Page 5 of The Enchanted Land

  Without hesitation, she answered simply, “Trahern House.”

  Seth continued smiling at her. “I like your honesty. It’s unusual in a woman.”

  “Unusual in the women you’ve known, maybe, but I assure you there are things besides men that are important to some of us!”

  Seth laughed loudly, his whole body shaking with merriment. Morgan moved from within the circle of his arms and repressed an urge to slap his smirking face. Her mother had been right! It was impossible to carry on an intelligent conversation with a man. They were always so sure that you, a woman, were an inferior being. She turned and ran toward the house, her strides filled with anger.

  Before she had reached the house, Seth had her by the arm.

  “Now wait a minute, Morgan!” His voice was stern. “Think about what you said and answer me this question: How many of the unmarried women you have met in the last two years cared about anything except getting a husband? And how many mothers with marriageable daughters cared about anything except getting that daughter married?” He paused a few seconds and then continued in a lower voice. “When women change their attitudes toward men, see a man as something besides a prize to be won, then, and only then, will men change their attitudes toward women!”

  Morgan looked at the ground. He was right. Most women were like Cynthia Ferguson and Seth’s sisters. She looked up at Seth and smiled. “You’re right. But I’m different!”

  A teasing look was in Seth’s eyes. His voice was low, almost a whisper as he moved his face very near hers. “I can see you don’t care about frivolous things … but what about men? I think maybe you haven’t had a chance to learn about that.” His lips moved to her ear and his breath was soft and warm. “Any time you want to find out about men, let me know. I’d be happy to help you in your … explorations.”

  His huge body made Morgan nervous. She quickly moved from him and ran for the safety of the house.

  Chapter Three

  “MORGAN.” Seth’s voice was close to her ear. “Get dressed and let’s go. It’s nearly sunup.” He paused and looked at her drowsy face. “Better yet, don’t get dressed. I like you that way.”

  Morgan opened her eyes and smiled up at him. His voice, his always-teasing manner, and his open, generous smile were becoming very familiar to her. They had been married only four days, and had known one another for only five, but already the sight of him was familiar. She wondered how she could ever have been afraid of men. Seth was reasonable, kind, and considerate. The next year would be a pleasant one if their friendship continued to grow.


  “I’m getting up.” She went into the adjoining dressing room and quickly put on the large green riding habit that had once been Jennifer’s. Her hair was still flowing down her back as she returned to the bedroom and crossed to the mirror. She started brushing it in preparation of pulling it back into its tight little knot at the nape of her neck.

  “Don’t.” Seth’s voice startled her as his large hand loosely clasped her wrist. “Leave it down. I like to see it.” She opened her mouth to protest, but he placed two warm fingers over her lips. “Don’t give me a lecture about how your hair doesn’t matter. Just leave it loose. Please.”

  Morgan didn’t want to start the day with an argument, so she dropped her hands and left her hair to curl softly past her waist. As they left the room to tiptoe downstairs to the kitchen, she could still feel Seth’s fingers on her lips.

  “It’s even earlier than I thought, if Cook, that old tiger, isn’t up,” Seth whispered as they entered the large, still-dark kitchen.

  “She was very nice to me when I was in here yesterday afternoon, preparing the picnic basket.”

  “Nice? Cook nice to a lady? She doesn’t think a lady is worth a handful of salt.”

  “Maybe she doesn’t consider me a lady. After all, I was cooking. I don’t believe cooking is a ladylike occupation.”

  “Oh, yes. I had forgotten that my little wife cooks. I don’t guess there is a lady in five counties that can cook. Wife!”

  Morgan was startled at his exclamation.

  “Where’s my breakfast?”

  Morgan bristled at his tone. “I cook only when I want to. No man commands me to do anything.”

  Seth groaned and turned his eyes upward. “Oh God! Am I going to be cursed with a year of this? A woman without a sense of humor? If I tell her hair is pretty, she tells me it is none of my business. If I tell her I need food, she tells me she doesn’t take orders. Tell me, Lord, what is this poor man to do?” Seth tilted his head down slightly till he could see Morgan out of one eye. She had her hand over her mouth, trying to hide her smile.

