Page 19 of Twelfth Night

  Act 1 Scene 3

  1 What a plague an oath, like "what the hell"

  1 niece Toby may be Olivia's uncle, but "niece" could be used more generally for any female relative 2 care worry/grief

  3 troth faith

  4 a-nights at night

  4 cousin relative

  5 ill antisocial

  6 except, before excepted plays on the legal phrase exceptis excipiendis ("with the aforementioned exceptions"); essentially Sir Toby says he does not care, Olivia may object all she likes 8 modest moderate

  9 confine ... finer I won't restrain myself further/I won't dress more finely 11 An if

  13 quaffing copious drinking

  16 Aguecheek suggesting thin face of one suffering from a fever (ague) 18 tall brave/noble/of great height (Maria understands the latter meaning) 18 any's any (man) is

  20 ducats gold coins (three thousand was a considerable annual income) 21 he'll ... ducats he'll have spent all his money in a year 22 very complete/veritable

  22 prodigal excessively extravagant person

  23 o'th'viol-de-gamboys the viol da gamba, a bass viol played held between the legs (often has sexual connotations) 25 without book i.e. spontaneously, from memory 26 natural like an idiot

  28 allay ... in reduce his taste for

  31 subtractors detractors, slanderers

  37 coystrill knave

  38 o'th'toe head-over-heels

  38 parish top large spinning-top (kept rotating by being whipped), provided for parishioners' entertainment 39 Castiliano vulgo! unclear Latin-Italian phrase; possibly "Speak of the devil!"

  39 Agueface playful variation of Aguecheek

  42 shrew small mouse/troublesome one

  44 Accost approach/woo/grapple with

  46 chambermaid female attendant

  50 front confront

  50 board accost (sexual-naval metaphor referring to sex as attacking a ship) 51 assail attack, seduce

  52 undertake approach/have sex with (literally, "have her underneath me") 52 in this company in front of spectators

  55 An ... so if you let her leave in this way

  56 sword symbol of gentlemanly status (with phallic connotations) 58 in hand to deal with (Maria takes the phrase literally; also plays on the idea of masturbation) 61 Marry by the virgin Mary

  63 thought is free think what you like (proverbial)

  64 th'buttery-bar the ledge created by opening the half-door of the buttery, with play on genitals 65 Wherefore why

  66 dry thirsty/shriveled/impotent (supposedly signified by a dry palm) 67 I ... dry alludes to the proverb "fools have wit enough to come in out of the rain"

  69 dry jest stupid/ironic

  71 at ... ends always ready/literally by the hand

  72 barren empty of jests and of Sir Andrew's hand

  73 canary sweet wine from the Canary Islands; also continues play on impotence 74 put down snubbed (Sir Andrew plays on the senses of "drunk/impotent") 77 Christian i.e. average man

  77 eater ... wit beef was thought to dull the intellect; wit may also signify "penis" and beef "whore," implying impotence as a result of veneral disease 80 forswear it give it up

  82 Pourquoi "why" (French)

  84 tongues foreign languages

  85 bear-baiting spectator sport in which a bear chained to a stake was attacked by dogs 85 the arts liberal arts/academic learning

  86 head of hair puns on tongues pronounced "tongs," thus suggesting a barber's curling tongs 87 mended improved

  90 becomes suits

  91 flax yellow fiber

  91 distaff staff used to spin flax

  92 housewife woman who keeps house/prostitute

  92 take ... off treat Sir Andrew as a distaff and his hair as flax to be spun/have sex with Sir Andrew, resulting in syphilitic hair loss 94 none of me have nothing to do with me

  95 count i.e. Duke Orsino

  95 hard near

  97 degree(social) position

  97 estate status/fortune

  97 wit intelligence

  98 life in't still hope (proverbial)

  100 strangest oddest/most extraordinary

  100 masques and revels courtly entertainments involving dancing 102 kickshawses trivial distractions/sexual sweetmeats 103 under ... betters except for my social superiors 104 old man expert

  106 galliard lively dance

  107 cut a caper perform a leap/have sex

  108 caper as a berry used in sauce for

  108 cut ... to't plays on the sense of

  108 mutton; also a prostitute

  109 back-trick backward dance step/sex

  112 like to take likely to gather

  113 Mistress Mall's picture i.e. a portrait protected from dust and light by a curtain (Mall is a diminutive of "Mary") 114 in doing

