sapphires, 992
Sappho, 907, 1086
Saracens, 157, 244, 245, 290, 387, 403, 425, 453, 454, 462, 464, 468, 474, 519, 529, 530, 538, 554, 572, 575, 592, 593, 597, 601, 617, 692, 713, 716, 717, 719, 811, 906, 979, 980
Saragossa, 95, 292, 307, 334, 396, 404, 462, 697
Sarai, 656
Sardica (Sofia), 104, 443
Council of, 533
Sardinia, 27, 110, 116, 289, 349, 474, 606, 616, 760
Sargent, John Singer, 318
Sarre, Friedrich, 275
Sarton, George, 239*
Sarus, 36
Sarvistan, 148
Sasanians, 136-150, 225, 232, 275
Satan, 47, 73, 77, 126, 137, 216, 259, 354, 489, 733-734, 736, 769, 825, 909, 933, 967, 970, 984, 986, 1021, 1068
satire, 263, 786, 804, 841, 1025, 1051-1055
Saturn, 987
heaven of, 1078
Saturnalia (Macrobius), 32
Sauda, 166, 167
Sava, St., 657
Savonarola, Girolamo, 76, 568, 834, 890
Saxo Grammaticus, 89, 1019
Saxons, 22, 43, 80, 81, 89, 107, 450, 461, 462, 483, 492, 501, 510, 513, 514, 532, 533, 535, 665, 683, 832, 905, 1045
Saxony, 444, 462, 473, 483, 511, 514, 550, 623, 646, 661
Sayfu’l-Dawla al-Hamadani, 202, 253, 264
Scala, Can Grande della, 731, 1065, 1066, 1067
scalds, 509, 1032, 1054
Scandinavia, 208, 432, 448, 450, 451, 473, 502, 509, 617, 618, 646, 656-666, 903, 984
Scandinavians, 473, 504*
Schedula diversarium artium (Theophilus), 847
Scheldt River, 473, 617, 618, 685
Schiller, J. C. F. von, 664, 1039
schism, 469, 528-529, 1072
Eastern, 544-545
Schleswig, 80, 504*
Schnoudi (Schenute), St., 51
scholars, 270*, 288, 291, 304-306, 340-342, 347-349, 410, 437, 465, 466, 476, 484, 497, 501, 515, 526, 532, 719, 720, 903, 909, 914, 967-968, 1009, 1051
Babylonian, 366
Christian, 386, 698
German, 960
Islamic, 235-239, 328-331, 373, 698
Jewish, 370, 373, 386, 388, 396, 414, 698, 721, 910
Spanish, 401
wandering, 379, 746, 767, 900, 1018
scholarship, 270*, 650
scholarships, 288, 371, 922, 926
Scholastica, St., 805
Scholasticism, 252, 257, 406, 524, 917, 921, 940, 955, 958-961, 979, 982-983, 1015, 1084
schools, 304, 313, 317, 340, 347, 348, 349, 466, 484, 488, 497, 500, 513, 536, 578, 636, 640, 642, 652, 755, 818, 908, 912-915, 916, 927*, 928, 929, 949, 953, 979, 1002, 1018, 1085
“abacus,” 915
for boys, 449
bardic, 497-498
cathedral, 466, 666, 914, 915, 916, 919, 920
of church music, 897
Dominican, 922, 960
Irish, 531
Italian, 904
Jewish, 351, 371, 383, 404, 416
medical, 456, 956
monastic, 476, 481, 501, 514, 666, 903, 913
Moslem, 252, 333, 457
Roman, 913
schoolteachers, 291, 828
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 71
Schwabenspiegel, 665
science, 121-122, 243, 285, 293, 305, 312, 331, 332, 333, 336, 341, 353, 371, 372, 395, 405, 415-416, 418, 438, 450, 457, 470, 476, 497, 528, 719-720, 795, 802, 807, 844, 879, 903, 911, 912, 925, 933, 934, 949, 956, 961, 980, 984, 988, 1003-1004, 1007, 1010, 1015, 1016, 1058, 1067, 1068, 1084, 1085
Byzantine, 121-124
Christian, 984-1017
Greek, 241, 342, 911, 916, 984
