lawyers, 114, 338, 496, 690, 695, 696, 708, 757, 833, 917, 930, 1052
“Lay of the Battle of Maldon,” 489
Layamon, 1045
lazar houses, 194
Lea, Henry Charles, 781
Leaning Tower of Pisa, 865, 868
learning, 265, 293, 314, 319, 351, 369, 371, 378, 395, 466, 484, 513, 698, 720, 788, 795, 909, 930, 932, 935, 1006, 1008, 1020, 1052
leather industry, 284, 624, 635
lechery, 264, 487, 534, 822, 928, 1013
Lechfeld, 444, 512
Lecky, W. E. H., 757
“lectors,” 896
lectures, 309, 381, 528, 918 921, 928
legacies, 530-531, 766
Legenda aurea (Voragine), 1022
Legenda sanctorum (Voragine) 1022
legends, 364, 456, 497
Breton, 1042
of Mary, 747
of Santa Clara, 805-806
of St. Francis, 792*, 797
on tapestries, 851
legists, 347, 975
legitimacy, laws of, 755
Legnano, battle of, 641, 662, 761
Leibniz, G. W. von, 243, 739, 972
Leif Ericsson, 504
Leinster, 82, 496, 532, 682
Le Mans, 639, 672
Cathedral, 857
lenses, 288, 925, 995, 1011
Lent, 58, 60, 711, 748
Leo I, Emperor of the East, 97, 113
Leo I the Great, St., Pope, 40, 41, 49, 50, 51, 630, 933
Leo II the Magnificent, King of Armenia, 652
Leo III the Isaurian, Byzantine Emperor, 389, 425-426, 434
Leo III, St., Pope, 468-469, 525
Leo IV, Byzantine Emperor, 427, 937
Leo IV, St., Pope, 290, 530
Leo V, Byzantine Emperor, 428, 527-528
Leo VI, Byzantine Emperor, 429, 435
Leo VIII, Pope, 512, 538-539
Leo IX, St., Pope, 450, 452, 541, 542, 543-545, 737, 758, 764, 777, 937
Leo X, Pope, 919, 983, 1085
Leo XIII, Pope, 978, 1063
Leo the Deacon, 437
Leo, Friar, 795-796, 799
Leo of Salonika, 438
Leofric, Earl, 488
León, 294, 295, 373, 417, 459, 638, 702, 891, 919
Cathedral, 891-892
Council of, 459
Cortes of, 700
Leonardo da Vinci, 243, 289, 995
Leopold, Duke of Austria, 673
Leovigild, 95
leprosy, 357, 379, 794, 837, 1002, 1003, 1021, 1042, 1049
Lerida, 892, 919
Lérins, 57, 83
Lesser Armenia, 652, 653
Lethe, 1076
“Letter to the Princes and People of Italy” (Dante), 1063
lettering, “Gothic,” 906
Kufic, 273, 277, 317
letters of credit, 629
Levant, 465, 629
reopening of, 614
levirate, 362
lexicographers, 305, 319, 395-396
Libanius, 9, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, 62, 63, 121, 435
Liber abaci (Fibonacci), 990
Liber Augustalis (Frederick II), 718
Liber continens (al-Razi), 246, 912
Liber de causis, 996
Liber de coloribus faciendis (Peter of St. Omer), 997
Liber doctrinae puerilis (Lully), 979
Liber experimentorum (al-Razi), 910
Liber Gomorrhianus (Peter Damian), 542
Liber ignium ad comburendos hostes (Marcus Graecus), 997
Liber introductorius (Michael Scot), 988
Liber lapidum (Marbod), 992
Liber pastoralis curae (Gregory I), 521
Liber perditionis, 985
Liber sex principiorum (John of Salisbury), 951
liberty, 560, 637, 676, 677, 678, 701, 721, 722, 728, 776, 827, 844, 1062
Liberius, St., 8, 50
