Antony, Mark, 203, 304, 523, 779–80, 830, 838, 975, 1020, 1113
Apelles (Greek painter), 1056
Apion (Greek grammarian), 531–3
Apollidon, 343
Apollo, 186, 993, 1211
Apollodorus (grammarian of Athens), 165, 413, 606
Apollonius of Thyna (Pythagorean philosopher), 506, 736, 1146
Appian of Alexandria (historian), 148–9, 781
Apuleius, 645
Aquinas, Thomas, St, xxi, xxvi
Aracus (Spartan admiral), 139
Arcesilaus (Greek philosopher), 169, 273, 387, 472–3, 546, 566, 652, 657, 1013, 1127
Archelaus (King of Macedonia), 955
Archelaus (physician, philosopher), 627
Archias (Theban tyrant), 409
Archias, 409
Archidamus (King of Sparta), 77, 341
Archilochus (Greek poet), 560
Archimedes, 152, 1267
Archo (Aenian wife of Poris), 793
Archytas of Tarentum (philosopher and mathematician), 812, 1116
Arethus (friend of Eudamidas), 214–15
Arethusa, 522
Aretino, Pietro, 344
Argelionidis (Spartan mother of Brasidas), 286
Argenterius (physician), 873
Ariadne (myth. daughter of Minos), 943
Ariminius (German chieftain), 891
Ariosto, Lodovico, 460, 461
Ariovistus (German chieftain), 840
Arisogiton, 211
Aristarchus of Samothrace (grammarian), 1220
Aristides (Athenian statesman), 278, 822
Aristippus (Cyrenaic philosopher), 57, 173–4, 192, 208, 479, 655–6, 738, 968, 1000, 1116, 1119, 1258
Aristodemus (King of the Messenians), 953
Aristodemus (Spartan soldier), 259
Aristigoton, 211, 1014
Ariston (tragic actor), 198
Ariston of Chios (Stoic philosopher), 160, 341, 575–6, 596, 654, 764, 955, 968, 1119
Ariston (disciple of Critolaus), 584
Ariston (father of Plato), 596
Aristophanes 194, 526
Aristotle, xii–xxxviii, li, 13, 102, 130, 153, 163–4, 170, 183, 207, 230–31, 349, 426, 434, 451, 480, 513, 516, 519, 542, 545, 575, 606, 610, 621, 627, 643, 705, 728, 785, 788, 809, 816, 912, 959, 993, 1018, 1021, 1050, 1083, 1096, 1097, 1126, 1178, 1191, 1195, 1199, 1205, 1212, 1218, 1228, 1247, 1257
Aristoxenus (philosopher and musician), 627
Arius (radical theologian), 242, 519
Arria (wife of Caecinna Paetus), 844
Arria (wife of Thrasea Paetus), 844
Arrianus Flavius (Greek philosopher), 519
Arsac, Sieur de Beauregard et d’ (M’s brother), 230
Artabanus (uncle of Xerxes), 264
Artaxerxes (King of Persia), 384, 484
Artibus (Persian general), 322
Aruntius Lucius (Consul), 401
Asa (King of Juda), 881
Asdepiades (Greek physician), 609, 871–2
Assigny, Seigneur de 1’, 23
Astiages (King of the Medes), 160
Astylus (Olympic contestant), 438
Atalanta, 937
Athens, Gauthier de Brienne, Duke of, 148
Attalus (King of Pergamus), 383
Attalus (Stoic philosopher), 765, 1229
Atticus, Titus Pomponius (Greek rhetorician), 465, 689, 894
Aubigny, R. Stuart, Seigneur d’, 26
Aufidius (blind historian), 94
Augustine, St, xiii, xv, xxix–xxxi, xlvii, 111, 115, 203, 244, 451, 501, 556, 605, 955, 972, 1168
Augustus Caesar, 21, 141–3, 304, 367, 374, 383, 403, 428, 523, 529, 753, 780, 1043, 1160, 1250, 1253
