Page 11 of Burnt Offerings

Chapter 22~23


  Jean-Claude's voice floated over the phone, my phone, my house. He'd never been there before. "What has happened, ma petite? Jason made it sound urgent. "

  I told him about the wereleopards.

  He was quiet for so long. I had to say something. "Talk to me, Jean-Claude. "

  "Are you actually thinking of endangering us all for the sake of two people, one of whom you have never met before, and the other who you once described as a waste of skin?"

  "I can't leave them there if they expected me to help them. "

  "Ma petite, ma petite, you have a sense of noblesse obligethat does you credit. But we cannot save them. Tomorrow evening the council will come for us, and we may not even be able to save ourselves. "

  "Are they here to kill us?"

  "Padma would kill us if he could. He is the weakest of the council. and I think he fears us. "

  "The Traveler's the one we have to convince. " I said.

  "No, ma petite, the council are seven in number, always an odd number so that a vote may settle a question. Padma and the Traveler will vote against one another, this is true. It has been true for centuries. But Yvette is here to vote in the place of her lord, Morte d'Amour. She hates Padma but she may hate me more. For that matter, Balthasar could persuade the Traveler against us, and we are lost. "

  "What about everybody else? Do they represent anybody?"

  "Asher speaks for Belle Morte. Beautiful Death. It is her line that I am descended from, as is he. "

  "He hates your guts," I said. "We are sunk. "

  "I believe the choice of four was very deliberate. They wish me to take a council seat, so I am the fifth vote. "

  "If the Traveler votes with you, and Yvette hates Padma more than she hates you. . . "

  "Ma petite, if I act as a voting member of the council, then they will expect me to return to France and take my place on the council. "

  "France?" I said.

  He laughed, and it slithered over the phone like a swarm touch. "It is not leaving our fair city that frightens me, ma petite. It is holding the seat. If the triumvirate were fully formed perhaps, perhaps, it would he possible to appear frightening enough to force would-be challengers to choose another. "

  "Are you saying without the fourth mark, the triumvirate is useless?"

  Silence on his end, so long and deep, that I said, "Jean-Claude?"

  "I am here, ma petite. The fourth mark will not make our triumvirate functional unless Richard heals himself. "

  "You mean his hatred of me. "

  "His jealousy of us together, yes, that is a problem, but not the only one, ma petite. His loathing of his beast is so intense, it weakens him. Weaken any link in a chain and it may snap. "

  "Did you know about what's been happening in the pack?"

  "Richard has forbidden any of the wolves to tell me anything without his permission. I believe you are under the same restriction. It is, and I quote, none of my damn business. "

  "I'm surprised you didn't force Jason to tell you anyway. "

  "Have you seen Richard within the last month?"

  "No. "

  "I have. He is on the edge, ma petite. I did not need Jason to tell me. It is plain for all to see. His torment will be viewed as a weakness among the pack. Weakness attracts them like blood to a. . . vampire. They will challenge him eventually. "

  "I've had two lukoi tell me that they don't think Richard will fight. That he'll just let someone kill him. Do you believe that?"

  "Suicide by simply not defending himself hard enough. Hmm. " He was quiet again, then finally said, "I had not thought of such a thing. If I had, ma petite, I would have told you of my concerns. I do not wish Richard harm. "

  "Yeah, right. "

  "He is our third, ma petite. It is in my own interest to make him healthy and happy. I need him. "

  "Like you need me," I said.

  He laughed low and deep, and even over the phone I could feel it tickling along my body. "Oui, ma petite. Richard must not die. But to cure his despair he must embrace his beast. I cannot help him do that. I have tried and he will not hear me. He takes what limited help he needs to keep himself from invading your dreams, or you his, but beyond that he wants nothing from us. Nothing he will admit. "

  "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

  "It is your tender mercies that he needs, ma petite, not mine. "

  "Tender mercies?" I made it a question.

  "If you could accept his beast, completely, it would mean something to him. "

  "I can't, Jean-Claude. I wish I could, but I can't. I saw him eat Marcus. I. . . " I'd only seen Richard shapeshift once. He'd been injured from the fight with Marcus. He half-collapsed with me underneath him. I'd been trapped under him while fur flowed, muscles formed and shifted, bones broke and reknit. Clear liquid had gushed from his power, pouring over me in a near-scalding wave. Maybe if I'd just been watching, it would have been different. But trapped under him, feeling his body do things on top of me that bodies were never meant to do. . . it had been too much. If Richard had handled it differently, if I had seen him change in a nice calm way from a distance, then built up to the whole ride, maybe, maybe. But it had happened, and I couldn't forget it. I could still close my eyes and see his manwolf shape gulping down a red, bloody piece of Marcus.

  I leaned my back against the wall, cradling the receiver. I was rocking ever so slightly. It reminded me of Jason in the hallway. I made myself stand very still. I wanted to forget. I wanted to be able to accept Richard. But I couldn't.

  "Ma petite, are you all right?"