  Thus encouraged, Seth returned to his prayer. “What’s that? You think the lass needs some persuasion? A what? A kiss? Ah, yes, that could bring her ’round. Thanks, Lord.”

  Seth bent toward Morgan, who now stood staring at him, eyes wide. “Seth—”

  “You heard Him. I have nothing to do with it.” He began walking purposefully toward her.

  Morgan ran quickly to the other side of the big oak table. “Seth … don’t.” As she went to one side of the table and as he pursued her, they both began to laugh.

  “I have orders to kiss the cook—to gentle her into making my breakfast.” His smile was infectious.

  “I’ll make breakfast. I don’t need persuasion,” Morgan said between peals of laughter.

  “Enough of this play, lass.” Seth leaped up and bounded across the top of the table toward Morgan. She stopped where she was, stunned by the sight of his massive body leaping with such agility.

  Before she had regained her senses, his arms were around her. “Now,” he began, still laughing. But as his lips moved towards her, all at once both of them were serious.

  “What is this? Sounds like the old bull got loose in my kitchen. What are you two doing in here, sparkin’ in my kitchen before the sun’s even up?”

  Cook’s querulous voice broke the spell. Morgan was embarrassed and looked down at the floor, but none of it seemed to have affected Seth.

  “Good morning, Cook. We were making noise so you’d get up. We knew that if you got up, you’d bring sunshine with you.”

  “Go on with you.” Cook tried to hide it, but Seth’s flattery obviously pleased her.

  “Look.” Morgan pointed to the floor, at the first, tiny sunbeam. It lay at Cook’s feet. “Seth’s right, Carolyn. You have brought the sun.”

  The young couple passed the day riding and exploring Seth’s boyhood haunts. It was a day of easy companionship and warm good humor.

  By the time they arrived back at the Colter house, Seth and Morgan were good friends.

  “Morgan, I had a wonderful time today. Thank you.”

  She smiled brilliantly. “So did I, Seth.”

  He moved closer, but she shouted for him to catch her, and ran toward the house.

  Nora heard their laughter before she saw them. To her delight, she saw them race past the parlor window, both laughing. She turned to Cynthia Ferguson and said in what she hoped was a smug voice, “It looks as if my son and new daughter had an enjoyable ride.”

  She put down her teacup and rose to go to the door to greet Seth and Morgan. But before she could get to the door, Austine was there. Nora turned and smiled at Cynthia, who was sitting so calmly with her two admirers, Nora’s daughters. The girls were almost fawning over the coldly beautiful Cynthia.

  As Nora closed the parlor door behind her, she heard Austine’s excited, breathless voice telling Seth and Morgan, “It’s Cynthia Ferguson. She’s come to pay her respects to you. I don’t think she really believes you eloped. She says she just can’t imagine the two of you together.”

  “Hush, Austine.” Nora looked carefully at Morgan. Morgan’s face was just slightly sunburned, and it made her eyes radiant. And her hair! Nora hadn’t imagined Morgan could have so much of it. Her daughter-in-law was very close to being beautiful. She looked as if she had just left her lover’s arms. N
ora truly hoped this was the case.

  Seth also had an unusual glow about him. He was smiling now, not that awful, patronizing leer he had so often, but a smile of real joy.

  “I must change. I can’t very well greet Cynthia in a riding habit and with my hair like this.”

  “I’ll help you, but we must hurry. Cynthia has already been waiting for half an hour.” Austine took Morgan’s arm.

  “Yes. Morgan should go right in,” said Nora.

  “But, Nora, at least let me tie my hair back.”

  “No, dear, I definitely do not think you should tie your hair back. If Miss Cynthia Ferguson can appear unannounced, then she must be prepared to view her hostess and host”—she glanced up at Seth—“in whatever state she finds them.”

  She started toward the parlor door with Morgan, but Seth took Nora’s arm and whispered to her, “What are you up to?”

  Nora looked at her son with widened eyes. “I declare, I have no idea what you mean.”

  “Morgan, Cynthia has come to see you.” Eleanor called, awe in her tone. Wasn’t Cynthia Ferguson a renowned beauty? And here she was, making a long drive just to pay her respects to Morgan.

