65. Ibid., iii, 1.
66. Calvert, Moorish Remains, 189.
67. Calvert, A. F., Cordova, 107.
68. Maqqari, Vol. II, 139-200.
69. Dozy, 455; Chapman, 50.
70. Pirenne, J., II, 20.
71. Maqqari, II, 3.
72. In Dozy, 576.
73. Sarton, I, 713.
74. Dozy, 281.
75. Maqqari, vii, 1.
76. Arnold and Guillaume, 186.
77. Dozy, 326.
78. Ibid.
79. Tr. by Dulcie Smith in Van Doren, Mark, Anthology of World Poetry, 99.
1. Browne, II, 176.
2. Ibid., 177; Gibbon, V, 17.
3. Browne, II, 190.
4. Marco Polo, Travels, i, 24.
5. Ameer Ali, Spirit of Islam, 313.
6. Hitti, 446.
7. Thompson, J. W., Economic and Social History, 391; Arnold, Preaching, 96.
8. William of Tripoli in Lane-Poole, Cairo, 84.
9. Hitti, 679.
10. Adams, Brooks, Law of Civilization and Decay, 128.
11. In Lane-Poole, Cairo, 27.
12. Irving, W., The Alhambra, 47.
13. Lane-Poole, Moors, 225.
14. Pope, Introduction, 30; Pope, Survey, II, 1043.
15. Cf. Migeon, G., Les arts musulmans, II, 11.
16. Fry, Roger, in Persian Art: Souvenir of the Exhibition of Persian Art at Burlington House, xix.
17. Dillon, E., Glass, 165.
18. Lane, Arabian Society, 200.
19. Pope, Masterpieces, 65.
20. Dimand, Handbook, 280.
21. Time Magazine, Jan. 23, 1939.
22. Arnold, Painting, 127.
23. N. Y. Times Book Review, May 19, 1940, p. 2.
24. Bukhsh, 96.
25. Nicholson, Translations, 116.
26. Ibn Khaldun, III, 438.
27. Ibid., 426.
28. Browne, II, 375.
29. Ibid., 392.
30. Sarton, I, 759.
31. Ibid., II (i), 8.
32. Ibid., I, 760.
33. Browne, II, 246.
34. Nicholson, Islamic Poetry, 4-5.
35. Weir, T. H., Omar Khayyam the Poet, 21.
36. Nicholson, Islamic Mysticism, 1.
37. Browne, II, 108.
38. Ibid., 256.
39. Heron-Allen, Edw., in Houtsma, M., ed., Encyclopedia of Islam, III (ii), 988.
40. Weir, 16; Nicholson, Islamic Poetry, 5.
41. Browne, II, 249.
42. Quatrain cxv of the Bodleian MS. in Weir, 36.
43. Weir, 71.
44. In Browne, II, 247.
45. Smith, Margaret, ed., The Persian Mystics: Attar, 20-7.
46. Jalal ud-Din Rumi, Selected Poems from the Divani Shamsi Tabriz, ed. and tr. by R. A. Nicholson, 107.
47. Ibid., 71.
48. Ibid., 47.
49. Sarton, II (ii), 872.
50. Browne, II, 521.
51. Sa’di, Rose Garden, 12.
52. Sa’di, Gulistan, ii, 7.
53. Ibid., iii, 19.
54. In Browne, II, 530.
55. Gulistan, ii, 30.
56. Bustan in Grousset, R., The Civilizations of the East, Vol. I: The Near and Middle East, 272.
57. Gulistan, i, 12.
58. I, 3.
59. II, 27.
60. II, 40.
61. IV, 7.
62. V, 5.
63. V, 4.
64. VII, 2.
65. VII, 4.
66. VIII, 31.
67. VIII, 38.
68. I, 4.
69. V, 8.
70. III, 11.
71. Browne, II, 534.
72. Grunebaum, 39.
73. Sarton, II (i), 12.
74. Ibid., 216.
75. Ibid., 27; II (ii), 632.
76. Ibid., II (i), 31.
77. Margoliouth, Cairo, 220.
78. Sarton, II (ii), 1014.
79. Ibid., II (i), 51; II (ii), 663.
80. Ibid., II (i), 424.
81. Hitti, 686.
82. Sarton, II (i), 232.
83. Garrison, 136.
84. Lestrange, Baghdad, 104.
