Page 2 of A Dawn of Strength

  Caleb bent down and helped me swing myself onto his back. He began racing along the beach in the direction I’d told her to walk in.

  “Arabella!” I began yelling at the top of my lungs.

  Caleb ran for what felt like miles, until I was met with a sight in the distance that soothed my nerves a little. Two bulging figures sat on opposite sides of a fire. As we drew closer, I spotted Brett’s cave, and Caleb stopped in front of the bonfire and set me down on my feet. I found myself staring at Bella and Brett, holding two large wooden bowls that I recognized as Brett’s handiwork. There was a pot of brown stew between them.

  I stared from Brett to Bella. I was glad at least that the two had come across each other. That said, I didn’t like the color of the stew sitting between them…

  I moved closer to the pot and peered into it. “I hope there are no humans in there,” I said, looking sternly at the two of them.

  Brett shook his head vigorously. He looked offended that I would ask such a question. “Of course not, Princess Rose,” he said. “You know I don’t eat humans.”

  Bella looked up at me innocently. “I didn’t cook it, Miss Rose. So you’re gonna have to trust what he says.” She pointed a fat finger at Brett.

  I looked back at Brett. “Okay, I believe you… So I see you two have introduced yourselves already.”

  Both Brett and Bella looked up at me and frowned. Brett shook his head. “I don’t know who this girl is,” he mumbled, casting a sideways glance at Bella. “Was just having my dinner out here and she came up. Asked if she could have some. So I said okay.”

  “Oh.” I fought to stifle a giggle at the confused look on Brett’s face as Bella took another long slurp of her—or rather, his—stew. “Well, then, I ought to introduce you. Brett, this is Arabella—or Bella, as she likes to be called. And Bella, this is Brett.”

  Bella held out a hand to Brett. He looked at it cautiously before slowly reaching out and shaking it. They held each other’s gaze for a few seconds before they both dipped down to their bowls of stew again.

  “Bella,” I said. “You must never, ever, harm a human—or any other resident, for that matter—while you’re here. Do you understand?”


  “Even if someone walks right up to you, you leave him or her alone. If you do touch anyone, you’ll be kicked right off this island… and then who knows what could happen to you?”

  She froze and looked frightened just at the thought. “I-I promise, Miss Rose,” she stammered.

  “And you should stick with Brett. He’s the only other ogre on this island. Brett, will you help Bella find somewhere suitable to sleep?” I looked around at the numerous caves in this area of the beach.

  He shot another weary look at her before mumbling, “Yeah, all right.”

  “Good.” Heaving a sigh, I stepped away from the ogres and snaked an arm around Caleb’s waist. “I’ll leave the two of you to your meal. See you later…”

  “Bye,” they said together.

  I tore my eyes away from them. As Caleb and I continued on our way, I couldn’t help but experience a sense of satisfaction at seeing the two ogres together. I’d made a promise to myself a while ago that I would find a solution to Brett’s loneliness. Although Brett had made it clear that he wasn’t keen on “girls”, Bella seemed different than the other ogresses I’d come across. Of course, I still had no idea if they’d get along… Only time would tell.

  I was about to suggest we turn around so I could finish showing Caleb the parts of the island nearest to the Residences when I realized we were so close to the lighthouse, I might as well show it to him while we were here. I climbed onto Caleb’s back and guided him to the rocks where the building was perched.

  He set me down at the foot of it. I rarely went up to my parents’ special place, and going up there with Caleb felt wrong, but I wanted to show it to him all the same. It felt like one of the main landmarks of the island. “That up there is my parents’ special place.”

  He raised a brow. “Special place?”

  “Yeah…” It was an open secret what my parents did whenever they retreated up there, and one I would rather not talk about now with Caleb. Caleb and I need to find our own special place on this island.

