Page 16 of A Dawn of Strength

  Artistry of romance?

  Who talks like that?

  I was relieved that he’d used the word “romance”, but left in a daze by the passion blazing in his eyes. The hairs on my arms stood on end as he looked at me, even as his proximity heated me up like an oven. Tearing my eyes away from him, I stood up myself and took a few steps back from him.

  “Okay.” I let out a deep breath. “So, uh, we’re cool?”

  He cocked his head to one side.

  “I-I mean, we appear to be on the same page. In other words, you’re looking for love.”

  A small smile crept across Jeriad’s lips as he nodded. “You have no idea, damsel, of the type of love we’re capable of… If you’d stayed in our realm long enough to meet our prince, one conversation with him would have been all it would have taken to drive you to forget this vampire.”

  Caleb’s jaw tensed. My hands balled into fists as I felt them begin to heat up.

  “If you’re still entertaining any notions that I am to be swayed,” I said heatedly, “I suggest you drop them now, dragon. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing, could replace this man in my eyes. Not a dragon. Not a werewolf. Not a god. Nor a whole planet swarming with all three.”

  The warm light of the lanterns lining the walls flickered in Jeriad’s eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. “If you say so,” he said, a hint of amusement playing across his face. “We won’t waste our time in pursuing you.”

  I paused, waiting for my body to cool down before continuing, “And—once you have courted and chosen your partners—would you want to take them back to The Hearthlands?”

  “If our lovers so desired,” Jeriad said. “Now we’ve discovered a gate, we would certainly wish for our offspring to return there.”

  “Okay.” I sat back down next to Caleb, lifting his arm and sliding it around me as I kept my eyes on Jeriad. There was something strangely charming about these dragons. Their words should have come across as arrogant and presumptuous. But somehow, they didn’t. I’d only gotten irritated because they’d made Caleb feel uncomfortable and, while I didn’t believe for a moment that their prince could make me forget Caleb, I couldn’t ignore the confidence that oozed from every pore of their skin. I didn’t doubt that they were expert lovers and would be capable of making any woman very, very happy.

  The door creaked open behind us. I whirled around to see my parents enter the room.

  “Hi, Mom and Dad,” I said, beckoning them over toward us. “So Jeriad and I have been having a little talk and we’ve come to a clearer understanding. They want to stay here and romance our single ladies.”

  My father looked around at the crowd. “How many of you wish to stay?” he asked.

  “I would estimate just one hundred of us to start with,” Jeriad replied. “Some of our group here with me now—ten or so—will return to inform the royal family, and come back again to the island with the prince—for whom finding a partner is a priority.”

  One hundred dragons. That would provide us all with a nice amount of protection.

  “What type of accommodation is your preference?” my mother asked. “We have witches here skilled in constructing almost anything.”

  “We like mountains,” Jeriad said instantly. “The chambers within this range could be made suitable for us with some guidance on our part to the witches.”

  “We’ll arrange for a meeting then, with you and our witches, and you can detail your requirements and preferences,” my mother said.

  “And, um, what do you do for food?” I asked nervously, recalling their appetite for ogre flesh.

  Jeriad’s gaze once again fell upon my face. “We shall remain primarily in these forms while we remain on this island, and we will eat as the humans do.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. Brett and Bella would still be terrified when they discovered that the dragons were to remain with us permanently, but at least they would be a little less menacing in their humanoid forms.

  “When will you leave for your prince?” my father asked.

  “As soon as this meeting is over.”

  I took that as my cue to leave. I’d asked them everything I’d wanted to ask them for now—and, assuming they were telling the truth, I was satisfied that I’d done the right thing by letting them mingle with the island’s large population of human woman.

  I reached out a hand to Jeriad. “I’ll see you again soon, no doubt.”

  He gripped my hand, the warmth of his skin melding with my own. His touch was surprisingly gentle for a man of his prowess, though I supposed it had been quite deliberate, since he was touching a damsel.