libraries, 282, 285, 287, 304, 319, 339, 340, 437, 450, 474, 483, 536, 539, 652, 811, 909, 921
of Constantinople, 605, 914
Islamic, 237
at Fulda, 515
at Merv, 329
monastic, 476, 906
mosque, 257
private, 909, 1032
Libre de contemplado en Dieu (Lully), 979
Libre del orde de cavalyeria (Lully), 979
Lichfield Cathedral, 883
Liedbert, Bishop of Cambrai, 752
Liége, 474, 476, 514, 618, 623, 686, 769, 861, 914
Liegnitz, battle of, 658
Life of Alfred (Asser), 491
Life of Anthony (Athanasius), 57
Life of Mohammed (Muhammad ibn Ishaq), 237
Life of Reason (Santayana), 336*
light, action of, 289
rays, 1011
refraction of, 288
studies of, 289
lighthouses, 615, 618
Lijus Adam (Adam de la Halle), 1029
Lille, 470, 615, 623, 640, 642, 648, 685, 690, 851
Limburg, 441, 686
Limoges, 474, 849
Lincoln, 392, 635, 640
Cathedral, 392*, 857, 871, 883, 884-885
Lindisfarne Gospels, 491
lingua gallica, 904
lingua romana, 904
Lisbon, 624, 702, 710, 919, 1085
lists, tournament, 574
litanies, 742, 747, 796, 895
lithotomy, 437
Lithuania, 391, 659
literacy, 94, 383, 395, 454, 531, 563, 653, 908, 1018
literature, 78-79, 121, 124-126, 293, 312, 313, 314, 320, 341, 350, 371, 372, 397, 432, 451, 470, 485, 496, 500, 509, 544, 578, 650, 652, 657, 669, 684, 750, 767, 798, 827, 876, 903, 910, 915, 931, 935, 950, 1015, 1016, 1019, 1027, 1030, 1039, 1052, 1066, 1084, 1085
Anglo-Saxon, 489
apocalyptic, 1068
Armenian, 205
Biblical and rabbinical, 408
Byzantine, 124-126, 429, 437
Catalan, 979
Christian, 530
classical, 476, 529, 530, 846, 907
English, 905, 1030
European, 578
French, 905, 1030, 944
German, 515, 1030
Hebrew, 380, 395, 402
Icelandic, 1031-1036
Islamic, 220, 236-238, 262-270, 334, 343, 911
Italian, 1030, 1056
Latin, 906, 949
medieval, 786, 792*, 820, 947
Persian, 310, 322
Portuguese, 698
Sasanian, 270
Scottish, 502
Spanish, 698, 1030
translated Greek, 444
Little Flowers of St. Francis, see Fioretti
liturgy, 135, 356, 476, 528, 535, 745, 748, 898, 900, 1025, 1027, 1028, 1083
Liutgard, 465
Liutprand, 451, 452, 464
livery, 833
Lives of the Caesars (Suetonius), 467
Lives of the Philosophers (Diogenes Laërtius), 912
Livonia, 618, 659, 766
Livonian Knights, 655, 659
Livre des Métiers (Étienne Boileau), 635
Livy, 31, 283, 987, 1018
Llywelyn the Great, 684
Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, 684
loans, 385, 454, 627, 630-633, 766, 925
Locke, John, 972
logic, 250, 254, 288, 332, 336, 405, 915, 951, 964, 980, 982, 983, 1007, 1009, 1015, 1022
Logos, 16, 17, 48, 66, 130, 249, 250, 251, 254, 416, 417, 478, 945
Loire River, 37, 83, 91, 475, 480, 531, 554, 614, 617, 645, 904, 1052
Lois d’Oléron, 620
Lombard League, 662, 714, 761
second, 722-723
Lombard style, 479, 491, 868
Lombardo, Pietro, 1065
