Page 24 of Saving You

  Looking down, my mother whispered, “She looks exactly like you, Libby.”

  I lifted up the baby as my mother scooped her from my arms. The love that swept over my mother’s face caused my stomach to drop and a smile to spread across my face. I knew she held that same look when she gazed upon me and Will for the first time.

  She began swaying slightly as she looked down lovingly at the baby.

  Glancing up, she smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek. “What did you decide on the name?”

  Luke walked up next to me and took my hand as I nodded for him to tell them. “Mireya Hope Johnson is our precious little girl’s name.”

  Ari covered her mouth in an attempt to keep her sobs back. My mother smiled and whispered, “Mireya, meaning miracle.”

  Luke kissed me gently on the lips and said, “She truly is a miracle. She also brought us hope when we needed it the most.”

  LUKE AND I sat down on the sofa, dropped our heads back, and let out a sigh as I said, “She’s finally asleep.”

  Nodding his head, Luke said, “She’s got a full belly, a clean diaper, and a comfy bed.”

  I giggled and let out another sigh. “So much has happened in the last three months. We had a baby, you graduated college, and we moved into our very first house.” I turned my head to look at Luke. “No more sharing a house with four other people.”

  Luke turned and wiggled his eyebrows up and down. “You can scream tonight when I make you come over and over again.”

  My core clenched at the idea of Luke having his way with me. We had hardly been together. Luke refused to touch me while we stayed at my parents’ house. I was ready to scream all night while Luke had his way with me. “Do you think Mireya will sleep through the night? She only woke up once last night,” I said with hope in my voice.

  Luke closed his eyes. “I sure hope so. How awesome would it be to sleep a solid six hours?”

  I laughed. “Six? I’m thinking at least eight.” Grabbing my hand, Luke pulled it up to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

  “I’m giving us two hours of playtime, Lib.”

  “Oh,” I chuckled. “I like the sound of that.” I looked around at our little house. It was darling. We were renting Aaron and Jenny’s house that they had lived in until their daughter left for college. They had built a smaller house on the other side of their property, closer to Aaron’s daddy. The white beadboard on the walls added charm. Aaron had remodeled the house a few times over the years. The kitchen was huge and had everything we could ever dream of. The master bedroom downstairs had been added only a few years back. It included a huge master bedroom with a separate sitting area that had Mireya’s bassinet. I wasn’t ready to put her in her room yet, but Luke talked me into trying it out for tonight. We were using the guest room downstairs as her bedroom for now. No way was I having my three-month-old daughter alone upstairs.

  I slowly pushed and stood. I took a few steps back and lifted my shirt over my head. Luke sat up and licked his lips. I loved how Luke admired my body like I was a goddess, especially after having the baby. I quickly learned to love my new curves.

  “Do you like what you see?” I asked as I ran my finger along my cleavage and black lace bra.

  Luke let out what sounded like a growl. He stood and began making his way to me.

  I turned and headed to our bedroom, stripping out of my jeans as I walked along. When I made it into our room, I turned to see Luke slipping off his jeans and tossing them to the side.

  “You drive me crazy with your body, Libby.”

  “Good. That was my plan all along.”

  I sat down on the bed and slowly scooted back as I leaned against the headboard. Luke crawled onto the bed and licked his lips before he pressed them to mine. Pushing my hands into his hair, I tugged and moaned. Luke pulled back and looked into my eyes. “When are you going to marry me?”

  Smiling, I whispered, “As soon as you want.”

  “Valentine’s Day.”

  Shaking my head, I laughed. “That’s next weekend.”

  “I know.”

  I slowly ran my tongue along my bottom lip. “Where?”

  Luke’s eyes lit up. “Port Aransas, under the pier on the beach.”

  I felt the tears build as I thought back to that day. “Why there?”

  Luke’s eyes sparkled and filled with love as they searched my face. Capturing my eyes, it was as if we were looking into each other’s souls.

  “I was watching you walk away, but you stopped when I called out to you. When you looked back to me, I knew I could never give my heart to anyone else but you.”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck I whispered back, “Yes, I’ll marry you next weekend.”

  Leaning down, Luke brushed his lips against mine as he kissed me gently. Pulling slightly away, his eyes met mine as he whispered, “Libby, I’ll love you for the rest of my life and I’ll forever cherish the moment your love saved me.

  The End.

  Coming April 30, 2015


  Book 3 in the Love Wanted in Texas Series

  LEANING AGAINST THE rail, I watched Colt talk to one of Libby’s cousins. The way she was flirting with him turned my stomach. I’d like to pull her by that tight bun on the top of her head and slam her against …

  “Lauren? Are you okay?”

  Pulling my eyes from Colt and the blonde, I turned to face Grace. “Yep. I’m fine. Why?”

  Grace smiled a knowing smile. “Well, to start with, you look like you want to kick that blonde’s ass from here to Timbuktu. Second, you’re gripping that bottle so tight your knuckles are turning white.”