85. Garrison, 136; Hell, 117; Lane-Poole, Cairo, 34; Margoliouth, Cairo, 124-9; Hitti, 677.
86. Baron, S., ed., Essays on Maimonides, 112.
87. al-Ghazzali, Some Religious and Moral Teachings, 138.
88. al-Ghazzali, Destruction of Philosophy, 155f.
89. Macdonald, Muslim Theology, 239.
90. Asin y Palacios, Miguel, Islam and the Divine Comedy, 273-5.
91. In Sa’di, Gulistan, ii, 25.
92. Muir, Caliphate, 146.
93. Arnold, Painting, 54.
94. Becker, 31.
95. Boer, 175; Duhem, P., Le système du monde, IV, 522, 526; Macdonald, Muslim Theology, 250.
96. Abu Bekr ibn Tufail, History of Hayy ibn Yaqzan, 68.
97. Ibid., 99, 139.
97. In Renan, E., Averroès et l’averroïsme, 16.
99. Sarton, II (i), 305.
100. Averroës, Exposition of the Methods of Argument Concerning the Doctrines of the Faith, 230.
101. Id., A Decisive Discourse on the Relation between Religion and Philosophy, 52.
102. Id., Exposition, 190; Discourse, 50-1; Gilson, E., Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages, 40f.
103. Averroës, Exposition, 193.
104. Sarton, II (i), 358.
105. Averroës, Discourse, 14.
106. Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, xii, in Renan, 108.
107. Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics, viii, in Renan, 112; Duhem, IV, 549.
108. De Vaux, IV, 70.
109. Commentary on Aristotle’s De Anima, bk. iii, in Renan, 122; Duhem, IV, 573.
110. Destruction of the Destruction, in Renan, 137n.
111. In Renan, 143.
112. Ibid., 146.
113. Arnold and Guillaume, 277-9; Tornay, S. C., Averroës’ Doctrine of the Mind, Philosophical Review, May, 1943, 282n.; De Vaux, IV, 71; Duhem, IV, 566.
114. Bacon, R., Opus maius, i, 6; De Vaux, IV, 87.
115. Renan, 32.
116. In Browne, II, 440.
117. Ibid., 439.
118. Pope, Survey, II, 1542.
119. Lestrange, Baghdad, 350; Browne, II, 460.
120. Cf. Arnold, Painting, 99.
121. Pope, Survey, II, 1044.
122. Burton, Personal Narrative, 90-2.
123. Arnold and Guillaume, 169.
124. Encyclopaedia Britannica, XVIII, 339.
125. Arnold and Guillaume, 121; Pope, Introduction, 241; Encyclopaedia Britannica, XV, 657.
126. Dennis, Geo., Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, I, 37.
127. Browne, II, 432.
128. Arnold and Guillaume, 93.
1. Abbott, G. F., Israel in Egypt, 43.
2. Baron, S., Social and Religious History of the Jews, I, 266; Graetz, H., History of the Jews, II, 566.
3. Socrates, Ecclesiastical History, iii, 20; Julian, Works, III, 51.
4. Abbott, 45.
5. Ammianus Marcellinus, Works, xxiii, 1.
6. Jerome, Commentary on Isaiah, vi, 11-13, in Baron, I, 261.
7. Baron, I, 255.
8. Baeder, Gershom, Jewish Spiritual Heroes, III, 46.
9. Talmud, Yebamoth, 37b.
10. Friedländer, L., Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire, III, 173.
11. Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks, 1916, viii, 1.
12. References to the Mishna will be by tractate, chapter, and section; to the (Babylonian) Gemara by tractate and folio sheet.