Lombards (Langobardi), 22, 42, 89, 114, 117, 290, 423, 434, 443, 451-452, 454, 461, 510, 519, 521, 525, 610, 628, 631, 695, 696, 831
Lombardy, 451-452, 512-513, 516, 533, 550, 633, 663, 708, 722, 761, 771, 892, 1056
iron crown of, 462
London, 369, 375, 483, 681, 1020
London Bridge, 621, 822-823
longbows, 570, 678
“Long Walls,” Constantinople, 104
Lord of Misrule, 841
Lord’s Prayer, 212, 985
lore, Christian, 865
faery, 1018
medical, 457, 998
rabbinical, 403
racial, 1032
Loreto, 753
Lorraine, 473, 480, 663, 686, 695
Lorsch, 476, 514, 516, 535, 766
Lothaire I, Holy Roman Emperor, 472, 473, 916
Lothaire II, King of Lorraine, 526, 760
Lothaire III, Holy Roman Emperor, 661
Lothaire IV, King of France, 475
Lothair, King of Italy, 511
Lotulphe, 940
Louchard family, 627
Louis I the Pious, Holy Roman Emperor, King of France, 370, 470, 471, 472-473, 477, 536, 766
Louis II the Stammerer, King of France, 290, 472, 474
Louis II the German, King of Germany, 472, 473, 510-511, 904
Louis III the Child, King of Germany, 511
Louis III, King of France, 474
Louis IV, King of France, 475
Louis IV the Bavarian, Holy Roman Emperor, 1063
Louis V, King of France, 475
Louis VI, the Fat, King of France, 434, 639, 688, 689
Louis VII, King of France, 390, 594, 595, 639, 640, 671, 689, 827, 857, 876
Louis VIII, King of France, 677, 690, 775, 778, 891
Louis IX, King of France, St., 312, 377, 393, 401-402, 480, 564, 568, 608, 612, 615, 647, 690-694, 695, 696, 698, 699, 723, 724, 725-726, 766, 776, 778, 817, 822, 823, 838, 879, 880, 909, 986, 993, 1002 1016, 1020-1021, 1038, 1085
sons of, 608
Louis X, King of France, 644
Louis XVI, King of France, 480
Louis, Duke of Orléans, 952
Louis of Thuringia, 716
Louvain, 249, 623, 686
Louvre, Paris, 690, 691, 849
love, courtly, 576-579, 1044, 1051
deification of, 1059
family, 381
illicit, 1037
parental, 269, 819, 913
philosophy of, 1057
poetry of, 750, 1066
tales of, 324, 1042-1043
Low Countries, 769, 920
Lowlands, 615, 622, 646, 832, 853, 888, 903
Loyola, St. Ignatius, 528-529, 978
Lübeck, 615, 618, 642, 645, 830, 915
Lucan, 1018, 1070
Lucca, 370, 616, 624, 638, 713, 1064
Lucena, 371, 372, 398
Lucian, 15, 437
Lucius III, 779
Lucretius, 96, 256, 955
Ludmilla, St., 660
Ludolf, son of Otto I, 512
Lügenfeld, 472
Luke, 353*
Gospel of, 385
Lull, Ramón (Raymond Lully), 404, 418, 734, 979-980
Lunel, 415
Lupercalia, 34, 75
Lutgardis, St., 764
Luther, Martin, 74, 784, 986
Luzumiyyat (al-Ma’arri), 265-267
Lyons, 85, 86, 292, 386, 615, 688, 706, 723, 916, 1001
archbishop of, 758, 770
Cathedral, 860
councils of, 723, 745, 768, 811, 899, 963
Ma arri, al-, 255, 265-267, 275, 323, 1068
Mabinogion, 496, 684, 1045
Macarius, St., 58-59
Macbeth, 501-502
Maccabaeus, Judas, 1078
Maccabees, 359
Macedonia, 3, 47, 369, 428, 434, 443, 657
Macedonius, 8
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 297, 724, 1062
