Page 7 of The Devil's Eyes

  “Owe! Fuck! What the hell are you trying to do? Kill me?”

  “Yes, Nick, I am trying to kill you with ointment.” He looks the other direction trying to not make another sound as I clean him up. “It is a little deep, you might need stitches.”

  “I don’t need stitches.”

  “It might scar …” I insist.

  Nick stands up looking down at me. “It won’t be my first, Princess.”

  “Don’t you dare leave yet!”

  “What now?” He yells.

  “I have to bandage it unless you want it to bleed again.” Nick huffs giving me back his arm so I can roll the gauze smoothly around his arm. “So, who did this to you? It looks like someone tried to stab you.”

  “Kayla, you need to stay out of my business. Luke almost shot you earlier for sneaking in on us like that.”

  “I wasn’t sneaking. I heard you yelling.”

  “Next time you hear me yelling, put your headphones on and ignore it.”

  “Can’t you at least tell me who did this to you?” I look up into his eyes.

  “His name is Connor. This is a fun game for him.”

  “I guess he doesn’t like you much.”

  “We have hated each other since birth.” Nick looks at his arm after I am finished, “Looks good. Thank you, Princess.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Nick leans in close to my ear, “You know, even with one arm I can show you my appreciation.”

  Huffing, I walk away from him, “You were so close to being decent.”

  “Goodnight, Princess.”

  “Goodnight, Nick.”


  Rushing out to the car that is waiting for me, I expect to take it to meet with Daniel, only I find Nick inside. “Get in. I am taking you out to dinner.” He demands.

  “Me? But I have a client to see.”

  “Yes you. And your client will get over it.” I try to come up with a reason I need to see Daniel but nothing comes to mind before Nick becomes impatient with me. “Now that Harvey is out of the way, thanks to you, my business has become much easier and friendlier. So to thank you, I am treating you to a night out.”

  “You're not going to take me to the club, are you?”

  Nick laughs, “No, I reserved at an actual restaurant.”

  “I’m not sure I am dressed properly.”

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Wow, I never thought I would hear a compliment from you.” I said sitting down beside him.

  “Don’t get use to it.”

  “You look alright, too.” I said trying to hold my smile back when he laughs.

  Nick offers me his arm as we enter the restaurant and for the first time, I feel like a Princess as everyone turns to watch us walk in. Although it is hard to miss the women drooling as Nick passes them. He does look incredible, I wish I didn’t hate him so much. He holds out my chair for me and I begin to wonder who taught him such manners. Who took this deceptive thief under their wing and gave him the tools to destroy women’s hearts?

  “Wine?” He asks while already perusing the wine list.

  “Sure. If you’re buying, I will have one of each.” I said earning his usual eye roll. He orders with perfect pronunciation, speaking fluent French with the waiter. Impatient and a little insulted that he thinks I can’t understand what he is saying, I interrupt and ask my own questions before ordering.

  “And where did you learn French?” He asked.

  “Books.” I said with a smile.

  “Books?” He asked with disbelief.

  “You can learn a lot from books.” His questionable expression forces me to confess, “Okay fine, I used to sneak into classes at the college.”

  “You snuck in? Ever heard of signing up for a class like a normal person?”

  “I couldn’t. I was only sixteen and they wanted money- which I didn’t have.”

  “And, at sixteen, you didn’t have anything better to do than sit in on some boring French classes? No boyfriends or proms to worry about?” Nick asked with a sarcastic smile.

  I huff, “I wasn’t exactly noticed by any boys. Well, except for my mother’s boyfriends, but they were the reason I stayed out of the house as much as possible.”

  “Ahhh… so, the troubled teenager grows up and rebels against the world because Mommy wasn’t there for her?”

  “I’m not making any excuses for what I am doing. Besides, I am doing better than most of the people in those college classes. I am living in a mansion and I have my own driver.” I smile to Nick’s immediate laughter.

