‘This is Tava-edzen,’ Darq said, hoping Zu would intuit the deeper meaning behind the words.

  Zu ducked his head respectfully to the phylarch. ‘An honor,’ he said. ‘I have heard flattering things about you.’

  Tava-edzen was still standing behind Darq, and Darq felt the phylarch’s body shaking slightly with suppressed laughter. ‘Indeed? I’ve heard things about you too.’

  ‘No doubt.’ Zu’s voice seemed hung with icicles.

  ‘Zu,’ Darq said firmly, ‘the reason I brought you here is because the sedim came to me. You said they couldn’t reach me here.’

  Zu frowned. ‘That is unusual. I underestimated them.’

  ‘I’m no longer a secret,’ Darq said. ‘Thiede is in Nezreka. I’ll be leaving here soon, I expect.’

  Zu sucked his upper lip for a moment. ‘Hmm.’

  ‘Perhaps it’s time for you to be honest too,’ Darq suggested.

  Zu didn’t respond to this, but addressed Tava-edzen. ‘Please take Darquiel to my people, tiahaar. He must go to them before he leaves this country.’

  ‘Do I know them?’ the phylarch asked.

  Zu appeared surprised by Tava-edzen’s words. ‘You know of them, surely. The Krim Sri.’

  Tava-edzen let go of Darq and went closer to Zu, perhaps to read his expression more clearly. ‘Our seers, the Weavers, have spoken of these beings,’ he said. ‘I believed them to be spiritual entities, creatures of the land in this place. You’re telling me they’re real people? By that, I mean human?’

  ‘Not exactly,’ Zu replied. ‘They are an ancient race that has walked among humanity for thousands of years.’

  ‘The Weavers know this?’ Tava-edzen sounded sharp.

  ‘I can’t answer that,’ Zu said. ‘I don’t know how much they’ve revealed to the Weavers.’

  ‘Well perhaps you should be talking to them,’ Tava-edzen said. ‘How can I take Darq to these Krim Sri? Why can’t you take him yourself?’

  Zu smoothed wrinkles from his gloves. ‘I would take him myself, but at this time I don’t wish to make myself known to the Krim Sri. They would demand too much of me. The Weavers will help you, I’m sure, and it’s vital Darq goes to them.’

  ‘What’s the purpose of it?’ Darq asked. ‘Why should I meet them?’

  ‘You can help each other,’ Zu said, ‘but mainly, Darq, I want you to protect them. The Krim Sri who reside here in Anakhai are all that remain of my kind in earthly form. They’ve had to hide from humans, hara and other entities alike.’

  ‘So you’re like the Weavers, really,’ Darq said. ‘You’ll help me if I help those you care for.’

  Zu pulled a rueful face. ‘That sounds harsh, but it’s an accurate assessment.’

  Darq blew out his breath forcefully in exasperation. ‘Then why didn’t you just tell me from the start?’

  ‘Nothing is certain. I needed to make sure you reached this place first. There’s a limit to my capabilities.’

  ‘So, you are Krim Sri, too.’

  ‘Was,’ Zu said. ‘I am, I think, the only incepted Krim Sri.’

  Darq frowned. ‘What exactly are they?’

  ‘Humanoid, but inhuman, as you are. They are in fact hybrids. At one time, they were androgynous, as Wraeththu are, but when they came to this realm and took on a more corporeal form, they became as men and women. This was to blend in, naturally.’

  Darq glanced at Tava-edzen, who merely shrugged. ‘So how do the Krim Sri relate to the sedim and the other faction?’ Darq asked.

  Zu pulled his cloak more closely around him. It was the first time Darq had seen him be affected by the temperature. It was strange, but each time he encountered Zu the har became more real somehow. ‘Originally,’ Zu said, ‘my people came from the same source as the sedim. Controversially, and against the wishes of their rulers, they mingled with humanity. There have been several unsuccessful attempts to get rid of them over the millennia, but they learned to blend in well. The sedim have always feared the Krim Sri would go to their enemies, because of all the creatures in this world, the Krim Sri know the truth of what goes on in the upper ethers. They can’t blend in with Wraeththu, not yet. It would take them many lifetimes. Wraeththu must extend protection to the Krim Sri.’

  ‘If you required help and protection, why leave it until now – until Darq – to make that known?’ Tava-edzen asked.

  ‘Fear,’ answered Zu. ‘My erstwhile people have never been under greater threat. Darq will soon come to power. I want him to be aware of my people’s plight.’