  114 coranto running dance

  115 jig rapid, springing dance

  115 make water urinate

  116 sink-a-pace cinquepace, a lively dance with five steps; may play on the sense of sink as "sewer"

  117 virtues talents

  118 star ... galliard astrological influence favorable to dancing 119 indifferent moderately

  120 damned damnably (the Folio reading "dam'd" is defensible as an intensifier, but it could be emended to, e.g., "damson-coloured" or "flame-coloured") 120 stock stocking

  123 Taurus ... heart zodiacal signs were thought to govern parts of the body 124 legs and thighs more usually Taurus was said to govern the neck and throat Act 1 Scene 4

  2 Cesario suggests "little Caesar" and perhaps the idea of splitting/separating (as in "Cesarean" and "caesura") 2 advanced promoted

  4 humour disposition/capriciousness

  10 On your attendance ready to serve you

  11 aloof to one side

  12 no ... all i.e. everything

  14 address thy gait direct your steps

  16 them i.e. Olivia's servants

  16 grow i.e. take root

  17 audience reception by Olivia

  20 spokesaid, rumored

  21 civil bounds bounds of civilized behavior

  25 surprise ambush, take unawares

  25 faith faithful love

  26 become suit

  27 attend listen, pay attention to

  28 nuncio's messenger's

  28 aspect appearance

  30 lad servant/young man

  31 belie deceive

  32 Diana's lip Diana was the Roman goddess of the moon, hunting, and chastity; in view of "pipe" and "organ," lip may play on "nether lip" (labia) 33 rubious ruby red

  33 pipe voice/penis

  34 shrill and sound high-pitched and unbroken

  35 is semblative resembles

  35 part attributes/role/sexual organ

  36 constellation disposition determined by the stars

  40 freely independently

  43 barful strife effort full of hindrances

  Act 1 Scene 5

  1.5 Feste From Latin or Italian, festa ("feast" or "festival"), an appropriate name for a fool/clown 2 in by

  4 well hanged plays on the sense of "with a large penis"

  5 no colours i.e. nothing (literally, military flags); puns on "collars" (nooses) 6 Make that good justify yourself

  7 He ... fear i.e. a dead man cannot see (enemy colours)

  8 lenten meager (Lent, the time of fasting, was especially associated with puritanism) 11 bold confident/certain

  16 turned away dismissed from service

  17 Many ... marriage proverbial; good hanging may continue play on the sense of "large penis"

  18 for as for

  18 let ... out i.e. good weather will make dismissal more bearable 20 points matters (Maria plays on the sense of "laces used to hold up breeches") 22 gaskins breeches

  23 Apt quick, witty

  23 if ... drinking either never, or suggesting that Maria and Sir Toby would be a good match 25 Eve's flesh woman

  27 were best are best advised Malvolio "ill-will" (Latin) 28 an't if it
r />   31 Quinapalus an invented authority, perhaps playing on French qui n'a pas lu ("unread") or mock Italian "him on the stick" (the face on the fool's bauble) 35 Go to expression of impatient dismissal

  35 dry dull

  36 dishonest undutiful

  37 Madonna "my lady" (Italian)

  39 dry dull/thirsty

  39 mend improve; later plays on the sense of "repair"

  40 botcher mender of clothes and shoes

  41 patched simply mended, covered up; also alludes to the fool's multicolored costume 43 simple uncomplicated/foolish

  43 syllogism reasoning based on two premises (here those concerning virtue and sin) 44 so well and good

  44 no ... calamity i.e. one married to calamity will always be faithless 45 cuckold man with an unfaithful wife

  45 beauty's a flower i.e. it will fade; Feste advises Olivia to make the most of her youth and beauty, rather than shutting herself away and refusing to marry 48 Misprision error/wrongful arrest cucullus ... monachum "a hood does not make a monk" (Latin) 49 motley multicolored clothing worn by professional fools 50 leave permission

  52 Dexteriously skillfully

  54 catechize cross-examine (literally, form of Church instruction in which a person answers a set of questions about the Christian faith) 54 Good ... virtue my good virtuous mouse; playful term of endearment 56 idleness pastime