  We moved on swiftly from there and, with me traveling on Caleb’s back, it didn’t take long to finish the tour of the island. It was early morning now, and there weren’t many people about. Almost everyone was sleeping. Caleb had already heard my story when I was telling my parents, but I had yet to hear what had happened to him while we were apart. So this was a good opportunity for him to tell me. My blood boiled as he described Annora’s deceit, and I had to remind myself that she’d had her comeuppance already to avoid riling myself up into too much of a rage.

  Once we’d finished traveling around all the major points of the island, it was beginning to be a struggle to keep my eyes open. I hadn’t slept properly for days, and although the excitement of having Caleb here in my home was still coursing through me, I couldn’t resist what my body was screaming for much longer. I guessed that Caleb was exhausted too—he’d been through trauma just as I had.

  “Let’s return to the penthouse,” I said, although I had no intention of sleeping there with Caleb tonight, or any other night. My parents’ sense of hearing was much too acute for me to feel comfortable sharing my bedroom with Caleb.

  We reached the foot of our tree and ascended in the elevator. As we opened the front door, I was both surprised and thrilled to see Griffin sitting on the living room couch. He sprang up as soon as he laid eyes on me.

  “Griff!” I leapt into his arms and held him tight.

  He kissed my cheek as we drew away from each other. And it was then that I realized how cold his skin felt. I eyed him more closely.

  “Oh my God. You’re a vampire!”

  He was grinning from ear to ear. “Well spotted.”

  “How… Why?”

  “I persuaded my father to turn me. I guess I just felt that it was time. And honestly, with everything that’s been going on around the island, I feel more comfortable as a vampire than a human.”

  His eyes rested on Caleb, and I expected to see some flicker of jealousy or pain behind them, as I had before when Caleb had visited the island briefly. But I didn’t. Griffin just nodded casually in his direction and said, “Hi.”

  “Hi,” Caleb replied.

  “How has it been?” I asked. “Adjusting to it and all?”

  Griffin shrugged. “It hurt like hell at first. But my parents were surprised how quickly I was able to gain control of myself.”

  “So you’re not about to suck my blood?” I teased.

  “I mean, I don’t feel like I’m in danger of attacking you now…” Griffin furrowed his brows. “But damn, girl. Your blood smells good. Just don’t tell Becky I said that.”

  “Becky?” She was one of my human friends on the island.

  Griffin winked. “Turns out being a vampire has other perks too. Even for a freckly red-headed one. It’s been hard keeping girls away recently.”

  I laughed. “So Becky’s your girlfriend?”


  My heart soared for him and I hugged him again. “Griff, I am thrilled for you.”

  “And I’m thrilled you’re back,” he said. “I won’t keep you long now though. You look tired. I’ll catch up with you another time, okay?”

  “Sure thing.”

  He smiled again and took his leave.

  I caught Caleb’s hand and walked with him to the kitchen, where my parents were sitting and having a conversation.

  “Mom. Dad. We’ve finished our tour for now. Caleb and I are going to get some rest.” I paused, gauging my parents’ reaction, then continued before the silence could become too uncomfortable. “My room feels a little too, uh, claustrophobic for the two of us.”

  “Uh, Rose… before the two of you go running off, I’d like to have a word in private…” My mother’s voice trailed o
ff as she looked from me to my father. He quickly took the cue and stood up. As he passed me, he planted a kiss on my head and gave me a half-serious, half-joking glare, before leaving the room.

  Of course, if he really wanted to listen, it wouldn’t take much effort. He’d hear most of what we said even if he went to the other end of the apartment and we spoke in whispers. But I trusted him to occupy himself with something and give us privacy.

  Caleb also stepped outside the front door. I watched him walk up to the end of the verandah and stare out at the dark sky.

  I turned my focus back on my mom. Even though it was just us in the room, I still felt my cheeks beginning to burn.

  “Just in case you were wondering,” I said, wincing with embarrassment at every word, “Caleb brought me back with my, uh… virtue intact. And I suspect it might stay that way for some time… He’s not your typical nineteen-year-old. He was born, like, over a hundred years ago.”