“machines,” submarine, 1010
MacLiag, poet laureate, 498
MacMurrough, Dermot, 682
Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius, 32, 87, 991
Madonna and Child with Angels (Cimabue), 855
madrasa, 317
Madrid, 257, 305
Maerlant, Jacob van, 686
Maestà (Duccio), 854-855
Maetani, Lorenzo, 889
Magan, 156
Magdeburg, 514, 618
Archbishop of, 758
Magellan, Ferdinand, 992, 1085
Maggior Consiglio, 709-710
Magi, 139, 141, 142
magic, 139, 217, 352, 357, 364, 417, 433, 970, 984, 985-986, 988, 989, 996, 1000, 1005, 1015, 1049
Magister Salernus, 997
Magna Carta, 464, 658, 690, 903, 1083
Magna moralia (Aristotle), 240
Magna moralia (Gregory I), 523
Magnaura, palace of, Constantinople, 439
magnets, 996
Magnus the Good, 503, 506
Magyars, 227, 444-445, 446, 475, 511-512, 575, 579, 637, 657, 658, 659-660, 831, 845
Mahasin, ibn-abi’l-, 330
Mahdi, al-, 197, 231-232, 280
Mahdi (Redeemer), 261
Mahmud, 203, 209, 231-232, 243, 244, 247, 268-269, 276
Mahon, 500
Maimon ben Joseph, 408
Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon), 252, 257, 338, 368, 385-386, 395, 403, 405, 407-418, 776, 910, 953, 957, 963-964, 969, 977, 984, 1005
Maine, 689
barons of, 674
Mainz (Magontiacum), 37, 88, 369-370, 380, 390, 400-401, 465, 476, 511, 513-514, 516, 598, 619, 640, 1042
archbishop of, 758
Cathedral, 870
councils at, 543, 550, 740
Diet of, 514
maisons-Dieu, 809
Majorca, 373, 699, 979
Majorian, 42, 805
mal des ardents, 1003
Malachi, King of Meath, 500
Malaga, 298, 307, 315, 329, 371, 396
malaria, 379
Malatesta, Gianciotto, 1070
Paolo, 1070
Malcolm II, 501
Malcolm III, 502, 683
Malcolm IV, 683
Maldon, 485, 924
Malik ibn Anas, 226
Malik Shah, 308-309, 310, 312, 321, 338, 371
Malocello, Lanzarotte, 992
Malory, Sir Thomas, 81, 489, 1045, 1049, 1086
Malta, 289
Knights of, 610
Mamluks, 209, 312-313, 317, 340, 609, 653
Mamun, al-, 198, 200-202, 208, 218, 222, 227, 231, 240-242, 244, 247, 250-252, 280, 438, 911
Manfred, 612, 699, 719, 725-727, 765, 909, 1056, 1074
Mangu Khan, 1012
Mani, 139, 142, 150
Manicheans, 47, 64, 66, 67, 100, 112, 139, 142, 425, 528, 771, 777-778
manners, 137, 223, 263, 442, 487, 578, 819-844, 1084
manors, 558, 766, 785
Manrique, Bishop of Leon, 891
Mansur, Abu Jafar al-, 197, 200, 225, 232-233, 240-241, 250, 292
Mansur, Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-, 338
Mansur, Muhammad ibn Abi Amir, al-, 262,* 294-295, 296, 297, 302-303, 306
Mansur, Nuh ibn, 247, 268
Mansur, Yaqub al-, 335
Mansura, 313, 608
Mansuri, al- (al-Razi), 203
Mantes, 668, 876
Mantiqal-Tayr (Farid al- Din Attar), 324
Mantua, 543, 549, 662, 712, 722, 916, 1057
Manual for Oculists (ibn Isa), 246
Manuel I Comnenus, 594, 595, 603, 650, 708
manufacturing, 436, 552, 700, 888
manumission, 77, 113