  "Fine, I'm fine. "

  Jean-Claude let that go. He really was getting smarter, at least about me. "I do not wish to cause you distress. "

  "I've done what I can for Richard on my end. " I told Jean-Claude what I'd told the werewolves.

  "You surprise me, ma petite. I thought you wanted nothing more to do with the lukoi. "

  "I don't want Richard to die because I broke his heart. "

  "You would feel responsible if he died now, is that it?"

  "Yeah. "

  He took a deep breath and let it sigh over the phone. It made me shiver, for no particular reason. "How badly do you wish to help the wereleopards?"

  "What kind of question is that?"

  "An important one," he said. "What are you willing to risk for them? What would you endure for them?"

  "You have something specific in mind, don't you?"

  "Padma might give up Vivian in exchange for you. Gregory's freedom could be won if we gave them Jason. "

  "I notice you're not trading yourself in," I said.

  "Padma would not want me, ma petite. He is neither a lover of men nor of other vampires in particular. He prefers his companions warm and female. "

  "Why Jason then?"

  "A werewolf for a wereleopard might be an acceptable trade to him. "

  "Not to me. We are not trading one hostage for another, and I am certainly not giving myself to that monster. "

  "You see, ma petite, you will not endure that. You will not risk Jason to save Gregory. I ask again, what will you risk for them?"

  "I'll risk my life, but only if I've got a good chance of getting out alive. No sex, absolutely not. No trading one hostage for another. Nobody else gets skinned alive or raped. How's that for parameters?"

  "Padma and Fernando will be disappointed, but the others might agree. I will do the best I can within the limits you have given me. "

  "No rape, no maiming, no actual intercourse, no hostages, does that really tie your hands that much?"

  "When we have survived all this, ma petite, and the council has gone home, I will tell you stories of my time at court. I have seen spectacles that even in the telling would give you nightmares. "

  "Nice to know you think we're going to survive. "

  "I am hopeful, yes. "

  "But not cert
ain," I said.

  "Nothing is certain, ma petite, not even death. "

  He had me there. My beeper went off. It pulled a gasp from my throat. Nervous, who me?

  "Are you all right, ma petite?"

  "My beeper went off," I said. I checked the number. It was Dolph. "It's the police. I need to return the call. "

  "I will begin negotiations with the council, ma petite. If they ask too much, I will let your leopards remain where they are. "

  "Padma will kill Vivian now that he thinks she belongs to me. He might have killed her before, but it would have been by accident. If we don't get her out of there, he'll do it on purpose. "

  "One meeting with him and you are so sure of this?"

  "You think I'm wrong?" I asked.

  "No, ma petite, I think you are exactly right. "

  "Get them out of there, Jean-Claude. Make the best deal you can. "

  "I have your permission to use your name in this?"

  "Yeah. " My beeper went off a second time. Dolph, impatient as usual. "I've got to go, Jean-Claude. "

  "Very well, ma petite. I will bargain for us all, then. "

  "You do that," I said. "Wait. . . "

  "Yes, ma petite. "

  "You aren't going to go back to the Circus in person tonight, are you? I don't want you in there alone," I said.

  "I will use the phone, if you prefer," he said.

  "I do. "

  "You don't trust them," he said.

  "Not hardly. "

  "Wise beyond your years," he said.

  "Suspicious beyond my years, you mean. "

  "That as well, ma petite. If they will not negotiate over the phone?" he asked.

  "Then let it go. "

  "You said you were willing to risk your life, ma petite. "

  "I didn't say I was willing to risk yours. "

  "Ah," he said. "Je t'aime, ma petite. "

  "I love you, too," I said.

  He hung up first, and I dialed the police. Here was hoping whatever Dolph had in mind was some nice straightforward police work. Yeah, right.


  The victim had been rushed to a hospital by the time I arrived at Burnt Offerings. It's one of my favorites of the newer vampire businesses. It was far from the vampire district. The only other vamp businesses were blocks, miles away. As you walked through the doors there was a poster from the 1970's movie Burnt Offerings, Oliver Reed and Bette Davis staring down at you. There was a life size waxwork of Christopher Lee as Dracula in the bar. There was one wall with framed caricatures of horror stars of the sixties and seventies, floor to ceiling, no tables allowed to obstruct the view. It wasn't uncommon to see clusters of visitors trying to identify who was who. At midnight whoever had the most correct guesses got a free dinner for two.

  The place was pure schlock. Some of the waiters were real vamps, but others were just wannabes. For some it was just a job, and they specialized in plastic Halloween teeth and jokes. For others it was their chance to pretend. They had dental caps over their canines and worked very hard at being the real thing. Other waiters or waitresses were dressed up as mummies, the wolf man, Frankenstein's monster. To my knowledge the only real monsters were the vamps. If a shapeshifter wanted to come out of the closet, there was better money to be made in more exotic locales.

