Page 15 of Burnt Offerings

Chapter 29


  I stood with my back to the closed door, the others fanned out around me. Soft filtered light came down from the high, high windows. The midway looked dark and tired in the morning sunlight. The Ferris wheel towered over the haunted house and mirror maze and the game booths. It was a complete traveling carnival that didn't travel. It smelled like it was suppose to: cotton candy, corn dogs, funnel cakes.

  Two men stepped out of the huge circus tent that took up one entire corner. They walked towards us side by side. The taller man was about six foot, square-shouldered, with hair that was somewhere between blond and brown. The hair was straight, thick, and just long enough to trail the edge of his shirt collar. White dress shirt tucked into white jeans, complete with white belt. He wore white loafers, no socks. He looked like he should have been walking along a beach in a credit-card commercial, except for his eyes. Even from a distance there was something odd about his eyes. They were orange-ish. People didn't have eyes that color.

  The second man was about five foot seven, with dark gold hair cut very short. A brownish mustache graced his upper lip and curved back to meet brownish sideburns. Nobody had worn a mustache like that since the 1800's. His white pants were tight and slid into polished black boots. A white vest and a white shirt peeked out from beneath a red jacket. He looked like he should have been riding to the hounds, chasing small furred animals.

  His eyes were a nice normal brown. But the first man's eyes just got stranger the closer he came to us. His eyes were yellow--not amber, not brown--yellow with orange spikes radiating from the pupil like a pinwheel of color. They were not human eyes, no way, no how.

  If it hadn't been for the eyes, I wouldn't have recognized him as a lycanthrope, but the eyes gave it away. I'd seen pictures of tigers with eyes like that.

  They stopped a little distance from us. Richard moved up beside me, Zane and Jamil at our backs. We all stood looking at each other. If I hadn't known better. I'd have said that the two men looked uncomfortable or embarrassed.

  The smaller man said, "I am Captain Thomas Carswell. You must be Richard Zeeman. " His voice was British and upper-crust, but not too upper-crust.

  Richard took a step forward. "I'm Richard Zeeman. This is Anita Blake, Jamil, and Zane. "

  "I am Gideon," the man with the eyes said. His voice was almost painfully low, as if even in human speech he growled. The sound was so low that it made my spine thrum.

  "Where are Vivian and Gregory?" I said.

  Captain Thomas Carswell blinked and looked at me. He didn't look happy about the interruption. "Nearby. "

  "First," said Gideon, "we need your gun, Miss Blake. "

  I shook my head. "I don't think so. "

  They exchanged glances. "We cannot allow you to go forward with a gun in your hand, Miss Blake," Carswell said.

  "Every time someone wants to take my gun, it means either they don't trust me or they're planning to do something I don't like. "

  "Please," Gideon said in his gravelly voice. "Surely you must understand our reluctance. You do have a certain reputation. "

  "Anita?" Richard said, half-question, half-something else.

  I clicked the safety on the gun and held it out to Gideon. I had two more guns and two knives left. They could have the Browning.

  Gideon took the gun from me and stepped back to stand beside Carswell. "Thank you, Miss Blake. "

  I nodded. "You're welcome. "

  "Shall we go?" Carswell said. He offered me his arm as if he were escorting me to dinner.

  I stared at him, then back at Richard. I raised my eyebrows, trying to ask what he thought without asking.

  He gave a half-shrug.

  I slid my left arm through Carswell's arm. "You're being very civilized about this," I said.

  "There is no reason to lose all good manners just because things have become. . . somewhat extreme. "

  I let him lead me towards the tent. Gideon fell into step with Richard. They were almost the same height, and the roil of energy that came off them made the hair on my neck stand up. They were trying each other's power, tasting each other without doing anything at all but lowering their hard-won control. Jamil and Zane brought up the rear like good soldiers.

  We were almost at the tent when Carswell stopped, hand tightening on my arm. I slid my right hand behind my back, under the coat, touching the machine gun.