Islamic, 239-245, 288, 321, 328-331, 342, 343, 403, 450, 910, 913, 982, 1004, 1006
Jewish, 402-404
scientists, 304, 309, 319, 340, 395, 719, 802, 1086
Scito te ipsum (Abelard), 945
Scivias (Hildegarde), 810
Sclerus, Bardas, 430
Scotland, 447, 495, 496, 498, 507-502, 531, 532, 670, 673, 675, 678, 679, 681-684, 832, 883
Scots, 22, 80, 496, 682-684
scribes, 350, 907, 908
scriptoria, 99, 466
Scriptum principale (Roger Bacon), 1007
Scriptures, 11, 18, 78, 96, 115, 163, 169, 184, 185, 338, 353, 387, 398, 400, 410, 414, 415, 476, 526, 688, 773, 795, 808, 907, 938, 956, 961, 966, 967, 1008
authority of, 70, 929, 953, 981
Hebrew, 352*, 353, 355, 407, 938, 966
scrofula, 986
sculptors, 129, 133, 847, 848, 858, 869, 875, 881, 884, 889
sculpture, 149, 270, 274, 276, 278, 425, 432, 686, 748, 752, 857-862, 868-869, 877, 879, 883, 885, 886, 887, 889, 890, 1028, 1066, 1085, 1086
Gothic, 341, 697, 858, 860-861, 862
Islamic, 318
Romanesque, 869
scutage, 676
Scythians, 39, 82, 446
Sea of Marmora, 5, 103-104, 432
seals, 833, 849
Sebastian, St., 743
“Second Order of Irish Saints,” 531
Secret Doctrine, 417
Secretum Secretorum, 911
sects, 282, 338, 341, 420, 434, 768, 770, 771, 820
“secular canons,” 788
secularization, 756, 816, 917
Seder, 358
Sefer-ha-Bahir (Isaac the Blind and Azriel), 417
Sefer Yezira, 417
Sefer ha-Zohar (Moses ben Shem Tob), 417-418
sefiroth, 417
Segovia, 892
Seine River, 37, 474, 475, 481, 559, 617, 634, 645, 688, 690, 876, 877, 919, 927
Seleucia, 136
self-government, 366, 369, 434, 459, 638, 640, 662, 707, 715, 917
Seljuqs, 257, 311, 312, 316, 318, 338, 586, 652
Selvo, Domenico, 851
Semites, 89, 156*, 172, 185
Sempringham, order of, 792
Senate, Byzantine, 428, 431
Roman, 25, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43, 50, 98, 101, 111, 114, 456, 707, 708
Venetian, 457, 603, 709, 711
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, 20, 55, 87, 1010, 1014, 1018, 1027, 1070
seneschals, 560, 688
Senlac, see Hastings
Senoch, St., 57
Sens, 12, 475, 639, 671, 841
Bishop of, 541
Cathedral, 856
Council of, 479, 946
Sententiarum libri IV (Peter Lombard), 953, 965, 1009
Sephardim, 370*, 370
Sepphoris, 347, 351
Septuagint, 240, 535
“sequences,” 897
Serapion, St., 59
Serbia, 444, 446, 535, 544, 657, 658, 762
Serene, 384
serfdom, 93, 113, 209, 298, 425, 435, 442, 459, 465, 466, 553, 554, 555-558, 560, 578, 609, 644, 650, 659, 664, 665, 666, 667, 669, 679, 682, 686, 687, 690, 696, 766, 785, 824, 825, 844, 1083
Sergius III, 538
Sergius, Patriarch of Constantinople, 424, 895
Serindia, 118, 119
sermons, 521, 749, 903, 944, 1013, 1018, 1068
servants, 463, 554
service, military, 375, 434, 463, 927
Severus Livius, 42
Severus Sebokht, 241
Seville, 37, 95-97, 271, 279, 291, 293, 296-297, 298-299, 304, 306-307, 314, 315, 320, 329, 330, 335, 338, 371, 383, 459, 460, 623, 624, 697, 698, 891, 909
Cathedral, 315-316
University of, 919
sewage, 835, 1003