  She smiled. “It would be a lie to say that I wasn’t wondering, but I wasn’t about to ask. I just wanted to give you the space to ask me about any questions you might have, about… starting a relationship with a vampire.”

  “Oh… No. I can’t think of any questions,” I said, relieved that she wasn’t about to hit me with a barrage of questions herself. I also realized that it was the truth—I felt so at ease around Caleb. I never felt awkward or uncomfortable. Even though we hadn’t met all that long ago, it felt like I’d known him for ages.

  She moved closer and, cupping my face in her hands, kissed my cheeks. She had tears in her eyes when she said, “Okay, Rose. I just felt the need to ask… and I want you to know I’m here for you if you ever want to talk about anything.”

  “I know you’re here for me, Mom.” I hugged her tight.

  “Where do you want to stay?” she asked.

  “There’s at least one mountain cabin that’s empty, right?”


  “I’ll just pack my toiletry bag and some clothes, and Caleb… I guess he can borrow some of Ben’s clothes. They’ll probably fit.”

  We embraced for another minute or so before she loosened her grip on me. She had a mischievous, almost bashful, look on her face. “You know… you and Caleb are better behaved than your father and I were.”

  “Ugh, Mom.” I pulled away from her. “Too much information.”

  She laughed as I left the room. I headed straight for my room where I packed up underwear, pajamas and a set of clean clothes for tomorrow into a duffle bag. I went into the bathroom next door and, rummaging in the closet beneath the sink, found two unopened toothbrushes. I stuffed them into my bag along with body wash and shampoo.

  Caleb was waiting outside the bathroom door as I exited. I smiled up at him. “I’m just going to pack some clothes for you and we can leave.”

  I headed next into my brother’s room a few doors away. My gut clenched as I swung the door open and looked around his messy room.

  I made it halfway across the room toward his cupboard before I broke down. Falling to my knees, I choked up, unable to hold back the tears. I clutched his schoolbag against my chest, my whole body trembling.

  Ben. Why did you have to leave? I haven’t seen you in so long…

  Caleb’s arms slipped around my waist as he crouched down on the floor next to me. I held my brother’s bag closer to me, breathing in deeply, taking in his scent.

  “I’m sorry,” I croaked. “I just miss him so much.”

  “Hey,” Caleb said softly. “It’s okay.”

  I leaned back against his chest and buried my head against his neck, closing my eyes and hugging Ben’s satchel like it was a teddy bear. Only once my breathing became steadier did I open my eyes again. Caleb’s warm eyes were looking down at me as he cradled me in his arms. He pressed his lips against my forehead.

  I cleared my throat and sat up. “We should go,” I said, drawing in a deep breath. “It’s been a long night.”

  I wiped my tears against the back of my sleeve as Caleb and I stood up. I walked with him to Ben’s wardrobe and opened the doors.

  “What do you want?” I asked, beginning to rummage through the closet for something suitable.

  Caleb ended up picking a plain navy shirt and black jeans. I also managed to find some fresh underwear and a bathrobe in one of the bottom drawers, which I stuffed into my bag along with my own clothes. I flung the bag over one shoulder and we headed back toward the front door. My parents were waiting there for us, an arm around each other’s waists as they watched us approach. They’d probably heard me crying, and even if they hadn’t noticed, my blotchy face gave it away. But I was glad they didn’t mention it.

  I wrapped my arms around my father’s neck and kissed his cheek. “Good night, darling,” he said.

  I moved on to my mother. She clung to me so tight it felt like she never wanted to let go. “Good night, sweetheart,” she said.

  Then she looked at Caleb. “Good night, Caleb.”

  Caleb bowed his head slightly. “Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Novak.”

  I giggled at how formal he sounded.

  “Good night,” I said, catching Caleb’s hand and pulling him through the front door. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I was about to pull it shut when my father held the door open. His eyes fixed on Caleb. “Good night, Caleb,” he said. “Be careful with my girl.”