  "There is something heavy on your back, Miss Blake. Something that is not a purse. " His grip on my left arm grew tighter, not hurting, but I knew he wouldn't let go, not without a fight.

  I swung the machine gun around on its strap with my right hand and put the barrel into his chest, not shoving, just there, like his hand on my other arm.

  "Everybody be calm," I said.

  The other men were suddenly very, very still. "We are going to give you your people, Miss Blake," Gideon growled. "There is no need for this. "

  "Thomas here asked what I had on my back. I'm showing him. "

  "You do not know me well enough to call me by my Christian name, Miss Blake," Carswell said.

  I blinked at him. There was no fear in him. He was human--one pull on the trigger and he was gone--but there was no fear. I stared into his brown eyes and saw only. . . sadness. A tired sorrow as if he'd almost welcome it.

  I shook my head. "Sorry, Captain Carswell. "

  "We cannot possibly let you go inside the tent with this weapon. " His voice was very calm, matter of fact.

  "Be reasonable, Anita," Richard said. "If things were reversed, you'd want them without weapons. "

  The trouble was I had to take off the coat to take off the machine gun. If I took off the coat, they'd see the knives. I didn't want to lose the knives. Of course, I'd still have the Firestar.

  I let the machine gun slide back out of sight. "I'll have to remove my coat. "

  Carswell released my arm cautiously and stepped back, still close enough to grab me. I stared at his careful clothing. The jacket was too tailored for a shoulder holster, the pants had no pockets, but he could have had something at the small of his back.

  "I'll remove my coat if you remove yours," I said.

  "I have no weapons, Miss Blake. "

  "Remove your coat and I'll believe you. "

  He sighed and slid out of the red jacket, then turned in a full circle, arms spread to his sides. "As you see, no weapons. " To be really sure I'd need to pat him down, but I didn't want him returning the favor, so I let it go.

  I slipped out of the coat and watched his eyes widen at the wrist sheaths. "Miss Blake, I am impressed and disappointed. "

  I let the coat fall to the floor and slipped the strap over my head. I hated giving up the machine gun, but. . . I did understand. They'd been doing awful things to Gregory and Vivian. I wouldn't necessarily trust me with a gun if I were in their place. I took the clip out of the gun and handed the weapon to Carswell.

  His eyes widened a little. "Fearful that I will turn on you and your friends?"

  I shrugged. "Can't blame a girl for being cautious. "

  He smiled, and it almost reached his eyes. "No, I suppose I cannot. "

  I slid one of the knives out of its sheath and handed it to him hilt-first.

  He waved it away. "You may keep your knives, Miss Blake. They will only be protection if someone gets very close, very personal. I think a lady should be allowed to defend her honor. "

  Damn, he was being nice, gentlemanly. If I kept the second handgun and he found out later, he might not be so nice. "Damn," I said.

  Carswell frowned.

  "I have one more gun. "

  "It must be very well concealed, Miss Blake. "

  I sighed again. "Inconveniently so, yes. Do you want it or not?"

  He glanced back at Gideon, who nodded. "Yes, please, Miss Blake. "

  "Everybody turn their backs. "

  Amused or bemused looks all around.

/>   "I have to raise the dress and flash the room to get the gun. I don't want anyone peeking. " All right, it was stupid and juvenile, but I still couldn't just raise the dress in front of five men. My daddy brought me up better than that.

  Carswell turned without being asked a second time. I got some very amused looks, but everyone turned, except for Gideon. "I would be a poor bodyguard if I allowed you to shoot us in the back while we were defending your modesty. " He had a point.

  "All right, I'll turn my back. " Which I did, fishing the gun out for the last time. The bellyband was a good idea, but the Firestar was going in the other coat pocket when I got it back. I was tired of messing with it.

  I handed the gun to Gideon. He took it, still looking amused. "Is that everything except for the knives?"

  "Yes," I said.

  "Your word of honor?"

  I nodded. "My word. "

  He nodded, too, as if that was enough. I knew already that Carswell was someone's human servant. He was the genuine article, a British soldier of Queen Victoria's army. But until that moment I hadn't known that Gideon was as old. Lycanthropes don't age that slowly. He was getting help from somewhere or he was more than just a shapeshifter.