  Drawing away, Caleb and I headed out of the Black Heights while my parents stayed behind to talk with them further. As we entered into the clearing, I asked, “What should we do now…?”

  As I gazed up at him, my voice trailed off. I was surprised by how intensely he was staring at me. Ignoring my question, he swept me off my feet and raced with me in his arms up the side of the mountain. As our cabin came into view—thankfully unscathed in the battle—I realized where he was headed.

  He flew up the porch steps and barged through the door. Closing the door behind us with his heel, he carried me straight to our bedroom. Laying my head against the pillows, he climbed over me and straddled my hips. He placed his hands either side of my head and lowered his face until his lips were so close I could practically taste them.

  Finally, he answered my question in a whisper. “It’s been a long night. I think we should sleep.”

  “Sleep, huh? You don’t exactly strike me as tired.”

  “I’m never tired when I’m with you.” Breathing heavily, he ran his mouth down my throat toward my chest, leaving a trail of kisses.

  “Then you’re going to be one tired vampire in a hundred years’ time,” I managed to whisper back. His touch was lighting me on fire again. I hoped I wouldn’t become too hot or lose control and start spouting flames.

  He paused, raising his head to look me in the eye. “Just a hundred?”

  “Well, more. But we need to figure out how to turn me into a vampire without me going wild like my brother.”

  He dipped his head again and continued caressing my body, but I could tell that something was bothering him. After he’d undressed me, I beckoned him toward me and pulled him into my arms. Twining my legs with his, I rested his head against my chest. “I meant what I said to those dragons, Caleb,” I said softly. “I’m yours… and if you hold onto me, I always will be.”

  His hold around me tightened. Positioning himself so that he was level with me on the pillows, he gazed into my eyes. “Is it possible for ice to hold onto fire?”

  I slipped my hand into his. “You’re holding onto me now,” I whispered, pressing my lips against his cheek. “Just don’t let go.”

  Inhaling deeply, he reached for the back of my head and drew me closer before I could pull away again. He shut his eyes, and his lips closed around mine hungrily. I moaned, relishing the feel of his tongue exploring my mouth.

  Finally, he lifted his head. My heart swelled as he smiled down at me, his chocolate-brown eyes lighting up.

  “I still might not admit to belonging in your world, Rose,” he said. “But I can no longer deny that I belong with you.”

  Chapter 41: Aiden

  I’d already suggested that Kailyn move in with me once the new residences were built among the treetops, but for the time being, we retreated to an empty mountain cabin. I didn’t want to assume she’d be ready to share a bed with me so early in our relationship, so I’d made sure to choose one with two bedrooms.

  Neither of us had any possessions to bring with us, since both of our homes had been destroyed in the blaze. Unlocking the front door, I pushed it open and we walked inside. I walked her along the hallway, pointing out the kitchen and bathroom before reaching the back of the building where the two bedrooms were situated. I opened each of their doors for her to look inside.

  “Your choice,” I sai
d, with a smile.

  She twisted a lock of her curly blonde hair between her fingers, a mischievous glint in her eye. “I’ll take whatever’s your choice.”

  Okay, then.

  I knew Kailyn wasn’t exactly one to be shy, but I couldn’t deny that her answer surprised me. We’d only just shared our first kiss a short while ago. Sharing a bed so soon… I didn’t feel at ease with it. But perhaps this was just the way of werewolves. They moved fast.

  I chose the room with the best view of the ocean and sat down on the edge of the bed. She took a seat next to me, sliding her hand into mine and resting her head on my shoulder.

  “I hope I don’t make you feel uncomfortable, Aiden,” she said quietly.

  I brushed my fingers against her cheek and planted a kiss on her forehead. “I’m not going to lie,” I said, smiling as I took in her pretty face. “I wouldn’t have suggested sleeping together so soon…”

  “We don’t have to—”

  I pressed a finger to her lips. “But, Kailyn, your frankness is something that I love about you. You don’t play games or beat around the bush. I don’t have to try to read your mind. You tell me what you want, and you’re not afraid of doing so. It’s a quality that’s rarer than you might think… Honestly, it’s a breath of fresh air.”