13. Baba Kama, 60b.
14. Megilla, 16b.
15. Tanhuma, ed. Buber, Yitro, sect. 7, in Moore, G. F., Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era, II, 242.
16. Menachoth, 99b.
17. Pesikta Rabbati, 10, 4, in Newman, L., and S
pitz, S., Talmudic Anthology, 300.
18. Chagiga, 10a.
19. Examples in Moore, I, 259.
20. Berachoth, 6b.
21. Aboda Zara, 3b; Newman, 31.
22. Chagiga, 3b.
23. Succah, 52b.
24. Barachoth, 6a.
25. Aboda Zara, 3b.
26. Mechilta, 65a, on Exod. xix, 18.
27. From Deut. vi, 4.
28. Shebuoth, 77b.
29. Erubin, 18a.
30. Bereshit Rabbah on Gen. xxiii, 9.
31. Berachoth, 6a.
32. Aboda Zara, 5a.
33. Sifre on Deut. 32.
34. Shebuoth, 55a.
35. Midrash Mishle, 28, in Newman, 90.
36. Genesis Rabbah, xlviii, 8.
37. Baba Metzia, 58b.
38. Berachoth, 34a.
39. Ketuboth, 111a.
40. Wayyikra Rabbah, 34, in Newman, 108.
41. Bereshit Rabbah, 44, 1, in Newman, 292.
42. Quoted in Cohen, A., Everyman’s Talmud, 89.
43. Aboda Zara, 20b.
44. Kiddushin, 66d.
45. Shebuoth, 41a.
46. In Cohen, A.. 258.
47. Leviticus xxi, 2-5.
48. Yebamoth, 48b.
49. Ketuboth, 27; Cohen, A., 257.
50. Pesachim, 113a.
51. Shebuoth, 152.
52. Pesachim, 49b.
53. Exod. xxiii, 19; xxiv, 26; Deut. xiv, 21.
54. Nidda, 17.
55. Yoma, 75.
56. Shebuoth, 33.
57. Ibid., 152a.
58. Baba Bathra, 58b.
59. Pesachim, 109a.
60. Berachoth, 55a, 60b.
61. Taanith, 11a.
62. Pesachim, 108.
63. Exod. xii, 13.
64. Megilla on Esther, 7b, in Moore, II, 51.
65. In Oesterley, W. O., and Box, G. H., Short Survey of the Literature of Rabbinical and Medieval Judaism, 149.
66. Kiddushin, 31a; Isaiah vi, 1.
67. Baba Bathra, 8b; Baron, I, 277-8.
68. Berachoth, 10a.
69. Gen. i, 28; Kiddushin, 29b.
70. Genesis Rabbah, lxxi, 6.
71. Yebamoth, 12b; Himes, N. E., Medical History of Contraception, 72.
72. Baba Bathra, 21.
73. Exodus Rabbah, i, 1.
74. Harris, M. H., ed., Hebraic Literature: Translations from the Talmud, Midrashim, and Kabbala, 336.
75. Baba Bathra, 9a.
76. Ketuboth, 50a, 67.
77. Taanith, 22.
78. Ibid., 20b.
79. Graetz, II, 486, 545.
80. Baba Bathra, 9.
81. Gittin, 70a.
82. Chagiga, 16a.
83. Berachoth, 61a.
84. Kiddushin, 29b.
85. Sota, 44a.
86. Taanith, lv, 8.
87. Yebamoth, 63a.
88. Ibid., 65a, 44a.
89. Pesikta Rabbati, 25, 2, in Newman, 3.
90. Berachoth, xxiv, 1.
91. Kiddushin, 4.
92. Yebamoth, xlv, 1; 64b.
93. Gittin, lx, 10.
94. Ketuboth, vii, 6.
95. Cohen, A., 179.
96. Ketuboth, 77a; Neuman, A. A., The Jews in Spain, Philadelphia, 1942, II, 59.
97. Yebamoth, xix, in Baeder, III, 66.
98. Gittin, 90b.
99. Kiddushin, 80b.
100. Nidda, 45.
101. Kiddushin, 49b.
102. Yoma, 83b.
103. Mikvaoth, 9b, in Cohen, A., 170.
104. Hai Gaon in Newman, 540.
105. Yebamoth, 88b.
106. Ketuboth, 47b.
107. Shebuoth, 30b.