  I rolled my eyes. As if Caleb needs to be told that… Caring for me is all he’s done since we met. My father knew this by now, but I guessed he couldn’t help but tell him anyway.

  “You have my word,” Caleb said, eyeing my father steadily.

  My father reached out and clutched Caleb’s shoulder before finally closing the door.

  We descended in the elevator and Caleb scooped me up in his arms once we reached the ground. I directed him toward the mountain cabins and, running full speed, we arrived in just a few minutes.

  We chose a cabin that was almost as high up as the top of the mountain itself. Caleb climbed the steps up to it and set me down on my feet on the verandah by the front door. Since it was unoccupied, it hadn’t been locked. As I pushed the door open and looked around the cozy living room, with its rugs and soft sofa and deep burgundy curtains, everything about the homely vibe of the place made me realize how much my muscles and limbs were aching. I walked with Caleb to the master bedroom, which looked out at a stunning view of the ocean, and laid the bag down on the bed. I unpacked the few possessions that we’d brought, then headed to the bathroom.

  I stared at my exhausted face in the mirror. I placed the toothbrush and toothpaste on the shelf, then looked around the small bathroom. I walked over to the bathtub and began filling it with hot water. I wouldn’t be able to sleep without a wash first. Come to think of it, Caleb probably wanted to have a bath too.

  As if he’d read my thoughts, he approached behind me. Sliding his hands down my arms, he pulled my back against him. Pressing his rough cheek against mine, he began to slowly undress me. As he finished his work, I turned around to see that he’d already stripped.

  Pulling my eyes away from him, I stepped into the tub. He got in after me and we sat with our backs leaning against opposite sides of the tub. My eyes lowered from his face to his chest. I propped myself up on my knees and knelt against him. His hands rested on my waist as I slid closer to him and ran my fingers over his scarred torso. I could feel the bumps of the bullets still trapped beneath his skin.

  “Tomorrow, the first thing we’ll do is find a witch who can treat you and finally get these bullets out of you.”

  Reaching for a sponge, I began soaping him down. After I was satisfied I’d done a thorough job, I allowed him to take the sponge from me. Rinsing it out, he took his turn in cleaning me. Then I dipped beneath the water and wet my hair. Sitting up again, I reached for my shampoo to see that he was already holding it. He slid his legs either side of mine, making space for me to sit with my back against his chest. I closed my eyes as his strong fingers reach
ed into my hair and began massaging my scalp. Once my hair was foaming with shampoo from root to tips, he arched my neck backward and caressed my throat with his lips.

  Despite his cool body pressing against mine, heat coursed through me. I was on fire. When Caleb’s mouth found mine, I wasn’t sure how to contain myself any longer.

  “Caleb,” I managed as he surfaced for breath. Twisting round to face him, I placed my palms flat against his chest and pushed him back against the wall of the tub. I bit my lip. I didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable if he still wasn’t ready to accept my surrender, but he was driving me crazy. He raised a brow as my eyes blazed into his.

  “Caleb… You’re a tease. Do you know that?”

  A smile curved his lips. “And what do you think you are?”

  When I didn’t answer, he slid me back down against the base of the tub and rinsed the shampoo from my hair. Then he reached for a towel and, standing up in the tub with me, wrapped it round me tightly. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed and, grabbing another towel, dried me off.

  I pulled on my nightdress as he dried himself and slipped into his underwear. I gazed at him from across the room before heaving a sigh and sliding into bed beneath the sheets. I nestled against a pillow and closed my eyes.

  His arm wrapped around my waist and he spooned himself around me. I shivered as he kissed the back of my neck.

  “I’ll make love to you, Rose,” he whispered. “But we have time. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter 3: Caleb

  As I watched Rose fall asleep in my arms, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was trapped in some strange, wondrous dream. A dream I had no business being in.

  And yet the nightmare that was my former life had given way to this.

  Rose Novak. Princess of The Shade.