  She bit her lip, staring out at the distant horizon though the window. I wrapped an arm around her, holding her closer against me.

  “While I would prefer we waited at least a while longer before making love,” I continued, “I don’t want this to stop you being as open with me as you have been till now. You don’t need to worry about making me feel uncomfortable, because I’ll tell you if I feel uncomfortable.” I kissed her cheek. “Can you promise me you won’t stop?”

  She smiled, dimples forming in her rosy cheeks. “Okay, vampire. I promise.” She stood up and leaned against the wall, looking down at me. “It’s just been a long time since I’ve been with someone. And I really, really like you, Aiden.”

  I felt the blood rise in my own pale cheeks. “You know that I adore you, too.” I stood next to her, pressing her back against the wall as I dipped down to kiss her lips. “I’d just like more time to romance you.”

  “I can live with that,” she said, draping her arms around my neck and kissing me harder.

  A knock at the front door interrupted our passion. I walked to the door, opening it to see Kailyn’s younger sister, Kira, standing there with a huge smile on her face.

  “I heard you two were headed here,” she said. “Is Kailyn around?”

  Kailyn appeared by my side. “What’s up, sis?”

  “Micah. He just—” Kira looked close to tears as she clasped her hands over her mouth. “He just told me he loved me.” She leapt into Kailyn’s arms, burying her head against her neck.

  Kailyn squealed. “I told you so! I could see it in that boy’s eyes.” Kailyn turned to me. “You’re going to have to excuse me for half an hour while I go see the lad and squeeze out all the juicy details,” she said.

  “Go right ahead,” I chuckled, watching them jump the steps and clamber down the mountainside.

  I sighed, closing the door behind me and heading to the bathroom. I switched on the shower and began undressing. I was about to step inside when there was another knock at the front door. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist before hurrying to the entrance again. I wasn’t expecting Kailyn to be back so soon, but I certainly wasn’t expecting to find Adelle Ardene standing on my doorstep. As I looked her over—her long red hair twined in a braid over one shoulder—I realized how close we were to her old home.

  “Adelle,” I said, raising a brow as I tightened the towel around my waist and leaned against the doorpost. “What brings you here?”

  “Well, I… I didn’t get a chance to speak to you properly in the caves. I-I just wanted to say how happy I am you’re all right.” Her demeanor was awkward and rigid like it had been when she’d walked in on Kailyn and I sharing a kiss on the mountaintop.

  “Well, yeah. Thanks.”

  “I’m sorry if I disturbed you,” she said, her eyes falling to my bare torso.

  “I was just about to get in the shower.”

  “Okay,” she said breathlessly. She took a step away, and I was shocked as she almost tripped backward down the stairs. I whizzed forward and gripped her arm just in time to stop her.

  I looked her closely in the eyes. “Are you all right, Adelle?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, even as tears brimmed behind her eyelids. “I… I should get going.”

  “Okay. Just take care of yourself, all right?”

  She gulped, nodding. I waited until she’d safely descended the stairs before backing into the cabin again. I was about to lock the door when something slammed against it. I opened it, my mouth hanging open to see Adelle outside the doorstep again. This time, instead of timidly waiting outside, she pushed open the door and slipped in before shutting it behind her. Tears were now streaming freely down her cheeks.

  “Are you alone?” she whispered.

  “Yes. Why? What’s wrong?” I urged. “Talk to me.”

  Her lips trembled as she said, “It’s just w-when we thought you all were dead… Oh, God, this sounds so terrible… It wasn’t Eli at the forefront of my mind.” Her voice broke. “It was you, Aiden. All the times we’d spent together flashed before my eyes. Our classroom chats, our walks by the lake, our chamomile tea breaks—” She buried her head in her hands. “It’s so wrong and I feel so awful about it.”

  I stared at her, stunned speechless.