  ‘Why do you care?’ Tava-edzen said. ‘The majority of hara choose to turn their back on their unhar origins.’

  Zu drew himself taller and spoke haughtily. ‘I’m not like most Wraeththu: I can’t forget from where I came or those who originally gave me birth. The Weavers discovered the sanctuary of the Krim Sri many years ago. They’ve been my people’s contact with the world, and have kept their secrets. The Weavers might have spoken to you of spiritual beings, but the Krim Sri are rather more than that.’ Zu appealed to Darq. ‘Go to them now. Speak with their leaders. It is time.’

  Darq was in fact fascinated by the idea of this unknown race. He would have wanted to see them despite Zu’s request for help. ‘Very well,’ he said, then paused. ‘Is there a war coming, Zu?’

  Zu sighed. ‘I hope not. My hope is that you’ll avert it. Do as I ask, and return here tonight to tell me what you learn.’ He bowed and turned around. ‘I’ll leave you now.’

  ‘Zu, wait,’ Darq said, but the har ignored him. He walked back the way he’d come.

  For some moments, both Darq and Tava-edzen were silent, then Tava-edzen said, ‘That was somewhat astonishing.’

  ‘Do you believe him?’ Darq asked.

  Tava-edzen took Darq in his arms, kissed his brow. ‘As I said, I’ve heard of the Krim Sri. The Weavers have mentioned them as what I took to be local nature spirits.’ He exhaled through his nose. ‘Slinque and his dear brothers have some explaining to do.’

  ‘If I go to the Krim Sri, will you come with me?’ Darq asked.

  ‘Gladly,’ Tava-edzen replied. ‘I’m as curious about them as you no doubt are.’ He kissed Darq again. ‘Right. Let’s go to the Weavers now. I hope we wake them from peaceful slumbers. They’re as tricky as foxes, those three!’

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Darq and Tava-edzen arrived at the round house to find the Weavers sitting in their kitchen, drinking tea. Darq suspected they hadn’t been to bed, because they still wore the ornate robes they’d put on for the previous night’s ceremony. When Shayd opened the door, Darq said to him, ‘You must know why we’re here?’

  Shayd indicated that Darq and Tava-edzen should come in. ‘Perhaps you should tell us, all the same.’

  Slinque and Stelph immediately became wary when they saw who had arrived. Their bodies went utterly still. ‘What is it, Tava?’ Slinque asked tightly.

  ‘Darq can explain,’ Tava-edzen replied.

  Shayd went to stand behind his brothers, who both remained seated. Darq approached them. ‘Take me to the Krim Sri,’ he said.

  Slinque put down his tea mug carefully by the stove. ‘I see,’ he said. ‘Who has told you of them?’

  ‘A har who was once one of them,’ Darq replied. ‘He’s been with me since Samway. I only learned his identity very recently.’

  Slinque sniffed. ‘Interesting you didn’t mention this to us.’

  ‘I did,’ Darq snapped. ‘You dismissed it. The voice in my head, remember?’

  ‘Hmm, careless of me,’ Slinque said, ‘although the last thing any of us would have expected was for one of the Sri to be har.’

  Stelph nodded. ‘Yes. They were decimated in the early years of the destruction of human civilization and the survivors fled long before Wraeththu took a hold. As you must know, they are full of fear.’

  ‘I know,’ Darq said. ‘Zu doesn’t want to go to them himself.’

  Shayd folded him arms; somewhat defensively, Dar
q thought. ‘Why do you wish to see them?’ Slinque asked.

  ‘The har who was once Krim Sri feels his people need protection and that Wraeththu can provide it. Whether this is true or not, I don’t yet know. In order to assess the situation, I want to speak to their leaders.’

  The Weavers exchanged glances.

  ‘Well,’ said Stelph, ‘we can certainly ask if they’ll see you.’

  ‘That’s not good enough,’ said Tava-edzen mildly, although there was a hard edge to his voice. ‘You’ll take us to them now. No requests, no delays. Now! Understood?’

  ‘Yes, Tava,’ said the Weavers in unison.

  ‘You’ll have to go beneath the mountains,’ said Slinque. ‘We must forewarn the Sri of our approach.’

  ‘And how long will that take?’ Tava-edzen demanded.

  Slinque sighed. ‘We’ll be as quick as we can. It’s unavoidable, Tava. They have to know they’ll be having visitors, otherwise their traps and wards could kill us.’

