Paracelsus, Theophrastus, 643, 873
Paris, 479, 529
Parmenides of Elea (Greek philosopher), 568, 575, 589, 606, 609, 680
Parmenion (Macedonian general), 145, 303
Pascal, Blaise, xiii, xxix, xxx
Pasicles, 333
Patrodus (friend of Achilles), 211
Paul, St, xviii, xx, xxvii, xxix–xxx, xliii, 405, 499, 554, 573, 593
Paul IV (Pope), xxii, 970
Paulina (wife of Satuminus), 595–6
Paulina, Pompeia (wife of Seneca), 846–8
Paulinus (Bishop of Nola), 270
Paulus Aemilius, Lucius Macedonicus (Roman general), 64, 96, 343, 582, 710
Pausanias (Macedonian assassin of Philip), 383
Pausanias (Spartan tyrant), 223, 258
Pausanias (traveller and geographer), 1045
Paxea (wife of Labeo), 402
Peducaeus, Sextus (Roman propraetor), 706
Pelagia, St, 401
Peletier, Jacques (French poet and mathematician), 113, 644, 693
Pelopidas (Theban general), 4–5, 225, 409, 822–3, 857
Periander (doctor, poet), 77, 1252
Periander (Tyrant of Corinth), 998
Pericles (Athenian statesman and general), 139, 224, 341, 886, 936, 1248
Perictione (mother of Plato), 596
Perrozet, 1208
Perseus (King of Macedonia), 22, 96, 305, 1222
Perseus of Cittium (Stoic philosopher, pupil of Zeno), 576
Pescara, Fernando F. D., Marquis of, 26
Petilius (Roman tribune), 414
Petreius (Roman governor of Spain), 836
Petronius (favourite of Nero), 1113
Petronius, Granius (Roman quaestor), 841
Phaedo (Greek philosopher), 982
Pharnaces (King of Pontus), 836
Phaulius of Argos, 981
Pheraulas, 70
Pherecydes (Greek philosopher), 540, 558, 621
Phereus, Jason, 248
Phidias (Greek sculptor), 451
Philemon (Caesar’s secretary), 482
Philip (Alexander’s doctor), 145
Philip II (King of Macedon), 280, 281, 383, 404, 981, 1025, 1083, 1214
Philip V (King of Macedon), 228, 392–3, 793
Philip II (King of France), 94, 202–3, 287
Philip VI (de Valois) (King of France), 776
Philip II (King of Spain), 15
Philippe de Commines (French writer), 470–71, 833, 1064
Philistus (Greek commander), 770
Phillipides (Greek poet), 896
Philo, 558
Philopoemen (Greek general), 139, 306, 316, 728–9, 792, 797, 1230
Philotas, Quintus Curtius (Alexander’s general), 415, 1268
Philotimus (Greek physician), 1071, 1043
Philoxenus (Greek poet), 670
Phocas (east Roman emperor), 792
Phocion (Athenian general and statesman), 277, 813–14, 823, 918, 1075
Phryne (Athenian hetaira), 1199
Phrynis (musician and poet), 134
Phyton (defender of Rhegium), 5
Pibrac, Guy du Faur de, 1084
Pico della Mirandola, Gian-Francesco, xxxiii, xxxvi
Pincher, 915
Pindar, 129, 624, 756
Piso, Cnaius (Roman general), 813
Piso, Lucius (conqueror of Thrace), 383, 820
Pittacus (Greek sage), 985
Pius II (Pope), 852
Plancus, Lucius Munatius (Governor of Gaul), 788
Plantin, Christopher (printer), 1227