  “Hello, Cynthia.” Morgan couldn’t help but feel somewhat intimidated by Cynthia’s presence.

  “Why, you dear little thing, what an … interesting dress.” She languidly extended her hand. Morgan wondered wryly whether she was expected to kiss it. “Sit here by me.” Cynthia patted the love seat. Then she turned her eyes to Seth. “Hello, Seth. Your mother tells me you’ve been out riding. Isn’t it a little cool for riding?”

  Seth smiled warmly at Cynthia. “There are things to help warm a man.” He looked meaningfully at Morgan.

  Morgan had to hold her laughter. There was an awkward silence in the room.

  “Your sisters have been telling me of your elopement. I find it difficult to believe that I introduced you two the night of my party. Were you, by chance, pretending? Did you actually know one another before that night?” Her question was addressed to Seth. She seemed unaware of anyone else.

  “No, Cynthia.” He accepted the cup of tea that Austine handed him. “I guess you’ll have to say it was love at first sight. We met that night and I did not see my little wife until the next day when I talked to her uncle. A few hours after that, we were married.”

  Jennifer could not restrain herself. “I hope I fall in love just like that.”

  Morgan sat quietly. The way Seth told the story, it did sound romantic. She didn’t like to remember the night of Cynthia’s ball, when she had asked Seth to marry her. She took in Cynthia’s dark beauty, the exquisite gown, the intricate yet soft arrangement of her hair. Maybe Seth would marry her in a year, when they had their annulment.

  Nora interrupted the silence. “Seth, you and Morgan seem to have had a good time today. Where did you ride?”

  “A little past Johnson’s meadow.”

  Nora walked to the love seat to stand by Morgan. “Well, I’m glad you had a good time.” She ostentatiously removed a leaf from Morgan’s hair, studying it for a second before placing it on the table.

  Cynthia spoke. “Riding horses around in the woods is not my idea of a good time.” She looked at Morgan’s dishevelment with open contempt. “It’s a little too dirty for me.”

  Seth and Morgan immediately exchanged looks and then laughed aloud. Just the day before, Seth had mentioned that ladies did not like to get dirty. Morgan had replied that she was not a lady. The exchange of laughter over what was obviously a lovers’ joke made for another embarrassing silence.

  Nora, reassured that Morgan could handle herself with Cynthia, gathered her daughters and left.

  When Nora left, Seth was the first to speak. “Cynthia, may I say that you look lovely, as always.”

  Cynthia tittered. “Why, Seth, dear, you may say it as often as you like. You know … no matter how many times you have said it, I still love to hear it.” She turned slightly toward Morgan to make sure she heard every word. “Morgan, has Seth told you what old friends we are?” Her voice had a cutting edge.

  Morgan returned the sweet smile with one of her own. She reached over and patted Cynthia’s hand. “My dear Cynthia, you shouldn’t consider yourself such an old friend.”

  Cynthia’s features hardened and her eyes blazed. They both turned at a sound from Seth. He was choking on a cookie. “Excuse me, ladies.” He struggled to regain his composure. “Won’t you stay for dinner, Cynthia?” There was laughter just beneath his voice. Or was there? Cynthia could not be sure.

  “No, I must be going.” Cynthia rose, as did Seth and Morgan. Suddenly, Cynthia’s face brightened. She purred. “What I really came for was to kiss the groom.” She moved very close to Seth and placed a lace-covered hand on his chest. She turned her head toward Morgan. “You don’t mind … do you, dear?”

  Without waiting for an answer, her arms slid up and around Seth’s neck in what Morgan knew was a much-practiced gesture. Cynthia pulled Seth’s mouth to hers, her body melting to meet his as his arms encircled her. Morgan turned away.

  “Well, I must say, Seth, you haven’t changed.” Cynthia then turned to Morgan, as if startled to find her there. “I really must be going. You’ll visit me before too long, won’t you?” She addressed this to Seth, but then turned slowly to Morgan. “And you must come, too, of course.”

  Seth moved to Morgan and put his arm around her shoulders. “My wife would love to come visit, on one of our return trips from New Mexico.”