sextants, 242
sexuality, 357, 361, 381, 409, 456, 464, 611, 757*, 764, 787, 821-824, 830, 835, 927, 973, 976
Sfax, 132, 316, 703
Shafii, Muhammad al-, 226
Shāhnama (Firdausî), 137, 138, 268, 269
Shahrastani, Muhammad al-, 320
Shahr-Baraz, 151
Shajar-al-Durr, 312
Shakespeare, William, 651, 1019, 1045, 1080, 1081
Shammai, 362
Shams al-Maa
li Qabus, 231, 247
Shams-i-Tobrizi, 325
Shaprut, Hasdai ben, 294, 371, 372, 396, 459
Shapur (city), 143, 149
Shapur I, 142-143, 149, 150
Shapur II, 13, 20, 128, 139-140, 141, 143
Sharazuri, al-, 322
Shariyar, 268
Shavuot, feast of, 358
Sheba, Queen of, 156
shekinah, 354, 360
Shem Tob, 910
Shema Yisrael, 184, 354, 356
shepherds, 552, 791, 1027
sheriffs, 680
Sheroye, 148, 151
Sherwood Forest, 667*
Shl’ites, 103, 217, 252, 261, 309, 367
Shrewsbury, 1019
shipbuilding, 506, 615
Shiraz, 148, 203, 207, 232, 271, 273, 278, 326
Shirin, 147
Shirkuh, 310, 311
shoes, 834
shops, 420, 432, 454, 914, 1083
shorthand, 906
shrines, 303, 846, 849, 870
Shushtar, 143
Sic et non (Abélard), 754, 939-940, 953
Sicilian Vespers, 726, 730
Sicily, 27, 36, 98, 109, 110, 116, 140, 208, 236, 264, 273, 282, 286, 289-291, 342, 343, 349, 375, 393, 403, 404, 442, 453, 510, 529, 571, 586, 599, 611, 616, 621, 622, 624, 645, 663, 664, 665, 694, 699, 703-705, 709, 714, 715, 716, 717, 719, 724, 726, 760, 761, 792, 812, 813, 831, 852, 857, 909, 911, 989, 990, 1056, 1086
see Two Sicilies
Siddhantas, 241
Sidjistani Society, 254
Sidon, 207, 229, 600, 607, 609
Sidonius, Archbishop of Mainz, 531
siege, 570, 658
Siegfried (Sigurd), 508, 1032-1035
Siena, 616, 642, 658, 727, 797, 798, 811, 838, 854, 861, 862, 888, 889, 998, 999, 1028, 1064
Cathedral, 855*, 861-862, 888-889
University of, 919
Siete Partidas, 699
Siffin, battle of, 192
Sigebert, 91-92
Siger of Brabant, 338, 923, 955, 957-958, 962, 1068, 1077
Signorelli, Luca, 889
Sigrid, Queen of Sweden, 503
Sigurd, see Siegfried
Sigurd Jorsalafare, 992
Sigvat Thordarsson, 509
Silesia, 375, 660, 905
silk, 118-119, 367, 376, 379, 440, 624, 826
silver, 847, 876
Silverius, St., 115
Simeon, King of Bulgaria, 444, 657
Simeon, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 585
Simeon Stylites, 60
Simon ben Yohai, 417, 418
Simon of Tournai, 736
simony, 430, 521, 541, 543, 547, 548, 551, 755, 760, 770, 1072
Simurgh, 324
sin, 264, 278, 353*, 354-355, 360, 523, 527, 732, 733, 736, 738, 740, 770, 796, 820, 821, 907, 927, 945, 946, 973, 974, 976, 985, 991, 1013, 1067-1069, 1073, 1075, 1076
Sina, ibn, see Avicenna
Sinai, Mt., 353, 358
sines, tables of, 328
singing, 306, 384, 505, 749-751, 896, 898, 899, 1054, 1057
Sinjar, 242, 310, 312, 317, 320
Sirat, al-, 178
Siricius, St., 45
Sirmium, 13, 39
Sis, 652
Sisebut, King, 370, 372, 375
Sixtus III, St., 51
Siyasat-nama (Nizam), 309
skepticism, 265, 267, 301, 331, 332, 353, 367, 405, 736, 816, 955-958, 1020, 1084