  Glancing at my hand, I loosened the grip on the bottle. Sighing, I looked back to Colt and the blonde. “He drives me crazy.”

  Grace chuckled. “Why? Because a hot girl is attracted to him? Poor Colt can’t help it if he is a mini version of his daddy, Lauren. Girls are going to flock.”

  Rolling my eyes, I looked away. “He sure looks like he is interested in her.”

  Grace sucked in a deep breath and let it out. “You know what I see, Lauren?”

  Turning to look at Grace, I asked, “What?”

  Not taking her eyes from Colt, Grace smiled. “I see a guy who is being polite and talking to one of his friend’s cousins. I see that every time she takes a step closer to him, he takes a step away from her. His smile isn’t touching his eyes, and he looks bored out of his fucking mind. I think you need to go save him from what clearly is a conversation he doesn’t want to be in.”

  My head jerked as I looked to Colt. It was then, for the first time, I noticed he was wearing a fake smile. When she threw her head back and laughed, she took a step closer and Colt turned his body away from her and took a small step away. Lifting his Coke bottle to his lips, his eyes caught mine. I couldn’t help but smile. I wasn’t smiling because he looked at me. I was smiling because I saw how miserable he was. He didn’t want to be talking to the blonde and in that moment of realization I was ecstatic.

  “See what I mean?” Grace said as she nudged me with her shoulder.

  Colt smiled back, and this time his smile did reach his eyes. They lit up for the first time in weeks and I loved that it was because of me smiling at him. Ever since he moved into the house we were all sharing, all we did was argue about the stupidest things or avoid each other all together. I knew my frustration toward Colt was from him turning me down the night I asked him to make love to me. Then of course there was the fact that my father seemed to think I couldn’t take over the family business without Colt’s help. Part of me knew I was being unfair to Colt. His love and knowledge of horses would be an asset to our breeding business and my father could see that. And Colt explained his reasons for not making love to me that night, yet it still didn’t lessen the blow when he turned me down. The embarrassment from that night still clung to my heart and was the main reason I avoided Colt. Well, that and the fact that anytime I was near him I wanted to jump his bones.
br />   But tonight I’m not going to avoid Colt. Tonight I would be a good friend and save him from the blonde who clearly wanted more than just a causal conversation.

  “Excuse me, Grace. I can’t pass up this moment. I’ll be able to rub it in Colt’s face later how I rescued him from this situation.”

  Grace laughed as I began walking toward Colt. His grin turned to a full-blown smile, as his eyes never left mine. Seeing the blonde out of the corner of my eye, I glanced to her. She was staring at me with daggers as I made my way over to them. Her eyes moved up and down my body. I knew I looked good. The chiffon, platinum colored bridesmaid dress that Libby had picked out for us to wear fit me like a glove. Even Meg said my breasts looked killer in the dress. Colt hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off of me when I walked down the aisle.

  Walking up to Colt and the blonde, I smiled bigger. “Hey, Colt.”

  “Hey, Lauren.”

  Turning, I smiled at the bitch. I mean, the blonde. “Hi. I’m Lauren. You are?”

  Flashing me a fake smile she said, “Tina.”

  I nodded my head. “Nice to meet you, Tina.” Tilting my head slightly, I looked back at Colt. “You promised we would dance.”

  Colt’s mouth dropped open. He, of course, hadn’t promised this. He hadn’t even talked to me since last night when we got into another argument over something stupid. I didn’t even remember what the fight was about to be honest.

  Coming to his senses quickly, Colt placed his hand on my arm. I prayed like hell he hadn’t felt my whole body shudder under his touch. “Right. I wouldn’t want to go back on a promise.”

  We started to walk off when the blonde reached for Colt’s arm. “Wait! Is Lauren your girlfriend, or are you … free later?” Moving her eyes up and down his body while biting her lower lip, Tina gave Colt a naughty as hell smile.

  What. A. Bitch.

  Colt pulled is head back and gave her a shocked look. Good. I’m glad to see he was as shocked by her advancement as I was. “Yes. Yes she is, Tina. See you around.”

  Colt’s hand slid down my arm as he took my hand in his. My heart jumped and my stomach felt like I had just gone through about ten loops on a roller coaster. Leading me out to the dance floor, I turned and gave Tina a dirty look. “Oh my God! How rude. I mean … holy sheets! She practically asked you to screw her later. In front of me!”

  Colt’s laugh was a low rumble as he spun me around and pulled me into his arms. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Tina as we danced.

  “Thank you.”

  Looking into his eyes, my breathing increased. It was then I realized where I was. In Colt’s arms. Up against his body. Really, really up against his body. How many times had I dreamed of Colt holding me in his arms again?

  Too many times. Asshole. Ugh. I hate that he makes my body feel like this.

  “Thank you for what?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow.

  “Saving me from what was probably the worse conversation of my life.”

  Stifling my giggle, I couldn’t help but glance to Colt’s lips. He noticed because the bastard licked them.