manuscripts, 277, 282, 285-286, 466, 500, 531, 536, 906
Arabic, 257
classic, 532, 818, 907
Greek, 443, 949
illuminated, 277, 287, 442, 479, 499, 516, 530, 846, 852
musical, 900-901
papal, 909
Turkish, 319
Manzikert, battle of, 308, 431, 586
Map, Walter, 787, 1045
mappae mundi, 994
maps, 242, 329, 992, 994
Maqamat (al-Hamadhani), 263
Maqamat (al-Hariri), 320
Maqqari, al-, 293, 295,
297, 298, 302, 306
Maqrizi, 287
marble, 432, 439, 455, 457, 858, 861, 869, 885, 888, 889
Marbod, Bishop of Rennes, 992
Marburg, 784
Marc Aurèle (Renan), 786*
Marcella, St., 51, 52, 55
Marcellinus, St., 67
Marcellus, 121
Marcian, 40
Marcus Aurelius, 14, 23, 73, 77, 101, 135, 843
Mardonius, 10
Margaret, Duchess of Brapant, 901
Margaret, Queen of Scotland, 683
Maria, wife of Honorius, 27
Marie, Countess of Champagne, 577-578, 1045, 1046
Marie de France, 1042-1043
Marienburg, 610
Marib, 156
Mariolatry, 49, 746
Mar-Isaac, 366
Maristan al-Mansur, Cairo, 330
maritime regulations, 620-621
mark, value of, 378*
Mark, King of Cornwall, 1049
Mark, St., 455
markets, 432, 434, 560, 643
Marmoutier, 57
Marozia, 538
marquetry, 287, 849
Marraqesh, 286, 316, 334, 335
Marraqushi, Hasan al-, 328
marriage, 77, 137, 181, 380-381, 387, 418, 505, 528, 576, 738, 741, 754, 755, 757, 764, 765, 823-825, 826, 937, 943, 1041
clerical, 541-542, 546, 548, 551, 668, 770
early, 362, 380
Islamic, 220-223
Jewish, 361-362
Mars, 137, 264, 987, 991
Marseille (Massalia), 30, 47, 57, 85, 404, 448, 591, 599, 606, 612, 615, 616, 617, 639, 648, 688, 771, 857, 868, 1085
Marsh, Adam, 925, 1006
Marsilius of Padua, 708
Martial, 76, 1018
Martianus Capella, 99, 915, 991
Martin I, St., 525
Martin IV, 713, 726
Martin V, 632
Martin, St., 47, 57, 94
Martin, Raymond, 919
Martinus, 916
Martorana, Palermo, 704-705, 852
martyrdom, 300, 301, 408, 945, 979-980
Mary, Virgin, 48, 69, 75, 77, 81, 127, 128, 131, 185-186, 230, 238, 401, 426, 496, 575, 576, 579, 691, 727, 732, 744, 746-748, 772, 796, 799, 826, 827, 841, 853, 860, 861, 886, 889, 895, 973*, 1018, 1024, 1038, 1054, 1079, 1084
Mary I, Queen of England, 680
Mary Magdalen, 743, 744
Mary, wife of Mohammed, 172
Mashallah, 403
Mashhad, 217, 231, 268, 317
Masjid al-Aqsa, Al-, Jerusalem, 228
Masjid al-Haram, 161
Masjid-i-Jami, Isfahan, 317
Maslama ibn Ahmad, 305
Mass, 75, 527, 740, 748-750, 768, 884, 895, 896
massacre, 295, 339, 340, 372, 379, 391, 474, 485, 500, 639, 648, 685, 726, 775
“Master of Hungary,” 647
masters, 922-924, 926, 927, 929
Masud II, 232, 243-244
Masudi, al-, 141, 201, 207, 238, 245, 262, 263
materialism, 331, 405, 955, 956
materia medica, 240, 249
Materia Medica (Dioscorides), 240
mathematics, 240, 244, 288, 321, 328, 372, 398, 403, 408, 437, 438, 497, 539, 720, 911, 919, 925, 980, 988, 989-992, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1022