slaves, 29-30, 32-33, 77, 93, 112-113, 118, 280, 290, 298, 334, 347, 369, 370, 424, 434, 435, 436, 442, 448, 459, 465, 486-487, 497, 531, 542, 553-554, 711, 719, 734, 824, 831, 975-976, 1083
Christian, 375, 454
Islamic, 209, 792
Jewish, 375
Russian, 653
Viking, 506
Slavs, 4, 423, 424, 428, 430, 432, 434, 443-449, 462, 471, 529, 535-536, 554, 575, 610, 657, 659, 660, 664, 665, 832
Slovaks, 445, 535
slums, 316, 650
smallpox, 265, 335
smelting, 623, 848
Smolensk, 448, 653
Smyrna, 9, 436, 651
Snorri Sturluson, 503, 504, 509, 1032
societies, 379, 1084
society, 450, 486, 504-505, 578, 718, 777, 818-820, 821, 825, 839-842, 975, 1083
feudal, 553-556
Islamic, 219-224, 234, 280-281
Sasanian, 136-142
Viking, 509-510
Welsh, 495
Socrates, 20, 244, 254, 776, 933-934, 937, 1014, 1070
Socrates, historian, 7, 25, 122, 123, 125
sodomy, 719, 927, 1071
Sogdiana, 119, 136, 209
Sohrab, 269, 270
Soissons, 91, 92, 461, 473, 769, 771, 876, 897, 940, 946
soldiers, 55-57, 429, 432, 434, 500, 553, 559, 560, 822, 823, 1000
Soliloquium (Bonaventura), 959
Solomon, 130, 156, 229, 343
Solomon, Exilarch, 367
Solomon ben Abraham, 414, 415
Solomon ben Abraham ben Adret, 415, 416
Solomon ibn Gabirol (Avicebron), 396-397
Solon, 446, 654, 1065
Somme River, 88, 91
Sonartorrek (Skallagrimsson), 509
Song of Songs, 48, 352*, 353, 398
songs, 279, 292, 381, 484, 684, 818, 899-901, 934, 936, 1025, 1027, 1042, 1054
popular, 837, 1030
sacred, 382, 747, 896
sonnets, 562-563, 1056, 1057, 1058, 1059
Sophistici elenchi (Aristotle), 912
Sophists, 125, 250, 975
Sophocles, 89, 283, 605
Sora, 717
Soranus, 121, 1001
Sorbonne, Paris, 922
sorcery, 433, 984, 985
Sordello, 1057, 1074
Sosigenes, 991
soul, 256, 417, 959, 971-972, 981
Southampton, 610, 640
Sozomen, 20, 125
Spain, 3, 4, 22, 25, 32, 37, 38, 43, 47, 92, 107, 114, 116, 117, 140, 150, 155, 158, 194, 202, 206, 208, 209, 211, 218, 219, 236, 242, 257, 270, 273, 275, 283, 284, 291-307, 314, 320, 338, 343, 349, 367, 368, 369, 372-373, 376, 379, 380, 383, 384, 386, 387, 393, 396-401, 404, 405, 407, 415, 416, 417, 423, 442, 447, 458-460, 521, 525, 530, 537, 539, 553, 572, 578, 586, 611, 615, 616, 617, 622, 624, 627, 642, 644, 645, 663, 678, 692, 697-701, 748, 752, 760, 770, 774, 782, 783, 799, 801, 831, 832, 848, 849, 851, 853, 864, 869, 882, 890-892, 897, 898, 899, 901, 903, 904, 911, 920, 935, 953, 954, 966, 982, 989, 999, 1010, 1019, 1037, 1039, 1044, 1086
Moslem, 196, 241, 249, 282, 297-307, 314, 319, 333, 342, 371, 372, 375, 396, 397, 400, 405, 459, 460, 462, 558, 613, 617, 874, 1030
Visi-gothic, 95-97, 375
Spalato (Split), 127, 446
Spanish March, 459, 473
species, 932
origin of, 955
specific gravity, 244
tables of, 328
Speculum maius (Vincent of Beauvais), 1016
Speculum perfectionis, 792, 796-797
speech, 263, 379, 395, 669, 843, 903-904, 905
Spencer, Herbert, 978
Speyer, 369, 390, 391, 401, 511, 513, 514, 516, 549, 619, 640
Cathedral, 870
spericity, of the earth, 343