  “My mansion, my driver, and you’re a temporary guest, Princess. Don’t forget that.”

  “Okay, so how is it you know French? Prep school? Mommy and Daddy pay for the best tutors? Travel overseas to live for a while?”

  “Not hardly.” He smirks, taking down his first drink of our wine. “What’s that look for?”

  “So, is your life a big secret or are you just shy?”

  “What is with the smart mouth all the time? No. No prep school. Harvey taught me a lot when I worked for him. I paid attention and used my spare time to learn more. Which, as it turned out, saved my life.”

  “How is that?” I asked.

  “Because he thought I didn’t understand when he ordered my death warrant. Dumb son of a bitch did it right in front of me. I flew out of his house shooting everything in sight. Luckily, Luke decided to get my back rather than stick it out with Harvey.”

  “But Harvey did shoot you?”

  “He got off one shot before running and hiding like the coward he was. I think he was aiming for my head but was barely able to get me in the right side. Bullet went right through.”

  “Is that the reason for the tattoo? To cover up the scar?"

  “Watching me undress, Princess? You know, if you want to see me naked just ask and I might let you.”

  Uggghhh “Tell me how you got involved with Harvey in the first place.”

  Sighing, Nick settles in comfortably with me. “Typical story, I was doing petty crimes, stealing cars, breaking into homes and taking whatever I could. Then I met Luke and he introduced me to Harvey, who taught me how to make real money.”

  “So, Mommy ignored you and Daddy ran out on you?”

  “Since when did we become pen pals?” He said smartly.

  “Come on Nick, did you have parents or did the devil just create you from some spare parts?”

  Laughing out loud for the first time that I have ever seen, “Yes, I had parents. My mother worked three jobs to help pay the bills while my father stayed home with me. He didn’t run out on us, unfortunately. And before you ask: yes, he was a mean son of a bitch at times, but his temper was short-lived. He preferred to have a good time. Whenever my mother got paid, he would send her back to work and then take me out to get him a prostitute. Fucked her right in front of me. Good memories.”

  “He took you with him? Why didn’t he leave you at home?”

  “He didn’t want to leave me by myself. I was too young. Better to take me with him and learn something. Hell, it’s because of the old man that I learned how to fuck, eat pussy, and …”


  Laughing, “Well, anyway, he was good at teaching me what he knew. After awhile, he found it easier to bring the girls home and do his thing while Mom would make us something to eat or clean the house. Whatever she could do to stay busy while he was occupied...”

  “She knew and she stayed with him?”

  “She was something. Never fazed her. She preferred to have him around no matter how big of a Dirtbag he was. He had some kind of control over her and every other woman he met.” Nick said glancing around the room to avoid me.

  “She loved him that much?”

  “Love?" Nick chokes. "I wouldn’t go that far. Scared to be alone, maybe too weak, and definitely too pathetic to stand up for herself. You know, I came home one day and found my Dad sitting in a chair with a full meal on a trey in front of him. She wa
s in the kitchen cleaning and oblivious to the fact the man was dead.” Nick said with a harsh laugh. “The old man dies of a heart attack and what does she do? Picks him up off the floor, sticks him in a chair, and feeds him. Insane.” I can't help stare at him with a feeling of heaviness and sorrow for him. Nick senses my question before I can even ask. “I thought maybe once he was gone she would snap out of it and show some life… or I don’t know, be a mother for once. Instead she hung herself two days later.”

  Without thinking, I reach over and grab his hand, “Nick, I’m so …”

  Nick pulls his hand away from me with a glare that sets me back in my chair. Leaning over the table towards me, “Tell me, Princess, did you lose that golden virtue to a pimpled faced boy from school or to one of your mother’s boyfriends?”

  He gets a kick out of pissing me off. “You know the answer to that.” Sitting back with a nod, he seems proud of himself for making me angry. “And before you ask, no, I didn’t go after him. And, no, she didn’t care as long as he paid attention to her when she wanted it.”