  "Lycanthrope," I said, "but what else are you?"

  He smiled then, flashing small fangs top and bottom. The only other lycanthrope I'd seen with fangs like that had been Gabriel. You get things like that if you spend too much time in animal form.

  "Guess," he said in a whisper so low and rumbling it made me shiver.

  Carswell said, "May we turn around, Miss Blake?"

  "Sure," I said.

  He slid his jacket back on, smoothing it in place, and offered me his arm once more. "Shall we, Miss Blake?"

  "Anita, my name's Anita. "

  He smiled. "Then you may call me Thomas. " He said it as if he didn't let a lot of people call him by his first name.

  It made me smile. "Thank you, Thomas. "

  He tucked my arm more securely in the crook of his own. "I do wish. . . Anita, that our meeting could be under better circumstances. "

  I met his sad eyes and said, "What's happening to my people while you delay me here with your polite smiles?"

  He sighed. "I am hoping he will be finished before we walk in upon them. " A look almost like pain crossed his face. "It is not a sight fit for a lady. "

  I tried to pull my arm free, and he gripped it more tightly. His eyes weren't sad anymore. They were full of something I couldn't read. "Know that this is not my choice. "

  "Let go of me, Thomas. "

  He let me draw my arm free of him. I was suddenly afraid of what was inside the tent. I'd never spoken with Vivian, and Gregory was a perverted piece of shit, but I suddenly didn't want to see what had happened to them.

  Gideon said, "Thomas, should she. . . ?"

  "Let her," he said. "She has only the knives. "

  I didn't exactly run, but I was close when I reached the closed flap of the tent. I heard Richard say, "Anita. . . "

  I felt him coming up behind me, but I didn't wait. I flung the flap aside and stepped inside. The tent had just one ring, the center ring. Gregory lay in a naked heap in the center of that ring, hands bound behind his back with thick grey tape. His body was a mass of bruises and cuts. I could see bone glistening in his legs, jagged and wet where they'd broken his legs. Compound fractures are very nasty things. That was why he couldn't walk out on his own power. They'd broken his legs.

  There was a small sound that drew me down the aisle to the railing around the ring. Vivian and Fernando were in the ring, too. I'd missed them because they were too close to the side of the railing, hidden from view.

  Vivian raised her face up from the ground, tape across her mouth, one eye bloody and swollen shut. Fernando shoved her face back to the ground, showing her hands bound with tape. Showing what he was doing to her. He drew himself out of her, wet and finished at last. He patted her bare butt, giving her a small slap. "That was nice. "

  I was already walking towards them across the sand of the ring. Which means I'd gotten over the railing in spike heels and a floor-length skirt. I didn't remember doing it.

  Fernando stood, fastening his pants, smiling at me. "If you hadn't bargained for her freedom, I'd have never been allowed to touch her. My father doesn't share. "

  I kept walking. I had one of the knives out, held to the side of the dress. I wasn't sure if he'd noticed, or if I cared. I held my empty left hand out to him. "You're a big man when the lady's tied and gagged. How are you when the lady's armed?"

  He smiled, and it was mocking. He touched Vivian with his foot, casually, like you'd poke a dog. "She's beautiful but a little too submissive for my tastes. I like them with a little more fight to them like your wolf-bitch. " He finished fastening his pants, running his hands up his chest as if remembering. "C't'une bonne bourre. "

  I knew enough French to know that he'd said Sylvie was a good lay. I balanced the knife. It wasn't made for throwing, but in a pinch it'd do.

  There was the faintest shadow in his eyes, as if for the first time he realized that there was no one here to save him; then something leaped over the railings. A blur of speed and motion that hit Fernando hard enough to roll him across the ground. When they came up, Richard was on top of him.