Plato, xiii–xix, xxviii–xxix, xxxii–xxxiv, xxxvii–xxxix, xlii, xlvi–xlvii, 32, 41, 44, 69, 122, 131, 156, 159, 160, 168, 169, 170–71, 182, 185, 223, 232, 242, 322, 344, 345, 356, 387, 391, 396, 447, 460, 464, 465, 497–8, 505, 506, 538, 548, 558, 567, 568, 571, 575, 578–61, 601, 603, 612, 614, 618, 627, 629, 645, 655, 662, 715, 725, 766, 792, 798, 812, 867, 869, 925, 949, 953, 964, 967, 968, 970, 974, 1000, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1018, 1043, 1044, 1048, 1050, 1052, 1078, 1081, 1083, 1086, 1122, 1124, 1125, 1134, 1161, 1177, 1180–81, 1196, 1199, 1209, 1219, 1223, 1225, 1227, 1236, 1245, 1247, 1251, 1255, 1258, 1262, 1269
Plattard, J., xlix
Plautus, 196, 352, 461
Pliny the Elder, 20, 110, 203, 274, 279, 323, 406, 465, 588, 605, 688, 782
Pliny the Younger, 274, 279, 399, 843
Plotinus, xlii
Plotius, Gaius, 706
Plutarch, xiii, xviii–xix, xxvi, xxx, xxxiv, xxxix–xl, xliii, li, 19, 21, 203, 317–18, 334, 348, 389, 408–9, 456, 467, 487, 488, 505, 518, 519–20, 567, 570, 581, 611, 626, 726, 809, 812, 818–24, 852, 942, 979, 1042, 1125, 1206
Pol, Pierre (theologian), 326
Polemon (Platonic philosopher), 750, 943, 966
Pollio, Gaius Asinius (Roman historian), 469, 788, 1043
Pollis (Spartan admiral), 17
Polyaenus (Greek mathematician), 600
Polybius (Greek historian), 23, 833, 1259
Polycrates (Greek tyrant), 190, 584
Polypercon (Macedonian general), 27
Pompeius, Sextus, 304, 406
Pompeius, Trogus (Roman historian), 323, 712
Pompeo, 171
Pompey the Great, 5, 57, 83, 86, 141, 262, 304, 315, 317, 322, 342, 530, 695, 822–3, 829, 835–6, 840–41, 975, 1066, 1124, 1128, 1146, 1151, 1268–9
Pomponius Atticus, 689
Pontanus, Jovianus (Italian poet), 110
Pontia Posthumia, 977–8
Popilius, Gaius (Roman ambassador), 780
Poppaea, 697
Poris, 793–4
Porsena, Lars (King of Clusium), 62
Portia (wife of Brutus), 1119
Porus (Indian king), 517
Possidonius (Stoic philosopher), 57, 546, 609
Posthumia (wife of Servius Sulpitius), 826
Posthumius (Roman tyrant), 223
Poyet (French lawyer), 38–9
Praestantius, 1169
Praxiteles, 997
Prester John, 327
Priam, 85
Priapus, 969
Priezac, Salomon de, xxxii
Probus (Roman emperor), 1025
Protagoras (Stoic teacher), xxxviii, 156, 575, 589, 654, 660, 1051
Protasius, St, 203
Protogenes (Greek painter), 248
Psammenitus (King of Egypt), 7–8
Ptolemy (nephew of Antigonus), 24
Ptolemy, Claudius (astronomer and geographer), 644
Ptolomy I (King of Egypt), 938
Ptolomy IV (King of Egypt), 797
Ptolomy XII (King of Egypt), 779
Publius Syrus (Roman writer), 373
Pygmalion, 452, 670
Pyrrha, 1083
Pyrrho of Elis (Greek philosopher), xxxiv–xli, 57, 58, 560–63, 764, 800
Pyrrhus, 525
Pyrrhus (King of Epirus), 228, 262, 298, 317, 531, 819, 899, 1249
Pyrrhus (son of Achilles), 624
Pythagoras, 177, 179, 309, 485, 571, 573, 575, 579, 606, 624, 627, 1071, 1247, 1258
Pythodorus, 552
Quarrie, Paul, xxxv
Quartilla, 1234
Quintilian, M. Fabius (Roman rhetorician), 32, 187, 460, 971
Quintus Curtius, 3
Rabelais, François, xxxiv, xlii, li, 41, 47, 460, 971
Rabirus, Gaius (Epicurean writer), 725
Rachel (wife of Jacob), 239
Raïsciac (German officer), 9
Raleigh, Sir Walter, xxviii
Rangon, Guy de (governor of Reggio), 24