  Oh God. Calm yourself, Lauren. Quickly looking away, I tried to focus on something else. Anything else.

  “You look beautiful, Lauren.”


  “Thanks. You look pretty handsome yourself,” I said as I continued to scan the dance floor.

  “How would you know? You’ve barely looked my way all night.”

  My head snapped to him. “Are you kidding? I’ve been staring at you for the last …”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Way to play it cool, Lauren. Hello world. The Lauren who throws herself at Colt has finally shown up and she’s looking to get her heart stomped on again by him.

  Closing my eyes, I dropped my head to Colt’s chest to hide my embarrassment. I wanted to crawl under a rock.

  “Hey, Lauren. Please look at me.”

  Colt’s voice was a whisper. A hot sounding whisper. One I imagined would sound pretty damn amazing in my ear as he made love to me.

  Ugh! Stop this, Lauren.

  I pulled my head back but didn’t look up. Placing his finger on my chin, Colt lifted my eyes to him. “Lauren …”

  His eyes fell to my lips as I instinctively licked them. Finally finding my voice, I whispered back, “Colt.”

  Colt leaned closer to me and I felt his hot breath against my lips. I moved my hands to his arms and gripped them. Feeling his muscles flex under my grip, I let out a small moan. His eyes moved to mine. My head wanted to argue with my heart, but I was tired of denying my feelings for Colt. I wanted him. All of him.

  “Tell me what you want me to do, Lauren,” Colt said as our eyes found each other again.

  My heart was pounding so loudly, I barely heard his words.

  Swallowing hard, I said, “Kiss me.”

  Darrin – You know the drill and how this works. I love you!

  Lauren – I am rushing to type out my thank-you’s since you are in desperate need to get your nails done for your winter dance tomorrow night. Yes. Yes I am the greatest mother in the world … you just told me that … I’m putting it in print.

  Kristin Mayer – Thank you for being such an amazing friend. Thank you for reading my stuff, brainstorming with me, making me laugh, being there when I just need to vent, and most importantly … you just being you.

  Nikola Siervert – Thank you for always being there for me when I need you to be the last eyes! You’re the best!

  Ari Niknejadi – Thanks for always being there for me. Your daily Voxers to me crack me up and make me laugh. I’m super proud of you and all that you have done this last year. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next year.

  Katelyn Finnegan – The pictures that you shot for this book cover were beyond breathtaking. Thank you so much for understanding my vision and going with it.

  The Chaser’s – Y’all know who you are! I’d be lost without you. You make me smile every single day. Thank you so much for your support!

  Kelly’s Most Wanted – I could never thank y’all enough for your support! Thank you for spreading the word about all my books. I truly appreciate it more than you will ever know!

  To all my friends/readers – A HUGE thank you. Without y’all, none of this would even be possible. I hope you enjoy reading Luke and Libby’s story as much as I loved writing it.

  Mantz Brothers – One Kiss At a Time

  Luke and Libby in truck headed home over Thanksgiving.

  Taylor Swift – Fearless

  Luke and Libby dancing in the rain in the HEB parking lot.

  Amy Grant – Cry a River

  Luke kisses Libby then tells her they could never be together.

  Blake Shelton – Do You Remember

  Luke and Libby’s song they danced to the night he first kissed her. Played in the truck on the way back to Mason.

  Dan + Shay – Nothin’ Like You

  Luke and Colt watching Lauren dance with her friends at the party in Mason.

  Diana Krall – Let’s Fall In Love

  Luke and Karen dancing at the Italian restaurant.

  Frank Sinatra – It Had To Be You

  Luke and Libby dancing at the Italian restaurant.

  Dierks Bentley – How Am I Doin’

  Luke dancing with Claire at the barn dance.

  Cascada – What Hurts The Most

  Luke and Libby dancing at the nightclub.

  Sara Evans – A Real Fine Place To Start

  Luke telling Libby he loved her on the beach.

  Leona Lewis – I Will Be

  Luke and Libby make love for the first time.

  Jason Walker – I Feel Like That

  Luke and Libby at the pool house together.

  SoMo – Ride

  Luke waking Libby up and playing with her.

  Annie Lennox – I Put A Spell On You

  Grace dancing with football player/Luke and Libby dancing during the party.

  Blake Shelton – My Eyes

  Luke dancing with Libby in the parking lot of HEB.

  Cole Swindell – I Just Want You

  Luke and Libby making love on the roof outside Libby’s bedroom.

  Dan + Shay – Nothin’ Like You

  Luke and Lauren dancing in the kitchen.

  Chase Rice – Gonna Wanna Tonight

  Luke and Libby camping.

  Lady Antebellum – I Did With You

  Luke asking Libby to marry him. Libby telling Luke she is pregnant.

  Lady Antebellum – One Great Mystery

  Libby giving birth to Mireya.

  Hunter Hayes – Still Fallin’

  Luke and Libby living in their first house.



  Kelly Elliott, Saving You

  (Series: Love Wanted in Texas # 2)




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