  I yelled, "Don't kill him, Richard! Don't kill him!" I ran for them, but Jamil got there first. Jamil knelt by Richard, grabbing his arm, saying something to him. Richard grabbed Jamil by the throat and flung him across the ring. I ran to Jamil, kneeling beside him, but it was too late. His throat was crushed. His eyes were wide, frightened; he tried to breathe but it wasn't working. His legs spasmed, spine bowing, as he fought to breath. He grabbed my hand, his eyes screaming at me. There was nothing I could do. Either he'd heal it or he'd die.

  I screamed, "Shit, Richard, help him!"

  Richard plunged his hand into Fernando's stomach. He didn't have claws yet. It was only human fingers digging in the flesh, searching for the heart. He was strong enough that he'd dig it out unless we stopped him.

  I stood and Jamil's hand slid out of mine. He let me go, but his eyes would haunt me. I ran for Richard, screaming his name: "Richard!"

  He looked at me with amber wolf eyes in his human face. He reached towards me with one bloody hand, and the mental shields that kept us safe from one another crashed.

  My vision went black, and when I could see again, I was kneeling in the ring. I could feel my body but I could also feel Richard's fingers pushing their way through thick flesh. The blood was warm but there wasn't enough of it. He wanted to use teeth to open the belly and was fighting the urge.

  Thomas knelt beside me. "Use your marks to calm him before he kills Fernando. "

  I shook my head. My fingers were tearing through flesh. I had to press my hands against my eyes to remember what body I was in. I found my voice and that helped separate us. Helped me know who I was, what I was. "Shit, I don't know how. "

  "Then take his rage, his beast. " Thomas touched my hands, gripping them tight, not to hurt but to help me anchor myself in this body. I gripped his hands and stared into his face like a drowning woman.

  "I don't know how, Thomas. "

  He made an exasperated sound. "Gideon will have to intervene until you can calm him. " It was almost a question.

  I nodded. Sure, I'd been about to kill Fernando myself, but I knew that if we killed him, we would never see another dawn. Padma would kill us. Kill us all.

  I kept looking at Thomas's face, but I felt Gideon grab Richard. Felt him pull him off Fernando. Richard twisted and hit Gideon, knocking him to the ground, then leaped on him. They rolled over and over on the ground, each trying to get on top. The only thing that kept it from being a killing fight was that both held onto their human forms and still tried to fight like they had claws. But Richard's beast was growing inside him. If he shifted, short of killing him we'd never keep him from killing
someone else.

  Thomas touched my face, and I realized that I hadn't been seeing his face. I was seeing Gideon's strange eyes from inches away as my hands tried to crush his throat. But they weren't my hands.

  "Help me," I said.

  "Just open to his beast," Thomas said. "Simply open and it will fill you. The beast is seeking a channel of escape. Give it one and it will flow into you. " I knew in that instant that Thomas and Gideon were part of a triumvirate just like we were.

  "I'm not a lycanthrope," I said.

  "It does not matter. Do it, or we will have to kill him. "

  I screamed and did what he said. But it wasn't just opening to it. I reached out to that rage. That power that he called his beast came at my touch. I smelled like home to it, somehow, and it poured into me, over me, through me, like a blinding storm of heat and power. It was similar to the times I'd raised power with Richard and Jean-Claude, but this time there was no spell to use the power on. Nowhere for the beast to run. It tried to crawl out my skin, tried to expand inside my body, but there was no beast to call. I was empty for it, and it raged inside me. I felt it growing until I thought I would burst apart in bloody fragments. The pressure built and built and had nowhere to go.

  I screamed, one long, ragged shriek after another, as fast as I could get breath. I felt Richard crawling towards me, felt his hands and legs move over the ground, felt the muscles in his body that turned crawling into a sensuous art, a stalking thing. He appeared above me, just his face, staring down. His long hair fell around his face like a shadowing curtain. Blood glistened at the corner of his mouth. I felt him want to lick the blood away but stop himself, and bound this closely, I knew why he stopped. For me. Fear that I would think he was monstrous.