108. Erubin, 41b.
109. Baeder, III, 15.
110. Bereshit Rabbah, xvii, 7.
111. Harris, M. H., Hebraic Literature, 340.
112. Pirke Aboth, iv, 1.
113. Ibid., iv, 3.
114. Ibid., i, 17.
115. Ibid., iii, 17.
116. Shemot Rabbah, xxv, 16, in Newman, 397.
117. Menachoth 29b, in Moore, II, 187.
118. Renan, E., Origins of Christianity: The Christian Church, 131; Baron, I, 305-6.
1. Graetz, III, 308.
2. Abrahams, Israel, Jewish Life in the Middle Ages, 219.
3. Benjamin of Tudela, Travels, in Komroff, M., ed., Contemporaries of Marco Polo, 290.
4. Graetz, III, 90. Others date the Gaonate from 589; cf. Oesterley and Box, 209.
5. Graetz, III, 133.
6. Ibid., 148.
7. Druck, D., Yehuda Halevy, 66.
8. Baron, I, 353.
9. Husik, I., History of Medieval Jewish Philosophy, 35, 42f.
10. Maker, H., Saadia Gaon, 279, 291.
11. Benjamin of Tudela, in Komroff, 310.
12. Baron, I, 318.
13. Friedländer, III, 181.
14. Dill, Sir S., Roman Society in Gaul in the Merovingian Age, 246.
15. Graetz, III, 143, 161, 241, 389.
16. Benj. of Tudela, in Komroff, 260.
17. Ibid., 257.
18. Ameer Ali, Syed, The Spirit of Islam, 260.
19. Druck, 26.
20. Dozy, R., Spanish Islam, 597f.
21. Abbott, G. F., 71.
22. Abrahams, Jewish Life, 366.
23. Dozy, 721.
24. Graetz, III, 617.
25. Neuman, A., Jews in Spain, I, 5.
26. Ibid., 164.
27. Ibid., II, 184.
28. Ibid., II, 221; Graetz, III, 281.
29. Neuman, II, 221.
30. Graetz, III, 360f.
31. Baron, II, 37; Graetz, III, 506.
32. Neuman, II, 149.
33. Ibid., 247.
34. Abrahams, Jewish Life, 67.
35. Sholom Asch in Browne, Lewis, ed., The Wisdom of Israel, 698.
36. Baba Kama, 113a.
37. Pirke Aboth, iii, 2.
38. Baron, II, 17.
39. Ibid., 26.
40. Ibid.
41. Bracton, De Legibus, vi, 51, in Baron, II, 24.
42. Pollock, F., and Maitland, F. W., History of English Law before Edward I, I, 455.
43. Cambridge Medieval History, VII, 643.
44. Rickard, T. A., Man and Metals, II, 602.
45. Abrahams, Jewish Life, 241.
46. Rapaport, S., Tales and Maxims from the Talmud, 147.
47. Graetz, III, 229.
48. Arnold, Sir T., and Guillaume, A., The Legacy of Islam, 102.
49. Pirenne, H., Medieval Cities, 258.
50. Baron, II, 8f.
51. Jewish Encyclopedia, IV, 379.
52. Deut. xxiii, 20.
53. Baba Metzia, v, 1-2, 11.
54. Abrahams, Jewish Life, 110.
55. Baron, II, 120.
56. Pirenne, H., Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe, 134.
57. Cambridge Medieval History, VII, 644.
58. Ibid., 646.
59. Neuman, A., I, 202; Lacroix, P., Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages, 451.
60. Coulton, G. G., Medieval Panorama, 352.
61. Abbott, Israel, 113.
62. Lacroix, Manners, 451.
63. Ashley, W. J., Introduction to English Economic History and Theory, 202.
64. Abbott, 117.