  ‘Very well,’ said Tava-edzen, ‘but be quick about it.’

  ‘Shall we return to Nezreka first?’ Darq asked.

  Tava-edzen shook his head. ‘No.’

  ‘They’ll search for us. Thiede will think I’ve been abducted.’

  ‘I’ll send a message to Jezinki,’ Tava-edzen said. ‘He can tell your hara what he likes. I’ll make sure he knows to keep everyhar away from here.’

  Slinque bowed a little and beckoned to his brothers. ‘If you’ll excuse us, we’ll communicate with the Sri and dress ourselves for the trip. Please, sit down and take some tea while you wait.’

  ‘I’m not sure I want more of your tea,’ Darq said.

  Slinque smiled. ‘It is only tea, Darquiel, but suit yourself.’ He and his brothers went into the central room, closing the door firmly behind them.

  In the center of the kitchen, Darq took Tava-edzen in his arms. ‘Today is Natalia,’ he said. ‘Happy festival to you, Tava.’

  Tava-edzen kissed Darq on the mouth. ‘My blood beats for you, Darq. We are of one heart. May the radiance behind the sun light your path.’

  ‘Is that Uigenna talk?’ Darq asked. ‘Those sound like ritual phrases or something.’

  Tava-edzen nodded. ‘Those are a couple of the things we used to say to one another when we felt a little civilised.’

  Darq pulled Tava-edzen closer to him. ‘I think I’ll love you always,’ he said. ‘It would be good if we could have a future together, of some kind. Otherwise it will be painful.’

  ‘Whatever happens, I’m here for you,’ Tava-edzen said. ‘Perhaps we should hope the sedim win the conflict. It’ll make it more convenient for you to travel to me.’

  ‘If things turn out right, I don’t think we’ll need sedim,’ Darq said. ‘You’re adamant, though? You’ll remain here, whatever happens?’

  Again, Tava-edzen nodded, and his expression was somewhat sorrowful. ‘I think so, yes. The prospect of other leaders tires me. They’d irritate me into a state of violence, I’m sure. Manticker would never bow to anyhar, and there’s too much of him left in me.’

  Darq expected that the journey to the Krim Sri would take a long time, at least a day, but the entrance to their hidden kingdom was actually fairly close to the Weavers’ home. Along the way, Slinque said to Darq: ‘At first, we thought it was a wonderful coincidence that we settled in this place, so close to the Krim Sri. Now, we wonder whether fate took a hand, or the Krim Sri influenced us in some subtle way.’

  ‘If they’re anything like Zu,’ Darq said, ‘then I expect they had some influence!’

  The Weavers led the way to a cliff face that was covered in hanging ivy. Darq assumed the ivy would be lifted aside and a doorway would be revealed, but the Weavers didn’t attempt any such thing.

  Slinque and Stelph went to the rock and put their hands flat upon it.

  ‘This is going to feel strange,’ Shayd said to Darq and Tava-edzen, ‘but you must trust us. Part of the wall before you is an illusion. If you intend to pass through it, you will.’

  ‘How did you find this place?’ Tava-edzen asked. ‘It looks just like rock to me, and not even my inner sight can detect a doorway.’

  ‘Very occasionally, a Sri will come to the surface,’ Shayd said. ‘They hide themselves well, but when the portal has just been used it becomes more visible for a short while. You’d sense it yourself then, Tava.’ Shayd indicated his brothers. ‘We came across it by accident and investigated it. We were surprised by a Sri named Hannael, who was returning to her home. Or rather we surprised each other!’

  ‘Was she hostile?’ Tava-edzen asked.

  Shayd shook his head. ‘No, not at all. She could see what we were and was fascinated by us, as we were with her. Her people had fled here long before Wraeththu had taken a hold, so we were the first hara she’d met. Generally, Sri who come to the surface avoid both hara and humans. But anyway, Hannael and we became friends. For some time, we met with her to talk, and after a while she began to visit us at the round house. Eventually, her leaders discovered she had befriended us, and we were asked to visit Helek Sah, the city in the mountain. It was then we were taught how to use the doorway.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ Tava-edzen said, his voice puzzled. ‘Didn’t you trust me with this secret?’

  Shayd bowed to the phylarch. ‘Forgive us, Tava. We had to vow we would keep silent.’

  ‘Did they put a binding on your tongue?’ Darq asked sarcastically.