  The place was always packed. I wasn't sure whether Jean-Claude was sorry he hadn't thought of it first or if he was simply embarrassed by it. It was a little declasse for him. Me, I loved it. From the haunted house soundtrack to the Bela Lugosi burgers, extra rare unless otherwise requested. Bela was one of the few exceptions to the 60's and 70's movie decor. Hard to have a horror theme restaurant without the original movie Dracula.

  You haven't lived until you've been there on a Friday night for Scary Karaoke. I took Ronnie. Veronica (Ronnie) Sims is a private detective and my best friend. We had a blast.

  But back to the body. All right, not a body, a victim. But if the bartender hadn't been fast with a fire extinguisher, it would have been a body.

  Detective Clive Perry was the man in charge. He's tall, slender, sort of Denzel Washington without the broad shoulders. He's one of the most polite people I've ever met. I've never heard him yell, and only seen him lose his composure once--when a large white cop had pointed a gun at the "nigger detective. " Even then I was the one who pointed my gun at the rogue cop. I was the one that was ready to shoot while Perry was still trying to talk the situation down. Maybe I overreacted. Maybe I didn't. No one died.

  He turned with a smile, soft voice. "Ms. Blake, good to see you. "

  "Good to see you, too, Detective Perry. " He always affected me this way. He was so polite, so soft-spoken that I fell into the same pattern. I was never this nice to anyone else.

  We were in the bar with its life-size waxwork of Christopher Lee as Dracula looming over us. The bartender was a vamp named Harry who had long auburn hair and a silver stud in his nose. He looked very young, very cutting edge, and could probably remember the Jamestown charter, though his British accent showed he was newer to the country than the 1600's. He was polishing the bar like his life depended on it. Even with his nice blank face, I could tell he was nervous. Couldn't blame him, I guess. Harry was part owner as well as bartender.

  A woman had been attacked in the bar by a vampire patron. Very bad for business. The woman had thrown a drink in his face and lit him with her lighter. Ingenious in an emergency. Vamps burn really well. But the quiet bar in a family-oriented tourist trap didn't seem the place for such extreme measures. Maybe she panicked.

  "Witnesses all say she seemed friendly until he got a little too close," Perry said.

  "Did he bite her?"

  Perry nodded.

  "Shit," I said.

  "But she lit him up, Anita. He's badly burned. He may not make it. What could she have thrown on him to get third-degree burns so quickly?"

  "How quickly?"

  He checked his notes. "Seconds and he went up. "

  I asked Harry. "What was she drinking?"

  He didn't ask who, just said, "Straight Scotch. Best we had in the place. "

  "High alcohol content?"

  He nodded.

  "That would have been enough," I said. "Once you get a vamp burning, they burn until they're put out. They're very combustible. "

  "So she didn't come in here with some sort of accelerant?" he asked.

  I shook my head. "She didn't need it. What I don't like is the fact that she knew to light the drink. If he'd been human and gotten out of hand, she'd have thrown the drink and yelled for help. "

  "He did bite her," Perry said.

  "If she had that much problem with a vampire sinking fang in her, she wouldn't have been cuddling with him in a bar. Something's off about this. "

  "Yes," he said, "but I don't know what. If the vampire survives, he's going to be up on charges. "

  "I'd like to see the woman. "

  "Dolph took her to the emergency room to get the bite tended. He's got her down at our headquarters. He said to come on down if you think you need to see her. "

  It was late, and I was tired, but dammit, something was wrong. I walked over to the bar. "Was she trolling for vamps, Harry?"

  He shook his head. "Came in to use the phone, then sat down. She's a beauty. Didn't take long for someone to hit on her. Just bad luck it was a vampire. "

  "Yeah," I said, "bad luck. "

  He kept polishing the bar in small round circles, while his eyes watched me. "If she sues us, it'll ruin us. "

  "She won't sue," I said.

  "Tell that to the Crematorium in Boston. A woman got bit there and sued them out of business. They had pickets going outside. "

  I patted his hand, and he went utterly still under my touch. His skin had that hard almost wooden feel that vamps can have when they aren't trying to be human. I met his dark eyes, and his face was as immobile and unreadable as glas

  "I'll go talk to the supposed victim. "

  He just looked at me. "It won't help, Anita. She's human. We're not. Nothing they do in Washington will change that. "

  I took my hand away and resisted an urge to wipe it on my dress. I never liked the way vamps felt when they went hard and otherworldly. They didn't feel like flesh then, almost plastic like a dolphin, but harder, as if there was no muscle underneath, nothing but solidness like a tree.

  "I'll do what I can, Harry. "

  "We're monsters, Anita. We'll always be monsters. I've really enjoyed being able to walk the streets like everyone else, but it won't last. "

  "Maybe, maybe not," I said. "Let's take care of this problem before we borrow another one, okay?"

  He nodded and walked away to stack glasses.

  "That was very comforting of you," Perry said. Anyone else on the squad would have said it wasn't like me to be comforting. Of course, anyone else would have already given me a hard time about the dress. I was going to have to go down to RPIT headquarters. Dolph would be there and Zerbrowski, probably. They'd know just what to say about the dress.