Rat, M., xlix
Raxias (‘father of the Jews’), 400
Raymond (Count of Tripoli), 806
Regillus, Lucius Aemilius (Roman admiral), 25
Regulus, Marcus Attilius (Roman commander), 345, 395, 1039
René (King of Sicily), 742
René II (Duke of Lorraine), 262
Renzo, 248
Restitutus, 111
Reu, Seigneur de (ministe
r of Charles V), 82
Robert I, ‘the Bruce’, 14
Romero, Giuliano (commander of Yvoy), 26
Ronsard, Pierre de, 192, 751
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, xiv
Rufus, Cornelius, 274
Rufus, Lucius Vibulus, 773
Rufus, Publius Sextilius, 706
Rusticus, Fabius (Roman historian), 410
Rutilius, Publius (Roman consul), 791
Sabinus, Calvisius, 61, 154–5
Sacy, Le Maistre de, xiii
Saint-Bony, Captain, 73
Saint-Martin, Captain (brother of M), 94–5
Saint-Michel, Sieur de (brother of M), 865
Salisbury, William ‘Longsword’, Earl of, 287
Sallust, 193, 274, 467, 726
Saluzzo, Francisco, Marquis of, 42
Salvianus of Massilia (Salvien) (ecclesiastical writer), 756
Salvidienus (Roman conspirator), 141
Sancho XII (King of Navarre), 349
Sappho, 635
Sarah (wife of Abraham), 238
Saturn, 107, 506, 583, 716
Saturninus, Appuleius (Roman tribune), 473–4
Saturninus, Lucius (Roman tribune), 811, 1123
Saturninus (husband of Paulina), 595
Saulnier, V.-L., xlix, lii
Sayce, R. A., lv
Scaeva, 841
Scaevola, Gaius Mucius (Roman hero), 62
Scaevola, Publius (Pontifex Maximus), 137, 600
Scaliger, J. C. (doctor), 1234
Scanderbeg, Prince of Epirus (George Castriota), 4, 839
Scaurus, Mamercus (Roman orator), 402
Scipio Africanus, Publius Cornelius, Major, 137, 146, 286, 313, 319, 345, 413–14, 833, 1098, 1127, 1157, 1199, 1244, 1260; and see next entry
Scipio Africanus, Cornelius Aemilianus, Minor, 280, 345, 368, 454, 455, 832, 836, 838, 841;and see above
Scipio Nasica (Pompey’s father-in-law), 87
Scribonia (wife of Augustus), 400
Scribonianus (husband of Junia), 844
Scylla, Lucius, 903
Sebastian (King of Portugal), 770
Sebond, Raymond, xx–xxxi, xxxiii, xxxvii, xl, xliii, xlvii, lvii–lxi, 52, 489–91, 499–501, 604, 628
Sechel, George (Polish peasant leader), 795
Second, Jean (Johannes Secundus, French author), 460
Sejanus (minister of Tiberius), 901
Seleucus (King of Syria), 294
Selim I (Sultan of Turkey), 768, 1180
Sempronius Longus, Titus (Roman consul), 82
Seneca, xiv, xvii–xix, li, 164, 245–6, 277, 282, 398, 399, 463–4, 545, 610, 726, 769, 782, 811, 817–18, 846–9, 1065, 1089, 1123, 1177, 1226, 1228–9
Serapis, 577, 595, 1068
Sertorius (Roman commander), 316, 530, 716
Servilia (Caesar’s mistress), 826–8
Servius (Roman grammarian), 394
Severus (Roman emperor), 254
Sextius Niger, Quintus, the Elder (Roman philosopher), 390, 553, 1228
Sextus Empiricus, xxxii–xxxix
Sforza, Francesco (Duke of Milan), 35–6
Sforza, Ludovico (Duke of Milan), 86
Sidonius Apollinaris (poet and bishop), 335
Silanus, Lucius, 939
Silius Gaius (Messalina’s lover), 985
Silvanus Granius, 401
Silvius, Jacques Dubois (Paris doctor), 384