  56 bide await/endure

  66 mend improve (Malvolio shifts the sense to "grow (more foolish)"

  71 no fox not cunning

  72 pass give

  76 barren dull-witted

  76 put down defeated

  76 with by

  77 ordinary fool unexceptional fool/fool performing at an inn (ordinary)/natural idiot 77 stone may also refer to Stone, an Elizabethan tavern fool 78 out ... guard defenseless (fencing term), i.e. lacking a witty reply 79 minister occasion provide opportunity (for fooling) 79 protest declare

  80 crow laugh raucously

  80 set unspontaneous

  81 zanies assistants

  82 of with

  83 distempered unbalanced

  83 free generous

  84 bird-bolts blunt arrows for shooting birds

  85 allowed licensed

  86 rail rant

  87 discreet prudent

  87 reprove express disapproval

  88 Mercury ... leasing may Mercury, god of deception, make you good at lying 98 madman i.e. rubbish, gibberish

  98 Fie expression of impatience or disgust

  100 What you will whatever you want to say

  101 old stale

  104 should be were

  104 Jove Roman king of the gods

  106 pia mater brain (literally, soft membrane enclosing it) 112 sot fool/drunkard

  115 lethargy (drunken) state

  116 one someone

  119 faith i.e. to defy the devil

  119 it's all one it doesn't matter

  121 one ... heat one drink beyond that which would warm him 123 drowns makes him excessively drunk/unintelligible/unconscious 124 crowner coroner

  124 sit o'my coz hold an inquest on my kinsman

  129 yond yonder, that

  130 takes ... understand understands

  138 sheriff's post decorated post denoting authority, fixed in front of the sheriff's door 138 supporter ... bench furniture support (bench plays on the sense of "court of justice") 141 of mankind i.e. ordinary

  143 ill manner i.e. impolite

  143 will ... no whether you want to or not

  145 personage appearance

  147 squash unripe pea-pod (peascod, allusive of genitals--a humorous reversal of "codpiece," a bag worn over the opening at the front of a man's breeches) 147 codling unripe apple, plays on "cod" meaning "scrotum"

  148 standing water at the turn of the tide

  149 well-favoured good-looking

  150 shrewishly sharply/shrilly

  155 embassy message/ambassador

  160 cast away waste

  161 penned written

  162 con learn by heart

  162 sustain endure

  163 comptible sensitive

  163 sinister impolite

  165 studied learned, memorized

  166 out ... part not within my brief

  166 modest reasonable

  169 comedian actor

  170 my profound heart upon my soul/(to Olivia) my wise lady 171 that I play the character I perform

  173 usurp counterfeit (Viola shifts the sense to "assume unjust authority over") 175 what ... reserve i.e. Olivia should not withhold herself from love and marriage 176 from outside, not part of

  176 on go on

  178 forgive excuse from repeating

  181 feigned fictional/insincere

  181 it in it to yourself

  182 saucy impudent

  183 wonder marvel

  184 if ... brief i.e. if Viola has any sense at all she should go; any sensible message must be conveyed quickly 184 'Tis ... me I am not a lunatic, i.e. not affected by the moon's changes 185 make one take part

  185 skipping frivolous, mad

  186 hoist sail i.e. prepare to leave

  187 swabber sailor who washes the deck

  187 hull float, with sails furled

  188 Some mollification please pacify/I have pacified 188 giant i.e. Maria; a joke about Maria's small size and/or Maria resembles a giant in a romance tale who guarded a lady 191 courtesy introduction, preamble/etiquette

  191 fearful frightening, alarming

  191 Speak your office perform your task, deliver your speech 192 overture disclosure

  193 taxation of homage demand for money on behalf on a superior lord 193 olive olive branch, symbol of peace

  194 matter real substance

  195 rudely i.e. by being saucy at the gates

  198 entertainment reception

  199 maidenhead virginity

  199 divinity sacred

  200 profanation blasphemy

  202 text theme/topic drawn from the Bible for discussion in a sermon 204 comfortable comforting

  206 bosom heart

  207 chapter as of the Bible

  208 answer ... method continue the metaphor

  213 out of straying from

  214 curtain i.e. veil covering Olivia's face (picture)