65. Pollock and Maitland, 451.
66. Cambridge Medieval History, VI, 226.
67. Abbott, 122.
68. Husik, 508.
69. Abbott, 125; Graetz, III, 588.
70. Abbott, 135; Lacroix, Manners, 445.
71. In Foakes-Jackson, F., and Lake, K., Beginnings of Christianity, I, 76.
72. Baba Bathra, 90.
73. Baba Metzia, iv, 3.
74. Baron, I, 277-8; II, 108.
75. Baron, II, 99.
76. Moore, II, 174-5.
77. Abrahams, Jewish Life, 141, 319, 326, 335; Baron, II, 99.
78. Coulton, Pa
norama, 357.
79. Abrahams, 277.
80. Ibid., 281.
81. Burton, Sir R. F., The Jew, the Gypsy, and El Islam, 128; Baron, II, 169.
82. Abrahams, 331.
83. Baba Kama, 113b.
84. Abrahams, 106.
85. Ibid., 104.
86. Ibid., 90.
87. Baron, II, 112.
88. Abrahams, 166.
89. Kiddushin, 41a; Neuman, II, 21.
90. Ibid.
91. Moore, II, 22.
92. Abrahams, 117.
94. Burton, The Jew, 43.
95. White, E. M., Woman in World History, 176.
96. Abrahams, 155.
97. Brittain, A., Women of Early Christianity, 10.
98. White, 189.
99. Neuman, II, 63.
100. White, 185.
101. Marcus, J., The Jew in the Medieval World, 313.
102. Abrahams, 32.
103. Neuman, II, 153.
104. Baron, I, 288; II, 97.
105. Abrahams, 126.
106. Brittain, 12.
107. Moore, I, 316.
108. Maimonides, Mishneh Torah, Book I, tr. Moses, Hyamson, 63a.
109. In Waxman, M., History of Jewish Literature, I, 214.
110. Jewish Encyclopedia, IX, 122.
111. Oxford History of Music, introd. volume, 60.
112. Jewish Encyclopedia, III, 453.
112a. In Zeitlin, S., Maimonides, 44.
113. Baron, II, 83.
114. Lacroix, Manners, 439.
115. Baron, II, 35.
116. Abrahams, 411; Moore, II, 74.
117. Deut. vii, 3; Nehemiah xiii, 25.
118. Klausner, J., From Jesus to Paul, 515.
119. Baron, II, 55.
120. Gittin, 61.
121. Abrahams, 413-4.
122. Ibid., 418.
123. Ibid., 424; Baron, II, 40.
124. Baron, II, 36.
125. Abbott, 93.
126. Coulton, Panorama, 352.
127. Ibid.
128. Graetz, IV, 33.
129. Gregory I, Epistle ii, 6, in Dudden, F. H., Gregory the Great, II, 154.
130. Ep. xiii, 15, in Dudden, II, 155.
131. Belloc, H., Paris, 170.
132. Graetz, III, 421.
133. Coulton, Panorama, 352.
134. Thatcher, O. J., and McNeal, E. H., Source Book of Medieval History, 212.
135. Lea, H. C., History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages, II, 63.
136. Graetz, III, 563.
137. Ibid., 583.
138. Marcus, 151.
139. Baron, II, 85.
140. Abbott, 51; Jewish Encyclopedia, III, 453.
141. Camb. Med. H., VII, 624; Jewish Encyclopedia, IX, 368.
142. Graetz, III, 299.
143. Ibid., 300.
144. Ibid., 301f; Cambridge Medieval History, V, 275f; VII, 641.
145. Graetz, III, 350; Abbott, 88.
146. Jewish Encyclopedia, IV, 379.
147. Graetz, III, 356.
148. Cambridge Medieval History, VII, 642.
149. Graetz, IV, 35; Jewish Encyclopedia, IX, 358.