  His power was still trying to find a way out of my body. It wanted the blood, too. It wanted to lick the blood off his face and taste at his mouth. Wanted to wrap the warmth of his body around itself and become one. His power cried out like a frustrated lover for him to open his arms, his body, his mind, to it, and embrace it. Richard gave it a name apart from himself, his beast, but it wasn't separate. In that moment I realized why Richard ran so hard and so long from the power. It was him. Just as the furred shape of him was pulled from the matter of his own human body, so the rage, the destruction, was pulled from his very human psyche. His beast was formed of that part of our brains we bury, only dragging into our consciousness in the worst of our nightmares. Not the dreams where we are hunted by the monsters, but the dreams where we are the monsters. We raise bloody hands to the sky and scream, not from fear, but from joy. The pure joy of slaughter. The cathartic moment when we plunge our hands into the hot blood of our enemies and there is no civilized thought to stop us from dancing on their graves.

  The power flared inside me like a hand stroking from the inside out, reaching out towards him as he knelt over me. Fear filled his eyes, and it wasn't fear for me or of me. It was the fear that the beast was the reality and that all the careful morals, everything he was or ever had been, was the lie.

  I stared up at him. "Richard," I whispered, "we're all creatures of light and darkness. Embracing your darkness won't kill the light. Goodness is stronger than that. "

  He dropped from his knees, flat to the ground, only propping himself on his elbows. His hair brushed my face on either side, and I had to fight the urge to rub my face back and forth in it. This close I could smell his skin, after-shave, but underneath that was him. The warm scent that was his body. I wanted to touch that warmth, to wrap my mouth around it and try and hold it forever. I wanted him. The power flared at the thought, primitive thoughts excited it, made it harder to control.

  He whispered, blood still trickling from his mouth, "How can you say goodness is stronger? I want to lick the blood off my own body. I want to press my bleeding mouth onto yours. I want you to feed off my wound. That is evil. "

  I touched his face, the barest trace of fingertips, and even that made power jump between us. "It's not evil, Richard. It just isn't very civilized. " Blood was building into a single trembling drop on the edge of his face. It fell against my skin and it was burning hot. His power flared upward and took me with it. It wanted to--I wanted to--lick the blood off Richard's face. Part of me was still saying no while I raised my head just enough to run lips, my tongue, and lightly my teeth along his face. I lay back down with the salty taste of him in my mouth and wanted more. The more scared me. I was just as scared of this part of him, of me, as he was. That was why I ran from him the night of the full moon. It wasn't that he ate Marcus, though that hadn't helped, or that he'd handled it all so badly. The memory that haunted was the moment I'd been carried away by the pack's power, and for just an instant I'd wanted to drop to my knees and feed with them. I was afraid that Richard's beast would take what was left of my humanity. I was afraid for the same reason Richard was afraid. But what I'd said was true. It wasn't evil, just not very human.

  He laid his lips against mine in a trembling kiss. A sound came from low in his throat, and he was suddenly pressing his mouth against mine, until it either bruised or I opened my mouth to him. I opened, and his tongue plunged inside me, his lips feeding on mine. The cut inside his mouth filled my mouth with the taste of him, salty, sweet. I held his face in my hands, my mouth searching his, and it wasn't enough. A small high keening sound crawled out of my mouth into his. The sound was made up of need, frustration, a desire that wasn't civilized and never had been. We'd been playing Ozzie and Harriet, but what we wanted from each other was more Hustler and Penthouse.

  We moved to our knees, mouths still pressed together. My hands slid over his chest, his back, and something deep inside me clicked and relaxed. How could I ever be this close to him and not touch him?

  His power tried to spill outward, but I held it back. I held it like I could hold my own magic, letting it build until I couldn't hold any longer.

  Richard's hands slid up my legs finding the lace top of the black panties. His fingers traced my naked spine and I was undone.

  The power spilled upward, outward, filling us both. It flared over us in a rushing wave of heat and light, until my vision swam in pieces, and we both cried out with one voice. His beast slid inside of him. I felt it crawl out of me, pulled like a large, thick string, spilling inside of Richard, coiling into his body. I expected to feel the last bit of it spill between us, like draining the last drop of wine from a cup, but that drop remained.