Bacchus, 291, 383, 387, 828, 1021, 1137, 1252, 1257, 1259
Bacon, Francis, xxx n, xli
Bajazet (Sultan of Turkey), 328–9, 769, 839, 1096
Balbus, Lucius Thorius (Stoic philosopher), 1039
Balde de Ubaldis (Italian jurist), 657
Baldus (Italian jurist), 1210
Barthole (Bartolus) (Italian jurist), 657, 1210
Bathory, Stephen (King of Poland), 255
Bayard, Pierre du Terrail, 14–15, 312
Beauvais, Bishop of, 287
Bebius (judge), 94
Bellarmine, Robert (cardinal), xxxi
Bembo, Pierre (cardinal), 989
Bernard, St, 610
Bertheville (Brienne’s lieutenant), 26
Bessus, 412
Betis (commander of Gaza), 5–6
Beza (de Bèsze), Theodore (French poet and reformer), 751
Bias (Greek seer), 267, 787, 911–12, 1153
Bion of Borysthenes (philosopher), 20, 69, 497, 1109
Biron, Armand de Gontaut, Baron de (Marshal of France), 1136
Bito (myth. son of Cydippe), 650
Blois, see Charles de Blois
Blosius, Caius (philosopher), 212–213
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 183, 460, 461
Bodin, Jean (French writer), 3, 469, 818–24
Boemus, Johannes, xxxvi
Boethius, Anicus, xix
Boëtie, see La Boëtie, Estienne de
Bogez (governor of Eon), 402
Boiocalus, 393
Boleslaus (King of Poland), 900, 966
Boniface VIII (Pope), 393
Bonnes, Barthélemy de (defender of Commercy), 24
Bonneval, Seigneur de (Master of Ordnance), 48
Borgia, Cesare, 247
Borro, Dr Girolamo, 170
Borromeo, Carlo (cardinal), 65
Bouchet, Jean, 7, 203, 248
Bouelles, Charles de, xxii
Bourbon, Catherine de, Princess, 151
Bourbon, Charles, Duke of (Constable), 81
Bourtières, M. de (commander of Turin), 409
Bradamante, 181
Brasidas (Spartan hero), 286
Brennus (Gallic chieftain), 776
Brienne, Comte de, 26
Brion, Phillip Chabot de, 471
Brissac, Charles de Cossé, Count of, 195
Brisson (athlete), 1041
Brousse, Sieur de la, 411
Brués, Guy de, xxxiii
Brutus, Decimus (father of Marcus Brutus), 774
Brutus, Lucius Junius (early Roman hero), 389
Brutus, Marcus, 55, 316, 398, 465, 466, 753, 811, 827, 833, 1128, 1259
Buchanan, George (M’s Scottish tutor), 195, 198, 1040
Bunel, Pierre, xx, xxii
Bures, Comte de, 82
Burgundy, Charles the Bold, Duke of, 146, 262, 936, 1151
Burton, Robert, xvi, 21
Bussaguet, Sieur de (M’s brother), 865
Cadmus, 1083
Caecinus, 774
Caepio (conspirator against Augustus), 142
Caesar, see Augustus Caesar; Julius Caesar
Caesarion (son of Caesar and Cleopatra), 826
Caestius (friend of Cicero the Younger), 466
Caius Julius, 94
Calanus (Indian gymnosophist), 803
Calesthenes, 187
Caligula, 20, 101, 419, 523, 636, 966
Callipus, 145
Calvus, Caius Licinius (Roman orator and poet), 829
Cambises (King of Persia), 7–8, 945
Candale, François de (French author), 168
Canius Julius, 417
Cannacre (victim of Clovis), 901
Capilupi, Lelio (Italian poet), 166
Caracalla, 455
Caraffa, Giovanni Pietro (cardinal, later Pope Paul IV), 342
Cardano, Girolamo, xv
Carnavalet, Sieur de, 329