  “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I just… had to let it out, I guess.” She roughly wiped away her tears with the back of her hand even as more flowed from her eyes. “Please don’t tell Eli I came here,” she croaked. “I don’t want to hurt him.”

  Before I could gather myself to say anything, she’d vanished from the spot.

  Leaning back against the closed door, I slid down to the floor, staring blankly at the opposite wall.

  Adelle Ardene. She was my type if I’d ever had one. Everything about that woman—from her luscious red hair and slender long-legged figure, to her charm and intelligence—had had me yearning for her for years.

  Now here she was standing before me, practically professing her love for me… too late.


  Why can life never just be simple?

  Chapter 42: Derek

  After Sofia and I had finished meeting with the dragons, we parted ways. She headed off to check on the humans and then begin preparations for the memorial ceremony we were to hold for those brave warriors we’d lost, while I took some time out to be alone. I headed to the beach near the Port, which had borne the brunt of the flames. Walking close to the waves through the piles of ash, I cast my gaze out toward the horizon. Dawn had now broken beyond the island’s boundary—the sun a brilliant ball of fire rising in the sky.

  As I watched it, the promise I’d made Sofia replayed in my mind. She was right that survival had been our only way of living for the longest time. Ever since leading the first vampires to The Shade all those centuries ago, all I’d done was worry about securing ourselves against outside forces.

  But after the victory against the black witches, and with the pending arrival of at least a hundred dragons, it couldn’t be denied that tides had turned.

  Yes, there were still many uncertainties hanging over us.

  What would the black witches’ next move be? Would they remain a direct threat to us, or would they move on to new shores?

  How had our daughter suddenly developed her powers? And why would they come now, after all these years of lying dormant?

  What was becoming of our son? His sheer strength combined with his lust for blood and lack of control reminded me all too much of the shadow of a man I’d been before I met Sofia.

  What would become of the human world as we knew it, now that a supernatural’s existence had been broadcast on mainstream
media for the first time in history? It was still too early to predict what the repercussions would be, but I feared that Ben’s breaking this ancient code of secrecy was the beginning of an avalanche of unforeseen consequences.

  All these doubts and more crowded my mind.

  But as I stood on that beach watching the sun’s ascent, a sense of calm formed within me, rising above the chaos.

  Whatever we were up against now, this was a new dawn breaking over The Shade.

  No longer one of weakness, or clinging to survival.


  This was a dawn of strength.

  Chapter 43: Rhys

  I hated myself for it. But I did it. I saved Mona from that burning tree.

  After all she’d done to betray me and my people, I should have just left her to the flames. Yet as the fire closed in on the forest, something within me just… couldn’t let her go.

  But that was the last piece of mercy she would experience from me if we ever crossed paths again. Julisse had waited toward the end of the battle to inform me of our younger sister’s demise. She hadn’t wanted the grief to distract me from our mission. But as we arrived back on our frozen island—most of us injured and all of us fatigued from the battle—she showed me Arielle’s corpse that she’d managed to salvage.

  I gazed over her body as it lay on the floor of the entrance to the castle. Crouching down, I brushed my palm against Arielle’s bloodied forehead, planting kisses over her closed eyelids.

  Careful to contain my emotions, I stood up and walked over to the window. I placed my palms flat against the glass panes and gazed out at the snowy peaks surrounding us.

  We had come so close to taking hold of The Shade. As we’d neared those mountains, I’d already been mentally preparing for the first ritual we would perform that night. To have it all taken away so quickly had been a shock to all of us.

  Yet I didn’t even allow the thought to enter my head that we’d failed. I couldn’t. Lilith was hanging on to life by a thread. Allowing her to slip away before the blood rites were complete would be worse than committing suicide—we’d not only be condemning ourselves to a life of fruitless effort, but our kind’s future generations would continue to degenerate under The Sanctuary’s complacent and inept leadership. I could already imagine a time not far away from now when witches would become slaves to more powerful races. Our magic—a sacred gift to be revered, and the only thing that gave us our identity—would dilute to such a state that it would be merely used for mundane chores, or perhaps for entertainment.