia Magdelena of Denmark, Queen of Gustavus III of Sweden, 655

  Sophia Matilda, Princess (1733–1804), 683

  Sophie Augusta Frederika, see Catherine II the Great

  Sophists, Greek, 902, 904

  Sophocles (496?–406 B.C.), 136, 528, 604

  Sorau, Marquis de, 111

  Sorrows of Young Werther, The (Goethe), 563–64, 588, 601, 627, 767, 889