  Shayd smiled thinly. ‘No. There was no need.’ He turned away and looked at his brothers, who had taken their hands from the rock. ‘The doorway is primed,’ Shayd said and gestured towards the cliff. ‘Are you ready?’

  Darq and Tava-edzen exchanged a glance, then the phylarch took hold of one of Darq’s hands. ‘We intend to pass,’ he said to Shayd. ‘That’s all?’

  Shayd nodded.

  Darq squeezed Tava-edzen’s fingers. They approached the cliff face where together, they took a deep breath and stepped forward.

  Darq imagined that once they had crossed the threshold, they would find themselves in a cavern or passageway on the other side of the rock. This was not the case. On the one occasion he opened his eyes, he nearly panicked. They were passing through what appeared to be solid stone. There was pressure against his skin, and an unpleasant squeezing sensation in his head. Keep your eyes closed, Slinque advised behind him. The experience seemed endless, as it lasted for a couple of uncomfortable minutes. Eventually, the rock expelled them and Darq and Tava-edzen staggered forward. They had emerged into a narrow passageway, with a very low ceiling. Tava-edzen was obliged to stoop, since he was taller than the others. Darq watched as the Weavers emerged from the rock. It looked as if the stone was actually made of some kind of fluid. Was this magic or extremely advanced science? Ultimately, perhaps it was both.

  ‘That was probably one of the weirdest and most discomforting things I have ever done,’ Tava-edzen said. He laughed. ‘And as you know, my Weavers, my colorful history includes a number of weird and discomforting events.’

  ‘How did the Krim Sri create that boundary?’ Darq asked. He had to keep opening and closing his mouth because his jaw felt oddly stiff.

  ‘It’s the work of many minds,’ Stelph said. ‘Come. They’re waiting for us.’

  The Weavers led the way along the path, which gradually descended, and grew narrower as they progressed. The ceiling also became lower and the air was almost unbreathable.

  ‘This is vile,’ Darq said.

  Slinque looked back. He was bent nearly double; his hair touched the floor. ‘The Sri have made the journey as unpleasant as possible,’ he said. ‘It’s part of their security system.’

  ‘I can’t breathe!’ Darq said. ‘How much longer will this take?’

  ‘Not far,’ Slinque said. ‘You’ll be fine. Try to breathe deeply and evenly.’

  Just when Darq thought he’d pass out from lack of oxygen, the passageway disgorged them into a cavern. Darq took a great gulp of
air in relief. The scene before him was lit, somewhat inadequately, by a single enormous torch that rested upon a tall black metal stand. As far as Darq could see, the cave before him was full of water, with only a narrow beach. Silvery grey damp sand shifted beneath his feet. The beach extended only a few feet; beyond it black water stretched out into a void. Darq could not see the other shore, if there was one. The air in that place was humid. His breath steamed, yet he did not feel cold.

  ‘Now what?’ Darq asked.

  ‘Do we have to swim?’ Tava-edzen enquired with some distaste.

  ‘No, Tava,’ Slinque said. ‘Be patient.’

  The Weavers stood in a line upon the narrow shore and put their fingers into their mouths. They blew a series of piercing whistles of different notes.

  Presently a dark shape came gliding across the dark waters. It was a long narrow boat. At prow and stern were carvings of what looked like a cross between eagle, horse and fish. Darq saw that the pilot was a tall thin figure robed in black. He stood at the stern, using a single large oar to propel the boat forward. Eventually, the boat came to rest near the water’s edge.

  ‘Come,’ Slinque said. ‘You’ll have to get your feet wet.’

  Darq followed the others into the water. It was not as cold as he expected, and its consistency seemed thicker than water should be. Slinque murmured a few words in a strange tongue to the pilot, who neither moved nor spoke. Darq had the uncomfortable feeling that whatever lay hidden beneath the hooded cloak would be some kind of monster.

  Once they’d all embarked, the pilot turned the boat and it slid smoothly and silently into the darkness. Darq was aware of immense space around him, even though he couldn’t see it. He sat on a narrow bench with Tava-edzen at his side. A single lantern at the prow cast a small pool of radiance over the water.

  On the far shore, a corridor of torches on tall metal stands lined a sandy path leading to a rock face. The flames of the torches were blue. At the end of the path, covering an arched entrance in the rock, was a wall of roaring red flames. Darq studied this with some trepidation as he disembarked from the boat. ‘Don’t tell me,’ he said to Slinque. ‘We have to intend to walk through that as well.’