Spherics (al-Bitruji), 911
spices, 613, 836
Spinoza, Baruch, 398, 412*, 414, 968, 1082
spires, 342, 455, 865, 872, 877, 878, 883, 887, 891, 892, 1085
Spoleto, 98, 451, 517, 538, 708, 721, 725, 761, 793
sport, 839-842
squires, 392, 572
Stabat Mater (Jacopone da Todi), 750-751, 897*
Stamford, 676
Bridge, 495
stars, 305, 329, 337, 417, 956, 970, 987, 988, 991, 1005, 1011, 1068, 1077-1078
divination by, 984
state, 463, 519, 565, 697, 812, 813, 816, 824, 831, 844, 854, 917, 930, 945, 975, 976, 1063
and Church, 182-184, 579, 755, 760, 809
States-General, 646, 696, 814
esmanship, 310, 343, 431, 433, 468, 470
statesmen, 277, 295, 510, 756, 777, 1085
Stations of the Cross, 34
Statius, 915, 1018, 1075, 1076
statues, 425-426, 432, 479, 807, 857-862, 864, 865, 869, 879, 880, 881, 884, 885, 886, 887, 889, 1085
“Statute in Favor of Princes,” 717
Stephania, mistress of Otto III, 513
Stephen, King of England, 670
Stephen I, King of Hungary, St., 658, 744
Stephen II, Pope, 452, 461, 525
Stephen V, Pope, 535
Stephen VI, Pope, 538
Stephen IX, Pope, 545
Stephen Nemanya, King of Serbia, 657
Stephen of Tournai, 958
stigmata, 800
Stiklestad, battle of, 503
Stilicho, 23, 26, 27-28, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 80
Stoa, 126
Stockholm, 618, 666
stocks, 568
Stoicism, 9, 76, 123, 975
stonemasons, 846
stones, powers of precious, 992, 1005
Story of Burnt Njal, 1033
Strasbourg, 12, 369, 473, 619, 640, 904, 960
Cathedral, 859, 887
Strategopulus, 652
streets, 302, 432, 642-643
Strido, 51
strikes, 648
strip system, 558, 645
students, 362, 371, 372, 401, 479, 497, 519, 528, 691, 757, 823, 839, 903, 908, 909, 914, 916, 917-918, 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 926-930, 1013
studies, Arabic, 919, 979
classical, 914, 923, 1018
rabbinical, 402, 416
studium generale, 916, 924
Subiaco, 517
Subtilitates (Hildegarde), 998
Subuktigin, 203, 244
Suevi, 22, 37, 95, 458
Suetonius, 467, 515, 1018
Sufism, 244, 258-261, 322, 325, 332-333, 337
Sufyan, Abu, 166, 168, 169, 170-172, 191, 192
sugar, 140, 206, 591, 613, 718, 837
Suger, 390, 688-689, 786, 791, 852, 863, 876-877, 941, 942
suicide, 1071
Jewish, 389, 390, 392
Suidas, 437
Sukkoth, 359
Suleiman, Caliph, 194, 195, 220, 224, 291-292
Suleiman, general, 308
Suleiman al-Tajir, 242
“Sumer is i-cumen in,” 900-901
Summa codicis Irnerii (Irenerius), 916
Summa conservationis et curationis (Salicetti), 1001
Summa theologica (Aquinas), 912, 963, 966-967, 970, 974, 977, 978, 1016, 1057
Summa de veritate catholicae fidei contra Gentiles (Aquinas), 966
Summae (Aquinas), 338, 913
sun, 242, 288, 337, 402, 991, 992, 1011, 1068
heaven of the, 1077-1078
Sunni, 211, 212, 294
supernationalism, 406, 816
superstition, 305, 347, 364, 402, 415, 425-426, 442, 456, 466, 470, 531, 579, 694, 720, 732, 745, 811, 894, 938, 984-985, 989, 992, 1015, 1016, 1083
suppuration, 1001
supreme court, 685, 696