Carneades (Athenian philosopher), 184, 556, 559, 664, 705, 1041, 1172
Caro, Annibal (Italian poet), 284
Cassius Longinus, 153, 398
Cassius, Lucius, 838
Cassius Severus (Roman orator), 39
Castalio (Châteillon), Sebastian (German scholar), 251
Castiglione, Baldassare, 150
ena, 484
Cato the Censor (the Elder), xxviii, 64, 65, 345, 384, 414, 443, 796–8, 867, 922, 1045, 1259
Cato Uticensis (the Younger), 138, 191, 257–61, 278, 303–4, 333, 375, 475–6, 690–91, 696, 772, 1112, 1148, 1174, 1178, 1259
Catullus, 461–2, 670, 829, 943, 1122
Catullus Luctatius (consul), 286
Caupène, Baron de, 879
Cecius, Martus (conservator of Rome), 1131
Celsus (medical writer), 111, 886
Cercyo (myth. wrestler), 792
Ceres, 383, 1257
Chabannes, Marshal de, 76
Chabot, see Brienne
Chabrias (Athenian general), 17, 87
Chalcocondylas, Nicolas (Byzantine historian), 794
Charillus (Spartan king), 812, 1205
Charinus (Roman physician), 872
Charixenus (friend of Eudamidas), 214–15
Charlemagne, 132, 175, 280
Charles IV (Emperor, King of Bohemia), 118, 471
Charles V (Emperor), 42, 48, 50, 78, 286, 318, 439, 471
Charles V (King of France), 123, 769, 833
Charles IX (King of France), xix, 240, 817
Charles de Blois, 262
Charles the Bold, see Burgundy, Duke of
Charondas (Sicilian lawgiver), 75, 267
Charron, Pierre de, xxxii
Chasan (Mahomet II’s commander), 376
Chastel, Jacques du (Bishop of Soissons), 405
Châtillon, Marshal de, 76
Chelonis (wife of Cleombrotus), 1249
Chilo (Spartan philosopher), 202, 213, 1252
Chiron, 107
Chremonides (friend of Zeno), 1148
Chrysanthus (Persian commander), 323
Chrysippus (Stoic philosopher), 27, 131, 137, 165, 192, 236, 517, 545, 553, 567, 576, 599, 611, 624, 658, 664, 703, 743, 872, 936, 969, 1106, 1255
Chryso (Olympic contestant), 438
Chrysostom, St, 361
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, xiii, xvii, xxxii–xxxiv, xliv, xlvii, li, 41, 44, 56, 89, 183, 191, 274, 279–84, 285, 378, 425, 455, 464–7, 544–5, 558, 566, 567, 610, 689, 705, 719, 725, 779, 811, 819, 822–3, 828, 936, 1039, 1065, 1113, 1125, 1218
Cicero, Marcus (the Younger), 466
Cimber, L. Tillius (friend of Caesar), 383
Cimon (Athenian commander), 166, 402
Cimon (Olympic champion), 488
Cinna, Cornelius Lucius (consul), 141–3
Circe, 541, 1226
Claudius (Roman emperor), 844
Cleanthes (Stoic philosopher), 137, 164, 192, 522, 576, 609, 642, 689, 743, 936, 968, 1106, 1141
Clearchus (Spartan commander), 318
Clement V (Pope), 94
Clement VII (Pope), 38, 50, 470
Cleobis (myth. son of Cydippe), 650
Cleombrotus (King of Sparta), 1249
Cleombrotus Ambraciota (philosopher), 405
Cleomenes I (King of Sparta), 25, 190, 635, 811, 852
Cleomenes III (King of Sparta), 398, 823
Cleopatra, 826, 1113
Clinias (Greek philosopher), 1119
Clisthenes (Tyrant of Sicyon), 658
Clitomachus (Greek writer), 559, 566, 1172
Clitus (Alexander’s general), 378
Clodomire (King of Aquitania), 316
Clovis, 248, 901