  “Maybe we should change the subject?” He said.

  “Maybe. So, Nick, with all your women, I assume one of them has given you at least one child?”

  “After the stories we just shared, you think I am looking to be a Daddy? No, Princess, I haven’t gotten anyone pregnant. Thank God. What about you? Are you waiting for the right Daddy-figure to get you barefoot and pregnant?”

  “Why do you have to paint everything with such a sour disposition?” I reply with disgust.

  “My personality, I guess.” He retorts with a smirk.

  “Well, you should try some yoga or something. Might loosen up some of those anger issues you have. You would think with all the sex you have you would be a touch more optimistic about things.” I said sipping my wine.

  Laughing, “I’m optimistic. For instance, I am positive that I am getting laid tonight.”

  The devil’s eyes take hold of me and I stare right back without an ounce of give. “Not from me you’re not."

  Nick is seemingly satisfied for the time being but I know I started a contest between us and I am going to have to fight off any desires I have for him if I am going to win. Turning up the charm, Nick holds out his glass and toasts in French to me. The ride home is filled with tender touches and soft whispers. Battle for battle, I hold strong against him. I spent years studying him, preparing for him, and now Nick has finally met a woman that is not falling deep into his trap. Walking into the house, I step cautiously wondering what he is planning next. “Goodnight, Nick. Thank you for dinner. I enjoyed it very much.” I said, kissing him on the cheek and turning to go upstairs. He takes hold of my wrist and pulls me back to him.

  “Where are you going?”

  Looking into his eyes, all I can see is his dizzying desire. My whole body begins to feel the draw, pulling me to him and making me both weak and wet at the same time. “I’m going to bed, Nick. I am really tired.” I said unable to move away from him

  Holding me tight to his chest, he pulls back my hair from my ear and breathes gently, “Are you sure? Just imagine what I can do when I use my whole body to satisfy you and not just my fingers?” His warm lips trail up my neck, making their way to my lips and heating them up with every touch. Enjoying the feel of his lips on mine, I ignore his wandering hand, intent on stripping me naked as it massages my body into submission. I feel myself giving in, wanting to surrender to him, and he knows it. He already believes he’s won. Reaching down I feel for him and taking hold of his erection, I excite him even more. With one last kiss, I push away from him and enjoy the shock on his face. “Oh damn, I forgot … I have a meeting I have to go to. How about you get naked and wait for me in bed. I promise I will wake you when I get back.” I said taking my bag and the keys to his car. I turn once to wink at him as I walk out the door. I believe he will surely chase after me or be waiting up for me when I get back, but he lets me go and he lets me fall peacefully to sleep … alone.

  The next morning, I sit quietly watching the rain as I eat my breakfast. “You didn’t wake me.” Nick said, entering with a cup of coffee already in hand.

  “Knowing you, I figured you had already found a replacement.” I said, turning away from him.

  “Nick, everyone is here. You ready?” Luke said, holding out his hands as if he is confused by having to wait for Nick.

  “I’ll be there in a second.” Nick says, dismissing him. Luke huffs, stomping off like a child. Before I can look back at Nick, he is already reminding me of where we left off. “I did as you asked, Princess. All you had to do was wake me.” He whispers with a quick kiss on the cheek and a smile as he leaves. Biting my lip hard, I fight my smile the best I can. I won the battle for now, but can I win the war? I am so close I can’t stop now.



  Nick is taking a new approach with me. I prepare for a sensual attack that I will not be able to resist but instead, he takes a step back and asks me to dinner, to dance, or to have a glass of wine with him in front of the fireplace. It is an attack I didn’t expect and it blindsides me. He’s patient and his charm is at all new high. Today, he left me flowers with no note. And, as if that isn’t enough, my appointments have slowly disappeared, allowing me to have more than enough time to spend with him. It is not until Nick leaves for a few days that I am able to see Daniel again.

  “I was beginning to think that you were avoiding me.” Daniel said, holding me tight.

