Page 22 of Twelfth Night

  34 third ... all i.e. third time lucky (proverbial) 34 triplex triple time in music

  35 tripping nimble, skipping

  35 measure stately dance/music

  35 Saint Bennet church of Saint Benedict

  38 throw roll of the dice/occasion

  41 lullaby i.e. farewell

  48 Vulcan Roman god of fire, and the gods' blacksmith 49 bawbling trifling

  50 For (trifling) because of

  50 draught depth of water required to float the ship 50 unprizeable of little value

  51 scathful damaging

  51 grapple close fighting, attempts to board another ship 52 bottom ship (literally, ship's hull)

  53 very even

  53 envy malice, i.e. his enemies

  53 loss defeat

  56 Phoenix name of Illyrian ship

  56 fraught cargo

  56 Candy Candia, modern Heraklion, a port in Crete 57 Tiger name of Illyrian ship

  59 desperate disregarding

  60 brabble brawl

  61 on my side (his sword) in my defense

  62 put ... me spoke to me strangely

  63 but distraction if not madness

  64 Notable notorious

  66 bloody bloodthirsty

  66 dear grievous, severe

  69 Be ... I allow me to

  71 base basis

  74 rude rough

  77 retention reservation

  78 All ... dedication dedicated wholly to him 79 pure purely

  80 adverse hostile

  84 face ... acquaintance deny he knew me

  85 grew ... wink in the space of a moment he behaved as if we had not seen each other for twenty years 87 recommended committed

  95 But for as for

  98 but ... have except that which I refuse him, i.e. love 103 lord if addressed to Viola, "husband" (Viola uses the sense of "master") 105 aught anything

  106 fat gross

  106 fulsome distasteful, nauseating

  110 uncivil uncivilized

  111 ingrate ungrateful

  111 unauspicious ill-omened, unpromising 113 tendered offered (may play on "tender," i.e. loving, gentle) 114 Even what whatever/exactly what

  114 become suit

  116 Egyptian thief character from a Greek romance who tried to kill a captive he loved when his own life was threatened 118 savours nobly has a taste of nobility 119 non-regardance disrespect/lack of attention 120 that since

  121 screws forces

  123 minion favorite/darling

  124 tender care for/value

  126 in ... spite to the vexation of his master 127 ripe in mischief ready to do harm

  130 jocund cheerful

  130 apt readily

  131 To ... rest in order to give you ease 135 mores such comparisons

  137 tainting of discrediting

  138 beguiled deceived

  146 sirrah sir (contemptuous; used to an inferior) 148 baseness cowardice/lowly nature

  149 strangle stifle

  149 propriety real identity

  151 that that which

  152 that thou fear'st him you fear, i.e. Orsino 155 unfold reveal

  160 joinder joining

  161 close meeting

  163 compact agreement

  164 Sealed ... function certified by my priestly authority 165 watch clock

  168 grizzle sprinkling of gray hair

  168 case (animal) skin

  169 craft cunning

  170 trip wrestling move to throw opponent 173 protest declare/swear

  175 Hold little faith keep some part of your promise 176 presently immediately

  179 H'as broke he has cut

  180 coxcomb head (with suggestion of fool's cap resembling a cock's crest) 184 incardinate incarnate

  186 'Od's lifelings by God's little lives (mild oath) 192 set nothing by think nothing of

  193 halting limping

  193 in drink drunk

  194 tickled i.e. beaten

  194 othergates in another way, i.e. differently 196 all one doesn't matter

  196 there's th'end on't that's all there is to it 197 sot idiot/drunkard

  198 agone ago, past

  199 set glazed/fixed/closed (eight i'th'morning may suggest the manner in which the surgeon's eyes were fixed, rolling back, like the sun high in the morning sky) 200 passy measures pavin stately dance, i.e. slow 204 be dressed bandaged

  206 coxcomb fool

  207 gull dupe/fool

  210 brother ... blood my own brother

  211 with ... safety in reasonable self-protection 212 strange regard odd/distant look

  216 habit clothing

  217 natural perspective optical illusion produced by nature 219 racked tormented

  222 Fear'st doubt

  228 deity godlike quality

  229 here and everywhere omnipresence

  230 blind heedless

  231 Of charity (tell me) out of kindness

  235 suited dressed

  236 form and suit physical appearance and dress 239 am ... clad my body is clothed with the flesh 240 participate have in common with all humanity 241 the ... even everything else is in agreement 248 record memory

  248 lively vivid, alive

  251 lets hinders

  254 jump coincide

  257 weeds clothes

  261 mistook mistaken

  262 to ... drew inclined in the right direction (bowling metaphor) 263 contracted betrothed

  267 glass mirror/lens of optical instrument (perspective)

  268 happy fortunate

  270 like to as much as

  271 overswear swear again and again

  273 orbed continent spherical container, i.e. as the sun keeps 278 action legal charge

  279 in durance imprisoned

  281 enlarge release

  282 remember me remember

  283 distract mad

  284 extracting distracting

  284 frenzy agitation/madness

  285 From ... his drove him from my memory 287 Beelzebub the devil

  287 the stave's end at a distance

  289 today i.e. this

  290 epistles letters/New Testament letters from the apostles 290 gospels truths/New Testament records of Christ's life and teaching 290 skills matters

  291 delivered handed over

  293 delivers speaks the words of

  297 vox "voice" (Latin), i.e. the correct manner of delivery (Feste has obviously read the words in a "mad" style) 299 read discern

  299 right wits true state of mind

  300 perpend consider

  306 semblance outward show

  306 the which i.e. the letter

  308 duty i.e. respectful behavior of a steward 309 out ... injury as a wronged party

  314 delivered released

  315 so may it

  315 thought on considered

  316 as ... wife as good a sister-in-law as you'd hoped to regard me as a wife 317 th'alliance the union (in a double wedding) 318 proper personal

  319 apt ready

  320 quits releases (from service)

  321 mettle natural disposition

  334 hand handwriting

  335 from it differently

  336 invention composition

  338 modesty of honour name of all that is decent and honorable/restraint befitting your status 339 lights signals

  342 lighter more frivolous/lesser

  343 acting undertaking

  344 suffered allowed

  346 geck dupe/fool

  347 invention played on trickery sported with 349 character style of writing

  350 out of beyond

  352 cam'st you came

  353 presupposed Upon previously suggested to 355 practice plot/trick

  355 shrewdly mischievously

  355 passed been perpetrated

  361 condition (happy) circumstances

  362 wondered marveled

  365 Upon because of

  365 uncourteous unfriendly/uncivil
br />   365 parts qualities/actions

  366 conceived against imagined/discerned in 367 importance urging

  369 sportful playful

  369 followed followed up/carried out

  370 pluck on induce

  371 If that If

  373 baffled tricked/disgraced

  376 interlude short play

  379 whirligig spinning top/roundabout

  385 golden auspicious

  385 convents comes together/calls us

  386 combination union

  388 hence here, i.e. Olivia's house 390 habits clothing

  391 fancy's love's

  392 and a a very

  394 foolish trivial/silly (may play on the sense of "lewd") 394 thing may play on the sense of "penis"

  394 toy trifle/useless/fun (may play on a sense of "penis") 396 man's estate manhood

  397 etc. indicates repeat of chorus

  400 wive marry

  402 swaggering bullying/quarreling

  404 beds drunk to bed/old age

  406 With toss-pots like other drunkards



  William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

  (Series: # )




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