Coelius Rufus (orator), 781, 813
Colonna, Fabrizio (commander of Capua), 26
Commines, see Philippe de Commines
Conrad III (German king), 3, 4
Constantine I, ‘the Great’, 248
Constantine XIII (Roman emperor), 248
Constantius (Roman emperor), 720, 761
Copernicus Nicolaus, xxxvi, 642
Coras, Jean de (Toulouse lawyer), 1166
Cordus, Greuntius (Cremutius) (Roman historian), 450
Cortez, Fernando, 227
Coruncanius, Titus, 137
Cossii (Roman family), 142
Cossitus, Lucius, 110
Cossus (Roman senator), 383
Cotta, Aurelius (consul and orator), 137, 558, 612
Cotys, 1147
Cranaus (King of Athens), 1254
Crantor (Greek philosopher), 549, 1235
Crassus, Lucius (orator), 342, 522
Crassus, Marcus (Agelastus), 953
Crassus, Marcus (Dives) (triumvir), 530, 706
Crassus, Publius (Dives Mucianus), 79–80, 342
Crates of Thebes (Cynic philosopher), 153, 553, 609, 658, 660, 1075, 1080, 1211
Crantippus (Peripatetic philosopher), 991
Crinas of Massilia (Roman physician), 872
Crito (friend of Socrates), 16
Crito (son of Pythodorus), 552
Critolaus (Peripatetic philosopher), 1257
Croesus the Elder (King of Lydia), 85, 110, 329, 795, 1024
Ctesibius (Greek inventor), 1127
Ctesiphon, 1237
Curio (tribunes), 826, 1090
Curio (Roman orator), 1090
Cybele, 801, 1021
Cyneas (counsellor of Pyrrhus), 298
Cyppus (Italian king), 110
Cyrus the Great, 15, 20, 70, 85, 160–61, 216, 274, 280, 318, 323, 327, 384, 401, 649, 773, 839, 1012, 1024, 1062, 1097, 1149, 1199
Dagobert (Frankish king), 111
Damidas (Spartan), 392
Damocritus (Aetolian leader), 399
Dandamys the Wise (Indian philosopher), 898
Darius I, 27, 33, 48, 130–31, 145, 303, 628
Darius III, 852
Darwin, Charles, xxxii
Daunus of Apulia, 837
Daurat, see Dorat
David (King of Israel), 358
Decius Publius (father and son, consuls), 342, 583
Dejotarus (Tetrarch of Galatia), 779
Demandes (Athenian orator), 121, 908
Demetrius (Greek grammarian), 180
Demetrius (King of Macedonia), 456
Demetrius Phalerus (Greek orator), 708, 968
Demetrius Poliorcetes (King of Asia and Stratonice), 269
Democritus (Greek philosopher), 339, 349, 545, 559, 560, 568, 569–70, 575, 587, 604, 606, 610, 618, 627, 662, 672, 674, 1051, 1052, 1253
Demogacles (Greek soldier), 317
Demophon (Alexander’s steward), 186
Demosthenes, 280, 374, 639, 814, 822–3, 1021
Demothenes (Roman general), 688
Denisot, Nicolas (Comte d’Alsinois), 312
Diagoras the Atheist, 44, 576
Diana, 291
Dicearchus (Peripatetic philosopher), 100, 609, 657
Dido, 943
Diocles (Greek physician), 871
Diocletian, 298
Diodorus Cronus (dialectician), 10
Diodorus Siculus (Roman historian), 3
Diogenes of Apollonia, 575, 606
Diogenes of Sinope, 188, 214, 339–40, 394, 516, 660, 703, 814–15, 832, 859, 868, 1076, 1106, 1119, 1147, 1255
Diogenes Laertius, 467
Diomedes (Roman grammarian), 1070
Diomedon (Athenian commander), 17
Dion of Syracuse (philosopher), 145, 545
Dion Cassius (Greek historian), 818