  “New Mexico! I thought a … wife would change your mind about that desolate place.”

  “No, my little wife is just as anxious to go to New Mexico as I am.”

  Morgan smiled at Cynthia and extended her hand, very aware of Seth’s arm around her. “You must come again. Do you know your way out? But of course you do.” Morgan’s voice held a trace of venom.

  Cynthia turned and left, nearly slamming the door behind her. Morgan stood and stared at the door, seething with rage. How dare Cynthia! She was totally unaware that Seth had drawn back from her and was now grinning broadly.

  “Be careful. That door is made of wood and your look just might set it on fire.”

  She turned on him. “And just what are you grinning about? You certainly enjoyed her visit!” Morgan mimicked holding a teacup, her little finger extended. In a falsetto voice, she said, “Didn’t Seth tell you we were very old and very dear friends?” Morgan’s anger mounted. “And then, ‘May I kiss the groom?’ It looked to me as though she had done that several times.”

  Seth’s laughter rang through the room. “Calm down, little one. You’ll make me think you are jealous!”

  “Jealous!” Her voice grew more calm. “I’m not jealous—I just don’t like being insulted. She had no right to insult me.”

  Seth moved close to her and pulled her to him. “Were you insulted? You noticed that she looked familiar with kissing. Were you that interested?”

  “No.” She was still very angry. “It looked like she was familiar with kissing you.”

  “So you were interested.”

  “No… I…”

  “I told you that any time you were interested in trying out kissing—or anything else for that matter—I’m ready.”

  “Seth, you promised.”

  “I promised I wouldn’t force you, but I didn’t promise I wouldn’t try to persuade you.”

  Her anger was slowly receding. How she had hated seeing him kiss Cynthia!

  She tilted her head back, and molded her body to his as he started to kiss her.

  “Oh, excuse me.” Nora had quietly entered the room, and Morgan quickly moved to free herself from Seth’s arms. Seth refused to remove them, holding her tightly to him.

  Seth told his mother, “Cynthia’s gone. She saw what she came to see, and then she left.”

  Nora was beaming. She had known that nature would take its course.

  Morgan, embarrassed at being found in Seth’s arms, brought an elbow sharply
into his stomach. He didn’t flinch. She turned and glared at him, whispering through clenched teeth, “Let me go.”

  Seth chuckled and, relenting, released her.

  “Dinner will be in an hour. Maybe you two would like to rest before dinner?”

  Seth immediately grabbed Morgan’s hand and led her across the room. “That’s a good idea, Mother.” He led her quickly up the stairs to their room. “Now, let’s start where we left off.” He turned to her, but she moved from him.

  “No, Seth, I was angry before.” Her voice was pleading. “I want to be friends—no more.”

  Seth smiled. “All right. I have a long time. I’ll wait. Why don’t you rest? Bessie could bring you a bath.”

  “I’d love that.” As Seth turned to leave, Morgan said quietly, “Thank you for understanding, Seth.”

  Morgan sat in the hot water for a long time. She tried not to think about the day, the long ride with Seth, how she had felt when Cynthia kissed him. Everything was moving too quickly! She lay back in the tub and thought about Trahern House.

  Life had been so simple, so quiet and gentle there. She had always done exactly as she pleased. Her days had been filled with riding, cooking, embroidery, and caring for her flowers. She had been very happy. There had been so few people in her life then. She had been left in peace.

  She thought about Seth’s family. Nora was so kind, and always close to laughter. William was always easy to be with. And the sisters—it was funny how a person always thought of them together. They, too, were always smiling. Everyone seemed to enjoy life so much. Morgan slid deeper into the tub, thinking that if she ever did leave Trahern House, the Colter family would be pleasant to live with. But, of course, she never would leave Trahern House. What had made her think such a thing?

  She was just finishing dressing when Seth came to the room to change for dinner. He nodded toward the tub, still full of water. “I should have come up earlier.”

  Morgan smiled at him as she adjusted the tight knot of hair on her neck. Seth strode towards her, touched the knot, and said, “I like it better the other way. But at least this way you’re no temptation.”