Simonides of Ceos (Greek poet), 767
Siramnes (Persian), 1057
Sitacles (Odrysian king), 65
Socrates, xvii, xix, xxviii–xxix, xxxviii, xlvii, xlviii, 16, 45–6, 47, 102, 116, 162, 173–4, 176, 182, 268, 272, 309, 353, 382, 384, 425, 426–7, 473–4, 476, 480, 541, 555, 558, 556–8, 575, 600–601, 649, 652, 656, 689, 743, 913, 921, 955, 961, 968, 991, 997, 1009, 1018, 1047, 1050, 1054, 1056, 1100, 1101, 1112, 1141, 1149, 1176, 1192–6, 1198–9, 1200, 1225, 1241, 1247, 1258, 1260–61, 1265, 1269
Solomon (King of Israel), 645
Solon, 13, 85–6, 229, 449, 656, 716, 965, 982, 1028, 1083–4, 1087, 1119, 1251
Sophocles, 10, 225, 379
Sophronia, St, 401
Spargapises (son of Queen Tomyris), 401
Speucippus (Platonic philosopher), 94, 186, 394, 575, 812
Sphaeras (Stoic philosopher), 968
Spurina (Tuscan youth), 831
Statilius, Roman general, 340
Statius Annaeus (Seneca’s doctor), 847
Statius Proximus (Roman poet), 401
Stillingfleet, Edward, xli
Stilpo (Megarian philosopher), 269, 387, 480, 585
Strato (Greek philosopher), 575, 592, 610, 871, 968
Stratonice (wife of Antiochus), 110
Stratonice (wife of Deiotarus), 239
Strowski, Fortunat, xlix, li
Strozzi, Leone (Marshal of France), 751, 833
Stuart, Mary, 86
Suetonius Tranquillus (Roman historian), 255, 323, 773, 779, 811, 826, 836, 1171
Suffolk, Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of, 28
Suidas (Greek lexicographer), 234
Suleiman II ‘the Magnificent’, 737, 780, 1096
Sulmona, Prince of, 330
Sulpicius, Publius (Roman orator), 900; and see Sulpicius Galba, Publius
Sulpicius, Servius (Roman legate in Gaul), 826
Sulpicius, Servius Sulpicius (Roman emperor), 1013, 1022, 1071
Sulpicius Galba, Publius (consul), 228; and see Sulpicius, Publius
Supple, James, xliv
Surena (Parthian general), 530
Sylla (Sulla), Felix (Roman general and dictator), 138, 144, 304, 315, 517, 753, 822–3, 1066, 1125
Sylvanus, Plantius, 688
Syphax (King of Numidia), 147
Tacitus, Cornelius, 454, 556, 726, 759–60, 766, 784, 818, 1064–9, 1175
Tacitus, Marcus Claudius (Roman emperor), 758–9
Tages (myth. demi-god), 44
Talbot (ancient Norman family), 379
Talva, M. Juventius (consul), 10
Tamberlane, xvii, 162, 328, 839, 859, 913, 1096
Tantalus, 92
Taruntius, 596
Tasso, Torquato, 548, 1171
Taurea Jubellius, 403–4
Taverna, Francesco (Milanese ambassador), 35
Taylor, Jeremy, xlvi
Telesinus (Samnite general), 823
Terence, 197, 280, 461–2
Teres (King of the Odrysae), 65
Tertulla (wife of Crassius), 826
Textor, Ravisius, xxxvi
Thales of Miletus (Ionic philosopher), xxxviii, 66, 107, 153, 271, 438, 506, 527, 558, 574, 604, 606
Thalestris (Queen of the Amazons), 1001
Thaumantis (myth. father of Iris and the Harpies), 1165
Themison (Greek physician), 872
Themistitan (Persian god), 583
Themistocles (Athenian admiral), 167, 639, 823
Theodorus the Atheist (Cyrenaic philosopher), 53, 340, 497, 576
Theodosius (Roman emperor), 777
Theodotus (defender of Epirus), 399