Dion Chrysostomus (Sophist philosopher), 953, 1014, 1109, 1180
Dionysius the Elder (‘the Tyrant’), 5, 10, 78, 148, 156, 326, 479, 655–6, 722–3, 1023, 1042–3, 1059
Dionysius the Younger, 69
Dionysus, see Bacchus
Diopompus (Olympic contestant), 438
Domitian (Roman emperor), 203
Domitius, Lucius (Roman soldier), 687
Dorat (Daurat, French poet), 751
Dorlandus, Petrus, xxi
Draco (Athenian lawgiver), 716
Drusus Nero (brother of Tiberius), 773
Drusus, Julius (Marcus Livius), 912
Du Bellay, Guillaume, Seigneur de Langey, (co-author of Mémoires), 7, 78–9
Du Bellay, Jean (French cardinal), 39
Du Bellay, Joachim (poet)
xv, 150, 192, 751
Du Bellay, Martin (co-author of Mémoires), 7, 24, 73, 255, 471
Du Chastel, Jacques (bishop of Soissons), 405
Du Guesdin, Bertrand, 13
Du Lude, Seigneur, 76
Du Velly, St Claude Dodieu (bishop of Rennes), 78
Dürer, Albrecht, 7
Ebreo, Leone, 988
Edward I (King of England), 14
Edward III (King of England), 286, 769, 776
Edward, Prince of Wales (Black Prince), 3, 286
Egeria, 716
Eginhard (Einhard) (historian), 471
Egmont, Lamoral, Count of, 28
Egnatius (conspirator), 142
Eleanor of Aquitaine, see Aliénor
Eleanora of Austria (consort of Francis I), xxi
Emmanuel (Manoel) I (King of Portugal), 55, 267
Empedocles, 153, 375, 569, 575, 606, 609, 610
Endymion, 998
Enghien, Count of, 315
Ennius, Quintus, (Roman poet), 18, 549
Epaminondas (Theban general), xxix, 4–5, 87, 225, 383, 451, 473, 496, 761, 855–7, 904–5, 940, 1260
Epeius, 792
Ephesius, 153
Epicharis (Roman courtesan), 820
Epicharmus (Greek poet), 170, 681
Epictetus, 544
Epicurus, xxxv, xli, 66, 184, 194, 246, 277, 282, 413, 450–51, 479, 549, 566–7, 571, 576, 581, 587, 592, 610, 618, 627, 629, 646, 657, 704–5, 940, 942, 1019, 1141, 1208, 1252
Epimenides the Wise (Cretan poet), 305, 808
Equicola, Mario (Italian writer), 989
Erasistratus (Greek physician), 610, 871–2
Erasmus, Desiderius, xvii, xix, xxviii, xxxiii, xlii, xlvii, li
Erilus of Carthage (Greek philosopher), 212
Eros (Cicero’s slave), 282
Escalin, Antoine (Baron de la Garde), 312
Escut, Thomas de Foix, Seigneur de 1’, 24
Estampes, Anne de P. de H, Duchesse d’, 471
Estienne, Henri (French printer), xxxiv
Estissac, Mme de, 432
Estissac, Jean d’ (M’s friend), 441
Estrées, Seigneur d’, 247
Eudamidas (Corinthian), 214–15
Eudamidas (King of Sparta), 797, 811
Eudoxus (Greek astronomer), 570, 1262
Eumenes of Cardia (Macedonian general), 24, 530, 900
Eunoe (Queen of Mauretania), 826
Euphorbus (Trojan hero), 624
Euripides, 165, 361, 560, 569, 589
Euthydemus of Chios (Sophist philosopher), 1051, 1197, 1220
Eutropius (Roman historian), 761
Evenus (Greek poet), 1227
Eyquem (family name of M), 712
Fabius, Quintus Maximus Rutilianus (Roman general), 328
Fabius, Quintus Maximus, Cunctator (Roman general and dictator), 64, 342
Fabius (family), 142
Fabri, Sisto, xli
Fabricius, Luscinus Caius (Roman hero), 331, 899