  “No, it’s Nick. He has been requiring much my time lately.”

  “Why? Why does he suddenly want you for himself?” Daniel laughs forcefully.

  “I don’t know. He is playing a game with me.”

  “Are you sleeping with him?” Daniel asked with a concerned expression.


  “He wants you to though.” He snaps.

  “Maybe, but …” I said, noticing his angered expression.

  “But what? You’re enjoying it? You’re enjoying his attention?” Daniel screams, outraged.

  “Why are we talking about this? Nick has nothing to do with us. You’re not even paying him for me anymore.”

  “If you’re not working for him anymore, then leave him. Let me take care of you!” Daniel said, changing his tone and smiling deep into my eyes causing me to doubt my original plans with Nick. I don’t want to lose Daniel because I am so determined to get back at Nick. “Kayla, if you stay here, then I can see you whenever I want and I will know you’re safe from him.”

  “He will find me. If I leave him, it would have to be his decision, which is not going to happen until he does get me into bed.”

  “Don’t you fucking sleep with him!” Daniel rages at me. Wiping the anger from his lips, he steps back, and takes a drink of his bourbon. “Sorry, but the thought of you with him … makes me insane.”

  “I’m not going to be with him. I promise, I have been able to resist him so far, hell, it’s easy for me. Fun even- to make him crazy.”

  “FUN! You call it fun? It is fun for you to tease a dangerous man? You are so fucking stupid. Why don’t you wise up, Sweetheart? He doesn’t give a shit about you. He just wants to fuck you. I’m not sure why you haven’t fucked him already. What? Hasn’t he paid you enough already?” He yells.

  I jump out of bed and smack him. “You paid me. He at least is taking me out like he is proud to be seen with me.”

  “Is that what you want? You want me to take you out … date you? Oh, I know! How about I introduce you to my friends. I can introduce everyone to my personal whore.” Feeling my heart sink deep into my chest, I swallow the lump in my throat and quickly get dressed. “Kayla, stop. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of that.”

  “It sure sounded like it!” I yell, determined not to let him see me cry.

  Taking my face into his hands, “Baby, I am so worried about you. I’m serious when I say it makes me insane that you are living with him. Please stay here and let me take care of you.”
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  “So I can be your full-time personal whore?” Exasperated, he kisses me and tries to persuade me to stay. Stopping his advances, “And why do I have to stay here, Daniel? Why can’t I stay with you? Why can’t I stay in your house?”

  “You know damn well that can’t happen right now.”

  “And why not?” I ask, stepping away from his persuasive sweetness.

  “Because the wounds are still fresh. If I am seen with anybody right now, there will be questions galore about whom she is and how we met. Now, once I start dating a few other women and get those initial curiosity questions out of the way, people will get used to seeing me with someone other than Nadia. Then it will be easier to bring you in and introduce you. I love you, Kayla. Do you love me?” He questions but doesn’t give me a chance to answer before he is all over me again.

  “Daniel!” I yell pushing him away from me. “I thought you said that you had been dating other women already. That I am not your rebound girl. Remember?”

  “Now you don’t trust me?” He yells pointing to himself. “You have some nerve.” He said, waving me off with a brokenhearted expression.

  “It just doesn’t make sense to me, Daniel.”

  “It doesn’t have to make sense. That’s what love is sometimes. Alright, maybe I am too cautious. But my friends aren’t always the nicest people and I fear putting you through their ridicule. I don’t want you to ever feel like you’re not worthy of me.” He said, smiling at me as if I am some insecure, awkward child. Daniel grips me suddenly, kissing me hard and giving me what he thinks I want, but sex is far from what I am wanting right now. I leave Daniel while he is still asleep. Tonight, I prefer to be in my own bed at Nick’s where I can sleep alone.


  While I ignore Daniel’s constant calls I try to sort out my own feelings. “What’s wrong with you today? You look sad.” Nick asks before he walks out to one of his meetings.