  Somewhere in that rush of power, I'd felt Richard take control of his beast and send that pulsing warmth outward into Jamil. I wouldn't have known how to do it, but Richard did. I'd felt Jamil heal under the thundering rush of power.

  Richard knelt with me in his arms, my face pressed to his chest. His heart beat against my cheek like a living thing. Sweat had broken over his body in a light dew. I licked the sweat from his chest and stared up at him.

  His eyes were heavy-lidded, dazed. You'd almost have mistaken the look for sleep, but not quite. He cupped his hands on both sides of my face. The wound on his mouth was healed. The rush of power, his beast, had healed it. He lowered his soft lips to mine and just barely brushed my mouth. "What are we going to do?"

  I held his hands against my face. "We're going to do what we came to do. "

  "Then what?" he asked.

  I shook my head, rubbing my face against his hands. "Survive first, Richard. Worry about the niceties later. "

  Something filled his eyes with a sudden rush of panic. "Jamil, I could have killed him. "

  "You also healed him. "

  He let that take some of the panic from his face, but he still got to his feet and went to his fallen enforcer. An apology at the very least was needed. I couldn't really argue with that.

  I stayed kneeling, not sure I could walk yet, for a variety of reasons.

  "Not the way Gideon and I would have done it," Thomas said, "but in a pinch it will do. "

  I felt heat rush up my face. "Sorr
y. "

  "Don't apologize," Gideon growled. "It was a lovely show. " He crawled towards us, one arm cradled against his body. Blood dripped down the arm and shoulder. The red showed brilliantly against the white shirt. I had absolutely no desire to lick the blood off his body. I was grateful for that.

  "Richard did that?" I asked.

  "He was beginning to change form when you called him. You drank his beast and he calmed. " He sat leaning to one side, bleeding a little puddle on the floor, but he never asked for help, not by word or expression. But Thomas reached out to him. Touched his shoulder in a neutral, almost brotherly gesture. Their power strengthened in a skin-prickling rush that oozed over me like a cold wind, but if I hadn't been able to sense it, I'd have never known.

  "Is this just European reserve?" I asked, "or are Richard and I doing something terribly wrong?"

  Thomas smiled, but it was Gideon who answered. "You do nothing wrong. In fact, I feel quite cheated. " He patted Thomas's hand and smiled flashing fangs. "There are ways to share power that are quieter, and less. . . showy. But for today you did what needed to be done. It was a desperate thing and called for desperate measures. "

  I let it go. No need to explain how often being around Richard ended in such "desperate measures. " Across the ring Jamil sat up with Richard's help. Zane had untied both the wereleopards. He'd led Vivian over to Gregory. They both knelt by him, Vivian hugging Zane and crying.

  I got my feet under me and found that I could walk. Great. Richard got there before I did. He stroked Gregory's tangled hair out of his face until the wereleopard looked up at him. "We have to set these legs. "

  Gregory nodded, lips in a thin tight line that reminded me of Cherry.

  "We need a hospital for this," I said.

  Richard looked up at me. "The legs have already begun to reknit like this. Anita. Every minute the bones are out of alignment is another minute that they heal, badly. "

  I stared down at Gregory's legs. He was totally nude, but the wounds were so fearful that it wasn't embarrassing; it was just piteous. His legs from the knees down bent the wrong way. I had to close my eyes and look away. If it had been a corpse, I could have looked at it, but Gregory was still bleeding, still hurting. Made it worse somehow.

  I looked back. "You mean the legs would heal like that?"

  "Yes," Richard said.

  I stared down into Gregory's frightened eyes. They were still the surprised cornflower-blue of Stephen's. They looked even bluer from the mask of blood that covered his face. I tried to think of something to say, but he spoke first.

  His voice was thin, scratchy, as if he'd screamed until he was hoarse. "When you left without me the first time, I thought you were going to let them keep me. "

  I knelt beside him. "You're not something to keep. You're a person. You deserve to be treated. . . " To say, "better than this" seemed too obvious. I tried to hold his hand the way you'd comfort a child, but two of the fingers were broken so badly, I didn't even know how to touch him.