Theon (Stoic philosopher), 1248
Theophilus (east Roman emperor), 82
Theophrastus (Greek philosopher), 575, 631–2, 642–3, 968, 1021, 1113
Theopompus (King of Sparta), 287
Theoxena (Aenian wife of Poris), 793–4
Thessalus (Roman physician), 872
Thetis, 582, 680, 1096
Thibaudet, A., xlix
Thomas Aquinas, St, 223
Thomas, Simon (French doctor), 109
Thrasilaus (son of Pythadorus), 552
Thrasonides, 997
Thrasymachus, 654
Threicion, 398
Thucydides, 135, 341, 1059
Thyestes, 131
Tiberius (Roman emperor), 383, 450, 736, 773, 891, 931, 943, 1042, 1067, 1225
Tigillinus (captain of Roman guard), 94
Tigillinus (favourite of Nero), 1113
Tigranes (Armenian king), 838
p; Tillyard, E. M. W., xxviii
Timaeus of Locri (Platonic dialogist), 320, 565
Timagoras (Epicurean philosopher), 668
Timanthos (Greek painter), 8
Timocrates (heir to Epicurus), 704
Timoleon, Greek commander, 249, 265, 902–3
Timon the Misanthrope (Greek philosopher), 339–40, 715, 1051
Timon of Phlius (Sceptic philosopher), 602, 715
Tiraquellus, Andreas, li
Tiresias, 506, 964
Tomyris (Massagetaean queen), 401
Torquatus Manlius (Roman consul), 389, 1125
Torre, Allesandro della (Bishop of Sittiá), xxix
Trebizond, see George of Trebizond
Tripoli, see Raymond of Tripoli
Trismegistus (Egyptian lawgiver), 716
Trivulcio, Teodora (Marshal of France), 13–14
Trivulzio, Alessandro (Venetian soldier), 24
Trophonius (myth. architect), 650
Tullius, Marcellinus, 689–90
Turnébe (Tumebus), Adrian, xix, xxi, 157, 491, 652, 751
Tyrtaeus (Greek poet), 553
Ulpian (Roman jurist), 749
Ulysses, 156, 541, 543, 743
Urgulania (grandmother of Plantius Sylvanus), 688
Valdes, Ferdinando de, xxii
Valence, Germain, xxxv
Valens, Vexius (Roman physician), 872
Valentian (Roman emperor), 554, 756
Valentinois, Duke of, see Borgia, Cesare
Valerius Maximus (Roman historian), 558
Valla, Lorenzo, xxxiii
Varro, Marcus (Roman writer), 255, 542, 577, 596, 600, 609, 624, 651, 1084, 1256
Varus, Quintilius (Roman general), 21, 891
Vascosan, Michel (printer), 1227
Vatienus, Gaius, 785
Vaux, Henry de, 24
Vegetius, Flavius Renatus (Roman writer), 648
Velleius Paterculus (Roman historian), 558
Vendôme, Monseigneur de, 247
Ventidus (Roman general), 823
Venus, 114, 181, 322, 349, 373, 380, 486, 631, 659, 828, 930, 1000, 1041, 1257, 1259
Vercingetorix (Gaulish chieftain), 839
Vervins, Seigneur de, 75
Vespasian (Roman emperor), 768, 518, 1068
Vesta, 575
Vibius Virius (senator of Capua), 403
Villegaignon, Durand de (French explorer), 228
Villey, Pierre, xvi, xlix, li–lii
Villier, Seigneur de, 48
Vincent of Lerins, St, xxxvii
Virgil, 196, 460–61, 530, 850, 943, 958, 962, 986, 1061
Vischa, John (Bohemian insurrectionist), 14
Vitellius (Roman emperor), 317
Vitold (Prince of Lithuania), 901–2
Vives, Juan L. (Spanish scholar), 114
Vulcan, 582
Westcott, Brooke Foss, Bishop of Durham, xli
Wyclif, John, 14
Xanthippe, 473
Xantippus (commander of Athenian fleet), 488
Xantippus (father of Pericles), 488