  215 such ... present i.e. here I am (Olivia speaks of her face as if it was a recent portrait) 217 if ... all i.e. if all Olivia's beauty is natural, rather than cosmetic or touched up by the metaphorical painter 218 in grain indelible, i.e. all natural

  219 truly blent genuinely blended/realistically painted 219 red and white i.e. lips (or rosy cheeks) and skin 220 cunning skillful

  221 she lady

  222 graces beauties

  223 copy replica in the form of a child (Olivia plays on the sense of "list") 225 divers schedules several inventories

  225 inventoried itemized

  226 utensil article, feature

  227 indifferent adequately

  229 praise puns on "appraise," i.e. evaluate 231 if even if

  233 but recompensed, though no more than repaid, even if 234 nonpareil paragon

  236 fertile abundant

  239 suppose consider

  241 In ... divulged well regarded in popular opinion 241 free honorable/generous

  242 dimension ... nature physical form

  243 gracious graceful, attractive

  245 flame passion

  246 deadly death-like

  250 willow cabin shelter made from willow branches, a symbol of unrequited love 251 my soul i.e. Olivia

  252 cantons songs

  252 contemned despised, rejected

  254 Hallow shout/bless

  254 reverberate echoing

  255 babbling ... air like that of Echo, whose unrequited love for Narcissus meant she wasted away to a mere voice 255 gossip chatter

  260 fortunes position as a servant

  260 state social status

  260 well satisfactory

  267 fee'd post hired messenger

  269 Love ... love may Love harden the heart of whomever you fall in love with 276 blazon heraldic coat of arms, which could only be displayed by a gentleman 276 Soft wait a moment

  277 the ... man i.e. Orsino and Cesario could change places 277 man servant

  278 catch the plague i.e. fall in love

  284 peevish headstrong

  285 county's count's, i.e. Duke Orsino's

  286 Would I whether I wanted it

  287 Desire ask

  287 flatter with i.e. encourage

  288 hold ... hopes sustain him with false expectations 290 Hie hasten

  293 Mine ... mind my eyes (through which love enters) may have betrayed my reason 294 owe own

  Act 2 Scene 1

  1 Nor ... not do you not wish

  3 patience permission

  3 darkly ominously

  4 malignancy evil influence

  4 distemper spoil, unbalance

  5 crave entreat

  5 leave permission

  6 evils misfortunes

  9 sooth (in) truth

  9 determinate intended

  10 extravagancy wandering

  11 modesty propriety

  11 am ... in wish to keep secret

  12 it ... manners politeness compels me

  13 express reveal

  14 called said was

  15 Messaline unclear, possibly Marseilles or Messina, or invented by Shakespeare 16 an hour the same hour (they are twins)

  18 some about an

  19 breach breaking waves

  23 estimable wonder admiring judgment

  23 overfar too greatly

  24 publish speak openly of/celebrate

  25 envy malice

  27 more i.e. tears

  28 entertainment reception (for one so worthy)

  29 your trouble the trouble I put you to

  30 murder ... love i.e. by making me leave you 33 recovered rescued, brought back to life

  34 kindness tenderness/natural affection (for my sister) 34 yet still

  35 manners ... mother i.e. a womanish inclination to weep 36 tell ... me i.e. betray my feelings by crying 38 gentleness good favor

  40 Else otherwise

  42 sport recreation

  Act 2 Scene 2

  1 ev'n just

  2 on at

  3 but hither only this far

  7 desperate assurance hopeless certainty

  8 hardy bold in his affairs on his business 9 taking of this understanding of this message/reception of the ring 10 it the ring

  12 peevishly willfully, foolishly

  13 so in the same manner, i.e. thrown

  14 eye plain sight

  17 outside appearance

  18 made ... of had a good look at

  19 lost made her lose

  20 starts bursts

  20 distractedly with agitation/madly

  22 in by way of

  22 churlish blunt, ungracious

  25 were better would be better off

  27 pregnant resourceful

  27 enemy probably Satan

  28 proper-false attractive but deceitful (men)

  29 set their forms make their impressions (like seals in wax) 30 our ... be i.e. because women are made of frail material, we are weak 32 fadge turn out

  33 monster unnatural creature (being both man and woman) 33 fond dote