  Vivian spoke for the first time. "Is he dead?" Her voice was breathy, husky, somewhere between that of a little girl and a seductress. She would be great on the phone. The look in her eyes was neither childish nor seductive; it was frightening. She stared past us to where Fernando lay, and her hatred was a hot, scalding thing.

  Not that I blamed her. I went to check on our little rapist. Gideon and Thomas got to him first. I noticed that they hadn't gone near him until I did. Why did I think that they didn't like him much better than we did? Fernando just had a way of pissing people off. It seemed to be his only talent.

  His bare stomach was a bloody mess where Richard had tried to dig his intestines out, but the wound was healing. Filling itself in like a fast-forward motion picture. You could actually see his body rebuild itself.

  "He'll live," I said. Even to me, I sounded disappointed.

  "Yes," Thomas said, and that one word sounded as disappointed as I felt. He visibly shook himself, and turned sad brown eyes to me. "If he had died, then Padma would have destroyed the city, seeking you. Make no mistake, Anita, Padma loves his son, but more than that, he is his only son. The only chance he has of having an heir. "

  "I wouldn't think a vampire would sweat that," I said.

  "He comes from a time and a culture where a son is an incredibly important thing. No matter how long we live or what we are in the end, we start out as people. We never quite lose all that we were during life. It haunts us over the centuries, our humanity. "

  "You're human. "

  He smiled and shook his head. "Once, perhaps. "

  I opened my mouth to ask something, but he held his hand up. "If there is time, Gideon and I would enjoy speaking with you and Richard at length on what a triumvirate can be, but now, you must leave before Fernando awakes. During daylight hours he is in charge of us. "

  My eyes widened, and I looked at Gideon. "But he's not alpha enough to take on Gideon. "

  "Padma is a harsh master, Anita. We obey or we suffer. "

  "Which is why," Gideon said, "you must all leave as soon as possible. What the petit batardwould order us to do to you if he awoke now is best left unsaid. "

  He had a point. Gregory screamed, a high shrieking, that ended in whimpering. Richard had said the legs had begun to heal, bent backwards. I suddenly realized what that meant. "If the legs had healed broken, Gregory would have been crippled," I said.

  "Yes," Gideon said. "It was Padma's idea of punishment. "

  Fernando groaned, eyes still shut. We had to get out of here. "I need my guns back," I said.

  They didn't even argue. They just gave them all back. Either they trusted me or they figured I wouldn't shoot Fernando while he was unconscious. They were right, though he'd earned it. I'd killed people for a lot less than what the rat-boy had done, a lot less.

  Gregory had mercifully passed out. Richard held him as carefully as he could in his arms. They'd found wood from somewhere and used Richard's shirt to tie the makeshift splints to Gregory's legs. Vivian leaned heavily on Zane as if her legs weren't quite working. She was also trying to cover her lower extremities. So hurt she could barely walk and she was embarrassed about her nudity. We were sort of out of clothes to offer her. The coat I'd brought was in the outer area.

  Thomas saved the day by giving her his spiffy red jacket. It was large on her and covered enough. Just making it outside the tent to the midway made my shoulders relax a notch. I picked up the coat and put a gun in each pocket. The machine gun was already across my chest.

  Thomas held the door for us. I went through last. "Thank you," I said. We both knew I didn't mean the door.

  "You are most welcome. " He closed the door behind us, and I heard it lock.

  I stood in the hot summer sunlight and felt my body sink into the heat. It was good to be outside in the daylight. But night was coming, and I still didn't know what price Jean-Claude had bargained away to get Vivian and Gregory out of there. But the thought of Gregory's lovely body deliberately crippled forever, and Vivian passed around like so much meat, made me glad we'd bargained. I wouldn't say that whatever the price, it would be worth it, but close. Jean-Claude had said no rape, no actual intercourse, no maiming, no skinning alive. The list had seemed safer and more complete an hour ago.